Why do millennial's disregard traditional religion for new age ''spirituality'' ?

Why do millennial's disregard traditional religion for new age ''spirituality'' ?

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Because I wanna slaughter this bitch.

Why do you post your slut waifu daily?

Because Christianity became soft and weak


sharia blue posting the same whore over and over again

Because they love sodomy.

Angry at their parents

Still looking for god but hate the church as a concept

Because they're retarded and want to seem intellectually superior

Because most Christian representatives are cucks.

Because with the increased spread of the internet, people have been leaving main stream religion

Christianity is a Jewish human sacrifice cult.

idk it makes sense a lot of the time it's scary but it do
im a gemini

>Why do millennial's disregard traditional religion for new age ''spirituality'' ?

Traditional religion holds no authority over them. That's about it. New age people speak millennial language, your 80-year-old priest does not.

Because they think atheism is super cool but are still too weak-minded to let go of the metaphysical.

Spiritual, quasi-enlightened "atheist" idiots are the only group of people more insufferable than religious people.

Because new age spirituality is far closer to the truth than your jewish sand trilogy you retarded nigger.

All these answers but only
Is correct.

dumb millennialposter

>quoting yourself to say "I'm right"

Well, I'm sold.

when were you born user-kun?

They have been taught to refute religion but ultimately desire a philosophy to give structure to their lives. Religion is seen in a negative light and massively misinterpreted as something to be taken as a document of history or an absolute truth rather than a philosophical reference book of fables. Traditional religion is regularly mocked by the media figures that they take on as role models.

As a secular thinker myself, I agree that secularism is generally good or society. At least I used to think so, but then realised that the average person doesn't have the capacity for independent thought, much less secular thought based solely on reasoning. We are under the false impression that the feeble peasant is a figure of the past, however, we must realise that only the verbal class distinction has disappeared, not the people which it describes, regardless of better education and more wealth.

As a people, we are not ready for total secularism, the public still needs a coherent narrative on which they can base their thoughts and behaviours.

Add to this the fact that traditional religion requires a lot of work from the prospective follower. There are texts and stories, characters, concepts, to remember. It is very difficult to teach the entire religion in a five minute YouTube video, the preferred format for spiritual growth for Millenials.

Traditional religion requires too much work, so-called spirituality is abstract, loose and simple for a feeble mind to understand. Spirituality also has no strictly sense of morality, more a loose suggestion. This allows for the degeneracy in behaviour and thought that we are all brainwashed to relish and worship.

Spirituality seems more open, less strict, easier to "follow", I come from Ukraine, lots of people there specially older people were pretty hardcore about religion, while in some ways it is very good, because I feel that it makes people more soulful and know right and wrong, on the other side it can be tiring to hear lots of superstitious bullshit. Religion can be strict, spirituality on the other side not so much and often come with pretty images of space and psychodelia, probably why it's more attractive

>hurr durr muh energy muh positive thinking muh manifestation

Ofc I am, you're full of shit.

1976, user-san


I would eat her chocolate cookie, if you know what I mean.

I mean the date dummy
I want to know your star ⭐ sign

I always thought we were all really agnostic because we don't like to commit to anything but we hate to be wrong.

Because pure fedora tipping nihilism is retarded as well as highly depressive. People tend to look at the concept of god or creator even if they're highly suspicious about religion.

The religious books themselves state that they're meant to be taken literally. I hate this whole "it's meant to be interpreted as metaphor" thing. You are the one misinterpreting it if that's what you honestly believe.

You're an idiot.

New Age is self gratifying and millenials tend to be very narcissistic. There's no discipline and self denial with New Age woo, it's constant self affirmations that you're a God or Goddess

how many fucking soe pictures do you have

Kindly fuck off, please.

Because our faggot GenX parents were raised by (((television))) and were already Jewed for failure 3 gens deep.
GenY millenials are drug addled upboat/like addicts who posts photos of cats for social acceptance.
Every gen since the collapse of Western Civ in 1939 was a mistake and needs to go into the oven to purify the White race.

Stop being a bully and just tell me you baka

Because religion is clearly bullshit but you need to think a bit to realise that spirituality is too

>Because new age spirituality is far closer to the truth than your jewish sand trilogy you retarded nigger.
Found the kike sodomite.

I get Soe's appeal but why is she used for this?
She is a 30+ year old married woman.

Yes, the books say that, but anyone with the ability for autonomous thought can see that they are not. If religion wants to survive in modern secular society they have to get rid of their mystic babble. I can read Aesop's fables without valuing it as absolute truth and still draw meaning from it. We are talking about religion in an increasingly secular society.

I'm gonna need your lunch money first, tho.

Well cited right wing politics is fair enough, this weird Sup Forums goes religious thing is ridiculous.


I know that would be the right move for religion if it wants to be taken seriously in the 21st century, but then you're doing so in a way the original writers of those books didn't intend.

It just goes to show that the texts weren't written by or under the supervision of God, otherwise he would have thought in advance and put a little note at the end of the Bible saying "remember how I said this was supposed to be taken literally? Well I was just fucking with you you moron, you're just supposed to learn morals from these fun stories."

preach it

Christianity is for slaves.

They were said to be literal truth in order to justify teaching them to the uneducated masses. How else do you force the peasants to stand in mass? The Bible and all other religious texts have been modified and ratified through the ages to adapt to the needs of their time, sometimes removing altogether what the original writers intended. Religion, like animals, people and society must adapt and evolve in order to survive.

