I love causing cognitive dissonance in leftists and exposing their stupidity by using one leftist point to destroy...

I love causing cognitive dissonance in leftists and exposing their stupidity by using one leftist point to destroy another one.

>Vegans don't eat egg products because chicken embryos died for this. Hence vegans must also be against abortion.
>The demand for unconditional basic income is an expression of white privilege because only whites can afford to be richt without working. Instead the money should go to refugees.

Share your best examples for others to use.

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Humans are nothing more than atoms in motion.

Murder is immoral.

Unborn babies should be killed if the mother decides she wants too.

Child rapists and murderers should be allowed to live.

Race is a social construct.

All white peoples are inherently evil.

You shouldn't take pride in the actions of your ancestors.

You must feel guilt for the actions of your ancestors.

See my other thread

Nuclear power is evil.
But humans have an influence on climate change and we should stop putting carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

Racism is oppression plus power. You can't be a victim of race if you are in power.

Antisemitism is on the rise.

Misogyny is one of the greatest evils.

Islamophobia is one of the greatest evils.

Uhh... This is what leftist believe, you know that right?

I don't think leftists would agree that murder is immoral. They'd say it depends on the victim's political belief.

Never mind, these are anglo b8.

Humans only have one race/species.

Whites are evil.

What's with all this leftist? You always vote right-wing anti-Communist Christians in Germany.

>There are no races.
>But all races are equal and welcome in diversity.

Race and gender are social constructs and therefore don't exist.

But white males are the source of all the worlds problems.

Every time you ejaculate you literally kill more than a million unborn baby.

Joke's on you, I only ejaculate blood.

not how chicken eggs work bro, can't die if it was never alive.

Chickens continue to lay unfertilized eggs long after hey lay their first batch of fertilized ones

Even worse then. An unfertilized egg is worth more than a human being?

I cannot pee correctly, my bladder it's twice bigger than the regular. It is always at least half filled with urine.
Did you have the same problems?
Was it cancer?

it's my body, my choice
no you can't strangle that nigger to death

No actually, some mutation I was born with causing seepage into my vas deferens.

So it's not just blood but it's still gross as all fuck.

>do you support taking in refugees from the middle east?
>oh really? even though their religion is pretty anti-gay?
>oh, ok. but how do you look past how they treat their women? they're not allowed to leave the house without being fully covered you know.
>I see...
>how do you suppose we fund these new members of society who know no English
>right, yes I agree. Tax the 1% at 99%... sounds fair to me. I mean they still are left with a fortune.

I swear I've had this conversation or something similar to it with all of my liberal friends. Theyre all bernouts of low tier intelligence


the reason vegans do no eggs and no milk is because their production is still part of the system that kills animals
to get cow milk we make veal
chickens still get ground into paste once they dry up
However as a vegetarian I do agree people are just trying to virtue signal and have no actual morals if they support abortion but put animal lives over humans.

But then again I am a bit of a weirdo because I think people who hunt are > people who dont, if you catch your own meat you have a different sort of respect for it and at the very least the animal died free.

>chickens still get ground into paste once they dry up
what do they want? a viking burial at sea?

Those mass farms are basically torture. Some people care, some people don't. That's about it.

they generally just want to distance themselves from domesticating animals. Not seeing the irony in then having pets (because they almost always do).

hey, it's my OC comey weasel. that feeling never dies.

I could think of a way to give them a nice send off. perhaps annointed with sacred spiced oils and gently cremated for a couple of hours, with sacrificial carrots, garlic and onions to help them on the other side, when their souls can fly free

ok, not sure that qualifies as torture. why do these "sooo ethical maaan" pricks never oppose kosher and halal slaughter?


for the memories

to be clear, I was talking about the chickens, not the vegetrians. but it's temtting to advocate that send off for them too

it's not so much about the animals being slaughtered and more about the lives they lead.


That's why I buy organic from reputable local farms where the animals are atleast treated well.

oh, I totally agree. any animal would hate to be stunned before having their throats cut and a prayer said to the devil over them

trouble is, all these eco/animal faggots would have to admit that Whites aren't the worst offenders when it comes to animal cruelty, even in our own lands

are you one of these people who considers himself a pragon of virtue, whilst ignoring unpleasant facts that the jews have made taboo?

you are a black pot, faggot

why are you so worried about animal cruelty when there is so much anti-White oppression all over the world?

you think the chinks, mudslimes, kikes or any other group is even slightly concerned about our food animals?

it just seems like another attack on Whites desu

It´s simple. To not become the negro.
Animal and enviromental protection is a very white thing to do.
Nignogs dont care, mudslimes dont care, nobody does except whites. They litter everyhwere, kill anything that moves etcetc.

