
>Trump tweets about Andrew Jackson seeing a civil war coming with no context
>Trump compares himself to Andrew Jackson
>tensions and divide higher than ever

It's happening boys

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Just do the rest of the world a favor and kill yourselves burgers.


Trump is just shitposting, let him shitpost

Dude...did Donald Trump seriously just make a controversial tweet?? It's. Happening. Now.


Shiiit. Is "the old Trump" coming back?

“Well, you know, I love to read. Actually, I’m looking at a book, I’m reading a book, I’m trying to get started. Every time I do about a half a page, I get a phone call that there’s some emergency, this or that. But we’re going to see the home of Andrew Jackson today in Tennessee and I’m reading a book on Andrew Jackson. I love to read." —Donald Trump to Fox News’ Tucker Carlson, March 15, 2017

Oompa Loompa Doopity Pissbed

Please let it fucking happen.

I believe a civil war is inevitable. Not between states, but like recent protests but with guns and bombs. I wouldn't attend large rallies or conventions. Too risky. Sad, but true. Don't want bloodshed

Maybe he sees one coming that he should prevent. What does he see?

He's trying to shift the overton window more than it already has. Madman.

>implying that ending slavery was a bad thing
wtf, i hate trump now

Bannon and Mencius Moldbug are behind this entire Andrew Jackson subtle redpilling of Trump. It's literally the most unbelievable thing I've ever seen

They see and are taking their one shot at a return to proper monarchism using Trump to re-start it as he is literally the only human being with the larger than life persona and charisma alive today to pull it off in a country the size of USA. That and his already established and long future lineage makes him the clearly ideal choice.

Dear God. Kek truly wills all these great things to come

He is such a fucking moron, it's pathetic. Every day he proves himself to be dumber than I previously thought he was the day before.

>Would never let it happen!

we could march on DC.... but Trump won

he messed up Jackson with Jefferson:

>That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.


hahaha that's the dem's problem apparently.

To smart to win.


did the left actively hate andrew jackson before Trump liked him or what?


The less of you, the better

Yes he's generally considered one of the worst presidents by the left, this isn't new

He knows what the Deep State has planned because the NSA is listening.

This was a warning to them, don't try it, I know what's happening and he would NEVER LET IT HAPPEN.

They won't listen, so buckle up, Trump is going to BTFO the fucking SHIT out of them.

better watch out drumpy-doodles
we armed and ready for you alt wrongers

What did he mean by this? No really, what the fuck was the motivation behind this tweet.

No he didn't. Look up the Nullification Crisis

It's the extra chromosome that makes antifa into super-warriors.

Despite efforts we have been divided. However we are a stable nation on the whole that hasn't had a major rebellion in over a century we are not on the verge of a rebellion.

Soros and the deep state et al. can muster some really impressive numbers when they want though. Look at the anarchy they created on Nov. 8 or on Inauguration Day.

>Reading a book on Jackson
>Talks about dismantling the banks
Fuck yes. Destroy the fed, ship the Native Americans out (including Mexishits), BTFO limp wristed coastal opposition.

Also we must restore our greatest President's rightful place on the 20.

Just reread this:

Wars start not due to catalysts, but pre-existing tensions. If there are time travelers that go back and prevent the catalysts, ( and maybe even the discovery of time travel itself ) then a war could be pushed further and further back in the new timelines they create where the catalysts were prevented.

So.. Time travelers warned about Y2K. Disaster averted. Maybe other disasters were averted. In his timeline maybe Gore won. It was close. Wavering support for Israel causes their enemies to attack, Samson Option.

Somehow Gore does something to provoke Oklahoma City bombing types. Maybe another attack? Influx of Muslim refugees from radioactive desert lands left by Israel's Samson Option? I'm guessing.

Soon we are in a civil war with the leftists in charge of the government and the Cities.

Russia may even have helped instigate it. They love to do shit like that.

Maybe this government acts against Russia in the midst of an urban vs rural civil war ( maybe not taken seriously enough as such ) helping out the rural side by nuking the cities.

This is all prevented by Titor or other time travelers. Possibly they cause Bush to win, and 9/11 happens and we are on this timeline.

But the forces in play remain. Another trigger can set off a civil war. Another trigger can set off a Middle East war.

Consider: They scrapped the SCC in the 90s. Time Travelers could have been at work to prevent/delay the discovery of time travel physics.

>comparing a Harvard lawyer to a rube

Just about every other day I see a trump quote online, and I think, "this can't possibly be real" and then it is. Sad!

Ok, pol...I'm sure that most of us here already know that we have still been in a civil war but a quiet one and now that it has become an everyday occurrence we pay no attention to it unless we hear tanks in 30min or a fireing squad in the town square.
My point is that we people of America will fight over just about anything now and an armed civil war is not far around the corner...I hear the gun fire and see the smoke but no direction of where it's confirmed.

nah, he's just being fucking retarded.

The only people engaged in this war we're having are us, other far-right groups and ANTIFA/Communists in general.

I'd join the cause just for the chance to purge communists and kikes.

More like the rube he played in public to attract working-class whites. Could've done the same thing to his cringeworthy attempts at ebonics.

But seriously wtf are you doing here defending Barry Hussein?

Meant to say Russia helps out the rural side. Typo.

i don't know where a civil war puts me
i hate you authoritarian fags that spout muh degeneracy
i also hate antifa fags who swing bike locks and stab people for having an opinion

plan on going inawoods with my gold and pot seeds if you retards decide to start a civil war

Pretty much. Dude hated Native Americans, but that was pretty common back then so it's kind of retarded to hate him for that since it's not looking at things in a proper historical context.

he commented history, Jefferson spoke about fundamental rights (and duties) relevant today.

