How have your politics changed in the last few years?

exposure to wave 3.5 has turned me into a terf

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Let's just say that I'm safely now on the wrong side of history

I didn't care about politics at all until this last election and now I regret ever giving a fuck in the first place.

I've become completely polarized and salty. My Youtube used to be filled with channels about my hobbies and Lets Plays but now it's completely saturated by channels like Sargon of Akaad And Mr Metokur that are opposed to regressive liberalism and SJW horseshit.

There are entire days where I wake up in the morning and all I can do is have imaginary arguments with my shitty regressive leftist Facebook friends in my head and that's all I do when my mind is idle throughout the day.

I hate most of my friends now because they are almost all Hillary voters that constantly post fucking lies and smug comments about Trump.

I feel completely alienated most of the time and just want to fucking let loose but I can't because everyone will mock me for voting Trump.

I know that in four years liberals are actually going to go out and vote and when a democrat wins the presidency I'll have eight years of having it held over my head.

I fucking wish I had never taken an interest in politics. I was so much happier prior to the election.

That's level one, you still have 9 to go

>sargon of akkad

wew lad

I'm not gonna make it dude... I'm so close to just dropping it all and going back to my silly little insignificant life full of hobbies and enjoyment.

He makes good points my dude.

I went from a Bernie-worshipping open-borders anti-racist pro-LGBT guy who watched TYT religiously to a depressed libertarian isolationist nationalist who has alienated the few friends and family I had in only two years. From the teenage Sven meme to a self-hating redpilled phsychological trainwreck. I regret nothing.

I see you are a man of culture as well, my friend.

Was a generic teenage communist from 13 until I was 16 then I started to read a lot and ended up molding my views based around people like Yukio Mishima and Benito Mussolini. Now it currently stands at a mishmash of Yukio Mishima, Oswald Mosley, Julius Evola, and the early Italian fascists.

I love when incredibly ugly people say they are "aromantic", implying that they are choosing not to be involved with someone romantically.

I roughly took this course:

Default Liberal>Libertarian>Conservative>Civic Nationalist>Cultural/Ethnonationalist

I just don't give a fuck anymore. Any decent causes lost 60 years ago

Not much. Still economically right wing who doesn't truly care about social questions.

I know that in four years liberals are actually going to go out and vote and when a democrat wins the presidency I'll have eight years of having it held over my head.

more and more of the left is being alienated by their own party, they're tearing themselves apart at a record speed.
All the while Gen Z is the most conservative generation in a loooooong time and will be able to vote when Trump runs in 2020. Or whoever runs in 2020.

Conservative Christian -> Socialist/Rebellious Teen -> Liberal -> Anarcho-Syndicalist -> Buddhist Anarchist -> Neo-Reaction/Dark Enlightenment

It says 'aromatic' though. I thinks that's code for 'smells as bad as it looks'. Or maybe just thick af

Ah shit, forgot to clarify my changes.

Generic teenage communist who likes USSR aesthetics ---> Stalinist tankie "USSR did nothing wrong" ---> Marxist-Leninist-Maoist
---> libertarian socialist ---> generic right-wing contrarian ---> Mussolini/Hitler fanboy ---> national socialist ---> fascist

My largest shifts have been in my understanding and appreciation of religion, esoteric knowledge, and psychology. I would still consider myself a liberal, classical not neo, but I know feel the unifying force of religion is far more important for a society then I previously thought.

I still don't think the government should force a religion but there needs to be a religion that is alive and serves the needs of its parishioners. Without it people will fall into hedonism.

This is a very good point that I don't think enough people take into account. Body, mind, and spirit, but it seems like people constantly look for an answer solely in body and mind.

Apparently, I'm still a social democrat, after all my pol browsing.

Aside from lols, fact is I became increasingly libertarian. Yet I didn't shift to the right because I don't give a fuck about fags and emo kids doing gender-identity politics on tumblr.

It's more of a private matter. I'm libertarian left in public (because I allow for sexual freedom and some minor welfare). Nevertheless, I've become increasingly traditionalist at home and would love a simple hetero-libertarian-conservative lifestyle with a caring housewife (unlike my mother who is a feminist career-oriented workaholic).

TL;DR: I'm libertarian right in my private life. I allow for libertarian left choices in my public life.

If anything, I've become increasingly aware and suspicious of certain so-called leftists who just want gibs, the enforcement of degeneracy at all levels, or simply they're trying to sell us shitty ideologies using the socialist meme. I am also highly suspicious of all forms of authoritarianism, even though I believe most police forces aren't evil per se. I am strongly against Welfare queens and cannot cope with single mothers who want me to take care of their kids.

Nope. Been about the same since the 90s. It's fucking insane that it took feminists whining about video games for the world to catch up.

