Wanna do something good? Let's dox a pedo and save two kids

As I browsed the highest depts of the deep web – the places where people speak Portuguese - I found a post by a pedo. One of the basic rules of the deep web is you don't reveal personal information, and while he was smart enough to not give out his house address and full name as he talked about rapping his two sons, he gives about everything else.

I saved what he wrote on a pdf file and for over a month have been thinking what I could do with this info. It might seem random, by I guess this is a pretty good place to reveal it. If you can dox a guy just by a photo where you can see his eyes, you’ll probably find a way to dox a incestuous gay pedo by this info.

Other urls found in this thread:


Not your personal army :^)

Where does he live and what is the punishment for pedos in that country?

Who am I kidding, jail has its own rules for pedos

The short story:

His parents are "well known" farmers "pioneers in genetically breading cattle in Brazil". Don't forget he's Brazilian;

He is rich as fuck;

Married aged 21;

His wife had endometriosis and couldn't have kids;

He traveled to Houston (Texas, USA) to get fertilization in vitro for her, "spending a fortune" (according to his kid’s age, that should’ve happened in 2003 or 2002);

They decided to have twins, and he goes as far as to add they were born after only 7 months;

He names them "Rique" and "Bibi", which you would expect to be nicknames for "Henrique" and "Bernardo", but you'd also expect him not to give the actual names to his kids, so who knows? I wouldn’t be surprised if the guy was retarded enough to give actual names;

He began molesting them when they were three, it's very graphic how he describes it. You'll see it for yourselves;

He divorced five years ago, so 2012-2011;

The boys are 13 as of the 22nd of February 2017;

He has full custody of them, and they moved to Europe soon after the divorce. He also says the boys had a say in where they'd live and the such, so they didn't move because of family or work. The guy just wants to move somewhere that he and his kids feel is better than Brazil. Anywhere in western Europe is a possibility, but France and England strike me as the most likely candidates.


There is nothing wrong with pedosexuality

until the etheric/astral witches who monitor the web kill you id suggest u think twice

not your personal army

also this

And here's the full post, in its badly written Portuguese glory. The best schools weren't enough to teach this fucker how to write. Anyways, I'll do a translation soon, but if you want to see a guy talking about how he fucks his 13yo everyday, go ahead.


Bom pessoal, depois que publiquei um pouco do meu relacionamento com meus filhos alguns users ficaram interessados em conhecer-me melhor. Então vou contar um pouco (mas como sou meio timido) podem fazer perguntas para alongar caso se interessarem mais.

Bom sou filho de fazendeiros bem conhecidos no ramo de criação e genética de gado no Brasil (pioneiros nisto), cresci sendo uma criança saudável, estudando nos melhores colégios da cidade grande, e até mesmo no exterior. Bom, eu conheci o mundo "BL" muito mesmo acho que existir a DW, eu tinha por volta de 6 anos, eu visitava nas minhas férias a comadre da minha mãe que tinha um filho de por volta de 15 anos, e jogavamos jogos de tabuleiro, e quem perdia tinha que "pagar algo" e como sempre praticamente 10 anos de diferença nem preciso explicar quem perdia não é? E sempre era a mesma pedida dele, ficar deitado na cama de bruços e ele "metia em mim" para mim era "diferente" eu não sabia o que realmente era, só sentia uma vontade imensa de mijar, e ele falava para eu aguentar, mas ele era tão "sem noção" que nem sabia terminar o serviço, dava duas, três bombadas e parava, coisa de duas crianças inocentes, agora vocês irão me perguntar, você gostava? Olha não sentia nada. E não me influênciou em nada no sentindo de virar "gay" ou sair dando por ai? Não.

>There is nothing wrong with pedosexuality
Flag checks out


15 anos se passaram, eu me tornei um homem, formado, e como o filho de um grande fazendeiro brasileiro, acabei casando cedo. Aquele famoso casamento arranjado.Minha ex-esposa, era formidavel, gente boa até. Mas infelizmente (ou felizmente?) ela tinha problema de endometriose, e foi obrigada a fazer nossos filhos "in vitro", no Brasil isso era muito novidade, e quem só fazia era o famoso Roger Abdelmassih então fomos para Houston onde era o "papado" da medicina inclusive de genetica do EUA, foi pago uma fortuna, então o médico nos pergunta;

" - Quantos vocês irão querer ter?"
Fiquei sem reação no momento, me perguntei:
"Minha nossa, quantos poderia ter?"
O médico me responde:
"Você pode ter de um a três em total segurança, basta escolher sua vontade".

Então minha esposa na época decidiu por ter gêmeos por conta já que se estava pagando bem caro pelo procedimento, então que fosse de uma vez só.

