Heritage/family tree thread

Post your family tree.

No bully.

I'll start.

50% Aryan master race, 25% Ashkenazi & 25% Nigerian. But 100% Swedish.

Other urls found in this thread:







I am all Irish so I don't need some shitty template you fucking mongrel nigger.

Howth will CLEANSE the world of non-whites.

>100% swedish

great grandparents on the far right were dutch national socialists


Stop it.

No but seriously I look very White. I look Swedish but with a tan. I don't have a nigger nose or a jew nose.

cucked as shit

Get out.

>that height obsession
lel, at least now we know it's literally jew niggers who post this divisive manlet/lanklet shit


5'4 manlet


t. anned german

you can make aliyah and move to israel. you are 100% kike

Nice to know that a decedent of Niels Bohr post on /pol
Wasn’t he like 1/4 jew?

what a mess

this is disgusting, user. why would you voluntarily admit to this?

please dont be in england

superior genes coming through

>tanned swedish

hello m8

t. rudeau

Not tanned, genuine!

My Dutch great-grandfather was half Dutch, half Bushman.

fuck you

why is grill on pol?

woah woah my dude, why so hostile? were all jew hating degenerates here

No way...

post nipple

Historical flags included.


>why is grill on pol?
Race mixed rape babies have no place in society so we seek refuge in Sup Forums hating our impure family members.

By the way that is a gypsy flag!

Those are some good genes right there 10/10 would marry

By the way are you considered colored or white in your country?

>nigerian doctor

how would your dad feel if he knew you said he looked like "hitler's dream." i wish he beat you more. stop being a fucking faggot.

White. I don't even qualify for BEE (affirmative action). Sad!


i would hate my father if i was you

25% full nigger

>I don't even qualify for BEE (affirmative action). Sad!
So being race mixed is an advantage in SA. WOW...
Well at least are you racist?

>all these fags responding to OPs obvious bullshit
You are why Sup Forums is so shitty.

I imagine it having this theme
Looks comfy as fuck

>having war criminals in both sides
wew lad

I married a tall, blue eyed blond of Dutch and German descent. What do you think?

Wtf has happened to the world

I'm like 4% nigga my nigga

>What do you think?
You still love your bull.

Have a lots of white kids, bless you.

>civic nationalism

already posted today, will post again cause why the fuck not. I look white and all of my family is Christian (except fathers side not sure about it) but I probably have some asian in me cause of Crimean tatars (again not sure cause it's fathers side) and I think there was a story about my great great grandfather bringing back a wife from Turkey during WW1 not sure if true tho, alot of info was lost about my family during the revolution and WW2.
rate niggers.

ik eet veel wittle lijst.

stop these useless larp threads. only shitskins post in these. my heritage is 100% finnish

I'm gypsy REEEEEE, where the fuck is your vallet. I'm gonna tarmac your drive.

hmm witte lijst

There are so many disgusting family trees and mongrels here that I just give up these threads.
It is an unbelievable mess you can't make up.


>But 100% Swedish.
Nope, not even a Westerner.

I've always considered myself white but agree with one drop rule.

What are those XXX?
Does that mean your parents came in the wrong hole?

Are you in Israel purely for economic reasons?

I'm pretty white, but sadly short.

I have thought the extinction of our race would become apparent in a hundred years because of the mass minig in the following generations. It turns out that it is already on. .
There will not be a single pure swede in 100-200 years. None, which would look like his ancestors, the Swedes. None, which would retain the features of Vikings and Kings. But because of the domination of Western culture, all "new swedes" will consider themselves as "almost pure white".
And in 300 years everyone will think that the white race always looked like half-Negro-Pakistanis.
Look at the OP.
Remember the OP
This is how our race has die.

oeps poster a older version

thats the flag of Amsterdam, the black red one is Nijmwegen

posting mine again
no bully

lmao if there's actually this many mixed people on this board, kill yourselves.
t. 100% mongolian

post arm-pic with time stamp

Its ok user, the nigerians are the noblest of the niggers.

They dress well and dont act like fucking chimps.


Mainly English with a little Irish and a Hungarian last name.

Pretty much yes, we moved during the 90's cause Russia's economy was beyond fucked then. It's kinda nice here alot of Ex soviet union people here so it wasn't that tough growing up as a Christian here.

Cильнoe зaявлeниe, пpoвepять я eгo кoнeчнo нe бyдy

>he believes they are real
Most of these are bait. For example look at OPs, some of them follow obvious patterns.

>Family has both genocide victims and perpetrators

Have they ever met? Tell us about them.

Is the extreme dichotomy tearing you apart inside?


You've clearly never been caught in a drug deal gone bad.

I coulda been just a nice little scotish/irish whitey, but my dad just had to have spic fever. Fml.

Lmaoing at you nigger


>that ID
Are you a Viking nig?

>black and Jewish
>I'm white

As British as it comes.

Lmao both your grandfathers are war criminals

this board is disgusting

>be Jewish 16 year old girl (presumably an Anne Frank lookalike)
>get knocked up
>Jews have the lowest numbers of teen pregnancy of any people on planet Earth

A ты дyмaeшь, бyдeт кaк-тo инaчe? Ceйчac шёл пo Питepy пo цeнтpy, oкoлo 15% (oбъeктивнo) - yзбeки, киpгизы и т.д. Bчepa бoлтaли c oдним yзбeкoм в aвтoбyce, y нeгo внyчкa poдилacь, a eмy вceгo 40 c нeбoльшим, oн хвacтaлcя. Хopoший мyжик, нo кoгдa пoнимaeшь, чтo eгo cчacтьe - этo вытecнeниe твoeгo нapoдa c кopeнных зeмeль и eгo выpoждeниe cтaнoвитcя кaк-тo жyткo нe пo ceбe. Их дeти и внyки yжe бyдyт знaть идeaльнo pyccкий и пepeжeнятcя нa pyccких. Пo-итoгy вce мы и бyдeм мoнгoлoидaми, тoлькo нacтoящими, a нe мeмными, кaкими нaм Sup Forums cчитaeт. Этo чepeз 2-4 пoкoлeния.
Швeды выpoдятcя yжe зa cлeдyющee пoкoлeниe.
Лaтыши тoжe нeдoлгo пpoтянyт, кaк oчeнь нeбoльшoй нapoд. Хoтя ты pyccкий, пoдoзpeвaю.

No, but i asked a nigerian if I could have his gold chain, and he said yes.

Could be contraband, could be stolen. Doesn't matter really.

Do you see yourself continue living there? What about waifus? Also what do you think of the jew and how is it living with them as an outsider?

No, you wouldn't exist.


How did your dad wind up in England anyway? Was he adopted by English parents?


Nigger/jew nose.

Stop being a fucking self hating cuck and embrace your entire heritage.
You may look white but try learning more about Nigeria. Maybe you won't hate all of it. Even if you only learn the good parts that's fine.

Aryans are just eye Candy they don't contribute anything

Anglos invented everything while Aryans were eating yellow snow in ice caves for Milena

Obviously, I'm just talking hypothetically here.


That's 0 % Swedish you fucking retard.

I'm , Sup Forums is it considered 'race mixing' that my great grandmother got with a German and my great grandfather with a Belgian?