>going back to my silly little insignificant life full of hobbies and enjoyment.
Except that world doesn't exist anymore. The lefties killed it.

>but I know feel the unifying force of religion is far more important for a society then I previously thought
I second this.
I even wrote something about that in my last academic article.

And not just in the "religion is people's drug" kinda way.
More like this:
>science is the best we got in terms of reason
>however, in order to act, you need strong motivation
>...and since strong motivation requires emotional attachment...
>...maybe we should pay more attentive a look at institutions (like the Church, or traditions), which have worked on that topic for years.

Made me very jaded, I was never a liberal but I've shifted more towards a fascistic mindset. Violence and domination, to a point, are necessary for a peaceful society. You have to find a medium between USA now and the middle east theocracy garbage. I just fucked off to the Olympic peninsula with my family, we live in the bush and just want to be left alone. I'll come out if we have a military uprising against the hippies, but, it ain't gonnahappen.

>lol marxism is so cool
>wow great uniforms! hammers and sickles am i rite XD
>proud as shit of my political leanings

>i may be liberal, but i oppose radical feminism
>right wing guys have some great memes too

>hitler was right
>fuck kikes
>fuck chinks
>fuck SJWs
>afraid to reveal my political leanings

>it doesn't matter. none of these matter.

I just know they're gonna be out in full force trying to get whatever bastardization of American principles they can to replace DRUMPF.

I hope you're right but I don't see many libs getting any more reasonable. More radicalized if anything because they regulate themselves to echochambers now.


pls go

I was a civic nationalist until I realized it's better to be a nationalist

Distant past:
>lets live in peace and harmony, down with racism, blame whitey

Last few years:
>guess i'll be lolbertarian

More recent:
>this wont work at all, you'd just get voted out in a generation and replaced, civics are pussies

>it didn't have to be this way
>give me extreme transitional dictatorship that throws marxist out of aircraft and "fixes" the demographic problem, "planet of the apes" was a nice film but I don't want to live there

>maybe we can all live in peace, you have your space i have mine

Neoconservative > wow Hitler is kinda cool > The Holocaust didn't happen > Fascist > The Holocaust happened, as it should have

I kinda hate myself, but it is what it is

I got to this mindset at 17, fucking hate it looking back.

I can't even focus on hobbies now because trying to find out whats happening in the world is the most addictive drug there is. I'll be reading the news in bed later tonight, wondering how much better off I'd be if I just kept with my hobbies years ago.

>Pinochet fanboy

Please leave, Goldstein

Same here. Just a few years ago I used to be the edgiest teenage atheist intellectually narcissist little shit ever. Then as I grew towards nationalism I realized that religion has always been an integral part of every civilization, nation and culture and all the degeneracy in the world is a result of it disappearing. Despite still being an atheist I'm against secularism because it eventually leads to the decay and erosion of a nation and its culture. A strong national unity is only created through religion. Even though I'd want to be a believer, I just can't bring myself to it. Belief is a gift which I simply have not been given.

havnt changed at all except people think im part of the right even though im more of a socialist then those stupid cunts

>The Holocaust happened

Go agitate the trannies on lgbt. Your next step in evolution is figure out that while being a man or a woman doesnt neccesarrily mean you will or you must act one way, but overwhelmingly chances are you will so dont be surprised when traditional gender roles still persist. Then the next step is realizing this isnt because of socialization entirely but that there is a biological component which pushes men and women to have different temperment, personalties, as well as qualities they find attractive and things they find fulfilling. Then the next step is realizing that men and women in traditional roles are complementary not opposites. Then you realize that social norms regarding gender roles and obligations evolved in cultures by an itterative process generation after generation for centuries to accomodate these differences and create rules of society to benefit both men and women. Finally you realize that modern feminism seeks to destroy the accumulated centuries of social testing and optimization en toto and that outside certain limited areas of legality feminism was a mistake. Then you become Catholic bitch with other catholics about how you dont like the current Pope.

Gassings among other things

Belief isnt a feeling you chase after. It is a choice that you should act accordingly on.

I was very liberal for much of my life. My parents were religious conservatives and I rebelled against them. Didn't vote in 04. Voted Obama in 08 (I was 24). Changed my stance on guns and the economy and voted Johnson in 12. Since then SJWs and Islam have spiraled the world out into insanity. Voted Trump last year.

Man....I was raised homeschool/libertarian/christian, so naturally I went out and dug into every idea.

And I took thay shit seriously, spent a couple years immersing myself in whatever philosophy or religion wasn't my fathers. Yoga, Buddhism, Esoterica, satanism/occultism, etc.

Well I had kids. And even when I was doing all that shit I challenged and questioned the others vigorously, and they're arguments always seemed to crumble, so I would leave.

Being an edgy faggot, I, of course have to be counterculture, so I started realizing that traditional values were the underbelly of society. I started getting into natural law and family values and honor systems, and that led me to nationalism and Hitler and christ.

