When did you first have racist thoughts Sup Forums

When did you first have racist thoughts Sup Forums

You don't just "have racist thoughts." It's a culmination of life experiences.

When I came to Sup Forums

Is this Antifa doing all this shitty-low-tier anti-black posts today?

Try harder, faggots.

I don't have racist thoughts but I understand statistics.

I was 16 years old walking home from school. We had learned about evolution in biology class that day, and I came to the realization that if humanity wanted to progress to the stars as fast as humanly possible, then Hitler should have won and strict eugenics programs should be widely implemented.

Since at least kindergarten, when a smelly brown kid named Jorge shat in his seat.

op here. not antifa. i was initially going to post a longer op about when i first had racist thoughts but decided to be more open-ended at first

obv no way of proving this but you'll have to take my word for it.

In kindergarten when one of the kids was from Colombia. that nigger didn't look or act like the rest of us. Always lying and stealing. Then I met a Somali 2 years later and he was even worse. honestly they have no redeeming qualities

>Try harder, faggots
take your own advice, retard. fooling literally nobody.

I used to be a tolerant young lad, but after a learned about the 1919 revolution and BLM became more popular I started to get annoyed


when I let pol warp my perception of reality during a tough time in my life.

I'm glad it's over and I can just cringe at you schizophrenic retards

When i was about 7 years old and had to deal with niggers are church that pissed me off.

Ah fuck that was such a long time go.

when i first saw a black

When I grew up in southern Arizona and spics and nigger were being, well, spics and niggers.

godDAMN niggers are ugly

jesus fucking christ

also >9 dollars for that horseshit

this makes me not want to move to phoenix

it was summer I was about to start Jr high
I was walking from the park when I saw a Mexican kid getting bullied by a black guy for not being able to speak English
I thought it was just me being angry at a bully but I realized it started a hatred
My first thought was how could this nigger make fun of this spic at least he's a nice kid
The kid has an excuse to be horrible at English but the black Kid talks like a retard and he's from here
And then it started
Like lightning my mind opened to the next level I realized I was angry at this other older black kid from going into his house through a window and not using his door
No other race just this rude one with no manners in percentage it was greater

My grandmother taught me that the Spanish were beautiful people but racemixing with savages created an ugly mestizo bastard race. I was 6.

>op here.

Yeah we know dipshit, we have thread IDs

Get more training from your manager then try again


Hah, when I was 5 years old and the one black kid in my little country school of 30 was constantly stealing things and fighting me. Not like I hated the guy, ended up going to the same boxing club and being fairly friendly. But I always knew it wasn't a meme.


>obv no way of proving this but you'll have to take my word for it.
You just proved that you don't belong here, fuck off nigger



I was fairly ambivalent to them until Michael Brown, then when I saw them chimp out, block the roads, and destroy the city, I realized that they're just not compatible with our society.

I imagine it's how people felt watching the LA riots back in the day.

When I was kicked in the face at 7 years old by hawaiians because of the color of my skin.

What a bullshit picture.

They probably stopped by McDonalds after the wedding.

Fuck yourself OP


Racism is a natural defensive trait. It's nothing wrong with it. You have two kind of people, the ones that are outright racist and the ones who lie.

In elementary school there were black kids that were misbehaving 99% of every day, constantly suspended or expelled, and always under tight supervision from teachers. They misbehaved more than anyone else in school and when I tried to be friends they would either threaten me or steal from me or teach me "bad words" and stuff that would get me in trouble so I've avoided them ever since

that's the pastiest nigger ive ever seen

like the animal kingdom our brain collects what is friendly and what is not and categorizes it to prevent harm from other species and sub species
Sometimes it's not even just race it's a nose or a persons eyebrows That link to examples of others who did stupid shit around you

When I went to /gif/ and couldn't get a good fap going because of all the bestiality that has become the norm on that board.

>Africans are the only true sub-species

Jesus. Why don't we keep them in zoos again?

