>Bald guy walking along road
>A bunch of kids make fun of him
>Call him bald head
>Bald guy gets pissed and tells God to smite them
>God actually does it the absolute mad man
>God sends bears to attack the kids
>40+ dead kids
>God kills more kids than every mass shooter except that Scandinavian guy
>Sup Forums believes this is the batshit insane religion that will save humanity and western civilization

Other urls found in this thread:

>be christian
>pick and choose what parts of the bible I strongly believe. The rest = ignore
>tell what people what to do
>they can't say no, because it's "morally wrong"
>tfw burning faggots is morally right
>tfw lynching niggers is morally
>tfw anything that benefits me is morally right

>is a fucking leaf

>Christianity is for pussies, it's cucked with 'turn the other cheek' bullshit
>Christianity is too hardcore, I mean God smited a bunch of people with bears holy shit
pick one and only one

>is a fucking leaf

shouldnt have called him bald head

those kids were totally wicked kids they werent nice boys

lets be honest

>implying that isn't fucking based

The Bible is pretty badass. God's law is badass. I like when I see some complete degenerate get REK'T in some freak accident that God clearly orchestrated.

I don't see anything wrong with this. They probably deserved it for disrespecting the prophet.


Who the fuck bullies some old bald man? Bring out the bears

This is now a pastor anderson thread

da fuq did you even read what i said

im a born again believer in god

i want god to hurry up and kill the rest of the normies in the end times

I wish I could have seen the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah
Nothing would make me more happy than to watch an entire city of fags, homos, roasties, prostitutes and cads be utterly incinerated
Daily praying for the nuking of San Fransisco

The leader of Christians, Jesus, said turn the other cheek. So you can't beat an attacker, you just have to wait for God to send in a bear or an eagle to claw his eye. You can't strike back because Jesus said so.


It's both, the bible is bipolar, the old and new testament contradict each other.

I was agreeing with you

that verse is telling Christians to turn the other cheek to mock the establishment. To turn the other cheek was a middle finger in that context.

Jesus drove out the corrupt Jews from the temple with a whip. God strikes people dead all the time. God literally blessed the Israelites with power to destroy the heathen religions in the east.

The Bible just doesn't condone senseless killing or greedy imperialism. Sort of a non-agression rule libertarian thing.

That's a cheap interpretation. Romans used to beat those inferior to them with the back of the right hand. By offering the other cheak you are challenging them to beat you like an equal.

oh its weird cuz u green texted as if i was saying that

how is this a contradiction god does similar smiting down in the new testament

Acts 12:23
And immediately the angel of the Lord smote him, because he gave not God the glory: and he was eaten of worms, and gave up the ghost.

>be Sons of Abraham
>recognize Messiah when He comes
>watch as fellow Jews turn against God and become the Synagogue of Satan
>suffer horrible persecution under Rome
>watch as Rome destroyed by Barbarians
>maintain semblance of civilization for the sake of God
>successfully resist Muslim incursion into Europe
>import and translate surviving Greek and Roman works
>conquer world
>civilize world
video related

>Be enlightened atheist
>Worship on but hole and wear a fedora
>Smell like BO and scare children
vid related it's you

>Jewish Old Testament god is "too hardcore" and does edgy stuff like kill a bunch of kids and Job's whole family just because he can
>Christianity has all the turn the other cheek shit and has no bearing on what the old testament says and tries to replace it with cuck shit
Wow you sure stumped me

I literally just had to write a paper on this. The group of "boys" were not children. The original text uses the same word that is used to describe boys who were old enough to go to war. The mob also told Elisha to go up where Elijah was. Elijah had gone to heaven shortly before this. So a large crowd of people that can kick ass were shouting death threats and God kicked ass with some mama bears.

Anything other than the King James Bible is full of these bizarre mis-translations. Like it's intentional or something.

>See many "christians" on NoFap threads. >None of them became eunuch or chop their hands off.
Fucking posers.

Smartass, have you not seen this?
This is what Jesus meant.