But even now I can't believe. It's wierd, for years I've wanted to be a christian, but I can't force myself to believe. I read all sorts of arguments for it, I talk to people, and I pray as if God is real, and nothing. My heart stays the same, and I don't believe. Who knows

>and that led me to nationalism and Hitler and christ.

Even on Sup Forums that is a wierd statement.

>But even now I can't believe. It's wierd, for years I've wanted to be a christian, but I can't force myself to believe. I read all sorts of arguments for it, I talk to people, and I pray as if God is real, and nothing. My heart stays the same, and I don't believe. Who knows

Sounds like you are doing it right still. See

went from being Nazi as an edgy meme to genuinely crying when I realize that Hitler is gone

I think so too, but it's a long, slow pull in that direction. The Hitler thing, meh. I just like to absorb ideas so that I can accept them or dismantle them from the inside out. But one thing I have consistently failed to mentally beat is christ(sounds weak minded, but theres a solid decade of philosophy and religious study under by belt and my father is the harshest critical thinker I know, readso Hebrew, Greek, and Aramaic, and is a pastor now. I can't beat him) but something tells me it's not about logic or my head.

I've always been a racist but now Im more open about it.

Dude are you me? Acknowledgment of our spiritual needs as legitimate has been my biggest shift in a very long time. The most insidious part of the cultural Marxism that infects society today is its complete denial of the soul. It seeks to starve out our spirituality and turn us into mindless serfs.

I guess the same could be said of capitalism, as well, but capitalism isn't even close to the same level as Marxist pozz


This whole thread, right in the feels, man.

All these awesome 'Testimony of Hatred'.

i didnt see anything wrong with trump other than the rumors and baseless bullshit people were saying about him, such as "oh no he has small hands"
mmmm im sure this will change everything. and hillary being a lieing woman won't?

basically: i'm over typing out boring shit because most people are fucking morons.
meme magic all the way.
better way of conveying the message.

also most people my age don't know shit about politics, so fuck them. they can be dumb and smug, and let the fake news supress them through constant fear tactics.

Started as a liberal who was willing to pay high taxes.
Then I discovered Sup Forums.
Followed by the free market.
Followed by transhumanism.
Followed by historical evidence of "might makes right" policies actually working.

So I'm right leaning now, which is something.

Dude I'm starting to think the true Redpill is Christ, the family, and a little nationalism/race realism minus the hate and vitriol.

or maybe God is real and you guys are just still in denial.
if i was God i wouldn't revel myself to you lol

I used to be more open minded and tolerant, but now I'm incredibly bitter and anyone who gives their opinion or even says something in a slightly annoying way makes me incredibly angry, even if they agree with me.

When I was posting under Aussie flag, it was *me* who always got called out for bantering.
But I guess it's time to move on and leave the stage to you, my dear Callum.

there's an agenda behind transhumanism.
you're in the rabbit hole and you went down a wrong path. go back


>there's an agenda behind transhumanism.
If this is the case, then I still need to go on with it; a moral person in the field will prevent it from being overly corrupted.

Of course, you could just be a paranoid person. Not everything has an secret anti white agenda/pro jew/globalist agenda.

I was a more liberal libertarian before here. Now I'm a more conservative libertarian. Still think less taxes, more liberties, small government. I still want sjws and natsocs to fuck off and leave me and my country alone. I'm a little more nationalistic, and I voted Trump just because fuck Gary Johnson and fuck Clinton and fuck everyone. Trump isnt very conservative, he's more teddy Roosevelt in nature. I can live with that. Fine. I wish he would get on his campaign promises already and shut the fuck up but other than that he's been alright.

The whole election cycle polarized me and my GF turned into a hyper leftist and I turned into helicopter rides Snek. Also I turned Catholic. We're still together. Hoping she'll grow out of her Le rich ppl r ebil mindset and her persecution complex and her oedipal mother complex. She's a little mentally ill though so I'm not surprised. More that she can't see her own hypocrisy being from a very wealthy family and wishing to tear all of it down. Daddy issues I guess.

Anyway yeah. I'm pretty much a slightly more conservative libertarian now. And I hate leftists and natsocs more

Yeah belief is too often looked at as this emotional thing you are supposed to feel and not a choice and a way to act. This is my criticism of more charismatic churches. It may lead people to velieve that that feeling is the experience of faith and one can not have faith if one does not experience that feeling.

Not to say there are not feelings that can be associated with belief it is just not the main or defining component.

Think how odd it would be for God to make salvation contingent on experiencing a certain feeling you can not control. Especially since so much of Christian teaching focuses on the individual chosing to act in a certain way often in spite of feelings not because of them.