>three or four years old
>noticed black kids where stupider than me, more violent, and smellier
>Dad informed me that black people are not to be trusted, and that white people are all around better and more useful to society
>It was a common sentiment back in those days, most children I knew felt the same way
>couple faggot kids were libs, became more pronounced in high school
>Stupid day of silence shit for gay bashing victims, "Gay? Fine by Me." shirts everywhere
>All kids that were good, upstanding students were suddenly into rap, hip hop, and degeneracy
>I was immune to this due to living out in the middle of nowhere next to 4 russian families that I hated with a passion (still hate Russians to this day, they're just as bad as niggers)
>While the isolation temporarily saved me from degeneracy, it fostered autism and social retardation
>I got made fun of for being a christian and a virgin
>would read my bible in study hall and people would pick on me for it
>Was on Sup Forums briefly in 2007, was red pilled, but got a computer virus and never went on the site again until
>Came back in 2011 briefly due to looking at Sup Forums shit on reddit
>Went to college and got a healthy dose of liberal indoctrination
>became okay with blacks, spics, poos, fags, drug use, and dating/ sleeping with whores
>Feminism and transgenderism never sat right with me though, and that inevitably led me back to the red pill
>Started going on Sup Forums again after friend showed me the video of the naked pirate man kicking bad guys with his dick flopping around
>Led me back to Sup Forums
>Never noticed the Jew before, finally connect the dots (I knew about the evil of the illuminati and the federal reserve from my father, but he's one of those Christians that think of Jews as God's chosen)
>Now hate Jews, Nigger, and spics with a passion as a group, but still allow people to prove their character to me on an individual basis
>Have white, good red pilled gf

When the white girl I liked in HS started dating a nigger.

I became a lot more racist when Obama was president. I think it's because niggers became a lot more annoying.

High school when the two black girls were super fucking loud all the time. After that it was when I lived in Chicago. Had a lot of bad experiences with black people, but I started realizing it was mostly poor people that I had issues with as I had many problems with poor white people too.

lol, faggot

I went to a grammar school here in the UK. A grammar school is a type of state school that has selective entry requirements to basically skim all the smart kids and save them from the terrible fate that would befall them in the shitty comprehensive schools.

Anyways, as you can imagine, such a school is pretty low in black students. In fact, in my whole year group there was only one. He was seated next to me in every lesson, since out surnames were alphabetically adjacent.

This kid didn't belong here. I don't know how he got accepted, but it must have been some 'positive discrimination' bullshit because this guy was out of place. He was a dumb fuck, firstly, and secondly he was a violent troublemaker who seemed to live to cause ruckus. He once brought in a pellet gun and almost blinded one of his dumb wigger cronies. Once he vandalised the school's trophy cabinet, smashing it all up for no reason. He also invented this 'game' of smacking people in the face with a ruler and making sound effects while doing it. I had to tolerate that shit for 3 fucking years before he was eventually expelled for smoking cannabis behind the bike shed, with some other deadbeats.

The one thing that really pissed me off about him was how fucking loud he was, in everything he did. Talking, eating, laughing. It was just obnoxiously loud. I honestly couldn't help but develop racist thoughts through my experience with this unpleasant negroid.

Anyways, cut to 10 years latet, I read his name in the newspaper and he's been arrested as an accomplice in a murder. Was driving the getaway car. What a tool

First grade. The only kids who bullied me were black. I remember going home and telling my mom that I hate black people, and she told me to never say that again because it's "not nice," which confused me since I was clearly the victim in the situation. I suppressed my racist thoughts until I was 19 years old and would travel by foot alone at night frequently. Every time somebody tried to start trouble with me, it was either a black person or a Mexican. Never a white person.

As a very young boy. School swim classes the black kid smelled weird before and after we showered and cleaned up after lessons.

When I started going to elementary school, and could smell a black kid

Literally went home that day and asked my parents why black people smell bad and was met with funny looks.

when i joined this fine community of intellectuals!

now seriously, we need to line up some jews, some niggers, some totally not funny germans and some gardener gurus from mexico.
FUCK OFF is the cause

when my friends literally said they wish they were niggers because niggers are "superior".

honestly probably around sketch people. sketch people will freak me out regardless but I think I notice black people quicker. I don't think I'm racist just classiest in the fact I feel like homeless people might mug me....

Either when a group of blacks sang to us for chapel for black history month and I wondered what was so special about blacks, why did we have a black history month and not a Greek one etc? This was a long time ago and I was relatively new to the US.
Or, when I walked by a black girl dropping out of her Computer Science major in maybe the second course, or second year. Either way I thought, what?, it's not /that/ hard.

When I met blacks.

When I smelled a black person for the first time, it would be racist to point out the pattern i started to notice

As a child growing up in California. I was raised very much against the idea of racial differences but by my preteens I was convinced that non whites were incapable of feeling love or other human emotions.

I always had some racist thoughts but never with malicious Intent. Then I discovred Sup Forums and I physical felt all the government bux going to waste that were supposed to keep me from being somewhat right wing. Feels good man, desu.

I was a little kid at the time of the LA riots, but I knew even then. Its probably part of why I'm a prepper, today.

One of my earliest memories of seeing anything on the news was the LA riots. A major American city burned to the ground.

