Are you quacks on the anti-vax tracks? Speak up more. Work that propaganda machine

Are you quacks on the anti-vax tracks? Speak up more. Work that propaganda machine.

here's one:

Other urls found in this thread: hsdb:@term @DOCNO 6934

ever since I vaccinated my dog, he has become a bid more autistic.

it's not a black and white issue

its not the vaccine thats the problem. its the mercury that was unnecessarily added along with other trace heavy metals.

those heavy metals cause autism

think im full of shit

nope, even the cdc had to make an article on it to propaganda it away

funny how a government uses a marketing name like thimerosal vs. calling it the chemical name

same thing jews do with zyklon b and not calling it by its true chemical name to distort the truth

i mean look at the shit in the flu vaccine, it sounds like your cooking fucking cookies, not injecting someone with an inert dosage of a virus

(HPV) (Gardasil 9)
vitamins, amino acids, mineral salts, carbohydrates, amorphous aluminum hydroxyphosphate sulfate, sodium chloride, L-histidine, polysorbate 80, sodium borate, yeast protein

Influenza (Afluria)
Trivalent & Quadrivalent
sodium chloride, monobasic sodium phosphate, dibasic sodium phosphate, monobasic potassium phosphate, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium taurodeoxycholate, ovalbumin, sucrose, neomycin sulfate, polymyxin B, beta-propiolactone, thimerosal (multi-dose vials)

Influenza (Fluad)
squalene, polysorbate 80, sorbitan trioleate, sodium citrate dehydrate, citric acid monohydrate, neomycin, kanamycin, barium, egg proteins, CTAB (cetyltrimethylammonium bromide), formaldehyde

Influenza (Fluarix)
Trivalent & Quadrivalent
octoxynol-10 (TRITON X-100), α-tocopheryl hydrogen succinate, polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), hydrocortisone, gentamicin sulfate, ovalbumin, formaldehyde, sodium deoxycholate, sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride

barium, thimerosal, formaldehyde

cmon, what is this shit

dont worry we took thimerosal out of the kids vaccines but go get those flu shots full of it

Majority of medical researchers don't believe vaccines are toxic. Yet they don't want to be proven right/wrong by having a simple toxicity assay

>they don't want to be proven right/wrong by having a simple toxicity assay

google vaccine toxicity assay and the majority of the research is locked behind paywall or simply non-existent


A simple test for screening small molecule toxins can be used, but they see that as a waste of money.

But give them millions of dollars for their stupid pet project that has no impact on human life.

OP you still there? What does this doc cover? The history of anti-vax. Political lean?

good goys, dont vaccinate your children!
measles is just a myth!

Of course vaccines work

But putting other shit in it that is known to poison people is the problem kike

You do realize that heavy metals are used as an adjuvant, right? And formaldehyde is used to make viruses inactive. It's also a naturally occurring element in your body.

Why do you uneducated fucks do this? You're the propaganda. You're pushing false information and creating paranoia instead of making legitimate claims.

Hey retard those are just the ones they got caught pushing. You don't want to know about the other shit they put in there that made you autistic?

All I got as a youth was the usual MMR (3 in total with a round of boosters). I don't know if that's what made me autistic, but it sure seems like I didn't need dozens of others.

Picked up I the typhus one maybe or whatever it was the other year, and that was enough to make me srs bsns concerned about the immunoreaction. At the very damn least these things should be spaced way out.

Even if vaccinations did what they were supposed to do and build out immunity towards disease, we'd still be trying to outsmart evolution, which is a bad thing. Thankfully they are actively trying to kill us with patented sicknesses. The holocaust never ended goys.

>Got caught

But they didn't do anything wrong. I just showed you that the "shit they got caught pushing" has a valid reason to be there and is not toxic.
What else are they putting in there and what lead you to this conclusion? Please enlighten me

>the majority of the research is locked behind paywall

Wow, just like most research ever.

yup, they distort the message so they can continue to corrupt innocent peoples health

the polio vaccine ingredients of yesteryear vs. today are very different things

now why would that be if it worked perfectly fine previously?

how does barium or mercury help my body? it must not if the cdc can just get rid of that ingredient when it comes under a microscope

I got a vaccine and it caused me to fuck your mother. Weird. I thought that thing was unfuckable. God damn vaccines

don't make fun of them
it's their first time reading research
just help them with the big words and any of them dang ol fancy numbers what is represented with letters all fancy like to confuse the common man

SV40 appears in vaccines for. Why would a cancer virus appear in your vaccines?

