You have 10 seconds to refute the scientific FACT that gender is a spectrum

You have 10 seconds to refute the scientific FACT that gender is a spectrum.

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Hi slide thread. Kill yourself. Don't bump this shit.

Sexuality is. Just like autism it varies but some are more fucked up then others. Gender is chromosomes xx or xy that determine male and female.

>scientists once believed the earth was flat

You have 10 seconds to refute the scientific FACT that niggers can function in a white society.

Sage faggot.

Fucking gender science deniers, smdh

Gender and Sex and synonymous. Sex isn't a spectrum, therefore neither is Gender.

Show me a tranny dog or chimp

What was the purpose of the Asian with the giraffe head thing?

Too easy


Scientists in the modern sense of the word didn't exist until the 17th century

>No Evidence other than "MUH FEELIN'S!"

Can a spectrum consist of two things? Yes it can.

Hivemind beat me to it.

99% of human beings are born with EITHER a penis OR a vagina. Checkmate



You can define gender as whatever you want it to mean.
It makes the word useless, though.


>gender is a spectrum
>but race is not

Sure! Let me shoot you in the dick or vagina (whatever the case may be) with a rubber bullet and see if you still feel like hanging on to your made up gender.

And the other mongoloids have both

I don't have to explain shit until you can explain the seemingly arbitrary difference between sex and gender.

Fuck, guess bill nye is right.


to make it an enjoyable kids show

Stop spreading this photoshop. Makes us look bad.

the word sex is often improperly used to mean gender
genes genesis anthropoGenic generate
gen means beginning or origin
gender literally means the way you were born, the way you started, as in you were born and the doctor said "it's a boy"

Making shit up doesn't make it a spectrum. You're born either a boy or a girl. If you're born with fucked up chromosomes you have a birth defect.

Nothing wrong with the tactical use of fake news, the other side doesn't play fair so we shouldn't either. Auntie Jean on Faceberg will tut disapprovingly when she sees that comparison, she's not going to read the long winded debunking underneath.


Sex and gender have been used interchangeably for years (and still are for the most part). It was only a few years ago that I noticed liberals making a fuss about how we were all supposed to just know that they're similar-but-separate concepts, it's utterly absurd.

You don't tie your dick into a pretzel, say "I'm pretzelqueer", and now that gender scientifically exists, faggot.

Le 90's Science Man spewing this obvious bullshit doesn't make him automatically correct just because you watched him in your elementary school science class when your teacher was too lazy to actually teach you anything, either.

>Nothing wrong with the tactical use of fake news
Stop, nigger. Facts speak for themselves. No sense in presenting a fabricated story into which holes can be punched by liberal retards.

This kid is a trap now IRL

>scientific FACT that gender is a spectrum.
You know you're arguing semantics, right?

>Gender-the state of being male or female (typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones).

>Sex-either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and many other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions.

It is a spectrum, because it's just a personal thing. Idk why people get so worked up about it, it's completely different then sex. Nobody is saying sex is a spectrum, they're saying gender is a spectrum. Which it is.

>this thread

>You have 10 seconds to refute the scientific FACT that gender is a spectrum.
No it isn't. Mission accomplished.


Playing fair is what got us into our present situation. You can't win a fair fight when your enemy is fighting dirty.

Their motto is "By Any Means Necessary", and they live it.

The truth is on our side, but winning is more important than always telling the truth, and if a tactical lie will help us win, then it should be used.


Having said that, things like that should be used on low-information people, eg. normies on facebook, people who get a little thrill of outrage and then move on, not on more high-information people.


>now end yourself

What are the names of all these genders?

And they don't exist today either. Just a bunch of priest classes waving around state-approved papers that no one checks for accuracy

(((global warming)))

(((They))) are great at dividing the goyim into factions and turning them against one another.

>Oy Vey!!! Listen up goyim. Everyone has a different gender so go fight each other while we program your kids to change genders and take tranny pills.



>You don't tie your dick into a pretzel, say "I'm pretzelqueer", and now that gender scientifically exists, faggot.

I'm stealing this you pretzeldicked faggot

>HuffPo found this video and bumped up the likes

Politicians, journalists and scientists are the same variety of whore.
Scientists are the worst totalitarian turds in modern history.
Nye isn't a scientist, or even a technician.
He's not even a engineer of any great qualification or repute. He's a media presenter/bendy headed tape worm

Late into this but I'm going to give my two cents.

According to liberals gender is a social construct.

A social construct cannot be a science therefore it is not a scientific fact that gender is a spectrum.

IF we apply Okrams razor to the gender debate, supposing that both sides hold equally valid points it is much more simple of an argument to go with biology - an actually science and argue the opposition.

Go back to Tumbler, normie.



Tfw you realize you've never seen a legit pic of any person with both a penis and a vagina, despite all the porn you've seen.

A lot of people were expecting cool science experiments while getting educated on the various sciences of the world, only to find some Amy Schumer expy nobody's ever heard of rubbing her bagel with lox on stage while singing a terrible song about jerking off strangers.

If gender is a social construct, it can't be a scientific fact. A social construct is, by definition, something that humans made up.

Science is dead and (((they))) have killed it.

