Was the civil war about slavery or states rights?

Was the civil war about slavery or states rights?

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state's rights

Confiscation without compensation.

>Was the civil war about slavery or states rights?
Didn't Lincoln say he didn't give a fuck about slaves and would gladly keep them if it meant the union stayed together?

It was about jews getting more sheckles at the cost of the goyim blood.

It was about fucking neither, the south seceded because Lincoln won the presidency without the votes of a single southern state. All the northern states went Republican and all the southern states went democrat. This was because there were two democratic candidates that election cycle and they split the Democratic vote. (Pic related)

The right to free anime.
War on the EU now.

states rights, freeing the slaves was a way to cripple the southern economy and get slaves to join the north.

Slavery was not an issue Lincoln didn't care at first, the emancipation proclamation was a thing he pulled his ass about halfway through as a punishment for the south and to make slaves abandon their masters and fight for the north.

It was about State's rights to own slaves
Literally laid out in the confederate states constitution

what anime is this from?

It was actually about centralized banking and trying to reclaim loans the South couldn't pay. It's not a coincidence the National Bank Act of 1863 or the Legal Tender Act were passed at this time.

Andrew Jackson predicted this in his later years saying the issue would be because of slavery. This is what he said about it in the 30's because of the Nullification Crisis.

"Haman's gallows ought to be the fate of all such ambitious men who would involve their country in civil wars, and all the evils in its train that they might reign & ride on its whirlwinds & direct the Storm — The free people of these United States have spoken, and consigned these wicked demagogues to their proper doom."

Less than 5% of Confederate soldiers owned slaves...doesn't take much critical thinking to figure this one out.

This. Lincoln didnt give a fuck about the slaves. He wanted to keep the Union together at any cost. Check his letter to Horace Greenly.

>lincoln was backed by rich dudes, probably jews
>once elected, he immediately started a trade war with the South through tarriffs in order to enrich the financiers that got him elected
>the rest is fake history that gets implanted into children's minds in public schools

Lincoln was essentially a dictator when he was in power.


States' right to have slaves.

Why cant it be both? Im sick of this retarded "Civil war happened because x"
"no its y"
People go to war for more than one reason dipshits

Economic reasons. the Tariff and American system that favored one section of the country over the other.

States rights, how much power did the states give up to the federal government, can a state nullify federal laws within it's own borders or remove itself from the union. Is the union a compact?

Slavery, the north is just a racist as the south but don't want black people living near them. They believe that slavery degrades free white labor, ex. if you work in a factory and the person across from you is a slave, what does that say about you? The antebellum period is characterized with the restriction/containment of slavery away from the territories, so whites can settle there without black people.

The dread scott decision opens up the territories for slaves, undoing decades of political horsetrading trying to restrict them. Then Abe and the republicans come along running on an unconstitutional platform (restricting the spread of slavery into the territories). South says fuck it we tried we're out.

Many of the states that left gave their reasons for doing so. archive.org/stream/ordinancesseces00housgoog/ordinancesseces00housgoog_djvu.txt

people go to your mom for more than one reason

The civil war was about how Makoto is best girl

States rights but that included slavery.


It was about economics as usual. The tariffs that the south paid financed a lot of nice things in the North, and those tariffs rates were only possible because of slavery + cash crop. Lincoln and the abolitionists scared the crap out of the south which is why they seceded, and the north couldn't let them go because of their fat wallets. Of course the south wanted to live without tariffs so they could expand their market so that is an economic reason for them, but it isn't a coincidence that they all jumped ship when an abolitionist party candidate became president.


This guy gets it


but a geographically divided america hurt us in terms of defense capabilities, and I have a hunch that Lincoln knew that when the Confederacy seceded

thx bb

It's a civil war, you can't reduce it to one point. Economics + slavery + disenfranchisement + states rights.
The fact that their rebellion was called the confederacy is a major hint that they wanted a more decentralised government instead of washington holding all the power

It was about states rights to own slaves.

states rights to have slaves but there are some other factors you have to consider when talking about the civil war
1.) the south was not ready for the transition from a slave economy to a non slave economy. Many people saw this threat and sided with the south simply for that reason.
2.)Many people who fought on the south's side did so not because of slaves but because their state(homeland) was under attack. Lee's message about not being able to turn his sword on Virginia is evidence for how many people felt
3.) As stated above many felt the government didn't have the right to say when they could and couldn't have slaves. Many joined the union on the promise that they could get rid of it at their choosing so it was kinda a slap in the face for many of them.

anything else besides this is usually yankee talk or conspiracy mumble jumble.

Don't forget Jews in NY were worried about getting their precious loan money, something like 2,000,000 which iirc was about 1/5th of the national dept. This is one of the main reasons the banks supported the North.

States' rights is a nonsense term. Correct term is states' powers.

That said, the war was over slavery.


Neither, it was about industrialization, Lincoln was a tyrant.


I suppose America in the 19th century is what Hell would be to a modern day feminist. Imagine, they would be perpetually 10/10 triggered literally all the time about everything.

It's laid out in the declarations of secession.
For the South, they seceded because they thought Lincoln was going to take away muh slaves
The North fought to restore the Union

Yeah, I typically ignore the "save the union" stuff because of all of the obvious financial concerns.

We shouldn't forget that the south was dumb enough to fire on a union fort, and give the NY jews all of the propaganda ammo they needed to force the issue


Imagine if any president in our lifetime caused 620,000 Americans to murder eachother.