>Not find it odd why enough kids where there to form a mob
>Not knowing that calling someone bald is also the same as calling him a leper
>Not knowing those kids also said they wanted him dead
>Not knowing what could happen when mobs form

>Literally defending faggots and and not seeing how they're destroying families and your civilization
>Literally defending niggers and not realizing the damage they cause in every place they inhabit
Is that you Sweden taking a vacation here?

quintessential leaf post

>Can't into metaphor
>Doesn't realize body altercations whether tattoo's, earrings, or purposefully maiming your body are all considered sins.

Pastor anderson is a fuckin beast

> Civlizations built in the name of God
> Men die in war believing in God
> The Bible is the most altruistic work man has ever produced and is basically a manual to feel innerly fulfilled as an out of place caveman in the context of society

Enjoy your whore wife and inner discontent, fag

Fuck those kids. Poor bald dude
At least the bears had something to eat.

I understand what you're saying, but like, you know it's bullshit and you know it served a role in advancing this dumb caveman to enlightenment. But why continue lying to yourself? I get it, religion served its purpose and it did a lot of good, but why personally lie to yourself

KJV bible is the only bible famalam

Nope, I used to think that was the case until I actually read the Bible. Turns out Jesus isn't the pussy people make him out to be, nor does he reneg on what God has done nor his commandments. The turning-the-other-cheek thing, and similar things, are effective at turning enemies into non-enemies. Plus, you need to be aware that they are not laws, but instructions for followers of Jesus specifically.

Are you a Rick and Morty fan? We should hang out.

The bible has served mankind better than all other religions. Europeans are based. Maybe you'd like being born in India or China where they treat eachother like shit.

worshiping God should really be considered more edgy, he is the most spiteful fictional character ever, not only does he send people to hell for not guessing the right sub-sub-sub-sub set of religion but he can't help himself but murder and torture people while they're on earth for small slights or living in the wrong town or being alive at the wrong time

I mean people think Satanism is edgy as fuck but Satan only kills one family in the bible because God told him to meanwhile God killed literally everyone else other than one family

I did not grow up religious and became that way only recently.

Your ancestors "lied to themselves". The burden is on you to explain why not to. Why lie to yourself? Why have loyalty to a textbook instead of people you owe something to.

Factually you don't even know anything existed before you were born. Why be so committed to what you have been (((told))).

>Religion served its purpose
Are you fucking retarded. Look around you right now. Do you really think we would have the degeneracy and horrors of today if people were as religious as even 50 years ago.

We both know you're full of shit. God wrote himself on our hearts. You have denied God to pursue a life of sin. You have move yourself away from God. That's why you no longer feel his presence in your life.
Move back towards God, he's calling you.

>I have not come to bring peace but a sword
>All your religious leaders say nuh uh it means sword of nonconformity


>>religious leaders

All bought and paid shills of satan. Not joking, 80% of American pastors are useless pieces of shit.

>I have not come to brnig peace but a sword

Yeah he was talking about destroying Judaism. If you just pull out a bunch of verses without reading the entire book, you're going to be making references all over the place.

>tfw named after the bald guy that had a bear army to smite children
>tfw not bald so I can't do the same


all religion is fucking retarded.


Jesus is the Old Testament God ya dink is . He is also the same Jesus in the Apocalypse riding in spitting swords out of his mouth and generally being a badass. Christianity is the FULLNESS of truth and revelation, hence this variety.

>"Once he finds himself in the thick of battle, this knight sets aside his previous gentleness, as if to say, "Do I not hate those who hate you, O Lord; am I not disgusted with your enemies?" These men at once fall violently upon the foe, regarding them as so many sheep. No matter how outnumbered they are, they never regard these as fierce barbarians or as awe-inspiring hordes. Nor do they presume on their own strength, but trust in the Lord of armies to grant them the victory. They are mindful of the words of Maccabees, "It is simple enough for a multitude to be vanquished by a handful. It makes no difference to the God of heaven whether he grants deliverance by the hands of few or many; for victory in war is not dependent on a big army, and bravery is the gift of heaven." On numerous occasions they had seen one man pursue a thousand, and two put ten thousand to flight.
>Thus in a wonderous and unique manner they appear gentler than lambs, yet fiercer than lions. I do not know if it would be more appropriate to refer to them as monks or as soldiers, unless perhaps it would be better to recognize them as being both."

>Being this much of a fucking heretic

Day of the Rake when?

Heretics must burn, Christianity literally built Western Civilization.