That's awful. Now I'm on the anti-vax tracks for sure.

boy your shit at this. big words dont work on me.


Adjuvants may make vaccines too reactogenic, which often leads to fever. This is often an expected outcome upon vaccination and is usually controlled in infants by over-the-counter medication if necessary.

In addition, concerns have been raised regarding whether adjuvants may be able to trigger responses to self-proteins causing autoimmunity. An increased number of narcolepsy (a chronic sleep disorder) cases in children and adolescents was observed in Scandinavian and other European countries after vaccinations, in 2009, to address the H1N1 “swine flu” pandemic.[10]

Narcolepsy has previously been associated with HLA-subtype DQB1*602, which has led to the prediction that it is an autoimmune process. After a series of epidemiological investigations, researchers found that the higher incidence correlated with the use of AS03-adjuvanted influenza vaccine (Pandemrix). Those vaccinated with Pandemrix have almost a 12 times higher risk of developing the disease. The adjuvant of the vaccine contained vitamin E that was no more than a day’s normal dietary intake. Vitamin E increases hypoceratin-specific fragments that bind to DQB1*602, leading to the hypothesis that autoimmunity may arise in genetically susceptible individuals,[10] however, no clinical data is available to support this hypothesis yet.

>How does barium and mercury help my body?

They're perservatives. It's the same mercury found in fish. Did that tuna fish club make you autistic too?

>and is usually controlled in infants by over-the-counter medication if necessary.
oy vey we screwed it up again!
oy vey good thing we have more drugs to reduce the symptoms!

>let me base my scientific understandings off of flawed, debunked, and poorly run studies while ignoring that dozens if not hundreds of millions of doctors all over the world agree that vaccines are fine

You people should be fucking sterilized and have your right to vote stripped away.

and that is just the tip of the iceberg that is publicly ok to speak about

how about some real hardcore shit

The biggest issue with the use of adjuvants for human vaccines, particularly routine childhood vaccines, is the toxicity and adverse side-effects of most of the adjuvant formulations. At present the choice of adjuvants for human vaccination reflects a compromise between a requirement for adjuvanticity and an acceptable low level of side-effects. Other problems with the development of adjuvants include restricted adjuvanticity of certain formulations to a few antigens, use of aluminum adjuvants as reference adjuvant preparations under suboptimal conditions, non-availability of reliable animal models, use of non-standard assays and biological differences between animal models and humans leading to the failure of promising formulations to show adjuvanticity in clinical trials. The most common adjuvants for human use today are still aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate, although calcium phosphate and oil emulsions also have some use in human vaccinations. During the last 15 years much progress has been made on development, isolation and chemical synthesis of alternative adjuvants such as derivatives of muramyl dipeptide, monophosphoryl lipid A, liposomes, QS21, MF-59 and immunostimulating complexes (ISCOMS).

so we switch from aluminum to heavy metals as adjuvants and wonder why numerous mental issues take a spike

shit its like talking to someone that doesnt know about the issue of using lead in all of our products

>The most common adjuvants for human use today are still aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate
>we switch from aluminum to heavy metals
calculus was just not your thing in high school, huh

You want a retarded kid or a dead kid? You pick...