>"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause." - Lincoln

abe didnt care about the slaves. however the south was widely independent with farming and all, which the northerns didnt like. so they created huge duty fees cutting them basically off from any trading.

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conspiracy mumble jumble.

I've read that most of that first attack was influenced heavily by British agents but I don't know how true that is.

I was honestly being felicitous about banks. The bank situation isn't conspiratorial, in every war there are several in the mix.

>hurr Lincoln terrorized the South before they seceded
Bitch, Lincoln wasn't even inaugurated when the South seceded

I don't know anything about that, but maybe? I am skeptical about that idea though

Looking at economic explanations isn't a conspiracy theory. And I assume the other user was using "jews" as slang for moneyed interests

>abe and pol pot are the same
stopped watching after that

facetious* fuck me.

I think primarily because slavery is what drove the southern economy; and it was declared they needed to immediately cease using slaves... and doing that would cause the south's economy to collapse; its equivalent to the north having to immediately stop using machinery for production. If the north was more rational, the south would've weaned themselves off it and prevent war, but they weren't so.. war
TL;DR: states rights

States rights to own slaves

>in every war there are several in the mix.
of course but how they play a roll and in what degree is the question. The banks decision to support the north was not because of loan money but because to bet on the south was incredibly stupid. Even Lee said the best he could do was hold him off because he knew the north had more man power, an industry that could pump out weapons, and had quick mobility due to trains. Shoot when they put grant in charge all he did was pull a Russia and sent wave after wave of troops to out man lee.

>Looking at economic explanations isn't a conspiracy theory.
I agree but to say that the north fought against the south just because they wanted money is nonsense. The north was doing better than the south economically and had a lively industry that everyone at the time knew would be the future of America. The other thing that goes against your theory is that the north did their best to insure the souths economy had no chance of recovery. They went out of their way to burn farm land and destroy houses because they knew they could survive without the south's economy.

it was about states rights to have slavery

If the South won Gettysburg it would have been a straight shot to DC. But they lost and the male population was so damn low that the confederates weren't sentenced to death.
Still, would have been fun to see the aftermath if the Confederates won.

Slavery. South Carolina seceded after a republican was elected because they were paranoid. Lincoln and the republican party were anti-slavery, but mostly free soilers who only sought to limit its spread. But southern paranoia did the south in.

it was about the northern apes trying to make the south completely dependent on the north

>If the South won Gettysburg it would have been a straight shot to DC
I love that about Lee. He was such a military genius that he almost pulled off a risky military blitz for the capital.

>Still, would have been fun to see the aftermath if the Confederates won.
probably 20-30 more years of slavery before they send them off back to Africa to preserve a white nation.

That sounds like paradise

>probably 20-30 more years of slavery before they send them off back to Africa to preserve a white nation.

You know that's what Lincoln wanted to do too, right?

Also, you think the South would have fucked off back down below or would they occupy the North or replace the government?

it wasn't about slavery. Everyone back then knew if you conquered, raped, and pillaged a country without trying, their people are subhuman.

I know right? it's fun to think about how differently America would have been.

It was about a states right to slavery stupid

>You know that's what Lincoln wanted to do too, right?
yeah that's what I based my comment on. Many people felt pity for these people and wanted to send them back but the main problem was the cost.

Northern industrial (((bankers))) needed more shekels

It was about taxes. The North wanted the tax money from the South.

Any idea what reason Lincoln was assassinated? I always wondered if that was part of the reason, I have American Brutus on my shelf but never touched it. This is probably something I should know as a sort of history buff.

they couldn't do either. The whole point of lee capturing the capital was to put a end to civil war and allow for the CSA to continue on. To me though the south eventually carried out the plan to send them back to Africa once they saw no need for them. I mentioned early that everyone saw the North's economy as the future for America and logically it would make since for the south to slowly adapt that economy as well.

A Jew killed Lincoln to prevent him from sending the Niggers home.

To me though the south eventually would have carried out the plan to send them back to Africa once they saw no need for them. I mentioned early that everyone saw the North's economy as the future for America and logically it would make since for the south to slowly adapt that economy as well.*
Last post was missing a word or two.

I thought that was probably it. A Jew or a liberal. Sounds like both. What a cunt.

>southern states went democrat
So the Confederation was democrat.
Does that mean that the democrats today and shills are hating themselves when they rant about the confederate flag?

the u.s. civil war was about slavery as much as gulf war 2 was about weapons of mass destruction.

I don't think that was the reason why he was assassinated but it is something the north took advantage of. Booth just wanted to ignite the south's will to fight again and the loose connections between booth being a part of a government coup seem unlikely. Generals hated him because he didn't want to punish the south not because he wanted to send slaves back(his whole party and most whites believed in that plan)

States rights to do what?

They burned farmland because they wanted the bloodiest war in history to be over as fast as possible. To think they did it so the south would be poor for decades to come for whatever other reason is actually a conspiracy theory

Go back to 9fag cuck


>would be poor for decades to come
I never said that. I said they didn't have a problem destroying the economy because you insisted that they were reliant it on it.

It was not a Civil War. A Civil War is two, or more, sides fighting for control of government. It was a War of Secession. The South didn't want to control the US government, it wanted to leave it.


It was about State sovereignty vs keeping the Union together

Don't worry they have some mental gymnastics they managed to meme into the mainstream of "Parties Switched" to somehow still blame the Republicans for slavery.

I'd master her idol, if you understand the implications of the me saying that.

you want to be her manger?