Ancient Stone Tablet Found in Göbekli Tepe: Reveals Comet Impact Sparking The Rise Of Civilization

Link to peer-reviewed article and Tsikritsis 17(1).pdf

Holy SHIT!!!

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Fake and gay.

>peer reviewed

And gay.


Do you know what peer review means, or does it just sound impressive and sciency to you?

thanks for the bump, mr creationist

I'm not a creationist. I'm an atheist. I'm genuinely asking if you know what a peer review actually constitutes, because judging by your post, you appear to believe it means "another scientist certified the veracity of the claims", and that's not what it means.

try harder shill


More like they were Roman Empire or perhaps Dark Ages-tier.

They weren't advanced.

>a drawing with silly animals
>vs the fact there's no geological proof

You realise that humans as we are are as technologically progressed as it is possible to be, yes?
There is no more advancement from here. We are limited by the limits of quantum mechanics and the speed of light, the universe itself has boxed us in.

I red the pdf
They do not officialy confirme it, but there are strong indications for it being true
They going to examine GT and neighbouring sites more

PDF is really interesting
They think there was a civilization with its own memes, for example the zodiac sign scorpio
And its propably hundreds if not thousand of years old


>its 1870
>You realise that humans as we are are as technologically progressed as it is possible to be, yes?
>There is no more advancement from here. We will never be able to go faster than a bullet and the speed of sound, the universe itself has boxed us in.


>Gobekli Tepe
so its nothing?

Far as I know, they weren't as advanced as us

>b-b-but technology doesn't have to evolve in the same way everytime


Its more than that. The civlization which made these "memes" is a civlization which came after the big cataclysm and had knowledge of this compet impact and a civilization of far greater reach than they have before

We now have a complete understanding of physics. We may not know the details, but we know what is missing.

Wow your really bad
But here's a (you) for ya

"peer reviewed" can be just another way of saying "circle jerked"

>Far as I know
stopped reading

So we didn't decend from niggers?

So what was this ancient civilization like? Any records of it?

Massive megalithic structures don't get made by small bands of retards. Go and look at the actual scale and intricacy of this structure. This isn't some tiny artifact, it's absolutely fucking huge. You can't just sweep this under the rug and pretend like it fits nicely into the conventional model of prehistory.

Oh so your convinced they were more advanced than us? Show us examples

>inb4 stone wall.jpg

keep shilling but the truth is coming out

Considering how that site is dated to a time where the current consensus is that there was no civilization at all, even "dark age tier" would be pretty fucking advanced. If it was proven that there was civilization back then it would change our current understanding of human history and perhaps open up the search for other sites from the same period. It would be an even bigger historical finding than the dinosaurs or king tuts tomb.

>carved pillars up to 6 meters tall and weighing 40 tons.

Nothing to see here folks, a band of monkeys built it.

Because the site of Gobekli Tepe was built at a time we previously thought humans were only hunter gatherers and did not possess the skills, resources, and organisation necessary to build such a thing. Also after the last ice age the oceans rose significantly, meaning anywhere people lived near the coast was completely flooded. If this happened rapidly due to meteorite(s?) hitting the ice caps it would have set humanity back to square one.

Human civilisation is much older and far more mysterious that we have been led to believe

compared to us, yeah, a band of monkeys build it

what's left of it anyway? It's basically fucking ruins

It was buried under sand and is completely intact you double nigger

When it's made over a timescale of centuries then yeah it's pretty easy to ignore.

How do you breathe on your own, you colossal retard.

>complete understanding of physics.
>We may not know the details,
wow you are fucking retarded. Go back to school.

wow you are fucking dumb, you mouthbreather

Are you pretending to be retarded?

You don't seriously think structures like the pyramids were built by aliens do you?
Is that what you're saying?

yeah, it was ancient slavs

no one said anything about aliens you dumb retard, you are the first to even mention it

are you a shillbot gone wrong?

You're the only one saying that you moron

All the pieces are coming together.

This is fucking dope

Here is a Joe Rogan podcast with Graham Hancock and Randall Carlson covering pretty much everything about the cosmic impact the rocked earth about 10,000-15,000 years ago.

I fucking love this topic.

What a crock of shit. Don't be gullible retards.

don't get me wrong, i'm not shilling
but forgive me if i don't jump out of my seat after every single time someone talks about a new Ancient Whatever being discovered

this is like /x/ talking about skinwalkers and getting spooked by their own shadows

You are the worst kind of person

>Mfw Indian mythology is true

Yeah but this thing is NUTS and HUGE
this is going to change a lot things

figure out shitters, than think about myths

can you tell us more about it, indiabro

My NUTS are HUGE, and it has not changed anything.

Meanwhile, in the real world, humanity is on the forefront of genetic manipulation and cloud computing, both of which are rapidly advancing.

Imagine space probes that could scout ahead, investigate a planet, then genetically modify organisms prior to landing.

They won't be travelling faster than lightspeed. It will take a minimum of 8 years to get data from the nearest star.
Humanity has been cucked by the universe.