>The biggest issue with the use of adjuvants for human vaccines, particularly routine childhood vaccines, is the toxicity and adverse side-effects of most of the adjuvant formulations.
read that again you dumb shills

or how about

Immune challenges during early development, including those vaccine-induced, can lead to permanent detrimental alterations of the brain and immune function. Experimental evidence also shows that simultaneous administration of as little as two to three immune adjuvants can overcome genetic resistance to autoimmunity. In some developed countries, by the time children are 4 to 6 years old, they will have received a total of 126 antigenic compounds along with high amounts of aluminum (Al) adjuvants through routine vaccinations. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, safety assessments for vaccines have often not included appropriate toxicity studies because vaccines have not been viewed as inherently toxic.

hold the phone, the USDA says we are using untested vaccines and you don't see a problem with that?

your fucking retarded. the drug companies are the only ones that lose from this bullshit.

but hey they are just our buds right?

boy sure are a lot of drug companies on this list

At present the choice of adjuvants for human vaccination reflects a compromise between a requirement for adjuvanticity and an acceptable low level of side-effects.At present the choice of adjuvants for human vaccination reflects a compromise between a requirement for adjuvanticity and an acceptable low level of side-effects.

Mercury is not something humans should consume. They fucking limit your intake in seafood which high circulating mercury. They also stopped the insertion of mercury for cavity fillings. Wonder why????????????

Our digestive system takes care of formaldehyde in small amounts. But not much in the bloodstream. Yes the methods of insertion.

Hey wiki slut, I never said it was incredible for you. However, it's not nearly as toxic as you uneducated fucks make it out to be and the studies are not entirely correlated to adjuvants. It will not give you brain damage and autism. It CAN make you sick but not with the injected virus nor any form of debilitating disease.

It's a cheap way for companies to preserve vaccines. Not great but better than vaccines at twice the price. Nothing to due with turning you or your son or your frog gay or jewish.

>Mercury is not something humans should consume.
What if they just inject it right in to the bloodstream instead of having some of it be absorbed through the GI tract?

This 100%. Also the interval between injections matter alot in infants as well. We all know the vaccines will trigger an immune reaction, but if an inadequate amount of time is given in between then you're just asking for death.

hah, now comes the ad hominem attacks

From 1809 onwards, light metals, such as magnesium, aluminium, and titanium, were discovered, as well as less well-known heavy metals including gallium, thallium, and hafnium.

get fucked drug company shill.

vaccines work.

making them into a frankenstein mix of bullshit heavy metals doesn't

>1mcg will kill you

You're actually fucking retarded. It also leaves your body much faster than the type of mercury found in fish

As a chemical engineer who has worked on vaccine development in university I really fucking hope the day of the wall comes soon for you anti-vac fucks. You are dumber than niggers

>getting information from documentaries

I bet you believe aliens visited Earth and created humanity to mine gold.

the rabbit hole goes deep.

look up the ingredients on the NIH site which is the most legitimate medical publication site open to the public

you will find many doctors are not happy with the drug companies pulling this bullshit

>The most common adjuvants for human use today are still aluminum hydroxide and aluminum phosphate
that's from your very own post, genius

it's not ad-hom. how is it a put-down that you are terrible at mathematics? it's just an observation based on your inability to reason logically from one paragraph to the next, a very important concept in mathematics.
you're a rube.

You're clearly bothered by what is being said on mercury. Why don't you back up your false claims on mercury being safe and maybe you'll have a point. I'm waiting

Oh good so we paid for your way through school by injecting questionable bullshit?

Wanna go shoot smack?

we're onto you, with your fancy science degrees
newsflash just because you payed attention in school while we were busy fucking our cousins does not mean your smarter you """scientist""""

go spread your propaganda somewhere else

>picking on a flu vaccine that isn't even forced on you
>cherrypicking one particular brand of that flu vaccine out of 6 gorillion others and using it as an argument against vaccines in general

I would be perfectly allright with you sub 100IQ brainlets not being vaccinated if there wasn't such a thing as herd immunity.

Alright chemboy tell us what you designed. Did you make a modified weakened virus? Did you make preservatives? The hell did you develop with your useless degree. Should've worked in oil like a good goy.

This guy describes scientific studies that have debunked the autism/vaccine relationship.
>INB4 but da joos

I know many people that refuses to vaccinate their kids.
It's fine with me, but many of them get very sick of very strong shit very often. Which is still fine with me. The problem is that they still show up at birthday parties and hang outs with their whole families sick as fuck, which creeps me out.