You see there are these things called chromosomes of which there are only tow possible health combinations and these determine your gender

Wow nigger faggot wait to steal my point XDDDDDD

damn well not even they could upvote sex junk


Of the 54516 mammal species 54515 have 2 genders.

One mammal species can't seem to get over itself.

Burn in hell for putting Bill Nye the fake science guy in the same picture with Galileo.

That is an apples to oranges comparison. It's like comparing Sylvester Stallone with Mad Dog Maddis because Sly played John Rambo.


99.97% of people experience gender and sex as the same thing. They identify as their sex and do not see their gender separate from their sex.
.3% of people experience gender and sex separately. This rare set of people suffer from a mental health syndrome clinically defined as Gender Dysphoria.

Gender Dysphoria (known popularly as transgenderism) is a rare egosyntonic mental health syndrome that is characterized by the following symptoms: experiencing sex and gender separately, depression, anxiety, distress, acute discomfort, suicidal thoughts, and body dysmorphia.

Current treatment for Gender dysphoria is psychiatric counseling as the foundation, coupled with reinforcing therapies known as 'transitioning' which allow the sufferer to take on the appearance of the opposite sex in order to relieve their symptoms.
Gender Dysphoria patients must be clinically diagnosed by a psychiatrist before 'transitioning' treatments can be prescribed. Psychiatric counseling takes place concurrently to 'transitioning' and is ongoing through and after transitioning. 'Transitioning' helps patients short term by providing them some relief from their symptoms of depression, anxiety, suicidal thoughts and body dysmorphia. However, after transitioning, suicide rates climb back up to pre-transitioning levels. Many hospitals and doctors will no longer perform sexual reassignment surgery for the reason it is not effective long term.

Some studies have shown that if the patient is given psychiatric counseling but not the reinforcing cosmetic therapies, that the Dysphoria may resolve on its own. The American College of Pediatricians has shown that when Gender Dysphoria occurs in pre-pubescent children, that the synrome resolves in the vast majority of patients by late adolescence. Their work is summarized at

The end is Nye

Also this isn't a real tranny just Wayne Brady in drag.

Its time that people stop using Gender and Gender Identity interchangeably. These are two separate concepts. Gender is biologically determined by DNA and for humans is binary male/female. It is impossible to change gender in post natal environment it is hard coded in the body. Gender Identity is personality, brain chemistry, Feeling, Social norms all of which are subject to change. all of these factors are on spectrum of masculine - feminine.

So you are saying that society is disemboweling it's science, educational and social culture over 0.3% of the population that experiences "Gender Dysphoria", a mental disorder?

I don't want to be like that nigger with the shirt saying "I did not evolve," I want to be genetically superior to those heterosexuals by forcefully incurring my own evolution, through "butt stuff"

Pretty sure that's what's implied.

Why do men and women dress differently?

Is there a sound reason for that, or isn't it just tradition?

people should just stop saying gender and instead say sex, there fixed it.

Gender has to do with personality, like whether you are assertive and masculine or submissive and feminine.

That doesn't seem to be what people are changing when they become "trans-gender."

Rather, they are changing their physical appearance.

A lot of this has to do with changing their clothes, hair, makeup, etc.

But it also has to do with changing breasts, body hair, and genitals.

Those are physical things. Those are biological sex, not gender.

These "trans-genders" are actually "trans-sexuals."

They are trying to change their sex, not their gender.

this is ideological junk science all the way. Gender is a construct, sex is the only thing that exists physically. Most of these studies are done by people who dont recognize the concept of the spirit. This is why people are mutilating themselves there living as disembodied beings unable to recognize that as spirit you can envision yourself as anything but it is the body that grounds you and limits your expectations. Living in harmony with the body and spirit can relieve body dysphoria but it takes work. Something the medical industrial doesnt give a shit about.

Incorrect - Sex is whether you are male or female, and gender is how you identify as one or the other. Hence there is only 2 sexes and genders of which you can identify as.

10 seconds to blow your brains out

Incorrect. Sex and gender are synonomous. Gender EXPRESSION is how you "identify" as one or another. Faggots, however, have erased the distinction of "expression" because they need to manipulate people into believing that they are what they pretend to be. Your sex is male. Your gender is man. Your gender expression is man pretending to be woman.

Tell me why gender is a spectrum.


You've got the burden of proof, not I.

>I can do it in 8 seconds



No they didnt ever since anicent greeks people know the earth is a sphere


It's an unfalsifiable hypothesis created by a demented pedophile to facilitate his abuse of children under the guise of science.

Because my vagina has its own voice.

Yeah, it's called a queef, Rachel.

Refuted by Bono.

You have 10 seconds to prove it scientifically.

he is a mechanical engineer not a biologist

>2 genders

It's really simple. Two fingers, two chromosomes, two genders.

Reproductive sex in humans requires that 1 sperm inseminate 1 egg. For each requirement, our species has a gender, defined by the presence of 2 distinctly separate reproductive organs.

benis in bagina


2 genders

>All this time spent arguing because the academic definition of Gender is different than the common usage

Academics uses plenty of Jargon and literally nobody has ever complained. The academic definition of Theory is completely different from the common usage, for example.

Just accept that they use the word differently and that it's okay. The argument should be about the facts not about the choice of language.