Fuck i'm starting to become a nazi

I've dived to deep into the global elite and zionism and now i think Hitler's only mistake was losing.

Have i reached the point of no return?

Other urls found in this thread:


his only mistake was not realizing anglos are genetically superior to germans

Yes. But take the Mosleypill instead. Gives you less guilt than Hitler

it's just the beginning

You were past the point of no return when you started browsing Sup Forums rather than just "checking it out".

Welcome, you will find horror and enlightenment here. Though the damage that is done to your soul is irreversible.

It really is just the beginning.

Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun.

plot twist: you were a faggot all along

then we are brothers.

>calling yourself a nazi

good goy



Hitler was based but (((Rosenberg))) unfortunately permanent fucked Nazi dogma. Francoism is the real red pill.

You must be new here.

Welcome, brother.


But he kinda dragged his own country to a world war. What good was that supposed to accomplish? He harmed his own people than anybody else.

What did he do?

Welcome user

You can never leave now

Spotted the good goy


If you want a big strong man to order you around and tell you what you can and cant do, maybe you should get a sugar daddy.

>The truth will out

Have you hit the "crippling depression when I realize everything I believed was a lie" stage yet?

I'm starting to feel this.

Long time ago.

I want to know how i can fix this world.

How about the whole Danzig or war thing?
And why would France join in on the Poland's side if they were such a warmongering power at the time?
And also, why would Poland want war with Germany knowing their military might at the time?
Please respond, I am genuinely curious.

>divide and conquer
Jews out!

time to get back into the hobbies you used to like

>I've dived to deep into the global elite and zionism and now i think Hitler's only mistake was losing.

Yes, this is the logical conclusion globalist Zionism leads to. Jews that didn't settle the Holy Land after the stormkike Hitler opened the door for them were bad Jews, and had to be punished.
There's always a way to redeem yourself though. Cease being an unanimated golem for the Rabbis and give yourself to the Catholic Church.

Wealthy Ashkenazi Jew here, and I'll be honest. I can understand where all you stormfags are coming from. My family put their religious ties over the country's security and they vote Democrat. Me and my brother, however, are suffering the same as any other white person though. We go to lib universities and are bullied for the color of our skin (white) and niggers are given all the scholarships and allowed to trash the campus without punishment. I assure you, we are both economic nationalists and want to see the banking cabal brought down and lynched. Socialism is never the answer though.

Same thing happened to me dont worry you get over the whole being lied to and manipulated thing your whole life after a couple days

For the love of god, someone please tell this user (and me too) what to do

yes, its the worst.

1. What about it? The Danzig Massacre was bait
2. France was under the Rothschild. They also promised to protect Poland from Germany through the Treaty of Versailles. They had no choice.
3. Because unlike Czechoslovakia, they knew they would get assistance from Britain and France.

>Though the damage that is done to your soul is irreversible.

Pretty sure the holocaust did happen (or maybe my grandparent's siblings just never got back to them). I'd say a few hundred thousand jews were killed, plus or minus. What I know for sure though is that the Nazis were not the perputrators of the holocaust. It was US and British bankers and industrialists, notably Prescott Bush and the Harrimans, as well as Ford and the Koch Brothers. The globalists did the holocaust and are now bragging about it.

I love Mosley

I went through that stage for about two months. Now I feel more energized than I ever have before in my life.... I'm getting stronger, physically and mentally. I'm beginning to read books that I promised myself I always would. I now know who's responsible, now the question is, what to do about it.

Life feels so empty and pointless, you start to see propaganda and degeneracy everywhere you look. All those people who don't have any idea what's going on talking about daily stuff. I can't enjoy anything anymore.

At every stage, the Jew must be stopped.

In a sea of insanity one must become insanely radical to counter it.

Pic related, the current, ridiculous state of affairs.




I don't know about you guys but Sup Forums has found meaning in my life. I now fight for something bigger than myself.


>he fell for the nazi meme
It's just a stage, user. You can't be 16 forever, you know

I think you mean the enlightenment that is done to your soul after exposure to reality and the truth is irreversible as the black iron bars of the ziomatrix have disintegrated and let your true soul free


Okay, but why would Germany respond, isn't that a stupid thing to do?
My reasoning is: If Germans were to wait until Poland declared war on them, they could easily remove Polish threat without French interference, as France was only supposed to help Poland with defensive wars, not offensive ones, if I am not mistaken?