Says the germanic pig that his ancestors raped/killed rome and its people and killed native americans

Fuck off

first day of school in my life

when black people told me i was a bad person because im white

Good shooting mister, but you're already too late.

i went to a white highschool and college, but when i got to grad school it was like 35% black, until then i just kind of thought "whatever" about race. then blacks told me i have white privilege and im responsible for black oppression and i can't act like myself around them cause i have to not "trigger" them. shiiiiiiit, i liked it better when you weren't around. meanwhile all a black person has to say is "we're not considering race blah blah blah, i just feel blah blah blah" and they get applauded and get A's and the teachers love em. Meanwhile i do shit tons of research and try to make informed contributions, and im considered an uppity and neurotic stickler. I swear to God i do more work and get hated on for it, they do less and are loved. that's fucking BLACK privilege.
>b-b-b-but muh police brutality, muh systematic racism
shut the fuck up

>native Americans
Fucking kek, stay mad lad.

Just observing how dumbass niggers can be

when i got beaten up by muslims over and over again.
But I'm black tho... maybe i deserved it

Im not, lad :)

You're quite blatantly rectally ravaged about dead injuns.

I didn't know what a racist was until a nigger kid called me one for telling him no cuts. Then again by the principal for literally throwing the nigger kid in the trash.

I was just pointing out that germanics arent victims and that they arent good people

It was more than 20 years ago. I was a kid and noticed that there was something hostile about moors. I got more racist as I grew up, having to fight with some moors and gypsies. Never had a problem with blacks tho, as there weren't many.
I became leftist as I grew up (the political environment of the planet was quite different) and "matured" (or rather became indoctrinated) out of racism, only to come back at it again when I was an adult.

I don't remember when was the first time that I visited Sup Forums , but I was already redpilled on race and women, not so much about the JQ

Birth. If my dad knew what Sup Forums was he would never leave

Nigger tried to sell me cough syrup at a field trip to the museum of natural history

I was 14

>I was just pointing out
because you're furious and can't stop beating the keys in retaliation like a low iq monkey?

Who said anything about being the victims?
As well if we weren't "good people" we would be the only people. Fact is that we've the greatest potential for empathy and compassion of any people which is by far our greatest weakness.

All the time. I was wondering why bombing happened by Muslims and why Africa is so shit since forever.

I'm Latino. I became racist after going to a ghetto middle school and high school full of illegal Mexicans and Blacks and putting up with their shit for seven years. Whites are fine, but you faggots need to gas the cucks and social justice cunts.

First time I saw a nigger when I was a little kid. I thought they were diseased, smelly, and stupid.

Best game ever!


Ok, nigger


I was forced to go to a public school full of niggers 2nd-5th grade, the school placed a lot of emphasis on black history and telling white children how ashamed they should be of slavery and civil rights abuses. One day walking home I was jumped by 6 niggers for no reason. The niggers were shiftless, stupid, smelled horrible,were completely unable to learn anything in school, however later I moved to a more southern school and honestly white rednecks were roughly the same types of people.

Thats his point.

it takes some time to undo the brainwashing


When I was a kid, I watched the reality show Survivor. My parents would let me stay up past my bedtime to watch it, so I never missed an episode.

This one time, they divided the contestants into 4 tribes based on race (white, black, Asian, Hispanic).

Blacks and Hispanics lost every challenge, and whites and Asians won every challenge, until production decided to integrate the tribes.

That's what red-pilled me on race - I didn't believe it until I saw it in action.

In primary school when a kid with dark skin joined the class. I was disgusted by the look of the skin at first, but he was a good guy so we became friends.
About a year later a nig joined and was a complete chimp.

I only figured out I was a complete racist after high school.

>learning about holohoax
>Vox video saying camera technology is racist because muh dark skin blacks

I'm done with nigs and kikes now.

I was around 7 years old, I saw a neighbor of mine who was really brown and I the first thing that came to my mind was thinking his mother gave birth to him in the toilet and his skin was brown due to the poo, I was not aware of vaginas back then

When i was about 13 when i started to hear Racist jokes and thought they were goat.
I wrote a racist story in English once as part as an assignment and had to go and see the head of the department for a talking too and for them to grill me on why i wrote it.

That was 18 years ago.

He's white.

When I first started going on Sup Forums back in 2005

>the internet hate machine claims another innocent

Don't be a fool, marshal!

When I was 3 years in old preschool and didn't want to be friends with a black kid because I thought he didn't bathe. I thought that's why he was black.

One of those fancy courthouse marriages. Get fucked, nigger.

That's the joke Juan

>Was in a hookah bar when a guy started praising ISIS.
>Had a black supremacist come over to my house with an 8ball of cocaine.

Those were a couple of good moments.

When I realized I couldn't watch a fucking movie in the theatres due to talking

Nice story, happy ending.

Good to see justice delivered.

well it is montenegro after all and they basically named the place, lucky it was american niggers or you'd be mt.nigger
