Wow what the fuck has this place become...

Wow what the fuck has this place become? This used to be the place where the counter culture could come and lick their wounds around their comrades after dealing with normie libtards. Instead now It's become a bunch of trump hating fuckwits, I used to look up to this site during donalds campaign but you've changed you've been corrupted turned into shills. Enough of this we need to leave this place my pedes it is not an alt right haven here anymore.

It can still be about alt-right stuff, the issue is that trump clearly isn't keeping his word and his people aren't trying hard enough.
We didn't get an alt-righter into the office, we got conned by a republican.

>we got conned by a republican
>we got conned

was Trump babbys first politician?




You cant sway me with your traitorous words. You will not lead this lamb astray false shepherd. Fuck off my thread commie

>why isn't the counter culture blindly defending the american president?

trump loving is mainstream now, the kikes made sure

fine, (You) got conned. That better?
You're welcome to stay on the burning ship. I wish you luck. If they can put out the fires, great, but I'm pretty sure this thing isn't floating again.

Nice LARP Natsocs, trying to get Donald supporters to leave

You're the ones that should go.

i dont know whos trolling who at this point. nothing changed recently far as i can tell just more shills

Trump has started supporting Jews and the Natsocs don't like it.

Checked. It's for his own good that as members of his base, we keep the pressure on him to work towards his campaign promises. Dropping even further than the 42% approval rating is a death sentence. We can hold him to his word. I want to see the wall finished and every last illegal deported goddammit.

We still have a chance to MAGA

We are still the counter culture.

When Trump ran an inflammatory campaign and the (((media))) didn't like him, we got in his side.

Now he's softening his stances to try to appeal to the mainstream, lefties, and the establishment, because nothing will get done otherwise. We don't like that. So now we're turning on him.

It's simple. We will always be the counter culture.


we havent changed, Trump has. Also not your hugbox etc.

go back

>falling for the concern trolls
We've been through this a hundred times before. Labs, hold the line. First one to run I shoot my self.


This board has been a figurative dumpster fire since January and I'm seriously considering permanently leaving to /k/. Discussion here is impossible between the constant raids from outside and the newfaggotry on the inside.

Fuck the leftist scum who post the same tired old arguments.
Fuck the spammers who ban evade and do nothing but help this board drop in quality even more.
Fuck the newfags who respond to every bait thread.
And most importantly fuck the janitors for letting this place turn into 2007 Sup Forums 2.0. You could have easily stopped this if you faggots actually did your jobs.

Sup Forums needs a fucking purge. RapeApe was right. Sup Forums needs an off topic political board so this one won't turn into complete shit.

You're a faggot redditor. /r/The_Donald is the perfect sire for you.

/r/thedonald newfags ITT

Someone post that screencap of the guy saying Sup Forums would be left wing in a year.

Seriously guys, don't give in to (((their))) will. (((they're))) trying to turn us into good goy, but we know better.


>newfag thinks it's a """"""battle"""""" between left leaning white and right leaning whites
This is why we need to purge electionfags


Trump isn't an idiot. He just plays one in TV. Pay attention to his actions, not his words. Remember he is a businessman and he didn't get that rich by chance.

That wall is getting built, and MAGA is still on.


> muh 4d chess

It's called an echo chamber, faggot. Either harmonize or fuck off.

tfw you shill shills and actually keep them contained from shitting up the important threads with all your shill threads

gj Sup Forums keep it up boys

Fuck off ShareBlue

>using the label alt-right
>definitely a faggot/new/shill/

Waste of good full house if you ask me.

Surely you shills realize by now, that the moment you stop posting, the moment all the bullshit dries up. You aren't swaying anyone, you're just hearing the echoes of your own posts, and mistaking it for a crowd.

Fuck off faggot.

The pure volume of concern shills is ridiculous right now. Sage.