Here's something Sup Forums actually could do but probably won't: Meme a new term for "muslims" they can selfidentify...

Here's something Sup Forums actually could do but probably won't: Meme a new term for "muslims" they can selfidentify with besides "muslim", or rather a word that doesn't have the religious conotation so non religious muslims can distance themselves from the religion.




>"non religious muslims"

Are you fucking retarded? Muslim isn't a race it IS the religion

Googled it and it means passion or love in arabic apparently.

>non religious muslims

think about this for a moment

You and I know that but apparently muslims don't know that and neither do the SJWs know that cry out racism every time someone criticises islam. The only way to stop that reflex is to break up that aspect of their identity so non religious "muslims" don't feel threatend when you criticise the quran for instance. I mean there a lot of guys who don't really aren't religous according to muslim standards who stand to criticism because somehow they feel spoken to. If you split that part of their identity it makes it easier for the actual religion to fall apart.

You retard. Muslim literally is the one who submits. There is no non-religious Muslims, there are no moderate Muslims either.

It's either a Muslim or an ex-Muslim, which should actually be called an atheist or adherent to some other religion.
Go read history you fucking dolt. By design, there can't be a little believer or a moderate believer because sooner or later some frustrated retard will rise who will start preaching his own shit.
Why you ask? Because there hasn't been any revision, any critique, any dialectic regarding Islam. They tried that shit in Persia. They fucking created two form of Islam, both more retarded.

>There is no non-religious Muslims
That's entirely the point. If there was such a thing you would weaken islam.

I'm saying that "moderates" or people who don't take the religion seriously but are part of the community need a way out, rather than forcing them into a corner by automatically connecting them to the extremists. Divide and conquer.

It's actually completely their fault really. They tied Islam to a place - Arab. They tied it to a language - Arab. Now Arab is synonymous with Islam and Muslim. Such was that doctrine that any nation that fell under its rule was by default counted as Muslim. Their religion superseded their ethnicity. Look at every nation under Islam. People hardly call them by their Ethnicity, it's the religion.
There are Iranian, Paki and Syrian yet at the end of the day, they will always be remembered as being a Muslim. Even if they aren't the source of the cause of distrust, conversely, you hardly see them criticize the Arab core or the Islamic core and that is the reason that no one wants to give them an inch. They have been burned way too many time. Europe is watching it just now - we have watched them since the beginning of Islam. It never changed. Not even under Mughals, the bastards of the horde of Mongols.
Even people of other faith from that land now are stigmatized.

>I'm a proud Yawa!
>I like to party and have drink every once in a while
>me and the other Yawas agree that secularism is the way to go and church and state should be serperated
>my Yawa sisters don't veil themselves because they don't believe in alah
>Yawa history goes much further than the history of islam and we're proud in our heritage

That is the issue. They don't speak out. The Christians created a new domination when they were this jeopardize the last time. You can never expect that from Muslims. For them, unanimity is more important than community. Even when Shia and Sunni raised swords - at the end of the day they will dream of going to Mecca. Even if Iran's Shia Theocracy knows about Arab Wahabism, they still won't separate the whole doctrine.
This is the problem. They are caught in their own net.

It was on purpose properly because otherwise it could not spread like it does.

You'd think, I know an atheist of a Muslim background that identifies as a Muslim because they think it's a race. She's also an SJW.

I will apologize for my original harsher words. But everything I wanted to say is in there. Your community really have to start some serious self-reflection to separate out the Culture out of religion. It is two intertwined right.

In a sense, you can even be lucky. You can start from scratch. Christianity caused my community to have two parts - Christian Tards and Ancestral resistance. Now we are in fighting so hard that outsiders are laughing when they loot our resources. Religion has created apathetic breed of youngster that would die in the name of Jesus rather than... you know, work to make life better. Now I'm hoping it is time that we see a crisis too.


Beach umbrellas

I'm just thinking if it's possible to drive western youths apart by making them identify with some made up genders is must be possible to force some change by making their youth identify with something new.

>I identify as Yawa
>some Yawas are muslim but most see being a Yawa to be much more
>there are atheist Yawas, buddhist Yawas, some believe in Zoroastrism, and some just like to party

Lmao NOOO. Don't fall for the Leftist propaganda machine. Have you not learned anything being here in Sup Forums?
Culture, community, and ethnicity are what propagate people's identity. Believe me. Ours did for 10000 years. Then came modern religion and the tug-of-war has made me appreciate how lucky my ancestors were.
Religion or any neologism bullshit will destroy you whole.

You say you are Yawa. Make that your identity. Make your history your talking points. Make your tradition that is non-religious (aka not hijacked/attached by Islam) your selling points. Make your songs the source of attraction.

If you want to make arguments from history again I would say the best angle is to go beyond muslim history. Sumerian, babylonia, and so on. Something they can be proud of while maybe rejecting islam which is relatively new in comparison to the overall history of the middle east.

That is exactly what I am saying. :-)
BTW, Is English you 3-4 language? Are you fluent in German?

Nah, you got me wrong. I'm biologically german and catholic technically besides that. I'm just advocating the idea to drive a wedge into their cultural identity.

Davy Sprocketts