Take for example the prohibition against coveting your neighbors wife. That doesn't mean you have sinned if you happen to find her sexually attractive. But it does mean it is wrong if you dwell on it. If you consciously chose to think about her and fantasize about her.

The main thing to take away from it is that Christianity teaches us that everyone is an individual and an individuals choice matters. Now I think in the aggregate this leads to a society of free people organized in a libertarianish matter but that is another matter.

That's the next stage. I passed that a while ago. It's patently absurd, "We'll religion is the glue that holds society together, that which binds us, gives us purpose while balancing drive with restraint. It's crucial and our society has disentigrate because of a void left by religion."

Ya? Then Maybe religion is real. If that's the case, the proof is in the pudding. Which one provided the best society and conditions for its citizens?

It's a last ditch effort to hold onto the ego of man. It's a minorly clever mental gymnastics move, but essential to the proccess of bring an intelligent person over, short of a miracle

You should ask him about it. Christianity sounds weak if you ask any modernist about it. The 'love everyone and don't fight just peace man :)))' isn't really accurate. On the surface it looks like that but there genuinely is alot of context and stuff lost in translation from Hebrew and Latin. Try reading the stuff of early church fathers. If you want something hard try Suma Theologica or something by St Augustus

You swallowed the redpill
There's no waking up in your bed believing it was just a bad dream
Down the rabbit hole you go

>thinks that it's possible to go back

That's good advice. I was talking to a buddy about this the other day, about how churches feed the emotionalism of people, and how it seems that men in the church SHOULD show emotional restraint. Anything feeding emotionalism is dangerous and the precursor to liberal/marxist idealologies. Anyway, I'll keep that in mind

I talk to him a lot, and he has pretty concrete defenses. I'll check some of that Lit out though, thanks user

Why are these people allowed to be destructive like this while the mere mention of trans being not the best thing ever throws them in a fit of rage?

Before pol-about whats right rather than logic and reason culture is subjective

After pol- western values or fuck you we need to protect our future from degeneracy

but im just waiting for the technological singularity desu

cuckservative - neocuckservative - paleocuckservative - alt-lite - alt-right - literally hitler

it doesn't matter you wuss! ADOLF NEEDS YOU!
there is no going back anyway. you have exposed the globalist plans (partially, bc i doubt you are woke on pic related) in your mind, already.
you cant go back. you MUST go forward!

I wouldnt go for some vulcanish stoicism. Emotions can be very good. It is enjoyable to feel Romantic love. Romantic love also makes it easier to do the neccesary things thst make a marriage succesful, ie working for a better life for you and your spouse, supporting your spouse, helping your spouse when they falter, showing affection to your spouse etc.

The problem arises when the emotion becomes the goal, and not the succesful marriage. It may lead many to believe if their romantic love fades or diminishes then the marriage must be over or nearing its end.

This is my main problem with gay marriage. It further leads the culture into misunderstanding the purpose of marriage. Marriage is viewed as some sort of ultimate expression of romantic love/sexual attraction, and not what it really is, a series of obligations and duties owed between a man and a woman to take care of one anothet and any children they might have.

Top 10 anime transformations: agnostic antifa to Christian ancap this past year.

knowledge is power, ignorance is bliss

They haven't necessarily changed, they simply became more defined and accurate as I went further down the rabbit hole. Major issues in the past felt more distant and irrelevant.

>I want to fuck sluts, but I wouldn't marry a slut. What do sluts do later in life? I'm sure they figure something out, don't worry.
>People need homes, properties to live on and means to retire. How do they all do it? I'm sure they figure something out, don't worry.
>So many things are fucking degenerate beyond recovery, but I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation and I'm the issue.

Sup Forums-tier internet chambers have given me the necessary reading resources and vocabulary to articulate my thoughts. It also gave me the social acceptance humans carve. There are other players who see the same, not everyone is an NPC.

WTF is that thing.... kill it with fire and burn the remains with acid...

im still pretty socalist
some people really do need care from the gobament also tech is rapidly replacing us in the work place we might need gobament living wage or their might be chaos
But im optimistic it will free us humans do devote out time to other things like art or better understanding of one another

Idc I really want to die anyway

I've been on Sup Forums in general since about 2009.
I have always been socially liberal, but I think Identity politics are nothing but a distraction and the people that fall for that shit are a special kind of stupid. Though just because I'm socially liberal doesn't mean I think that everyone should need to kiss your ass; I just think on your own property and with your own money you should be able to do whatever you feel like, assuming others are not harmed by your decision. I think fiscal conservatism is a fair position given that others are made to pay into a tax pool, and those same people often don't get to decide where their tax dollars go. Creating federal level social programs and expecting others to pay for them regardless of whether they agree with them is tyranny with some extra steps.
>tl;dr I'm still a lolbertarian and very little has changed besides doubling down on the fiscal conservatism.

next stop: traditionalism
