Christians in Sup Forums

Are you genuinely religious? Do you believe in all the Bible stories?
I'm all for conservative values, but is religion really necessary to prevent moral degradation? Do we really need to fool ourselves to withstand mudslims?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'd say fuck conservative hypocrites
Being progressive doesn't mean you're a leftie sjw scum

Yes, because of mere fact that majority of population everywhere is not as intelligent and educated as you think and thus need strong and simple moral guides.

And the theif sayeth to Him, "If thou art the Christ, get down from this cross and save yourself."
And Ye did the Lord respond, saying, "Fucking kek! Gas the kikes. Race war now." And gavest up the Ghost.

Faglord 6:16

Genuinely religious.
Believe the stories as much as the church defends as the case. Meaning, while acknowledging things like genre, history, and structure.

>do we really need religion
Philosophically, primarily, we need a theistic worldview. Simply making it popular to go to mass and read the bible isn't enough. You need to understand the worldview and it's elements and you can make judgements from there.

If you're fooling yourself, you're doing it wrong.

In 2017, believing in Jesus is wilful self deception. Either that or you were ruined as a child and lack the mental fortitude to free yourself.

But that's just an irrational anti-theist way of looking at it


What country do you live in?

I don't believe in the stories but a Christian West is better than a degenerate atheist West.

I would also like to know this Europe Bro

Wolf please

We are one country, fuck off, you left.

The impulse to want to progress fast is what justifies the projects that deconstruct society to make way for something better, postmodernists, atheists, marxists, anarchists and sjws are all allies of the radical progressive. It's true we can't become so rigid that we don't move but also not so flexible that we fall apart.

>irrational anti-theist
Nice meme
Belorussia lol
I use VPN cuz provider blocks Sup Forums and it shows me as EUfag

But it's entirely true.
The "free yourself" line already shows how there is bias and the dichotomy is completely made up and foolish.

Thanks, the best memes come from reality.

I'm genuinely religious that I believe in the Holy Trinity and that Christ is the road to salvation.

Many of the bible stories needs several layers of understanding to decipher correctly. Some can be taken at face value, but others needs to be see as stories made by stone age inhabitants trying to describe something vastly superior to themselves.

Was the Earth made by the God 7525 years ago?

Atheist here, I'd say yes, with time I've come to understand that the promotion of atheism was a mistake, or at least in this moment of history or the way it was done.

Although I obviously have profound discrepancies with religion/faith, I think that it's more important to seek for cultivation and not conversion or abandonment of faith.

The only thing I want from religious people in the west is to not make stupid things or waste their time or money (tele-evangelists for example), I'm for religious people really informed about their beliefs and knowledge in general (more Nicolás Gómez Dávilas and less rednecks in the world to sum it up).

Either if you're a believer or non believer you should really think if that's the path you wanna go -not just because of resentment, memes, being raised up into it, etc- read about moral, ethics, philosophy, theology, etc so you reduce your chances of ending like a fedora or a bible thumper.

>but is religion really necessary to prevent moral degradation?

Without a higher being telling humans what is objectively moral or not, then anybody can just claim their "moral ground" is better than others.

it will just end up a fight on who has the higher e-peen basically.

mudslimes think that it is their moral ground to subjugate subhumans. repeat: mudslimes think that it is their moral ground to subjugate subhumans. think about that for a sec.

Hell nah dude, only proddies take believe that

people say they're christian on here but really they just want to roleplay as stereotypical paladins because it makes them feel like they're a part of something greater than themselves.

>all Christians are deus vult posters

>several layers of understanding
PLEASE - do yourself a favour - cap and print that post. One day it will all make sense.
Spoiler: it's all man made. Yahweh & Jesus don't exist.

Yes I am. Not because I am a good person, but because I know that I am not.

sorry by 'people' i meant people on Sup Forums

>all Christians on Sup Forums are deus vult posters

God is exactly the strong, strict, yet forgiving father figure that most modern people need. Not everyone has someone like that in their life, and the less religion, the more people lack that essential structure to their life.

it sure fuckin seems like it, senpai

Our personal relationships with the nature of reality isn't really a very productive subject, it's too subjective to begin to talk about except to people who had similar experiences. The earthly everyday reality needs the guidance of the spirit of Christ which the Christian traditions provide.

>because it makes them feel like they're a part of something greater than themselves.
That's a start and there's nothing wrong with that, at least they aren't contributing to dismantling the foundations of society like atheists and sjws.

You see, I agree with what you say, and actually I'd really like to be religious and believe in something high, but I just can't convince myself that this is all true. The only logical position to me is being agnostic, honestly

Two recent Christian Generals. The first for general Christianity and one for Apostolic Christianity.

