Hello Sup Forums

Hello Sup Forums

I've been visiting /leftpol/ for a few weeks now and found out interesting things.

Many on here believe that communism is super duper big government that supports SJWs.

In reality, none of it is true.

I've found numerous threads about liberal hate thread. Leftpol sees the SJWs and the Alt Right as dividers of the working class and is an enemy.

A good read here: ratical.org/ratville/CAH/FordFandCIA.html

All of leftists in lefty pol basically have the same goal. No government, and no money. Though all have different ways of achieving it.

The Tankies and the MLs (Marxist-Leninists) are your stereotypical view of communism. But they aren't supported virtually.

You have Ancoms, and other anarchists who view the USSR as state capitalism. This meaning that the state has a political class oppressing the working class. And see only a world revolt can work.

Then there are Left Communists who are like the reactionaries of the right. Who see that the capitalist culture is too embedded in our society to be overthrown in our current state, and we have to wait for when the world is ready.

You have the moderate radicals (Like me), who want neither direct anarchy, nor the state being another oppressor. De Leonists Strasserites and guild socialists are under this umbrella.

The last group is a baby made from Hitler and Stalin called National Bolshevism.

In the end, I don't see them as a threat considering that they have no power in the west at all. At most, it is the liberals that hold the power. (People who /leftypol/ hates.)

I recommend lurking /leftpol/.

Other urls found in this thread:

laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Fascism/Germany/Otto Strasser - Germany Tomorrow (Part 2).pdf
amazon.com/None-Dare-Call-Conspiracy-Allen/dp/1939438004/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1493676596&sr=8-1&keywords=none dare call it a conspiracy

Daily Dose:



bump for interest


Physical removal time communist swine

I see a lot of shit in your text wall, but the one thing that is actually important is missing

Do you acknowledge the Jewish problem or not? you talk tough about being anti corporations and establishment, yet you never name the Jew.

Get out

Good intel user read it twice to make sure I understood it. What is guild socialism?

Guild socialism is basically a decentralized version of socialism. It's like libertarianism but has the means of production in the hands of the worker and not the state. It puts its emphasis on guild self governance, which fragments the state power so it is not central.

>Oh look a memer.

Communism and socialism are anti-jew.

The whole pro-jew ideology stems from the authoritarian view of socialism. Many socialists deny authoritarian socialism, and seek that no illegitimate authority shall rule. Aka no jewish domination.

Any rightist who believes we live under socialism is delusional.

well then I think /leftypol/ should focus their effort in combating SJWs, because they distract people from the actual problems by just saying, "its all white men institutional power", mean while real life white men are poor jobless, and without opportunity, and the true people in power, the (((ones))) who push this SJW shit, remain in power and laughing at how dumb everybody is.

It doesn't sound too bad, I wonder if the Holy Roman Empire is an approximate example of that.

I kinda agree.

I found this a few days ago. It's how corporations used social justice as a way to suppress leftism in america and to suppress genuine leftist thought.


You have to remember, the dominate class of that time was the white working class. Any criticism of the working class is still anti-working class.

Modern liberals are supported by the bourgsie.

A good introduction

laraj.ca/AGwiki/uploads/Fascism/Germany/Otto Strasser - Germany Tomorrow (Part 2).pdf

Author Penty is also good. De Leonist too

SJW thought is an attack on the proletariat and on socialism.

The main problem with communism is it's inherently authoritarian. You can't have it work on a mass scale without a large state/government ensuring equality is taking place, because it simply cannot occur in natural circumstances. Anarcho-communism would become less and less feasible the more people you have, and you really want a system like that in a society shared with niggers and mestizos? No fucking thanks, we see how they act right now with laws in place.

That is why I am for guild socialism/ de leonism. I'm not a communist but I do see capitalism as the main enemy. The state is also a great oppressor.

Yeah I too am no fan of capitalism and think the more unregulated it is the more harm it causes for society. Also the decadence/consumerism it promotes, destroying of culture in pursuit of profit, and such.

Anyway socialism/communism I think can only really properly work in a high trust, low population, homogeneous society. Strasserism does sound intriguing but I'm not really familiar with it beyond the idea of it being leftist Nazism.

Read here

An excert from "Germany Tomorrow"

>Communism and socialism are anti-jew.

