Cali will never even reach 10% green ener-

Cali will never even reach 10% green ener-

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whats the cost of maintaining those solar panels

How much did it cost to install all those

How much did it cost to buy all of those panels and wire them into the system

only cost like 90x more in investment than it will ever return supported by government tax-breaks and literal taxes. essentially fucking the poor and working-poor. good job liberals

solar energy is not lucrative enough to use on such wide scale

Right now it is literally forced meme tier energy and the Cali government is full of fucking retards. Just because theyre on green energy doesnt mean theyre good at properly investing government money

For one sunny day. Levelized cost of 4th gen reactors is half the cost of coal, possibly as low as 1/4. And no hoping for sunny days.

Coal pollutes a fuck ton. Switch to oil or gas for God's sake. Actual smog and not just what you probably think pollution is.


Do you really think going green will stop Global warming? There will be always people fucking up the planet, If I'm dieing, I'd rather die rich.

Nuclear energy would dwarf that by a massive amount with next to no overhead, Thorium even moreso.
If we had gone the nuclear route we'd have advanced the technology enough by now that there would be zero downsides and free energy.

>biggest dam in california LITERALLY BTFO
>lets spend ludicrous amounts of money to get that solar virtue signaling going!

Solar panels will work... in space. 5-10x more productive.

We just need an orbital ring space elevator to make it cheap enough to send payloads to space, and we'll have energy for 1/10 the cost of coal.

Perhaps once we make more efficient batteries we could ship them back and forth from space

>during peak sun the companies lose money
>when no sun electricity is expensive as fuck

Im sure they are very profitable! lels.

Coal pollutes but why should we completely disreguard resources for exprimental and ineffective technologies
Aint no cloudy days in space, aint no wind
Space based solar panels are the only place they actually work. On Earth is a different story

Wholesale electricity rates going negative means the grid is all kinds of fucked up.

Or switch to thorium or other molten salt reactors, and cut your power bill in half. Have the government dump a few trillion into developing and building these, and you could eliminate taxes entirely and fund the government from selling power.

How many cars are on California's roads that still use fossil fuels?

>Coal pollutes but why should we completely disreguard resources for exprimental and ineffective technologies
Just switch to oil,gas, and nuclear in that case. Some technological innovation can be had through investments but I'd rather be effective and look towards the future at the same time.

Are you that one American wanting that orbiral ring, and making tonnes of threads about it?

We're past the window when we could have prevented it. We're fucked , it's all about mitigation now.

Like George Lucas said "... You can't undo that, but we can diminish the effects of it"

electric cars are still a rich hippy thing

because theyre hypocrites

>orbital ring
you have to go back

Coal power plant exhaust is scrubbed.

planet is already fucked thanks to india and china. Too bad the jews tend to ignore the elephant in the room with their (((findings))) and instead pass it off as white mans burden

coal is easier to work with, we can use that while we develop better energy sources while at the same time make burning coal cleaner until it runs out

Economically developed nations preserve their environment the best even using fossil fuels more responsibly.
Poor countries have no consideration for their environment
Leftists want to push fickle green energy that does nothing to develop a nation.
Lack of development leads to being reliant on the dirtiest forms of fuel out there.

Wut? It gets beamed down to a collector as microwaves.

Muh Fookoosheema tho

I made one last week, but not "tonnes." There's some guys that have been making gay porn memes and talking about space elevators, and I have no idea who they are or why.

>thruster/gimbal fails
>oh no 20 km^2 of land has just been fucking atomized

Solution: green energy that is cheaper than fossil fuels. Already explained two ways to do it: advanced nuclear and space-based solar with an orbital ring space elevator.

I dont think at the current time sticking a nuclear reactor in space with a large microwave emitter and a ground station is very cheap

Literally impossible with any molten salt reactor, including thorium. They cannot melt down because the fuel is already a liquid. If it gets too hot, a plug in the bottom melts, and the fuel falls into a holding tank, shutting down the reactor.

You could hit one with a tsunami or a Jihadi, and you can't blow it up.

>muh space elevator

How is the holding tank cooled again?

Why the hell would you not get solar if you can afford it? Be me:

>buy a house in So Cal
>get tired of paying electric bills more than $200 a month
>Get panels, start paying $110 a month
>monthly electric bill now $0
>setup panels to two tesla batteries
>now pay $150 a month
>store all energy produced during the day, use it to blast my AC and run the greenhouse at night
>wind storm hit this weekend, power out in my town, still had power thanks to batteries
>ready for when SHTF
>pic related

Why not just use nuclear energy with the tech we already have and not waste our time with a fucking Cuck ring that may get either blown away or simply not exist

You'd have to get rid of the stigma before you even think of getting investors

These environmental nuts are so tiresome to talk to.