Explain how they all fit your stereotype.

I believe in God, the Father almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.

I believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, our Lord,
who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,
born of the Virgin Mary,
suffered under Pontius Pilate,
was crucified, died, and was buried;
he descended to the dead.
On the third day he rose again;
he ascended into heaven,
he is seated at the right hand of the Father,
and he will come to judge the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the body,
and the life everlasting. Amen.

Genuinely ofc. If you are "religious" just because muh morality, then you're the just same self-righteous faggot as fedoratippers.

Religion's a practice in lying to yourself. Whether it's for tradition or for coping with the idea of inevitable demise, the result is always the same, and your mind gets warped the longer you stay in it. Once you can convince yourself that not only is God real, but that he's actively working in the world today, and that he is receptive to your prayers, you'll start to believe just about anything.

>but I just can't convince myself that this is all true.

and what's stopping you? what are your doubts?

Moral degradation is entirely dependant on perspective.

Though a huge part of the population is too dumb to behave themselves.

My belief: There is no being known as a "god", god is not a being, but rather an energy that surrounds us all and is within everyone as well as everything.
Everyone is so concentrated / fascinated of the idea that God was a being, arguing over each others beliefs, going to war over it.
No, I believe all the answers we are looking for are in the surrounding stars, galaxies, and space in general. The endless expanse, such a beautiful mystery, how it all works. Wouldn't it be neat if we all devoted our time to looking for the answers outside of this world? It's all just so convenient how it all works. Dyson spheres, theories of black holes being gate ways, imagine the future.

Don't listen to Christians, listen to what Jesus said. Listen only to his words. Don't go into it thinking you're going to be a Christian, go into it wanting to know what Jesus taught people and why.

You don't need to believe in God to have good, strong values. You just need to know in your heart that you yourself have a standard, and if we want to be honorable people, that standard should be upheld.

senpai is a pervert, didn't you know

>Religion's a practice in lying to yourself
>this is what some people actually believe when trying to not be biased

Christ died so that you may have eternal life, stop rejecting him like a Jew.

My apologies, tripfag, I'm guessing you have some evidence of God's existence to show me I was way out of line?


I have recently started to read the bible and I am in the process of abandoning atheism. From what i have read, it is not required to believe that the stories literally happened. Rather, you need to take the moral principles the stories convey and apply them in your life, which is harder than just taking the bible as a historical document. So no, i don't believe the stories in the bible literally happened, but i consider myself still a christian.
As to wether religion is needed to prevent an immoral society - i believe it is, but not as dogma.


You need to believe Christ rose from the dead to be Christian

>Don't listen to Christians, listen to what Jesus said.
How do I travel to the past and listen to Jesus, though?

You're right. People who take every part of the Bible literally are usually atheists trying to discredit the Bible or Christians who will believe anything "bible related" without doing any actual research or reading. An example of this is creationism vs evolution.

No need to fool yourself. The resurrection of Christ proves that everything written in the Bible is true (except for creation story, that is not literally true, at least not in the natural-scientific sense).

everything he said is written in red in most bibles

I guess my views align closest to Calvinist beliefs

Indeed he did rise from the dead, but is is in a literal way or is it in the sense that his presence isn't gone from the earth (corny formulation, i know). I mean we can debate for hours about the merit of taking the bible for a historical document, but for practical reasons, i'd say that the life and teachings of jesus serve as an example for me rather than just a historical fact.

Go to a pack room full of atheist. Ask them to raise their hand if they have any doubt on their atheism and evolution. No one will raise their hand. Go to a room with Christians and ask if they doubt their faith, everyone will probably raise their hand. Think about that.

Christians went through many reformations. Christians also helped create and also saved the west. I dont want to get into Christian history. But immoral behavior was rampant in Europe. The rise of Christianity helped balance it out over many years. Yes, there were bad actors in the name of Christianity but Christianity learned from their mistakes. You think Romans were moral figures. Also many in the west were taught over many generations about morals. Many west atheist here probably had a great ancestor that was Christian. Christian values being taught over the generations have trickled down to you. Your morals were probably taught to your family by a Christian one way or another. Not all obviously but a good percentage was.

Christians are very diverse in thinking. The bible is still being argued upon by Christians. It can be interpreted in many ways. There are theologians that believe there is a hidden message that needs to be deciphered in the bible. Christian Scientist are still in constant debate on how everything is started and the way it is. The bible can be seen as a fairy tale by the leftist atheist but i bet many have not read the whole thing and tried to really understand it.

Leftist Atheist know for certain they are right about everything. Seriously go ask them about anything. They will give you a run down on their belief. You give them some input and they will reject it immediately.