Fuck off communist swine


go back to leftypol and stay there you spook bitch


The authoritarian socialists are jews, They replace the capitalist class with a political class. Both dominated by jews.

If you read more anti-authoritarian views of the left, you see less jews.

Besides. Look up the Lehi.They were jews and fascists. Does that mean all fascism is jewish?

Here's my answer.

To say the Communism is anti-jew is like saying Plantations had blacks as a vacation home.

>Autistic screeching


Socialism just means the worker owns the means of production. Not the state. Not the plutocrat. No jewish domination.

The worker owns jack shit. All the means of production, factories, farms, refineries, are all owned and controlled by the government you absolute casual. Because the people are not allowed to own land or business, the Government has no need for them, so they purge.
>What is the collectivization program
The Soviets literally took the means of agricultural production away from the farmers, farmers were told to not produce. Those who did not follow rules were shot on site or sent to the Gulags. To make it even more fun, not only did this severely shorten food supply, they also controlled where the limited amount of food could go. Within a decade, over 10-15 million people were purged from this one instance. Over 7 million in Ukraine where it was so bad they resorted to cannibalism.

In closing, for you to say the workers own the means of production is the most naive thing to say, it makes you so stupid that no wonder why Communism was able to start up and murder so many people, because it just sounds so damn good. Doesn't it?

Did you not read what I wrote in the op?

Your argument is disregarded.

Read up on your enemies' ideals before making yourself look like a clueless retard.

Did you know that many communists and socialists talk in great lengths against the USSR?

You would know if you stuck your head out of your echo chamber once in your life.

You post like a babyboom but have the hysteria of a underage fag.

The worst combination.

Read here. It's by a socialist.

now question them on Soros and the Muslim Brotherhood

we need more info

They oppose the SJW. They have a thread up now making fun and hating SJWs.

>Many on here believe that communism is super duper big government that supports SJWs.
Communism is literally stateless.
But it's an epitome of sjw.

Nazbols on lefty pol?
I would not think they would be tolerated.
Their lunacy is better suited to here.

It is useless for you to try to shill your nefarious ideology here, Jew. We all know know how and why communism is one of the great evils that must be mercilessly fought and destroyed.
If you stay on this path, you will die along with all the other enemies of mankind.

You fucking retard. every god damn day there are these threads, and every god damn day there are retarded faggots such as yourself that believe any form of Communism is first, "different" and that these systems although tried and failed on many occasions will somehow play out differently if you try it your way.

To start off, anything "Anarcho" related should be automaticlly thrown into >>>trash as they have no business being on a board about politics and government ideologies, all these groups that fight for an anarcho state or always cry for "REVOLUTION" are nothing more than angsty 14 year old faggots that will grow up to either be neets or chads.

The other point I wish to make is that the promises of Communism(and yes, I use Communism as an umbrella term to mean all forms of Socialism, just to peepee in your face fgt)like free healthcare to owning the means of production are one big meme. Free healthcare is not free, I do not wish to have 60-80% of my income go to the Gov, so that Tyrone can get the buckshot removed from his chest. This promise of workers rights, owning the means of production, no evil gov, or capitalists to control you or be in a higher class than you is the exact opposite of what communism is in its end game. Communism creates a class of elites by having all the means of production under there control, so now unlike in America and the 1% that are super rich, in communism, these 1%rs now become legitimately an elite class above everyone else. The Government becomes a horrendous autocratic oligarchy that only caters to the one on top, and fucks everyone else.

tl;dr Grow the fuck up.

Again. This assumes I am communist. I am not. I am a guild socialist/de leonist.

I'm not for anarchy nor for state control.

Again. Your argument is disregarded. I know communism is shit. That's why I'm not communist.

You are literally having the same argument as other socialists!

>communism creates a class of elites by having all the means of production under there control

Otto Strasser and De Leon said the same exact thing.

Strasserists are not opposed to the state. Strasser wanted to organize the means of production into cooperatives but he also wanted to seize all private property and organize the cooperatives into guilds which would act similar to syndicates or fascist corporations. The heads of the guilds would elect a lifetime president. He also referred to this president as an elective monarch at least once in his book. Guild socialism comes in a variety of flavors. From it's more decentralized variant, to it's variant that is more like fascist corporatism in the sense that democracy is heavily controlled to prevent uneducated from voting on issues they don't understand.