They insist they the world is beyond saving and it's all our fault. But even then they still insist on telling everyone else how to do things just because it makes them feel better. If the world is as hopeless as they say why not just stop caring?

It powers by heating you're not cooling it

>take the sunlight off the earth
>earth becomes sandy dead Sahara

maybe in 2030 (the target for 50%) but it was 13.8% last year

I have two EVs. It really depends on the number of useful charging stations in your area and the ability to charge at home. Some people can don't have 220v outlets in their homes, that limits them to a trickle charge, about 30 miles in eight hours. I have two 220v outlets in my house. I can get over 100 miles on each car in eight hours.

yes we get it mate, you're rich. go you.

>orbital ring space elevator

what about the idea of sending nuclear waste shit into the sun?

If you own the house you can get an electrician to put in a 220. If youre in an apt youre boned.

No. My wife and I commute about 100 miles a day. Not paying around $20 a day for gas. If I was rich, I'd be driving a mustang or a suburban, not giving a fuck about gas prices.

Call Putin, tell him to remake it and drop it on London.

all the retarded but hurt denial in this thread, keep eating the coal industry FUD. it's already workig, Solar fucking works. los vegas shut down thier coal plant ro ise the solar and it runs cheaper and makes more power.
we are already there, the tech is already gone throught the devolpment stage. and 'clean coal' is a meme, everyone was talkong about that 5 years ago, now noone does because no one could get it to work, and solar is already better

You're right. But that fact that you'd have to hire an electrician and likely replace your dryer simply before buying the car is enough to deter people from buying an EV, that's what I heard from the people I spoke to.

fucking useless if they canĀ“t even manage the water properly

Nuclear is the future. Not even memeing.

>two EVs
unless you're driving two broken bolts, you're rich. dropping 100k+ on an electric car for virtue signalling and bullshit about helping the environment is a rich hippy cunt act. same goes for your first post, which was simply "hey guys look at my expensive solar install, i'm rich!"

I will burn natural gas until the day I die

And all it took was doubling energy prices and subsidizing solar with taxpayer money to the tune of billions.

>los vegas shut down thier coal plant ro ise the solar and it runs cheaper and makes more power
That's some strong kool-aid you're drinking.

>gee Orville and Wilbur don't ya know man can't fly?
KYS defeatist shill

Really that's the only truly permanent solution to nuclear energy as we currently have it. A lot of people here are willing to say that nuclear energy is cleanest, but they always conveniently leave out the waste.

People don't give a shit, and this is going to become more of a problem the more of this poison we produce.

Go N U C L E A R

Say what you want. I could care less about the environment. With all the driving I do, my cars pay for themselves by avoiding gas prices. All it takes is some good credit, you don't need to be rich for that. Just be financially disciplined.


>good credit
i knew that you'd backpedal to this. go on, post a picture of your teslas and go on about how the autopilot is amazing. cut to the chase already.

Dont forget these things also literally cook birds in the sky killing thousands but its OK cause California cares about the environment :^)

Based Pine Valley. Based ex-La Posta checking in. Legit.

>Everyone ITT actually believes the premise that CA is getting 50% from solar

Why are Sup Forums tards so fucking stupid and easily fooled? Theyll go along with any factoid you hand them and try to defend it, instead of immediately questioning the veracity.

Strange that you can somehow see the future, but cannot profit off of it. I'll share pics after I buy the Teslas. That will be a long time from now.

Beautiful area out here, isn't it?


The Mountain Empire was a lot more beautiful when the whole of Willow Creek and Kitchen Creek was basically covered in oak forests and other trees, but PV seems to have weathered the decades well. I imagine after the crazy rain everything is green for like... the next 2 weeks, lol. Should be a great year to films hordes of tumbleweeds rumbling along the truck trail in September when the winds really hit.


It's a factoid constantly misrepresented by leftards. Anybody in this conversation should see that '50% of grid demand was met by solar at 1PM on this day' is a radically different claim than '50% of CA grid capacity is solar'.

It's fine for an individual household/business but getting an entire states power grid right now on nothing but solar or majority solar is an expensive pipe dream.

Solar also is most effective in the southwest of the country. There's a lot of states where solar would be severely ineffective especially during winter and fall.

It's been beautiful out here. I'm hiking every chance I get! It is nice and green. Pollen has been out of control, plants have been well watered this past winter. Hoping it lasts until June.

>Overpopulated shit hole supported by thousands of acres of farmland
>Wants to go green
>Builds solar panels on thousands of acres
>Overpopulated shithole gets an abundance of oil-produced energy
>Use the oil to feed more single mothers with ten kids, and use their tax money to pay for more worthless solar panels

This is why the Earth is dying. Faggots who plant coffee beans in their 12 story apartments think they're "helping", when the fertilizer and soil they used costed them more money than it would have taken if they had just bought their beans from a reputable source.

