People don’t realize, you know, the Civil War — if you think about it, why? People don’t ask that question...

> People don’t realize, you know, the Civil War — if you think about it, why? People don’t ask that question, but why was there a Civil War?

Really makes you think.

He can lead people to water, but he can't make them drink.

Somehow in liberal minds this translates to "Trump doesn't even know what the Civil War was"

Civil war was never about slavery, that is the excuse for normies.

The real reason is because the South had slaves and the North didnt, so the cotton prices on the south were incredibly cheaper while the ones in the north were expensive as fuck. Since the Jew saw his wallet harmed by cheap slaves, he decided to end that, to get more profits and make their competitors pay a wage for their otherwise workforce.

Many recollections of that time clearly state that many "liberated" black men wished they could remain as slaves.
As slaves they secured a roof for their family, a daily meal, basic home schooling (remember the South people were educated gentlemen, the North people were full of drunk irish and chinese and prostitutes)
With liberation, nobody would hire a nigger, they got chinamen for that, cheaper and more trustworthy.
The families in the South who lost everything couldn't pay to maintain their niggers and couldn't own them as slaves, so master and nigger had to go separate ways.
The nigger, who was used to work, sleep and eat now suddenly has the burden to carry with a family, to provide, to manage their income, to save money, to decide, etc.
Now how do you include into society someone who can barely speak and only knows to use brute force? You can't and soon the nigger turned his life into crime and that's where you get the modern nigger from today. Only good for crime using the brute forced he got from the plantation and singing using the songs he learned while picking cotton.

Have you ever wondered why niggers are so "good" with music, or why music is their only contribution?
Its because singing was the only thing they could do besides picking cotton.

If you are too lazy to actually read, at least watch Gone With the Wind. It really portrays very accurately what was happening there: Evil drunk asshole North people, Poor rich educated South people who lose everything, niggers being sad about not being slaves anymore, etc.



he probably has intel on how likely a civil war is in the current political climate anf is trying to warn us subtly

I don't even think he knows what it was about. The way he talks makes him sound like how a high school kid just adds filler on his report just to get the 10 page minimum required.

>the reason wasn't slavery
>the reason was because the south seceded.......over slavery
It's like saying you are not single because you cheated on your gf but instead am single because she broke up with you because you cheated on her. At the end of the day the reason why the south left was because of slavery. You can hate niggas as much as you want but slavery can never be defended.

Civil War had to happen. There was too much of an ideological and cultural divide between ordinary people in the North and South. Add in a bunch of new Western states and both sides had to scramble to claim them for their side in congress. It wasn't about slavery, it was about the political ramifications of the expansion of slavery.

>states' rights vs. overencroaching federal govt.
Pick one

>Let me tell you about your country

Where do I sign up?


I knew it! RACIST!

I know this is what they teach you in "school" down south but the Civil War was fought over slavery expanding so yes the war was about slavery. Also using State's rights as a reason is laughable considering those same states were denying individual right's of said slaves.

>make vague analogy to civil war
>make left say the civil war absolutely had to happen due to ideological differences
>use as fodder to exterminate liberals

Still /ourguy/

Donald "the First Amendment is archaic and I'm a globalist" Trump is not our guy.

the south left over slavery

the north invaded the south, but it was not about slavery

so the civil war was not fought over slavery, it was fought because the south was left

the south left because of many reasons, slavery being a major one, but not the main one.

the south, however, did not start the war, it was in fact a war of northern aggression in which the union was the aggressor and, since the north didn't invade because of slavery, the war was not fought over slavery.

South left because of slavery, yes.
But the north was the aggressor, and it wasn't because of slavery they invaded.

Saying you know more about your country just because you live there is a non sequitur.

That being said, that guy is an idiot.

It was about state's rights and they wanted state's right because they wanted... wait for it... slaves.

So technically yes it was about slaves you fucking leafless LEAF. GTFO

It was about taxes. Get fucked.

That is demonstrably false by any historic knowledge.
-First off before the welfare state niggers were doing absolutely fine as at best skilled laborers. Managing their families with simple means was always what niggers did so working for money and feeding their families kept niggers humble and to themselves. In the south the largest construction demographic was niggers almost literally 100% of the workforce was niggers and since there was a free market and slavery was abolished foreman's didn't have to pay them huge wages like they did with the whites that didn't work as many hours and was less suited for the outside work, this isn't an insult to whites but by and large niggers were just bred to work those kinds of environments.
-Second before welfare state niggers had a lower unemployment rate then whites
-Third before rampant degeneracy niggers knew their place, they had their families, believed and worshiped god and kept to their own. Eventually these people that had jobs that kept family values became the middle-class and upper-middle class blacks of today just like the chinks did.

The biggest issue we see here today is niggers don't have fathers. If its bad to not have an authority figure for regular people it is catastrophic for niggers who are more aggressive and lower IQ. Niggers need to have labor jobs that requires hard work for the vast majority of them, some who grew up in better means have assimilated and work regular jobs have diminishing birth rates and don't cap others on the first insult; I work for a small company, every contractor or delivery person niggers is okay and isn't chimp-tier, the unskilled labor standing around line-men is a retard and obnoxious. Niggers need boundaries and law to keep them sustainable, and being in the first world they eventually through hard and punishing laws and boundaries can succeed to remedial use to bolster labor forces as more and more whites and other demographics leave the hard-labor force.

>the First Amendment is archaic
He was actually talking about the silent filibuster being archaic you idiot piece of shit

>I'm a globalist
>Actually it was I'm a Nationalist and Globalist
>Global trade deals that are fair and mutually benefit us and our neighbors because we actually got Cuckdeau and Nieto to come crawling to the negotiation table after threatening to leave is bad wahhhhhhh

>Saying you know more about your country just because you live there is a non sequitur.

tariffs not taxes

that's actually a question I have asked myself in the past year. great minds think alike I guess

Can't wait until gone with the wind is remade and the woman gets BLACKED

Shareblue is really pushing this civil war comment. It really says something when the past few shilling points have all been totally spun interpretations of a quote, instead of actual issues.

The awnser is no, we couldn't. There I saved you a lot of time.

The South had enourmous tarrifs put on all their shit and if it was about slavery why did it take over a year and a Union Victory at Antietam to free some slaves in some places that the Government didn't even have control of?

Really makes you think that we should have ran a better man against Lincoln......

That's not what globalist means the_donald_cuck

He's telling people to really question why it happened instead of just the general consensus that the south was evil, numbnuts.

Could you tell my why it happened?

>Inb4 muh slavery