And why would Britain help Poland then? As far as I know, the reason Brits joined the war was the whole Belgium-Around-The-Maginot thing? They were not supposed to help Poles as far as I know.

And one last question, why did Germany decided to occupy Belgium etc, knowing it would drag Britain into war?

3 and 4 are mixed up, friendo

Not sure mate but everywhere I look I see people that don't believe in race, nationality or borders.

At this point I've given up talking politics with people.

The strongest evidence that I can see that Hitler was wrong, are my own short comings.

Given that I have the physical attributes that he so coveted, I should be great by nature.

And yet I am not. I remain lazy and stupid.

There is still time.

Foolishness is being a puppet

Cowardness is accepting you're a puppet

Evil is being the puppet master

Good is cutting your own strings

Freedom is cutting everyone's strings

You can't have traditionalism without removing non-traditional elements.

Dove* or delved*

No just the state of maximum edgelord

no, hitler sucked at diplomacy and that's why he lost, he sucked at politics

Atheism will do that to ya.

it's ok -- you're among brother here.

The problem with all those Neo Nazi's is that they do it for the wrong reason.

Have that mixed up. Freedom is cutting your own strings. Good is cutting everyone's strings.

1. Because German blood was being spilled.
2. Both Britain and France had an obligation to protect Poland from Germany. It was part of the Treaty of Versailles punishment Germany received for being defeated in World War 1. Part of German land was given over to Poland after World War 1 ended, and ethnic German minorities who lived in those area became part of Poland overnight. They were being persecuted during those times.
3. Germany occupying Belgium did not bring Britain into war. It was stepping into Poland that made Britain declare war.


Hitler was the Mighty Stormkike. His sole purpose was the creation of the state of Israel and a bi-polar new world order, not the preservation of Germany, let alone Western Civilization. When one knows this truth the Mighty Stormkike's actions make much more sense.

How can you be free when you're the only one awake in a sleeping world?

You have reached the event horizon. Now you will fall into the insanity that the rest of us have.

Welcome, your hear to stay.

Thank you brother.

What shall i do to accept the truth?

Dive deeper or ignore it to live a happy life?

1. Yes, but how is dragging Germany to another world war better? Wouldn't that result in more German blood being shed? I understand that you need to stand up for your people and beliefs, but I don't know. I kinda feels like what Russia did to Ukraine.
2. Okay, I see.
3.According to www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/education/greatwar/g2/backgroundcs1.htm:
"Belgium's ports were close to the British coast and German control of Belgium would have been seen as a serious threat to Britain. In the end, Britain refused to ignore the events of 4 August 1914, when Germany attacked France through Belgium. Within hours, Britain declared war on Germany."
I don't know...

*You're here
Unless I'm out of the loop on some meme...

>Okay, but why would Germany respond, isn't that a stupid thing to do?
Many hypotheses, personally I ascribe to the belief that it was a move to gain the German people's trust. The nazis were not universally beloved and many Germans didn't care for them, so they dedicated much time and effort to improving their image (volk's ___ programs and strength through joy) Hitler's invasion was motivated to demonstrate to the German people that the nazis would not only protect the German people as they promised, but that they would restore the honor that many Germans felt they lost in the First World War. (see Hitler vs wels for the honor issue, it mostly revolved around Germany having its policy dictated to it by foreign countries)

The only way you're gonna be baste is in the oven, Schlomo.

Pretty much were I was 6 months ago.

But I'm still not sure how to build a good society. I'm not convinced the 3rd Reich would have been stable on its own.

you're bad but not hopeless, if you quit cold turkey from Sup Forums you could go back to the bluepill, trust me, they make life much easier

>1. Yes, but how is dragging Germany to another world war better? Wouldn't that result in more German blood being shed? I understand that you need to stand up for your people and beliefs, but I don't know. I kinda feels like what Russia did to Ukraine.
"Blood and Honor" both were considered intrinsically linked; honor had to be earned through blood. Hitler had to show Germany that it was no longer a puppet of its neighbors.
>3. 4 August 1914
wrong world war

That's a fair point actually.
But I still feel sad for everyone died from the resulting war. Hitler should have known better. He shouldn't have knowingly put Germany through another world war.

1. He wasn't expecting a World War. He had given many peace proposals to England, but they refused to negotiate.

3. That was World War 1, not World War 2.

You can't ignore it if you are as far as you claim to be. You will constantly notice things and you increasingly become more adept at spotting it.
>really fires up your oven

Welcome aboard friend.