Então assim após logos 7 meses veio o Rique e o Bibi. Bom agora vocês querem saber como iniciei eles é isso? rs.

Bom eles tinham por volta de 3 anos de idade, eu dava banho neles, iniciei chupando a piquinha deles, metendo o dedo no cuzinho deles, e assim por diante, o Rique sempre foi relutante, mas fui ensinando ele a gostar com o tempo, o Bibi na verdade sempre amou. Era uma sensação única quando no banho colocava um dedo no rabinho dele, e via ele fechar os olhinhos de prazer.

As coisas foram indo, eu me divorciei da minha ex-esposa fazem 5 anos, eles atualmente tem 13 anos, e por eu ter uma condição financeira exorbitante, logo após do meu divorcio nos mudamos para a Europa, resido com eles aqui. Eles quem escolheram, por causa dos estudos, lugares para conhecer e etc. O Rique e eu não temos mais nada, porque ele entendeu que sou apaixonado por seu irmão de uma forma totalmente diferente, vice-versa, então por exemplo o Bibi dorme comigo todas as noites, brincamos, transamos muito e assim por diante.

listen up fucktard. If you actually give a shit about 'doing something' or helping these two kids, shut the fuck up, get off /pol, and present your evidence to the authorities in the region this person lives.

Otherwise, take your Larp back to lereddit.

>let me go on this site with a huge pedophile minotity in order to doxx this pedo



While rap is nigger music, there's nothing wrong about rapping with your kids.

He needs help getting the guy's name, then we can call authority

Daily Dose:



I've also been to Marianas trench of Deepweb and the only truth is it's just LARPErs there.
Also, fuck off.

>implying you're not ostracised and won't be gassed along with all the other degenerates.

>highest depts of the deep web
>he talked about rapping his two sons
>I saved what he wrote on a pdf file

This was some funny shit but I'm worried about the number of seemingly unironic pro-pedo posts in this thread.

Well, I need to doxx the guy, the only proof I have is him bragging about fucking his kids. And I don't give a single fuck about the pedos here, I'm mostly into making a dumbass that reveals his personal info getting fucked over. Helping the kids is mostly a bonus compared to the reaction his ex wife would get after know her sons are living with a guy that fucks them every day.

This desu.

You're really jealous of him. Aren't you?


Wow! Great post!

This is Sup Forums, after all

It's not a sexuality
It's a plague

>Getting Sup Forums to do anything that isnt funny
go back to 8ch, pedos project the most hatred of pedos, yknow

Nice post! How do I upvote again?

Call the cops.

Did 12chan have a political board?

This. The biggest anti-pedos online are actually pedos IRL

You know there's location/user tracking info in a PDF, right? Upload it somewhere.

What will Bernie do to bring down the high price of CP?

He'll legalize it and tax it 78%

Says a fag with no kids

Get in

>Helping people
Fuck off

Are you, like, Japanese or what

>Wanna do something good?

I'd rather go do some coke and jerk off for hours on end to shota porn.

It's truly sad when you can no longer distinguish Shota from Trap

Kawaii desu yo wa ne ka

sue him and recive some monies for those lies he speaks

>(((1))) post by this user

While not entirely sure if this is larp, why not develop the detective skills yourself?

Do something good and make the world hate Brazil a little less, huehuenigger.

i guess this guy decides what we all do then.

please tells us, whats next?

>not enjoying patrician shota trap

I'd look that up but I dont want to be assaulted by potentially scarring material

>Bom eles tinham por volta de 3 anos de idade, eu dava banho neles, iniciei chupando a piquinha deles, metendo o dedo no cuzinho deles, e assim por diante, o Rique sempre foi relutante, mas fui ensinando ele a gostar com o tempo, o Bibi na verdade sempre amou. Era uma sensação única
> o Bibi dorme comigo todas as noites, brincamos, transamos muito e assim por diante.

Holy FUCK get the torches and pitchforks.

Post the .pdf it might have location or user info.

There's sfw stuff available.

Even your posts are pure shit, can't you dirty fucks ever make anything besides poo?

felix a cute

lets talk about the elephant in the room

wtf were you doing on a deepweb gay pedo site in the first place?

Well he wasn't looking for drugs.
As a longtime user of DNM to buy my dope, I can promise you we keep pretty good and separate from the porn/pedo shit. It's not good for business after all.

Arslan and Link still have him beat(and tied) for first place.
Nothing like cute swordsmen.

He'd socialize it, which would solve the CP problem by making it nearly impossible to get.

Then fuck off while other people who want to arrest pedos do so.

>1 post by this ID

Oh, I guess you ARE one. Don't worry your day will come.

s-sauce pls