Nobody said Ancapism isn't Jewish, if anything it's even more Jewish than Communism, the number of Jewish Ancaps is staggering considering the small size of the actual movement.

And I find nothing wrong with it.

Otto Strasser argues for Ususfruct.

I can't stand the libertarian nationalists.

I'm a National Socialist, why should I care for anything other than the third position?
Identity and resources have an equal amount of bearing on politics so why not factor in both?

I'm a strasserite. You know. A genuine national socialist.

Fair enough. I've also read Germany tomorrow. With that said, I was just pointing that out because while Otto Strasser talked about democracy a lot, he was talking about it in an authoritarian sense that is simultaneously both fascistic and socialistic. Fascistic in the in the way the means of production are organized into corporations and socialistic in the sense that the means of production are owned by the workers.

I'd also ask, how do you feel about Otto's views that particular European ethnicities each had certain attributes that made them unique? I'd also ask how you feel about his views on colonization of Africa? Because I feel that these stances are what made Strasserism stand out from basic bitch marxian socialism.

Im glad we're on the same page then

And again you miss the point that all forms of Communism no matter how different they start out all have the same endgame. Totalitarian rule of the few over the whole.

These Guilds would create the same system, just with a bit more middlemen. It would be similar to knights and lords in the middle ages. People that own the land and have the power and freedom while the rest are poor and have nothing. It pains me how obvious it is to see this outcome and how oblivious it is to you.

The Dream Team?

>jews can't steal your property if you can't own property

Socialist logic

You need to understand that Marxism is a historical outlook. Otto Strasser Denied this outlook and supported Oswald Spengler.

If you want the major difference then there it is.


>implying marx wasn't born and raised a protestant.

>The guild will support the same

No it won't because the guilds are self governing. The means of production is fragmented thus the state does not have and can never have totalitarian powers.

Guild socialism is where the workers elect a employer. The state is not the employer.

Read up.
I support Ususfruct and fiefs

All Communists and socialists want to get rid of private property, do you dispute this?

No I believe that communism is an unviable economic system that is embraced by losers who want the government taking care of them also stay on leftypol faggot

I support it.

Well, as far as I know, he rejected Marx's liberal view of history as a whole and thought that Marxism came about in a time where society was inherently liberal. As far as I was able to read into it, it seems like he may have had a cyclical view of history in this sense but I'm not a mind reader and I'm just basing this off of what I read in Germany tomorrow so I can't say for sure.
Private property as a concept is Jewish in nature in the sense that it arose out of the modernist revolutions when the (((merchant class))) replaced the aristocracy as the ruling class. At that point, property became a "sacred right".

>Doesn't understand your enemy.

What's it like to be too scared to go outside your ideology?

>end Fed
>decentralization of power
We can kill each other after

Private property is inherently internationalist.

Marx is a Jew and is surrounded by a crowd of little, more or less intelligent, scheming, agile, speculating Jews, just as Jews are everywhere, commercial and banking agents, writers, politicians, correspondents for newspapers of all shades; in short, literary brokers, just as they are financial brokers, with one foot in the bank and the other in the socialist movement, and their arses sitting upon the German press. They have grabbed hold of all newspapers, and you can imagine what a nauseating literature is the outcome of it.
Now this entire Jewish world, which constitutes an exploiting sect, a people of leeches, a voracious parasite, Marx feels an instinctive inclination and a great respect for the Rothschilds. This may seem strange. What could there be in common between communism and high finance? Ho ho! The communism of Marx seeks a strong state centralization, and where this exists there must inevitably exist a state central bank, and where this exists, there the parasitic Jewish nation, which speculates upon the labor of the people, will always find the means for its existence.
In reality, this would be for the proletariat a barrack regime, under which the workingmen and the working closely and intimately connected with one another, regarless not only of frontiers but of political differences as well - this Jewish world is today largely at the disposal of Marx or Rothschild. I am sure that, on the one hand, the Rothschilds appreciate the merits of Marx, and that on the other hand, women, converted into a uniform mass, would rise, fall asleep, work and live at the beat of the drum; the privilege of ruling would be in the hands of the skilled and the learned, with a wide scope left for profitable crooked deals carried on by the Jews, who would be attracted by the enormous extension of the international speculations of the national banks." Bakunin

with all the shilling, i am starting to wonder if all these "perfect posts" are bots
for all the (((anons))) looking at lefty pol, YOU HAVE TO GO BACK