COUGH COUGH, nah, it's not contagious user, we've all been burning up in fever for like 2 weeks with this disease that was considered cured and has killed millions in the past, but everything is fine COUGH COUGH, no worries user.

boy you love playing god dont you

Methylmercury is highly poisionous and the toxicity varies according to its form, inflow path, exposure amount, and individual susceptibility. When a pregnant woman is exposed to methylmercury, it may increase the risk of silent birth and the birth of babies with deformities or severe nervous system diseases, even when the mother does not show any symptoms of poisoning [3,4]. Accordingly, most developed countries including the US, Canada, and Japan, set and manage recommendation standards for fish and shellfish intake as a part of the protection of vulnerable classes such as pregnant women and infants from methylmercury. In Korea, however, special recommendations for fish and shellfish intake do not exist, with the exception of freshwater fish, although there is a standard allowance for the mercury concentration in fish and shellfish. Furthermore, sufficient data on health disorders occurring in the normal population because of chronic exposure to low concentrations of methylmercury and various effects of poisoning on susceptible classes such as pregnant women and fetuses have not been gathered.

glad we switched from aluminum to FUCKING MERCURY

that couldnt be because of the ease of manufacturing with mercury in contrast to the difficulties found with aluminum

no one would expose a populace to a heavy metal just to save a few bucks

oh wait, there is endless precedence of this

>useless degree
jealous, cletus?

Honestly this though.

Wish anti-vaxers would just get whooping cough and die already.

That said I don't take the flu vaccine any year cause it just gives me the fucking flu. I'm sure that's just a "bad reaction" but it feels like hell and I never get the flu any other year when I don't take it.

swine flu excluded

I have a great idea. Hear me out.

Let's import millions of people from 3rd world shitholes without any paperwork or vaccination or checking for diseases. Then lets blame the victims.

Hahaha gotem! You watched some documentary on cherry picked vaccines so clearly you know more than anyone who attended a school with access to generally accepted knowledge and built their own opinions around them.

1/10 bait but here you go anyway

Do you even know what a vaccine is? How they are made and what types exist?

All vaccines do is engage your adaptive immunity to substances that are not harmful. For example a dead virus could be injected. This allows the body to build up memory to specific targets on that virus. If the live virus comes along down the road the body will be able to identify it and kill it before it even has a chance.

With vaccine development we have been able to create ones for some bacteria and toxins.

But hey, I guess you would be down to die of polio or tuberculous.

Afraid to answer the question? Did you hush money come already?


Its just autistic propaganda.Im working in hospital.Vaccination is good thing and should be obligation or you will kill more people in future.

the shilling is intense in here

i chose a few off the cdc site link

go through and look at the rest

only since 2002 per the CDC have we quit using mercury and that was due to parental lawsuits over the side effects happening

not due to the governmental bodies being effective at preventing a populace being used as lab rats

again, vaccines work. the extra shit you are dumping in them are highly toxic to a persons immune system, especially pregnant women and children.


So glad your socialized education taught you so well on being a good goy. Did they also tell you climate change is real and that Trump is literally Hitler?

ITT: People who know vaccines are not bs trolling other people who know vaccines are not bs

What kinds are there and what tests do you do to verify that the immune system has adapted as intended?

Also have you ever met anybody on the IRB? I met one of my IRB guys once and it made me very afraid that this is the kind of person making ethical decisions about human experimentation.

top kek

my suggestion is to try and learn algebra and work from there. perhaps it's not too late for you to learn how to think, but i suspect it is.

This is the only man making sense and actually using faccts. Thank you my man.

Yeah right, lying prick

Alright you want some access to toxic assays?

Lets VPN a school network and access it through their publication networks. But you're the math genius so I'll just wait here while you use that Algebra to hack the system kek

>endless precedence of this
Kek yeah every vaccine uses methylmercury which,by the way, is in fish and contains more that 20mcg. If you get poisoned by mercury by vaccines, your doctor or pharamasist should be shot. They have to add 5 numbers together to find out that another vaccine isn't a good idea.
Oh and what about thimerosal? That leaves your body faster and isn't linked to birth defects. Weird. It's like they're used in a lot of vaccines too. Probably just random jewery. No need to look further.