We'll be coming down to you once we've dealt with the filth here paco.

This is really true the more I think about it. People are getting more and more confrontational in public, we're having Euro-style political riots, families are being torn apart. This shit has changed with Trump and it's not going to settle down until it comes to a head.

I think the more conservatives wake up to white identity (inevitable thanks to mass immigration) conflict will become inevitable.

This is the entire problem with the Globalist / Communist / NWO vision. Nothing ever has a true final vision. I dont even think they do. It's amorphous what they want the future to look like they just know it's different than this. History demands conclusive, culminating moments or events. (((They))) tried to stop those after WWII. It can't hold.

You almost never hear such admiration for Andrew Jackson.

Nah man. I refuse to believe our armed forces would kill their own people, but I might be being naive. Even if there was a people's rebellion, they wouldn't be able to fight against tanks and jets and infantrymen armed to the teeth with automatic weapons. The army/navy/Air Force would have to splinter apart for there to be any significant conflict.


Go back to deadit and worship your affirmative action community organizer. Did Obama ever do anything in the free market? Except have someone write two autobiogrpahies before he was even forty lol

I knew voting Trump was the right decision.

Soros backed off of his paid BLM agitators after the election because they began assassinating cops.
I wish Trump had had the FBI drag Soros' treacherous, warmongering old ass to a jail cell, but Trump has been to skittish to tear the tumor out. He hasn't put Hillary in a cell either since if the Clintons go down they're going to go down screaming the name of all the crooked assholes in Washington and Wall Street.

The last time we had a civil war, the president was on their side.

This time the president is on our side.

It's a whole different ballgame.

The fact that Trump has chosen Jackson to model is presidency after says a lot, I'm hoping he's willing to follow Old Hickory's lead and tell the courts and banks to go fuck themselves at some point.

it's funny that i get this meme but i feel like i shouldnt

Checking the purge

Hitler was elected too and he lost. Just sayin

it won't be a civil war, it will be a race war

sh-shut up!

If we have a civil war between the left and right with Trump as president, the government will easily win. The majority of the military will side with the government. If the same were to happen under a lefty president, it would be a different story as parts of the military (Guard, conscientious active duty troops) would probably side with the right wing rebellion like last time.

The goal in this case is clear. Destroy the superpower that controls the world without rival. The US could easily destroy hostile powers, and on multiple fronts. The only way to destroy such an enemy is to corrupt it from within.

Maybe he was forced into shilling for the NEOComs with that false gasS attack. So he says fuck it, civil war it is then ?

I wish we'd get a civil war but we never will. People aren't angry enough to take up arms.

commies never change

god damn i love this guy

Are you willing to die for this Zionist piece of shit Sup Forums? Will you be a pawn of ZOG?

>Trump has chosen Jackson to model is presidency after says a lot
Did he come up with that idea or was it Bannon who came up with the comparison?

>fucking shits

I hope trump's not like Jackson. As much of a badass as he was, he was a shitty president

>nation has been federalized and centralized for 150 years
>thinks an actual civil war is possible


Can anyone suggest a good movie/book on andrew jackson?

>thinks an actual civil war is possible
You don't know us. We won't try to kill each other over secession. We'll try to kill each other over control.

That's cute you tire tread wearing slant eyed prick mother fucker

He's getting ready to break that we're not replacing him if the $20 bill.

Sorry niggers, no buying your your crack by the 'tubs.

Lol, America is the world superpower. Even if we have shitty citizens and our government is fucked up, might makes right. Stop being jelly.

factually inaccurate

I hate all the blackpilled faggots like you who post about how we would be crushed by the military. Do you think Iraq or ISIS is high tech you fucking nigger?

150 years ain't shit

Who's going to interfere?

Trump has the military and police on his side.

The other side, some pet Nogs/Spics, and some havens in Cali, NYC and whatnot.

Germany lost because it waged war against a several peers.

Mexico invades Cali and Texas? Mexico would be BTFO beyond all recognition.

how so?

Since when did Viets became this based?

KEK has foretold this

As fun as it is to be very brazen and stubborn, his lack of cooperatio with congress led to a very overall ineffectual leadership. He handled the nullification crisis poorly and this would be a driving force for the civil war. Also destroying the central bank fucked over the US economy. He was more concerned with "fuck the elite" than actual economics.

how did it fuck over the economy?

good, economics is a scam. just let me keep my own cows and drink raw milk without SWAT raids, economy can fuck itself

You are making many asumptions.

May retired generals, especially old enoug to remember WWII don't like Trump and his facists views. Besides, didn't police in sanctuary cities already refused to collaborate with ICE?


Why did we not just nuke you, roach?

Want us to kill half your population again slinty?

>Implying this is not a necessary although painful step to actual self determination and freedom

You probably think actual planes hit the towers on 9/11, don't you.

no, they got fucked hard in texas

Found the banker.
What are you implying satan?

Of course, it must have been Bannon.

Remember, Trump is only a puppet of whatever some random faggot queer conspiritard is scared of/has a hard on for of this week.

Trump can never be his own man. He's not an ultra-successful alpha male. There is always someone in the shadows that only the conspiritard can see; someone only the wise conspiritard keeps trying to warn us lowly plebs and sheeple about.

first fp is best bp

I'm sorry to do this to you.

want to lose to farmers again Tronald?

Trail of Tears 2.0