Why does existence exist

why does existence exist

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Because it doesn't not exist.

Because you wouldn't perceive anything otherwise.

Non-existence is what doesn't make sense.

To serve the Jews.

so we can suffer

wouldn't it be so much easier?
not having to deal with all this?

what is your story user?
what led you to post this?

Why not?

tfw other people don't exist
tfw you are just a lonely organism drifting through an otherwise empty and infinite universe
tfw you entertain yourself with these daydreams
tfw you forget they are daydreams at all

Whether you're religious or atheist. The fact that anything exists is pretty fucking wut.

this is all just a simulation by you. you are the one who created all of this. you are God.

Because God loves you

Checked and rolling.


Fuck off Shekel Stein we are free Goyim's.

If existence didn't exist, non-existence would.

Blowing in the wind.

Not really when you think about it.
Since we're here, it only makes sense that things have to exist.

We've all been placed here for one reason: To stop the globalist agenda. If we don't stop them now, in this generation, then it's all over. If our race is eliminated from this earth, then humanity shall never truly reach the stars. We'll stagnate on this planet, and eventually destroy ourselves in some pointless war. So it's up to us to stop that. That's why existence exists.


honestly, that is pretty pathetic.


it doesn't exist retard

Because 'you' are conscious of 'your' own consciousness and that self aware 'you' lacks a predetermined essence, it is forced to create itself from nothingness. You are what you are not and are not what you are.



smoke DMT


to exist only for that reason. I don't know what i was expecting, but not this.
i want to feel meaningful dammit.

idk it's fucking crazy man

Existence is not a property.

Well hell man, I know how that feels. But if you value the continued existence of humanity, then we must uphold our cause.

What could be more meaningful?


Because being the sum of all things is both boring and lonely.

This mad ride is much more exciting, if almost always bumpy and often painful. You forget what "immortal" even feels like.

Sartre is the ultimate philosopher for pretentious douchebags.

go suck a rothschild's dick.

so that you can constantly struggle and strive until you eventually die.

to experience experiences.

trips of truth
take the solipsism pill

He would see faces in movies, on T.V., in magazines, and in books...
He thought that some of these faces might be right for him...
And through the years, by keeping an ideal facial structure fixed in his mind...
Or somewhere in the back of his mind...
That he might, by force of will, cause his face to approach those of his ideal...
The change would be very subtle...It might take ten years or so...
Gradually his face would change its' shape...
A more hooked nose...wider, thinner lips...beady eyes...a larger forehead.
He imagined that this was an ability he shared with most other people...
They had also molded their faced according to some ideal...
Maybe they imagined that their new face would better
Suit their personality...Or maybe they imagined that their
Personality would be forced to change to fit the new appearance...
This is why first impressions are often correct...
Although some people might have made mistakes...
They may have arrived at an appearance that bears no relationship to them...
They may have picked an ideal appearance based on some childish
Whim, or momentary impulse...
Some may have gotten half-way
There, and then changed their minds.
He wonders if he too might have made a similar mistake.

Because you're attached to it.

Existence precedes essence. we exist first and then we do
things that define ourselves by choosing Nothingness (what
we are not) and our being (what we are).

There is only as much nothingness as there is existence
because nothingness is the absence of existence.
Nothingness requires existence.

to feel

but he's right, he just writes in an odd style

the final redpill is that nothing exists.

I want out


you are bred to be livestock for (((them)))


these are the same things


Replace the draw pad with cigarettes and this picture is a good representation of one of my old coworkers


Why ask why. Try Bud dry.

>i want to feel meaningful dammit.


heaven or hell

>why is there something rather than nothing?
you have to be 18+ to browse this website

ultimate blue pill incoming

nothingness is just a social construct and exists on a spectrum

>Nothingness requires existence.

...you call this existence?

I call it essence

Do you even into archons?

Our perpetual suffering and misery is farmed like a commodity that is traded and sold between higher dimensional entities just like the food & water we consume in order to survive....