Dont become the nog user.

>believe in equality of the sexes
>want to ban the only thing that makes women able to successfully fight men as equals

Not every vegetarian or vegan has the same views and I'm neither.
From my point of view, the problematic part is not the killing of the animal, but the conditions that they're kept in.

Personally I say both are important. They should live under good conditions and be slaughter in a humane way.
That also both increases the quality/taste of the meat.

>let's save Whites from their dispossession and eventual genocide by shaming farmers


>Women in leadership yeah!!
>fight the patriarchy!

English is not my first language, could you please excuse me the one time I overstep my boundaries and use something that Sup Forums decided to be libtard lingo? Please accept my apologies and be gentle and forgiving in your righteous wrath, kind sir.

>reddit spacing
your new is showing, but if you dont consider respecting nature a virtue you're as bad as those kikes and mudslimes. But I guess you missed the part where I pointed out that I think hunting > industrial domestication.
The current way we produce meat is a health hazard AND needlessly cruel just to make meat cheaper, we're intentionally creating super-bugs that are immune to antibiotics because we subjects animals to conditions that should kill them and we have to keep them on life support.

go back

to your



and fuck off

and who is to blame for these things you mention?

I consider it a tertiary or quaternary priority

yeah Sup Forums decided it, kek

>by shaming farmers
Wut? Are you retarded?
>Look at flag
Oh, sorry, I explain it again.

Customer says: Hey, I wanna good meat and if the animals have a nice life, like in the good old days then I´ll pay you more.

Farmer: Oh, okay. I´ll have fewer animals but can sell my product for a higher price.

Customer: Yeah, and the animals would live their lifes like Hitler wanted it.
>Everbody says Yay and they dance with the cows and the pigs and the chickens......

Thats actually the fucking reason why I buy my meat at my local butcher in a small town.
And oh my gosh I´m willing to pay for that.

you're a real insecure little faggot aren't you?

this kraut gets it

He´s most likely an incestous mudslime thing.
No way a white man could be for animal cruelty and against quality.

>Are you retarded?
wow, why are germans such meanies?

yeah, so it's the jews, again, got it. if only there was a pen-penulitmate, penultimate or other such solution to that issue

just an insecure little twig, but together user, perhaps one day

I'm sorry, maybe you didn't understand? Let me rephrase that.
You're a subhuman drone with a mind eroded from memes. This leaves you incapable of having a normal discussion without mentioning le humorous repetitive phrases out of any reasonable context.
You would rather point out a single word instead of replying to the content of the message because it confirms your feeling of belonging to a group greater than yourself. But you know what? You don't belong anywhere. Despite sometimes pretending otherwise, everyone thinks you're just like that annoying jester from middle school.
You're a memelord, Harry.

>No way a white man could be for animal cruelty and against quality
no way a White man could be against his country being FLOODED with a gorillion rapefugees to rape and murder his peple, BUT WAD ABOUD DA PO LICCLE ANDIMALS??!

you put periods on the ends of sentences that don't need them, and capitalize the correct words. what are you even doing here?

do you even hate the jews? furry andimal luvver?

you're trying too hard to fit in, go eat nothing but mcdonalds until your liver fails.

Shoddy writing is degeneracy that weakens the mind.

ok rabbi

He´s baiting and quite badly.
Dunno why, maybe a bored teen?
That would be sad... Gotta open a feels thread maybe.

This one won't work because they believe that the baby is part of their body, and the rapist has his own body.

and what of the jews?

>being mindful of your health an surroundings because you want to be in peak health and leave a world for your children.
This isn't like global warming which is essentially a ponsy scheme to tax your carbon emissions. This is the deliberate lowering of the quality of our food and increasing global health risk by making super-bugs that are immune to antibiotics.
Discouraging discussion about this is the definition of what a rabbi would be doing.

You're retarded.

yes goyim, concentrate on da poo liccle andimals

ignore all teh rapefugees and shitskins

Wait what the fuck dude show a pic of you cumming blood

next you'll tell me to ignore the evils of big pharma because I should only be angry at jews

>Vegans don't eat egg products because chicken embryos died for this. Hence vegans must also be against abortion.

Thats not why vegans don't eat eggs. I know three vegans and not one gives a shit about embryos. Have you even successfully trolled ONE person like this, or is this a fantasy of yours you're acting out online

careful this causes them to short circuit and overheat.

i love this story

>having anything to do with politics

when will underage children gtfo Sup Forums

>Murder is immoral.

isnt this the whole basis for the right's opposition to abortion?