Sure. Divine Conservation is a simple method of starting discussion on theistic thought.

I did a 3-part post on Divine Conservation here:
The second and third part are in the posts following the one in the link.

Religion is an umbrella term for a lot of types of systems with different purposes. Generally religion can be best understood as a "established way of life based on a metaphysical worldview". The way the way of life is formalized for teaching, how detailed the worldview or the way of life is, and its overall purpose differs between religions. God's existence or the actual legitimacy of worldviews has zero to do with the bullshit you mention and that you responded to me calling you out with needing evidence for God shows how anti-theistic and irrational you're being.

How do I know the Bible is correct without listening to Christians?

What makes you sure that they are true, that bible is not a collective jewish fiction? Or maybe that the texts we have now greatly differ from the origin for various probable reasons?

> but is is in a literal way or is it in the sense that his presence isn't gone from the earth
That's gnosticism buddy, major heresy


Moral degradation is happening because conservatism is associated with Christianity. Also this sort of thing pushes atheists away:

Because Jews hate what Christ taught and they hate Christ, and we have early versions of the manuscripts which are identical.

read it yourself

That is the one thing that has to be taken literal, otherwise, Jesus would've just been a radical blasphemer like the pharisees accused him of being.

>Are you genuinely religious?
>Do you believe in all the Bible stories?
not literally
> is religion really necessary to prevent moral degradation?
yes, specifically Christianity. western culture will not survive without a white christian majority.

Essentially this.
>People need community, and churches provide it.
>People need spiritual guidance and churches provide it.
>People need something to believe in and religion provides it.

The only alternative which provides these things is ideology, which is why so many atheists become libertarians, communists, or social justice warriors.

Absolutely; look at Europe. The further the go from Christianity the stupider they become
We are not fooling ourselves

How long until we clone Jesus?

I guess I'll meet with my fellow heretics innawoods instead of going to church, since apparently the inquisition can reach me all the way to pol.
That is, if you subscribe to the jewish world view in the first place. I don't because From what i have read so far, you can follow Christ's example without the believing in the Old Testament just as well.

Bible is literal, get right with your Creator

Praise Jesus Christ
King of Kings
Lord and Savior

The bible says people will forget what it means to be Christian. Don't swallow everything Christians say without running it passed the bible first.

Religion is a good tool for personal growth but doesn't replace knowing right from wrong. People who take any scripture literally are missing the point.

>Without a higher being telling humans what is objectively moral or not, then anybody can just claim their "moral ground" is better than others.
>mudslimes think that it is their moral ground to subjugate subhumans

Mudslimes are your fellow theists. You just completely destroyed your own argument.

>read it yourself
I've read parts of it. Sounds like mythology with some historic reference, probably some anecdotes based on true stories. I see no reason to believe anything of it without evidence. Also, many devout Christians turned atheist report that reading the Bible carefully was the main reason for renouncing their faith.

I believe in it so much that I will not be a farmer because that was Cain's labor..

that's because they trust their own interpretation, if you have an issue with a verse check what church says

>Don't swallow everything Christians say without running it passed the bible first.
The point is that I have to believe what Christians say in order to trust the Bible. It's Christians who passed on the stories, wrote them down later, and finally compiled the book. It's Christians who tell me that this book represents real events.

>i don't believe the stories in the bible literally happened, but i consider myself still a christian

You are a phony. You don't believe in the bullshit Bible anymore than I do.

>moral principles the stories convey

The Old Testament is completely evil. Either you are completely evil or you just ignore it and make up whatever you want to believe.

>but is religion really necessary to prevent moral degradation?

Just look all throughout history and compare it to the shit that's happening right now, faggots always existed, but the amount of degeneracy going on right now is beyond measure, it's with children, it's with changing the very gender you are and this is only the start.

Yes, even if religion is bullshit, even if there is no sky fairy, it does help curb some degeneracy. But it's more than that now, it's $$. How you ask? Very simple.

You have to be blind to not see what's going on, first they put women into the work force, then they make society live paycheck to paycheck, then they make it so you are never able to buy a home and start a family, then they inflate the rent prices so you're paying more for that and making less.

The idea of the family is fucking gone man, of course people are going to get degenerate, especially females now.

Money is tied to everything, you control that, you control degeneracy my friend. And as bad as your putin is, at least there is some sense left. Compare it to here, fucking faggot land. No families, nothing, no one can afford it.

>check what church says
I replied to the advise not to listen to Christians and read the Bible instead. Now you're telling me I should consult Christians to understand the Bible. I hope you see the problem with this reasoning.

As a Christian, that's the single worst piece of advice I've ever heard. Your relationship with God is literally the only thing that's important in this religion. If you're confused about something you can get clarity, but thinking and believing for yourself is most important. It's making that choice.

