Did newtown really


>I thought it did

CAN SOME1 answer me?


Was sandy hook real?

>they demolished the school

I don't know

Me neither!

What if all of history was a lie?

Yes it happened. Was the PR side handled extremely poorly? yes. Was the investigation handled poorly? yes. Was it used as an opportunity to push a gun control agenda? absolutely yes. False flag? no. T. ct user

Most of it is at least a distortion of the truth, how do you not know this knowing that humans and people in charge of things in particular are usually liars you big gay dummy?



Ah I see

But what about Anne haddad and Ryan Lanza?

I was in school about 10-15 min away. We went into lockdown, and I knew people who had losses. Can't say much other than that

Why so triggered?

I don't know why you think I'm triggered just because I called you a dumb homosex, to be honest.

Gene Rosen

I'm not sure if anywhere north of Maryland exists. Maybe it's all fiction

It was just a question. It really seemed to bother you and that sentence was garbled nonsense. You infer much from a question.


I was not affirming or denying, I just remember chemistry class being locked down. I'm just tired of still hearing them trying to get even more money.

The media was tripping over themselves to break the story so tons of incorrect or incomplete info came out. It was an opportunists paradise, from political, personal enrichment via fake charity, virtue signaling etc. It was and still is a clusterfuck for the area.

Yeah, brother. Nothing like cashing your kids corpse in like fucking casino chips. It is the American way.

They didn't teach chemistry in newtown in 2012.....

Of course it happened you twat. Do you really think the government wouldn't kill its own people to push an agenda?

No one died Debby

I haven't been able to get a straight answer myself.

Truth died that day, user.

I went to a school in the neighboring town you dip, 16 min is what google maps says.

Dunno you tell me

Places that I havent personally visited could very well not exist
That's why I dont get upset when I see terrorist attacks on the news- even if I tell myself that places like Orlando or Paris are real, i've never seen them or been there, so they're hardly real to me. Same for the people in those places.

D-delete this...

If no one on Sup Forums has photos of a body it didn't happen.