>commies want to rob me of my farm

this is jewlywood propaganda

Of course, capitalism is and always will be a globalist ideology but I also feel this way about communism. The latter is the lesser of two evils but that's not saying much. With that said, had the USSR won the cold war I think the U.S. would have balkanized into socialist ethno-states and the world would be much less degenerate than it is today.

>class/income are objectively measurable, and have objectively measurable consequences on people's living conditions..

>As Opposed to Race, Gender, ethnicity, Religion, etc. etc. which get really fucking difficult to quantify and are important only in highly specific scenarios.

Shitler betrayed the Strasserites, btw.

Every single leftist movement is the same. You can name it all fancy and claim that the other 200 times it failed was because it wasn't 'real socialism' or your unique brand of socialism, but it will always result in complete failure because the foundation is garbage.

I understand you fucks perfectly I was one of you for a long time you are failures who want the government to subsidize your shitty life choices with the labor of those who actually went out and did something.

Fuck off, you commie rat.

They're retarded. Their ideology is based on resentment, not logic, that's why they're so hypocritical.

>I was one of you for a long time
>shitkid joins a commie club with other shitkids
>thinks he understands anything
>thinks he "grew up" when he left
Your kind is the fucking worst.


Communism goes directly against human nature. It will never be sustainable, nor successful.

I used to be a devout ancap then a devout fascist.

Now I basically left fascism after the anfags took over with their cancer.










>implying race and gender arnt biological absolutes that can measured
And they say your board is full of retards


Ancaps are closet fascists.

So they're a bunch of retards?

Not an argument lead

the Class War is the aristocracy vs the rest (0.1 vs. 99.99)

>Autistic screeching

Majority of the replies on here are just simple memes.

This is what I expected.

Works of people such as Hitler and Spengler say otherwise. This form of Socialism would make for a decentralized sovereign state however. Liberties and freedom are given from peoples with power to peoples who have less power. This is the way it has been in every Human society. There are always people in positions of power and it is from these people the liberties and rights are decided, implementing this way of thinking to your Guild socialism, the power would fall in the hands of the lifelong elected leaders of the Guild, who just so happen to control the land, the production and in essence the people of that guild. You can see how easily a person in this position can strip the rights and liberties of the people at will, Evan in NatSoc, particularly the third Reich, If the Fuhrer began making decision s that the whole disagreed with, another Fuhrer would take his place, and even in the third reich where the fuhrer was in more or less in complete control, almost all industries were privatized and could not simply be seized by the powers that be. Unlike in your Guild Socialist ideology.

At least fascists were smart enough to realize capitalism is shit.

Sup Forums doesn't represent fascism. I'm still a Strasserist but I associate more with fascists than communists because they rejected potential allies because of their irrational hatred for nationalism. Some of them were all right but there were a lot of autists in the left.

Back to r/T_D

>Private property is inherently internationalist.

Clearly, all the shilling you did for leftypol obfuscates this core idea that all socialists and communists have. They do not believe in the right to own property, i.e. private property. So pragmatically speaking, it means you want to steal all my property and redistribute to people you deem deserving of it. After all, how else will you abolish private property if not through wealth redistribution?

So I repeat myself
>you can defeat the jews easily, just give up the right to own property and they won't be able to steal from you

Communism and socialism _are_ jewish, this is indisputable.

Hay Brrrrrrrrr quick grab parachute





amazon.com/None-Dare-Call-Conspiracy-Allen/dp/1939438004/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1493676596&sr=8-1&keywords=none dare call it a conspiracy


>against capitalism
You're being rused

I'm sure the homeless are loving the private property.


>reddit formatting

Opinion disregarded, saged

/leftypol/ is a small fringe group actually. The average "communist" is a sub-human Antifa member. These people are ARE radicals who have little to no thinking ability. It's all a shame to have a group of people who you agree with.

These people wouldn't last 10 days under communism, kek

You are such a child