Here's a good one:

We can't have wealthy, ,establishment elites in politics anymore because they arent looking out for "real americans best interest".

So we're going to vote for a reality TV star that was born into money and grew up in Manhattan.

Oh wait...

They don't eat eggs because chickens that lay them are living in bad conditions and are killed eventually. So by that, if I give my chickens a whole pasture, warm comfy beds, read to them, tell them how pretty they are, and let them live out their natural lives, would a vegan eat my eggs?

I've never heard the vegan counter to the argument that chickens, cows, etc would go extinct if we didn't eat them.

No, because they are also hypocrites. They would still give you shit.
It´s mostly virtue signalling in reality.
>Look at how good of a person I´m!!

yeah, me too. trump's snake speach too

you don't


they had

anything to

do with it?

>>Vegans don't eat egg products because chicken embryos died for this
No. They don't consume animal products because they are opposed to the practices of animal farming.
>>The demand for unconditional basic income is an expression of white privilege because only whites can afford to be richt without working
What? Proponents of BI never claim that the aim of BI is to make people rich.

People like OP are why right wingers are stereotyped to be unintelligent.

I don't think they have one, they haven't thought it through. do they expect that farmers will just raise them out of kindness?

A lot of vegans just do it to do it. Not all of them are purely ethically-driven. But thanks for proving his point that you are just acting out some kind of faggy "trolololo" underage fantasy on Sup Forums

for the record, i am not a vegan and look forward to a hearty steak tip dinner tonight, i just generally dont concern myself with what other people eat

Muh... ahhh. Muh

Hey fagboi, I was just asking a fucking question. I don't know what vegans think and since you like them so much, I figured you could answer the question without being a little bitch about it.

Meat in your mouth
Mmmm... meat

I eat vegans mums
Muh off

>Tfw you can larp a vamp sex scene in met accurately

I unironically believe that the government should have the power to choose who qualifys as human.
And the once who don't qualify should be treated like animals

Chicken embryos died for egg products

Holy fuck Hans, you are retarded. Those eggs are unfertilised. They're chicken periods you ducking nonce. You'd sound like a right retard using that as a talking point.

Vegans don't eat egg products because eggs come from chickens, and they don't want to use animals as a food source in any way, shape, or form.

A gamete is different than a fetus you troglodyte

>I unironically believe that the government should have the power to choose who qualifys as human.
the problem is that you'd never get a government willing to mark pedos as animals ripe for the slaughter.

the state of White education these days

>ripe for the slaughter
I would eat them

I know you would


I was hanging out with friends the other night and secretly planted the seeds to being able to believe in White Nationalism. We were discussing what would happen if the desertification continued to worsen in Africa how the world would either have to let them die from the changing climate or we would have to partition off parts of countries to make psuedo-nations. I explained that it would be necessary in the same way Israel needed to be created to protect the jewish people (my friends are all hyper blue-pilled cause I live in the (((GTA))) Both in sense of cultural and genetic heritage, otherwise with no nation they would fade into a sort of obscurity within their host nation and cease to exist. I got them to whole heartedly agree that it's a human right for an ethinic group to retain a homeland of sorts. Never brought up white nationalism in that convo but as this idea sits and stews in their brains they'll realize soon enough.

ITT: Leftist Strawman general

How do you explain this to women

A shit ton of them would, yes.

Also there's the tinfoil hat vegans who think eating literally any eggs dairy or meat will make you sick or something retarded. They probably have random stupid opinions on abortion

>>Vegans don't eat egg products because chicken embryos died for this. Hence vegans must also be against abortion.
Vegans are against the industrialisation and unethical treatment of how meat is given to us so readily and quickly not some dumb shit like eggs are embryos. This strawman doesn't even work as being against animal abuse has no correlation with wanting abortions to be unavailable, if anything they'd be against animal euthanasia for any animal that's not deadly or terminally ill

>>The demand for unconditional basic income is an expression of white privilege because only whites can afford to be richt without working. Instead the money should go to refugees.
This is a nonsequitor I really have no clue what you mean by this and no clue where this argument comes from

The point of not eating eggs is because chicken explotation not because abortion.

Das war dumm mein neger.

>Racism is oppression plus power. You can't be a victim of race if you are in power.
>Antisemitism is on the rise.
These statements are both true if you believe that Jews are victims

Go to a doctor