If you don't like what the bible says and it makes you an atheist or whatever, then leave; that's your right to free will. If you have to have this spoonfed to you and you fight and bicker just so you can sin and not have consequences, then obviously you don't want to be a part of the church and shouldn't force it.

Yes, I love Yahweh & Yeshua greatly. I do believe the Bible. It has withstood many tests.

You may argue all you want. But Russia kicked out god for communism & they had a hard time....Europa the same...they kicked out Yeshua and now they have been infested with muslims.....

Christianity is the red pill...

Yeshua is a hedge against evil in all its varied forms, be it a theism, islam, secular legalism, satanism, communism and other lesser things

I would have guessed Belgium, Bussels

Maybe it is a deception but i personally see those who are religious and take it seriously are pretty happy people with families. Sometimes I wish I could deceive myself. I like going to church anyway though, good community of traditional people for the most part.

>mental fortitude
tip harder

>And as bad as your putin is, at least there is some sense left. Compare it to here, fucking faggot land. No families, nothing, no one can afford it.
Russia is straight up worse than you already think, man. It's just a mess of degenaracy, poverty, lies and kleptocracy. Moscow is flooded with muslims, it's really fucking scary for me, considering that I live right nearby large mosque.

Do you think Russia will purge muslims like ukrainians anytime soon? You have an exemplary record of mass death so I would think you guys would be able to get rid of them. This time it would at least be a good purge.

>so you can sin and not have consequences
This meme is just silly. It is used to slander people who actually are thinking for themselves and become convinced that the stories are just myths. You don't need any ulterior motives to sin to arrive at this conclusion. It's simply rational thinking that turns many devout believers into atheists.

There are literally more reasons now to believe than ever. People spout degeneracy, morality, social mores as the reasoning behind it. More pertinent than that is what has been revealed in front of you this generation. The rampant decay of civilization, the undeniable proof that those who control this world worship false idols, their perversions coming to light for all to see that they desperately try to hide. The wickedness of this civilization is truly a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. Jesus was right and true in rejecting the pharisees which is what most of these Jews are now. They are the synagogue of Satan. It's undeniable if you can just wake up! If those days had not been cut short, no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days will be shortened. We are at the precipice, mankind will fall if we follow this path much longer.

>purge muslims like ukrainians anytime soon
Not likely, and I'd not really say that it were RUSSIANS who cast a famine to Ukraine, it was communism, think of it like a disease
Although for me it lately really feels like there will be another violent 1917 here


> i know what you believe cuz uncle dawkins told me so
I'll never go back and refer you to other posts. Also read around Matthew 21:13.
"It is written," he said to them, "'My house will be called a house of prayer,' but you are making it 'a den of robbers.'"
So no shekels from me.

You know, you're right.
Sinning always has consequences, whether you believe in God or not.

I believe everything the bible says 100%
Who am I to doubt God? Why would I believe some things but not others?

I am "religious". I do believe all the Bible stories. You don't have to be a conservative to be a christian. You aren't fooling yourself if you believe what is true.

Oh man I should have specified Bolsheviks not necessarily the Russian people.

I give you 3 yeses and a no. The Bible is the truth, you winged Faggot.

So much this, I hate the valueless atheists they are worse than a cancerous prolapsed anus.

Yes. We must be the stronger horse.

>contradicting yourself in such a short amount of time
I'm a dumbass. Change maybe to yes. Reminder 92% of atheists support abortion and gay marriage.

>Calvin studied under a Rabbi
>If you're richer = more favored by God

Calvinists are crypto Jews

> Are you genuinely religious?
i love jesus and want to be like him, he was literally the perfect human being in what he believed and how he behaved, but like everyone else i am a sinner and worthy of hell because of this, even at my best i am worthy of hell for being human by nature. I dont go out knocking at doors and ive never fully converted someone if thats what you mean by religious though

> Do you believe in all the Bible stories?
i dont know if they were all true, if you REALLY do research on them they are as believable as most accepted people in history, like for instance the enemy of rome Hannibal had very little physical evidence of his existence except for roman literature, and jesus is mentioned in a few cases like in ceasers book and a few historians, the jewish empire is recorded by historians, there are about 100 cases of people being swallowed by whales.

> but is religion really necessary to prevent moral degradation?
i think what pol calls human degradation is just human nature, wherever christianity isnt in the world nasty shit is always happening, what you call degenerate the bible calls sinfulness, read the 10 commandments and ask yourself what you would be like if you could follow them, the only person who ever truly obeyed the 10 commandments was jesus

> Do we really need to fool ourselves to withstand mudslims?
wtf does that mean?

The bible is true but metaphorical.