You want the short answer OP? Millennials don't believe in the concept of sacrifice. They do not understand or give any credence to anything which devalues their self-importance. They bargain using pity as a currency rather than blood and sweat because these other two currencies involve sacrifice.

Why does Soe always have the same lifeless look in her pictures? She looks human in video.

In that case, the time is ripe for a new prophet that will introduce a reform of religions as we follow it today. I won't hold my breath though.

Because "spirituality" demands nothing, no responsibilities, no sacrifices, and it's perfectly self-centered, sentimentalist onanism that works as an accessory.

That prophet is quickly charging in from the Near East, we won't have to hold our breaths for too long, unfortunately.

Many churches largely lost their role as the axis of a community, and with it, its social role for most people became obsolescent. New Age spirituality picks up the slack of most people's fairly minimal spiritual needs without the inconvenience of having to drive to church on Sunday. And of course, it's way easier than philosophy.

christianity is bogus
paganism is easy to disprove
this leaves few alternatives
some people feel the need to fill the hole in their heart left by christianity and go with whatever trendy, ill defined bullshit they can find. It doesnt hurt that it fills the special snowflake mentality.

What's with all the hate towards spirituality in this thread wtf.
Just let people believe what they want to believe it doesn't effect you.

>Why do millennial's disregard traditional religion for new age ''spirituality'' ?
Because new-age siprituality was tailor-made by people who rejected traditionnal forms of religions due to their moral component. They were looking for a form of spirituality that would not be restrictive, couldn't find any, so they created their own conglomerate from oriental faiths and remove all the elements of self-abnegation or morality from them.

Jesus Christ, man... Your ID really tells all

>just let people believe what they want to believe it doesn't effect you

Sure it doesn't. I assume that's what EU politicians were thinking when they decided to let the Muslim masses invade Europe.

I think it's cute


Christianity is a Jewish plot.

>implying i even care about spirituality
Mate calm down deal with your dumb life.

do u want to fuck? im a libra


you probably don't live in central texas desu

Thank god the jews believe in the concept of sacrifice and I'm glad you do too. Thanks for taking one for the team bro, I appreciate it.

mate, VERNON FLORIDA, i think we've had this conversation before haha

but if i did would you be down to clown ⭐⭐⭐⭐

too much electric jew, humans naturally flock to spirituality but the media people watch has vilified organized religion

idk probably
but the other people in this thread are right im a tranny and you probably wouldn't want to fuck me

It's because the Cultural Marxists have gained control of the institutions that shape a child's learning experience, and filled them up with the idea that "science" and "facts" can satisfy their need for order and logic. In fact, science is hard and has limited applicability, and facts are rare. I mean, they're good things, but they won't supply answers outside their natural remit and the CMs are abusing them outside that remit to form an ideology that displaces religion - and in doing so un-learns a huge wealth of cultural wisdom.

Haha yeah, we definitely have. How's it going down under?

Not bad mate. Have you seen any films by Les Blank? His stuff is just as good as Errol

Organized religion is a ruse to fuck with the sheep and you guys keep on buying into it. If you want a relationship with god you have to find it yourself not trust some fag with a fish hat. That's one of the only things millenials might get right.

but it's written in the
⭐⭐⭐lucky stars⭐⭐⭐ baby, we're meant to be. i don't even care if you have a penis... you'll always be in my heart user

No, I haven't... Any suggestions on where to start?

Because it's easy to believe/worshipping. Nothing more.

Sup Forums needs to be gassed


Pure fucking cancer

Traditional religion can no longer be espoused in good faith because its central tenets are based on lies. 'New age' spiritualism offers a stop-gap solution to the hole that the death of god created in our consciousness. Unfortunately this measure is still insufficiently compatible with our current understanding of history and science to allow a truly actualized individual to live without internal contradiction. One hopes that we will learn to properly articulate the moral message of the old religions in time to wash away all the blood.

I worship the one true god

Because theyre cucks youtu.be/5UNwjB-k6aI

"Spend it All" is amazing. Everything I've seen of his is great though.

Because they're retarded edgelord so they reject traditionnal anything, but are still scared and retarded cuntbags, so they keep that "spirituality" non-sense.
These subhumans are to atheism what the westboro baptist church is to christianism.

Thanks man, I'll definitely check him out

>wanting to be told what to do and what to believe by Argentinean marxist



Because proper New Age and Human potential movement's doctrines are actually practical and have tangible benefits

Why cant people just accept that the only thing waiting for us is a gloriously bleak and all consuming void of nothingness when we die? Delusional pussies

Because traditional religions are people like pope francis

Only subjects are never at fault
its both ways, both they and rulers who are incompetent

They are? Millennials in western countries aren't too fond of superstition in general

Honestly Northern Europeans generally are really dickish about their atheism/agnosticism/nihilism.

Because the last generations before taught them to. Blaming millenials for harvesting the seeds that were sown centuries ago is pretty fucking dim.
Besides, new age is merely a return of the religious impulse, and a step forward from die-hard atheism.

Really dickish about their longing for ethnic and cultural suicide too


Spirituality is the real deal. It's not about being a hippy and taking drugs or praying to a holy rock.

The construct of social democracy is a religion; all of the Fabian and Marxist system have a foundation in belief (rather than rationality). The God know is that of equality among people as well as inherent and immutable rights.


Work posting is bad for the brain.

It was foretold long ago that morals and traditional religion would be washed away.. Read the Good Book. It holds a lot of knowledge of the future.

Down with islam


They're religious. Everything about the West is still very religious. Read Nietzche