Why don't Americans believe in theory of evolution?

Why don't Americans believe in theory of evolution?
Are they muslim? Or just as retarded as them?

Other urls found in this thread:

evolutionnews.org/?s=common descent


Evolution is religious dogma. The fossil records doesn't prove it. Most transitional fossils and intermediate forms were shown to be forgeries (and some are still in present evolution books) others are massive extrapolations (determining the entire body of animal based off a small piece of jaw bone). Most evolutionists disagree on certain features of evolution (see the Altenberg 16). Academia is unreliable and peer-review is all about enforcing group think. Evolution is the foundation for atheism and as Dawkins said if it evolution made it possible to be an intellectually fulfilled atheist. It is thus inherently socialistic, in that socialists/Marxists believe in shaping man through statism and big government (much like fascists) since we are determined by our environment we can be changed by our environment.

There is also the fact that all evidence of evolution is bacteria where certain mutations turn off certain bodily functions. There isn't any evidence that mutations add genetic information. This is what underpins evolution. In fact the human genome is shrinking as evidenced by Dr Jon Sanford (inventor of the gene gun and former atheist).

>religious dogma
>ATHEIST religious dogma
What the fuck are you on user

They do
It's the answer to how

Common descent is challenged even by modern evolutionist

evolutionnews.org/?s=common descent

Just goes to show atheism is a just fallen man's attempt to give themselves license to sin

Forgot to reply

Typical atheist response.

The foul language isn't an argument. Atheist hold to evolution based on faith. I mean you can't recreate all the studies done can you. Furthermore, there is no evidence of abiogenesis. So you are a standstill.

However you seem to be retarded and likely from Reddit.

Hwat in the world. Doggowut? Pee review? How you do that? Social lists? We call that a Roladex. Genie gnomes? I gotta see that. Just what were you smokin'? I wants some.

I do.
> The fossil records doesn't prove it.
No but they provide a ton of supporting evidence
> Most transitional fossils and intermediate forms were shown to be forgeries
> Most
> Most evolutionists disagree on certain features of evolution
There's no consensus agreement on which interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct but that doesn't mean quantum mechanics isn't a good or correct model in its domain.
> Academia is unreliable and peer-review is all about enforcing group think.
Anti-intellectual thinking at its peak, even if there is some element of truth to what you're saying. Peer-review isn't perfect but it's one of the best ways to arrive at the truth we have.
> Evolution is the foundation for atheism
No, there were atheists before evolution was an established theory even if evolution provided a good argument as to why there didn't need to be a god
> It is thus inherently socialistic, in that socialists/Marxists believe in shaping man through statism and big government (much like fascists) since we are determined by our environment we can be changed by our environment
Complete bullshit, socialism may seem inherently atheistic (certain brands of it), but the vice-versa relationship doesn't exist, you can be an atheist and a neoliberal, etc., not to mention that determinism has nothing to do with any of that.
> all evidence of evolution is bacteria where certain mutations turn off certain bodily functions
Wrong, there are experiments looking into possible macro-speciation now.
> There isn't any evidence that mutations add genetic information.
> In fact the human genome is shrinking as evidenced by Dr Jon Sanford
Doesn't disprove evolution at all, evolution doesn't work in only one way or anything, useless or negative traits are either selected against or stay around.

This is a pretty cringe worthy reply. What subreddit did you come from?

Evolution doesn't explain biogenesis. Silly atheists, life is from God.

I've never been to reddit.
I just enjoy being the stereotypical fat dumb American.

Evolution is science. You're the dogmatic guy here


If evolution is real then how come there are still monkeys? Checkmate.

People are stupid. Some actually choose to be stupid. They believe in flat earth, the earth is 2000 years old and lived in the time of dinosaurs. Add evolution to the mix, climate change, it goes on and on. OMG WTF how can they be this stupid? Blinded by science. FACTS.

"Doesn't" does not mean "it will never explain"
there are many hypothesies about biogenesis. Asteroids, Deep-Sea Vents, bolts could have started the life on earth

> No but they provide a ton of supporting evidence
Deep in the rock layers we find fully developed life forms.

> Proof?

There are many more individual cases.

> There's no consensus agreement on which interpretation of quantum mechanics is correct but that doesn't mean quantum mechanics isn't a good or correct model in its domain.

The point being that evolution is sold as something that isn't, a coherent and well-evidenced theory.

> Anti-intellectual thinking at its peak, even if there is some element of truth to what you're saying. Peer-review isn't perfect but it's one of the best ways to arrive at the truth we have.

See the Sokal affair.


Academia today is a grind well for grinding tax payer money and churning out rubbish.

> No, there were atheists before evolution was an established theory even if evolution provided a good argument as to why there didn't need to be a god

Evolution helped atheist give a response to the problem of the origin of the world. Atheists usually espouse a naturalistic metaphysics which jives with evolution, which is a naturalistic account for the creation of the world and humanity.

> Complete bullshit, socialism may seem inherently atheistic (certain brands of it), but the vice-versa relationship doesn't exist, you can be an atheist and a neoliberal, etc., not to mention that determinism has nothing to do with any of that.
Most of the founding figureheads of Marxism were atheist. Atheism is just idolatry directed towards man.
Marxists inflitrated the media, the education system and every power of authority and they tried to further expand the power of the state. The reason is that through utter control they want to change man. Change his enviroment, so he can evolve.

> Wrong, there are experiments looking into possible macro-speciation now.

> Doesn't disprove evolution at all, evolution doesn't work in only one way or anything, useless or negative traits are either selected against or stay around.
You don't understand evolution.

Neo-Darwinism teaches that through mutations genetic information was added, good mutations through natural selection led to evolution.

If we can show that the genome has been shrinking it disprove evolution.


It's sad how Marxists have worked to instill evolution into people's mind

> raises kids in secular schools
> expose them to sex ed and encourage promiscuity
> make porn available
> atrophy their reasoning facilities by teaching platitudes rather than critical thinking

> good mutations through natural selection led to evolution.
Let me qualify that by saying, "good" here means that it increased it's survivability so it could have more offspring and pass on its genes

"Marxists" have nothing to do with theory of evolution. Evolution is science. Before Darwin, muslim scientists (Al-Jahiz for exammple) also talked about evolution and how animals are related and how humans are related to monkeys.

boi, ur dumb..


> b-but ...
Go back to your porn degenerate

When i realise reading these threads that Sup Forums is, in fact, not trolling, but just 100% retarded

>20 percent not sure in uk

This can't be fucking real

u blind?

Faith does not explain anything, just for the record.

I second this notion.

I can always rely on atheists to deliver the quality NONARGUMENTs

>don't want to admit you don't know something because of your ego
>say that you 100% believe in evolution theory
>T H E O R Y
what did they mean by this?

And? What does faith explain? Except for the mindset of the believer?


>moving the goalpost

>atheism isn't religion

Evolution deals with science, Science isnt the best subject America handles these days

evolution is a fairy tale, you retarded fucking bugar

oh no I'm sorry, I believe this is tu quoque, according to the sticky

How retarded do you have to be to say this?
Are you a shitskin?


here, watch these seminars, they're simple enough even for a gyppo like you