It's just a way to save money and isn't nearly as deadly as you're making.

i will keep going since you and some others appear to not be shills

i am impressed by the drug companies / government agencies ability to use double speak here by pretending that what we call a vaccine is a single element and not a combination of multiple elements with extremely dangerous elements added in

how about barium since you love your mercury so much?

Toxicity Summary:
Like calcium, barium accumulates in bone. It is deposited preferentially in the most active areas of bone growth, primarily at the periosteal surfaces. Other factors important in absorption and deposition include age and dietary restrictions. ... Inhaled barium can be absorbed through the lung or directly from the nasal membrane into the bloodstream. ... Insoluble compounds, such as barium sulfate, accumulate in the lungs and are cleared slowly by ciliary action. Barium is eliminated in the urine and in the feces, the rates varying with the route of administration. ... Barium possesses chemical and physiological properties that allow it to compete with and replace calcium in processes mediated normally by calcium, particularly those relating to the release of adrenal catecholamines and neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine and noradrenaline. ... Barium doses as low as 0.2-0.5 mg/kg body weight, generally resulting from the ingestion of barium chloride or carbonate, have been found to lead to toxic effects in adult humans. Clinical features of barium poisoning include acute gastroenteritis, loss of deep reflexes with onset of muscular paralysis and progressive muscular paralysis. The muscular paralysis appears to be related to severe hypokalemia. ... Baritosis has been observed in individuals occupationally exposed to barium compounds. ... There is no evidence that barium is carcinogenic. hsdb:@term @DOCNO 6934

Ive always wondered about all those shots you "have" to get as a baby.

wait i thought the anti-vax was a meme are people really this retarded?

>those heavy metals cause autism

and cancer, and auto immune disorders

I know, right? Sweden hasn't even vaccinated against rape yet.

It's the first of a 7 part thing. this one is kind of an overview. it's the only one i've watched, someone else summarized the others for me. maybe wasn't the best one to post here. politically pretty neutral, for the alternative health community, concerned citizens, anyone who's got a problem with pharmaceutical lobbying etc. not really conspiracy nut stuff.

>now why would that be if it worked perfectly fine previously?

new legislation that makes it expensive to dispose of these materials


Delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions from thimerosal exposure are well-recognized. Identified acute toxicity from inadvertent high-dose exposure to thimerosal includes neurotoxicity and nephrotoxicity. Limited data on toxicity from low-dose exposures to ethylmercury are available, but toxicity may be similar to that of methylmercury. Chronic, low-dose methylmercury exposure may cause subtle neurologic abnormalities. Depending on the immunization schedule, vaccine formulation, and infant weight, cumulative exposure of infants to mercury from thimerosal during the first 6 months of life may exceed EPA guidelines.

its ok everyone, be good goys. dont look into the retarded elements added to vaccines.

too bad medical researchers have ethics and disprove this whole, its safe, trust me guys!

the real problem you drug company shills have is if people investigated vaccines, you would have to destroy the billions and billions of dollars of vaccine you created and you would have to through the process to bring it to market

cant have that hit to your quarterly results now can you?

>Wonder why????????????

because it poisons you and makes you retarded

i dont fear the truth but you do.

we need vaccines that have passed the USDA guidelines and are not grandfathered in or pushed through the process out of 'desperate need'.

the vaccines we apply should not contain heavy metals and other dangerous elements.

for historical reference

Types of Vaccines:
>Attenuated vaccine
This is made by taking a live virus and modifying it to be harmless. One way this can be done is to take the genome coding for identifying structures from one virus and inserting it into a virus that is harmless to humans. The smallpox vaccine was attenuated

>Inactivated vaccine
This is an older metod. Polio was cured this way. Here a live virus is taken and simply killed with heat, etc before injection. This way the identifying structures are still viable but the virus is not

>Subunit vaccine
This is a more complex type. Basically a virus that is virulent produces certain chemicals. These chemicals can be harvested and the body is able to identify these

The testing for vaccines is extensive, just like with medications. Many test phases are needed to be successful before release.

I knew some doctors on ethics committees. There are checks and balances in place.