You wanna talk about being environmentally friendly? Sure, the climate change is man-made; I'll buy that for the sake of argument, because it wouldn't hurt to keep the Earth smelling like nature instead of industry.
But if you live in an overpopulated shithole, you're contributing to the problem more than any person living in a rural area.

Nuclear is not "clean", you need to cool it down with river/sea water, and by retuning hot water to that environment, you kill a ton of fish.

Much better than fossil tho

Fuck off, before that outlandish shit happens we'll have nuclear fusion.

Overpopulation is a meme.

Looks like a nice season this year. I'll probably visit some family in Julian when I take my yearly vacation in July-August. If you're not a full-on local, then just hope for rain one day in May, one in June, and we're good until mid-July. The manzanita and other little shrubs are damn hardy with just a little luck, and stay green. But no doubt, the tumbleweeds will be massive this year in Sept-Oct, mark my words.

Lamo you fucking imbecile go live in a fucking closet like the Chinese you fucking rat, and don't you whine about your gov't importing millions of niggers if overpopulation is a meme.

Population density is not a meme, overpopulation is. The people we have and most importantly, the more educated people we have the more teams of people we have to improve our situation or expand off-Earth. But more to the point, the human population will never "overpopulate" because it can only grow to fit the energy that's available to it. Its like saying that a disc of agar jelly can become overpopulated with bacteria.

Also, Back side of Cuyamaca?

a lot less than dealing with increasing disruptive weather patterns and a rising shore line.

Solar and wind power = Tax payer powered electricity. Literally fueling a boiler with dollar bills is cheaper and more efficient. Please Calexit soon.

Solar panels are unrecyclable toxic waste after 25 years of usage, they seep chemicals into the air and ground they lay on. The amount of solar panels you need to output 50% of California's energy demands means we're going to have so much fucking waste panels in 25 years that we could build toxic roads from them across the state.

Wind is green. Solar is not.

Overpopulation is simply Over (More/too much) Population.
Applied to an environmental context (rather than your universal context), humans are living past environmental sustainability. Our farms are killing off the biodiversity needed for the sustenance of life. Our industries are killing sea life (I live on the coast and I see it first-hand every day). We're consuming way too much land. And to show for it, we've abandoned morals that are reflective of our environmental conditions, and instead live like immortal gods. We expect the food not to run out, but it will. We expect a cure for all diseases, but our increased population is killing us with even more diseases. Birds, for example, have evolutionary advantages over us, being that they are a largely populated group and travel the world; they have aggressive attitudes toward any other bird that appears sickly. We don't shame sick people, we don't beat them up; we hug them and try to cure them, and that's why we're going to fucking die one of these days. We're living so far off nature's grid, that the grim fucking reaper is laughing his ass off and can't get his job done and kill that mother fucker who keeps knocking on my door when I'm not home.

Right! You're very good. If you spend enough time in East County, it's easy to recognize that peak after awhile. Such great trout fishing over there. I used to live 45 miles west in Bay Park, I could see that thing from my old place covered in snow. Pic is view of Cuyamaca from old place.

God I love my state so much. East shit hicks

>Switch to oil or gas
It's time to get over your girlishness about Nuclear Power. If you faggots are afraid of CO2, it's the only option.
>Green power is a tax-fueled meme.

>wholesale rates negative

that means they make their money from tax credits/incentives

our windmills do the same here

download the ISO To Go app

This is what I've been wondering: what's the cost of a solar panel in environmental terms? Can you recycle it? Do we have enough materials to actually construct enough solar panels and keep cycling them every 25 years?

Fuck off ColgateĀ® Lite

>solar will work
>we just need a hundred trillion dollar planet sized ring around the planet made with materials stronger than anything known to man

Well you can apply all that to any point in human history. You can trace human migration patters because we leave a trail of extinct animals behind us wherever we go. This has always been happening. The difference is, now we're aware of the problem and can make conscious efforts to stop it.

So who is buying up that negative-priced power? Washington state? I'm picturing the same market dynamic that exists between Danish wind and Norwegian pumped hydro where Denmark gets totally fleeced.

Spent my childhood seeing that and Laguna from the La Posta/Boulevard perspective, so I had better remember it, haha. Lake Cuyamace was good, but they used to keep Morena filled more and it had good fishing too. I am pretty sure those days are long gone, and people tell me the village is a tweaker's Ewok Village nowadays.

how do they store the energy?

What about space debris destroying the panels?

Why is our state so based, bros?

>muh space elevator

imagine how many decades that would take to build and the cost itself