Replace any references to Jew to White and see how you feel about the book's ideas

Replace any references to Jew to White and see how you feel about the book's ideas.

But white's aren't Satanic child-sacrificing pedophiles like Jews?

you are born white

you choose to be a jew


Jews are a race.

those books are talking about jewish ideology not the jewish race

Why is there such a thing as a Jewish Nose, Jewish Hair & Jewish lips if Jews aren't anything genetic?
Also why are they so prone to certain genetic diseases?

Pure filthy Jew lies, but i'm postin these anyway.




you believe literally every jew is bad based on their genetics? thats fucked up. they are only bad if they believe in the bad jew shit

Jews think there superior so did Whites I don't see your point, pretty much every race thinks the same thing other then Whites thanks to propaganda.

I was wrong, misunderstood your post. Forgive me

You do realize that white leaders work with them to accomplish their goals don't you? And those people do the exact same things as a result.

Do you think pitbulls are bad based on their genetics or not?

Literally no one in the thread has read the book except me.

There is only one race of human. Jewish.

The goyim are livestock.

so your end game is to talk about eugenics? kill all niggers then, then the whites, then the asians to get the highest iq right? so you would kill everyone but jews? or would the eugenics have to include you? why should we keep you alive if we were doing eugenics?

My friend has a pitbull which is the sweetest dog I've known.

Nothing to do with what I'm talking about. This thread is full of bots.

>thinking IQ is the only measurement in intelligence
It really only measures memory and some cognitive though abilities, one small area of Intelligence, notice how every other races seems to lack creativity.

Not to mention whites have the highest IQs but also the lowest, as well as north Africans and lations counting as white in IQ tests. That's why Germany's average IQ is 113.

what do I replace "Zionism" with?

only jews can be both jewish and white: white when they want to shit on white people, jewish when you call them on this bullshit and the play the victimized minority card.

Some equivalent racially based desire to set up an ethno state. I guess racial national socialism could work.