Notice how when you bust out the facts the shills don't even respond to you. They're just disinfo agents

Yeah SV40 in Polio vaccines make no sense


How was the testing for the H1N1 vaccine so extensive that only after it accidentally wiped out a bunch of ferrets did they recall it?

But you didn't explain the testing methodology. You just called it "extensive" and compared it to the horrible track record of the testing of pharma drugs.

well they sure are super ethical


(a) The indiscriminate use of pediatric-TCVs in less developed countries carries an unjustifiable and excessive EtHg exposure with an unnecessary risk of neurotoxicity to the developing brain; (b) measurable benefits (of Thimerosal-free) and measurable risks of tic disorders have been associated with the (Thimerosal-containing) type of vaccine;

thanks doctors for blessing our vaccines with your illustrious degrees.

as mere plebes we should never become educated on the body of medical research and question your omnipotent priesthood.

ITT People who can't into science.
Read up on the current Romanian Measles epidemic- 3K+ infected and 17 dead [All Unvaccinated]
If you don't want to pay for your scientific papers go to library genesis and pirate them

>High dose exposure to thimerosal
Oh? And what constitutes high dose? What percentage have aquired toxicity? Has this number spiked in years? Is it directly related to vaccines and not something the victims diet?

And look at all those circumstances where you could exceed EPA guidelines. How many babies were reported of mercury poisoning? And how many children fall under this percise management?

Look, if you want to convince anyone, you're going to have to stop parroting website and actually deduce a common thimerosal and methly intake then compare against EPA guidelines and needed intake for one to be poisoned. Because, to me, the numbers aren't adding up.

yup, but if even one more person has opened their eyes on this thread and realized the insanity of injecting mercury, barium, etc. into a childs or adults bloodstream, this fight was worth it

i know these drug companies better than they would like me to. their double speak is entirely due to two things:

1. the tremendous class action lawsuit that would happen if this went mainstream
2. the amount of product they would have to destroy and the time it would take to get a new version to market

some of the government is complicit because some vaccine is better than no vaccine

the fire rises

See this shit, not for the last 50 years.
Steel lung wards, hundreds of kids crippled and paralyzed by polio.
Prevented by a simple vaccine.

lol, this is your rebuttal?

the medical research all doctors careers are built on and their degrees and work are justified against

rational, ethical medical practioners (like the doctors and researchers cited) would not even allow the possibility of this poisoning to happen

you have not cited one source contradicting my claims that the stew of ingredients that makes up current vaccines are incredibly dangerous besides

trust me, its not a big deal

sorry buddy thats not the scientific method

Jesus you're retarded. You just keep seeing HEAVY METALS and assume the worst.

This isn't injecting paint chips. These are levels of metals you find in most foods.

But whatever. Enjoy your tinfoil hat and child ridden with polio and messles.

Do you even know what that study is about?

I do not have the time to read the full thing right now but it is basically talking about the preservative used for some vaccines. It also claims we should be moving away from using the mercury based preservative and look for better alternatives. I guarantee you that the food you eat is far wore for you than the micro doses you receive from vaccines.

b-but autism

Great. One down, several dozen to go.

Have at it!

>This isn't injecting paint chips. These are levels of metals you find in most foods.
Oh sorry, do you inject your foods or am I living in the stone age?

Every time I want to torture myself, I go read the comments by anti vaxxers in anti vaccine youtube videos.

You should have vaccinated yourself against that

based ebin friend!

at least they arent autistic, that wouldve been way worse

See this shit
Antivaxers want you to die horribly or be scarred for life.

your appeals to emotion wont work on a logical audience like hardened Sup Forums

vaccines have become a profit industry where they cut corners through the supply chain and use ingredients that are not fit for human use

they need to return vaccines to a non profit industry where care is taken in the manufacturing process due to the long term detrimental effects on society if it is not handled properly

the problem is you cant trust the independent drug companies focused on their quarterly results and you cant trust a government agency who would get corrupted and play god

the polio vaccine was a great success because it was a crowd sourced vaccine and maybe we should return to that method

If you don't want to be scarred for life you should be anti-muslim since they throw acid on people.

I think that would be a more realistic argument.

Oh right you should also be anti-Jew because circumcision will leave a scar.

But you don't want to talk about that.