>But I'm still not sure how to build a good society.
When it doubt, follow tradition. You have thousands of years of knowledge about what does and doesn't work.
>I'm not convinced the 3rd Reich would have been stable on its own.
Economically, its unlikely. Hitler had to spend too much on rearming with too little of a base to draw upon. The nazis were caught in a catch-22 where rearming too quickly would bankrupt them, but rearming too slowly enough would leave them at the mercy of their neighbors. Socially, it would have done fine, the Nordic countries manage pretty well on somewhat similar systems.

Do you know history whatsoever. The polish were literally killing innocent Germans, hitler asked multiple times to seize these killings which the polish never complied. When Germany went to war with France and Britain they dominated. Hitler literally avenged the WW1 defeat by making the French surrender.

It wasn't until Winson Churchill and (((them))) decided to get america involved because they knew there was no way Britain could win with a neutral usa.

I actually admired the Nazis since I was a kid. I used I watch the history channel all the time to learn about them. Was disappointed in the Jew stuff. Told my grandpa I admired Hitler's speaking ability when I was 14. Got pretty pissed.
Point is:
>I went from passively redpilled to full 1488 with in a year at Sup Forums and my 3rd year of college. I was already used to being lied to by the professors. So I wasn't majorly depressed. And I was also a bit happy.

i cried all night the day i accepted the truth. it was rough but worth it.
and thinking about it, it wasn't so hard to find "the truth" on the internet, but most people don't even try it.

Don't be degenerate.
Maximize your knowledge and physical health.
Save money. Don't be scammed into debt and buying tonnes of shit.
Learn game.
Find a good wife.
Go to church.
Abandon all addictions and leave a clean life.

>But I still feel sad for everyone died from the resulting war.
Conflict is an inevitability of life. The best you can hope for is that whatever people died for was worth it.
> Hitler should have known better.
Hindsight is 20/20 and if icebreaker was correct, war would have reached Germany eventually. Hitler chose to begin the conflict on his terms and on the offensive, rather than the opposite.
>He shouldn't have knowingly put Germany through another world war.
People had a different view of the world back then. A country worth having pride in was something worth dying for.

Improve yourself. Read books train your mind, soul and body. Live a good life, create a world that is so good that you have to share it by having children (this kills the nihilist) and redpill everything around you

>Go to church
I will follow all except that one.

Don't get me wrong , i admire Christians , but i will never be able to take it serious.

I will be agnostic atheist the rest of my life

Live, spread the word (super baby step slow), visit Sup Forums so you don't go insane, read books that will teach you more, find a beautiful woman and breed lots of white kids.

Do you want to be a national (((socialist))) who has to bend over and take it up the ass from the state or do you want to be your own man? Take the Hoppe pill and never look back.

Read this and tell me

If you're still not sure then get out while you can, if not then pull up a seat and get comfortable cos you're here with us forever

No. Just help the movement grow

Do what must be done, user.

I don't even know what I am anymore. I still hold some liberal views, but mixed with national socialism. I don't fully buy into either of them.

For example, I'm very much for personal freedom as long as it doesn't harm anyone. But I'm also very nationalistic and think that, for instance, only swedes belong in Sweden. The lower immigration, the better. But I don't like the dictatorship in NatSoc, even if Hitler was great, who's to say the next leader won't be corrupt. Not saying democracy is perfect, but at least the people can vote for someone else in X years, like Trump or Le Pen.

>yes goy, abandon your fellow man! Make it easy for us to divide you and conquer you!

If nothing else, its good for the cultural aspects and sense of belonging. Same thing with the Japs and shinto, they mostly know its bullshit but they go along with it because its tradition and a part of their identity.

Statists can get fucking removed. Same goes for jews, communists, and any other subhuman. My property, my rules.

Get fit. Start reading. Eat healthy. If you're a great speaker get out there.

Sometimes I really wish I could hop on a time machine and go back to peak Germany and be with my fellow aryans as we watch Hitler speak A true legend and leader for his people.


*tips fedora*
Nice Pinochet pic, my fellow pede!

You reached the point of no return the moment you clicked on this board.

clever people don't try to define "what they are" and fit themselves into a box. clever people determine what values, morals, and concepts they believe in and they stand by them. this is one of the insidious side effects of (((democracy))). It forces you to check a box.

Do something about it. Redpill everyone you know, but don't reveal your power level. Do it slowly. Let them come to their own conclusions, just plant the seed of truth.

Don't be a pacifist about it.