>Human civilisation is much older and far more mysterious that we have been led to believe
I get the uniqueness of the Tepe site. It truly is both the pillars and the message. But simply to extend this to the point where everything is mysterious and shit without any real evidence (ancient sites, bones) is simply a wild guess in my mind.

There are myths of Hyperborrea, Atlantis, Lemuria and such. Some ancient authors speak about it but there has been no evidence to support these stories so far.

nigger we haven't even reached 1% of our potenional. it's fucking jews,niggers,muslims, and woman holding us back.

Last I checked, Gobekli Tepe was still from a time before farming

That's sculpture was found at this site, it's shows one of our gods accurately as our gods are described in the mythology the description matches word by word
Pic related is the god

Tepe itsself is already pretty much a gamechanger but what is more interesting about it, is that it's the only thing besides Plato to really talk about something which can hint towards Atlantis or a big cataclysm happening at around the same time. We need to find real physical evidence, agreed


Just the one?

Who said anything about "humans"?

Are you really this daft?

so the wars in mahabarata are real?

woman as a being.

you know if you turn the tv off the jews almost go away. almost.

>description of god

pajeet, I...

The war in mahabharat has always been real we have evidence of it just the way the war was described has been in question

So who built the pyramids now?


So you would have us replace our entire race with robots that can live for hundreds of years? And this is what you call "evolution"?

>humanity is on the forefront of genetic manipulation and cloud computing,

meanwhite everybody across the globe gettin radiation related sickness

fat lot of good cloud computing will do if you're dead and can't have children

kangz ofc

The western definition of God is quite different from our definition of God
Yeah I get it now move along

Skinwalker stories are the only thing worthwhile on /x/ though. Good ones spoop me and I don't really believe in the supernatural.

here is the redpil:

The pyramids were build by a pre-flood civiization, humans. One big civiization spread across all continents.

Isn't that hanuman?

>tablet in T*rkey

Hope Trump blows us all to hell if we're even remotely descended from roaches




it's Goku

In short, yes.

I would have us replace our race with cyborgs.
Something that poops out organisms preadapted to their environment.


no I'm afraid not

Genetic manipulation is the solution to radiation sickness, dumbdumb.

this is your problem, you take credit for other people's work. i doubt you could make such a structure, i doubt you can tie your shoes without asking mommy for help.

>people near the southern border of turkey 10,000 years ago were turks
a fucking leaf

>There is no more advancement from here

berserk hasn't finished yet

>Genetic manipulation is the solution to radiation sickness, dumbdumb.

no, it's not, I mean unless you don't hold any affection for the form of white human beings

I'm a creationist. Especially for tech guys the idea that a being Terra formed and then created man from the Terra should not be that wild.
Jesus said, "I am not from this world. If I was from this world my angels would fight."
Also God said, "let's us make man in our image. So God created man in HIS image.".
Who was God talking to? Could it have been others?
But God made us in HIS image. The others didn't seem to help.
There is no way revolution had enough time to create man, c from the cooling of earth, to the most advanced DNA known. Plus we are inside these Biological Earth Suits.
Read the Bible with a science eye. It is the Operators Manual for the human body.

Then when you realize the truth, go forward at church and declare Jesus as Lord and be Baptized!

The super computer isn't even close to reaching the processing ability or power efficiency of the human brain. So at the very least, we are nowhere near that physical limitation. You're Fucking retarded.

>coming from an american
thats rich

>Skinwalker stories are the only thing worthwhile on /x/ though

nah those nerds with the big library are the only good thing there

Taking pride in the infrastructure of your ancestors is the first step in maintaining it.

I need to create it to call it mine. I simply need to help keep it running.

>completely intact
if that's what you call completely intact it sure looks like shit

Totally fucking missed that. It's too fucking early

Who the fuck believes this shit? Anyway, Wrong! We can barely manipulate nanostructures right now, and as of temporal resolution we are at the attosecond regime or sth. Future generations will go much smaller and much faster. Quantum mechanics is not a barrier, it is a step in the right direction. As for the limit of the speed of light, I guess we 'll have to see about that. At any rate, the speed of light is only a barrier if you are forced to move in a straight line.

>declare Jesus as Lord

best evidence suggests Jesus describes caesar Vespasian

>I mean unless you don't hold any affection for the form of white human beings
Run me step by step as to how you reached this conclusion.


>I'm a creationist.

read 'Atlantis Beneath the Ice" it is a good book and explains all of this in a clear way. This is an exciting time for rewriting our understanding of our past. It's not a coincidence that there are so many old myths of floods and the sky falling and wayward suns. they are memories of an event passed on through stories through generations. Advanced peoples dispersed to new areas and restarted cities and agriculture, but may have died out or receded over time, or been overtaken by others. Gobleke Tepe is an example where meglithic structures and the "dawn" of agriculture supposedly spawned instantly and their structures became less advanced as time went on. all the pieces fit. read up.

>gay cyborgs