Why does black culture associate tattoos with intelligence?


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>black culture

Maybe because the most well-read black men have gone to prison? I have no clue. I personally think they are trashy; I feel the same way with piercings anywhere except the earlobe on a female.

And yes... I am black.

Because it hides the blackness of their skin

Because they're fucking niggers.

What the fuck else is the possible rational reason?

Because they aren't intelligent.

I hate tattoos but kinda like how they look on black skin

their just markers of experience

ask someone about their tattos and they'll never tell you they got them for shits and giggles even if they did. black people get tattoos to commemorate dead comrades or gangs theyve been a part of. more tattoos= more experience= more wisdom/utility/etc.

I have never heard of this connection before.
The intent is to make you look tough, not smart.

>more tattoos= more experience= more wisdom/utility/etc.

So niggers are so retarded they can't even remember the killing of a dead fellow nog without a tattoo?

For the same reason they name their kids things like "La'Genius" and "Scientific". They believe that simply giving a name to a thing makes it that thing, at least in the eyes of others. They feel books possess a mystical quality, as they are indecipherable to them, and what do books contain? Words. So writing them on their skin must give them mystical insight and appear "as smart as a book" to other niggers.

Where did you hear that black culture associates tattoos with intelligence?

Why do blacks bother getting tattoos when you can barely see them on niggers.

>And yes... I am black.

liar, you're probably a mexican

Why do white people associate intelligence with obese atheists?
Check mate nigger haters.


it's not for them to remember, its to show everyone else that they are dangerous and come from an environment where people regularly get killed for air jordans

Monkey see, Monkey do.

It doesn't associate them with intelligence but with experience, particularly experience in Prison.

Experience in prison is associated with willpower and mental endurance (in much the same way soldiers are said to have mental endurance for their experience).

Whether its true or not is another story altogether

Unneeded given we know niggers do that shit anyway.

>Experience in prison is associated with willpower and mental endurance (in much the same way soldiers are said to have mental endurance for their experience).

Mental endurance would be not caving to a gang or being a fuccboi, and spending your time in the library or working for the prison.

These niggers just get even more nog tribal in con college.

their prefrontal cortex allows them to conceptualize on average six seconds into the future and 1.5 hours into the past, there is a peer reviewed study that got buried

Who says they do?

Monkey pee all over you.

>Why does black culture associate tattoos with intelligence?
because intelligence -- in any group, culture, creed or society -- is wholly RELATIVE

>those with an I.Q. score of 100--in one country--at a given time--differ in base intelligence to those who score the same in a different country or time period

My grandparents took me to Auschwitz and all i got was this lousy tattoo


Pick neither.

What kind of lazy ass thread is this about OP because the level of actual brain cells used to scribe this dogshit of a discussion means you're a nigger or have the iq of one.
If you want to be useful around here go look into how many politicians in congress and senate who have dual citizenship with Israel.
Also kys newfag.