How many actually died

Be honest

Other urls found in this thread:,000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php

Less than 50,000.

Someone did the math here a long time ago, and they concluded the maximum possible was around 700k only if the ovens were working 24/7 during the whole WWII.

Between 5 to 10 million. I'm answering this out of history data, not what the current trend wants it to be.

Sure schlomo, I bet you were also there to confirm?

Not enough

About 300,000 died in the camps, not sure if they all were Jewish. Also, they didn't die from gas/execution, but from Typhus and starvation because the allies bombed the supply lines.

This, I wish the holocaust actually happened.

our best estimates are about ~107,000,000,000

6 million... everyone knows that... its always 6 million... I think they have killed 6 million jews about 15 times in history... its the oldest meme in history.


Exactly 289313422 giggalion

Around 2-4 Million, the actual official Data/Stats adds up to around 2 million Jews or "Juden",000,000-Before-The-Nuremberg-Trials-Began.php


From what I have studied, around 70,000.

In ww2?
Or are you implying that ONLY jews matter? In that case less than a million, while 20 million non jews died.
>People only care about the Jews, everyone else means squat

More.realistically OP, during the time jews were slaves in Egypt how many died?
That is the Real question

http ://


and most of the ones that were executed in the streets were Bolshevik scum

It wasn't because they were jewish

That's insane. Holocaust truly is the most awful crime in human history.

Ideally the next one will be like Aliens.

Less mystery than the original, but more action.

Around 20 million. 5 million being from those nazi masturbation machines. Poor kids.

Not enough.

about 300k

holocaust was around 6,000,000 of those
OP asked how many died not how many died in the holocaust.

100,000-300,000 from starvation

I think the verdict is no-one really knows...

this, I'd say more exact though at around 252,000, that's the deaths the red cross listed at all camps

Netanyahu said 4 millions. So 4 millions, he also said that der Fuhrer only wanted to deport them at first, creating a peaceful country named Israel but Musilms were against. Can't member which media said it.

4 million estimate acc to their own records (hofne telegram)

Listen, goy, no one ever took the first figure seriously because it was just commie propaganda, so changing it means nothing.

What's that? All the death camps were in territory the commies took? Uh-oh...

Doesn't matter, true or not, hoax or not the general consensus is it did happen. Even following your narrative, if they made it up, and everyone believes it, by claiming it's a hoax you only expose yourself as a literal nazi which not only turns the general public against you but also continues to entertain their victim status for ever. Just stop with it, believe what you want, don't say it didn't happen, and in quite some times when nobody ever talks about it anymore people will start forgeting about it and maybe call some of them on their shit. You have no idea of the number of post 2k normies who first learn about the holocaust after a quick rundown by the medias once some stupid ape paints a swastika over a tomb or something.

keep spreading that photo, it does good service
(the person is not jewish at all)

not enough


According the International Red Cross. less than 300.000.





do you have more denialist material that were debunked in the 90's or is this everything?

Do you really think your opinion has any value in this thread or on Sup Forums ¿

Show me who debunked it and what method they used. This isn't a CNN debate, you can't just say "you're wrong you antisemites" and expect to win here.


you can believe old debunked shit that you didn't bother to research 1 minute, i don't care, it just makes you look stupid

Believe it or not, daring to question the 6m makes you look stupid to goys regardless. Your "argument" isn't really working. Also

>Get asked for proof because calling people names and claiming you're right doesn't make it so
>Don't post any proof, call people names and claim you're right all over again

It's much easier to see how accurate pic related is when you aren't physically talking and instead are posting your response.

This sounds about right, probably killed around the number that pinochet did (3000-7000). rest probably starved when the war started going bad (pinochet exiled or tortured around 200k)


Too few

not enough

Can someone redpill me with an explanation on how the jewish population plummeted during the war? Where'd they all go? Were they ever there?

oyy vey


We don't care at all,every inbred looking retard is a KIKE for us,because this time even doopleganger will be Shoad.

not enough


Bout 'tree fiddy (thousand)

memes aside it's probably accurate. The real question is how many of those were intentional genocide or due to disease/abuse/mistreatment/lack of supplies/prioritising welfare of germans

Interesting how the black death killed about 100m~ at least each time around, but it's never framed as "the genocide of peasants by the rich"