How did leftists infiltrated in academia so much? Colleges are liberals training ground, they're brainwashing centers...

How did leftists infiltrated in academia so much? Colleges are liberals training ground, they're brainwashing centers, yet no one cares, they're everywhere, how did this happened?

And how we can end it?

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It's because the right encourages its believers to resist critical thinking skills that are required for participation in college campuses. You really never wondered why nearly all the scientists, doctors, professors, teachers, etc. are liberal while the majority of workers, laborers, etc. are conservative? The former have honed critical thinking skills and are able to see through lies that would con the latter easily.

because right wing ideology praises trade schools or business stuff more while left wing ideology praises higher education for the sake of learning and teaching more

Because leftists become teachers while right wingers become engineers, technicans, businessmen.

Or maybe one group gets funded by the state while the other group works in the private sector


Academy was already left just not Marxist. The old school left (think Kennedy liberals) let in the Marxists in the 60s because muh academic openness and they slowly achieved dominance through selecting only students like themselves and stifling all other view points

Because they're smarter than you. Much smarter than you.

This is the most arrogant post ever.

The real reason is because college is this pseudo sacred ground of truth and it's being run by the Woodstock protestors.

>The former have honed critical thinking skills and are able to see through lies that would con the latter easily.

So, is that why the left will never allow open debate on things?

The left only works under censorship and threats of being punished.

>This is the most arrogant post ever.
it's all they've got, a literal personality defect

public education at a young age that primes the mind of obedience in the holy word of teachers and state-funded universities for young adults to keep them in line.

If you don't conform to their thinking then you don't get their letters while ending up with a bad rep. This means only those that conform proliferate and progress further in that environment.

Truly it is with great irony that a place meant to teach critical thinking and questioning shuns critical thoughts and questions. Ask any professor about certain topics, and they are quick to make a hasty escape

t. George Ciccariello Maher

It's always something eh?

>This is the most arrogant post ever.
How hyperbolic.

>never allow open debate on things?
Do you not remember the past?

>Go to college back in the day
>Majors in BS like gender studies are not that common
>First outliers start getting their bullshit degrees
>Realize that majoring in bullshit only qualifies you to regurgitate that bullshit
>Number of teachers teaching bullshit increases
>Meanwhile, (((they))) keep pushing the myth that you have to go to college. More and more people who have no business going to college begin attending
>These kids have no idea what to do, so they also major in bullshit
>They also only become qualified to teach their bullshit, number of teachers teaching bullshit increases again
>Suddenly colleges have become the bullshit capitals of the United States

If you have spent any time in academy you know these people are autistic weirdos who have a tenuous grip on reality, hence all the Marxists

it's like a virus. It's so efficient in making more bullshit. How can it even be stopped?

"What can they do but join the revolution"-Nixon

It was happening in his time and has only gotten worse

Conservatives are more tolerant to other views, lefties are not. When you have any entity with a power structure eventually the lefties start to get into power, start stifling other views (conservative views). Eventually the conservatives move on, unable to freely express views. Lefties in power seek to replace with people more radical than themselves...over time you get ultra left wing institution.

Eventually you get to a point where the smart people realize they can get an easy leg up playing lefty to their superiors...which is why you get "smart people are always leftists" but when it comes to voting someone like trump gets elected, and everyone pretends to not know why.

I bet if people in hollywood didnt risk their livelyhoods doing so...youd find out a lot of them are conservatives...but again...theres no business advantage to coming out as conservative.

>Do you not remember the past?

Sounds like you don't.

If you only allow one side to voice opinions and shape society, then you're effectively allowing extremism to gain control.

All of the dictatorships, whether left or right, were made through silencing the opposition.

Society can only remain "steady" when both sides compromise and come to an agreement.

People got triggered by this but if you look back at history it's completely fucking true. It may not be the case in the present day but it became true because it was the case for over a century. For a long-ass time in America being conservative meant you had your faith, you had your family, and you had your livelihood, and you didn't need or want much else. They kept things simple and didn't want that to change. If you were going to college you had either left that life behind or had never come from it in the first place, being from some elite family. And on a college with an encouragement for free speech and discourse there were naturally few people speaking for conservative values since its espousers weren't interested in going there to begin with.

So smart they didnt see a trump landslide coming...even with a massive illegal vote supporting the left.

>the right discourages critical thought
The opposite is true in my experience

Need one of those 'my son you must choose beautiful X or Y' images, only a university student completing an undergraduate degree with the opportunity to go into the real world and get a fucking job or suckle at the teat of the university for the next 40 years in the hope of being a professor, never leaving the bubble that is academia.

google the frankfurt school OP, if you want to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.

This. If you only have one side allowed to express themselves you just end up in a death spiral of ideological puritanism that ends with you executing anyone who doesn't agree with you past a point.

Because they can't do hard work

>Society can only remain "steady" when both sides compromise and come to an agreement.
You say that now, when liberals do things you don't like, and you never say it when conservatives do things liberals don't like. Just admit that you're not looking for reasonable discussion, you're looking for a reason to hate liberals.

I don't know how people have forgotten this. Is everyone here just too young?

I majored in WW2 history to become a historian (follow your dreams fag here) I did a paper on the exaggeration of muh 6grillion and how the Jews just starved to death instead of getting gassed. I was almost kicked out for and I quote "propaganda and wrong views" Mind you I did extensive research of this paper, has sources and was willing to show pictures of how Auschwitz was built on a swamp and it couldn't be used as a massive oven.

They are trying to censor history to push a narrative.

Because a lot of hard line conservatives policies don't make a whole lot of sense if you think about them.

I mean, just look at why marajuana is illegal. It's a stupid political power play.

Analytical thinking>>>>
>implying that scientists should be critical
fuck off shareblue

The college debt bubble actually needs to burst. If the trend continues next gen of college graduates will probably be the kicker; if recent graduates are having this much trouble finding a job, the next generation of grads is only going to be in an even worse position. Hopefully at that point people wake up to the reality of the college scam.

On one hand you're complaining about everyone being young enough not to remember the bad shit conservatives used to do.

While on the other, you're insinuating anyone who doesn't like this liberal bullshit was lockstep a-okay with retarded fundies trying to ban D&D and Vidya.

Hint: Both are the retarded byproduct of one political ideology holding too much sway.

Go fuck yourself retard.

Yeah, that LITERAL ONE vote in North Carolina was the dem's best shot.


>You say that now, when liberals do things you don't like, and you never say it when conservatives do things liberals don't like. Just admit that you're not looking for reasonable discussion, you're looking for a reason to hate liberals.

That's not an argument.

I'm looking for both sides having equal voices, and the majority deciding based on what it thinks is right.

If the majority, after hearing both sides fully, agree with a left or right opinion, then you can say democracy was applied adequately.

One bad experience from one university invalidates everything the left has to say and automatically validates everything the right has to say? I don't think you're an academic at all, because that's not how evidence works.

Why do you write like a redditor?

I don't, i've always typed like this because i find big blocks of text that meander through 2-3 points that could more coherently be expressed in multiple lines annoying as fuck.

Also, please make it less obvious you're just a (you) seeking troll next time, you didn't even get three responses out of me.


>you didn't even get three responses out of me.
Oh, we'll see about that.

"the long march through the institutions".

This is real, and it's the problem we've been facing since we dismissed McCarthy as a looney back in the 50s. Read his wikipedia page. It's a Jewy slant slander against him using the "fear of communism" as if it was some sort of bad thing to be aware that our institutions, even back then, were being infiltrated.

>go to community college
>don't join any clubs or interact with any student life activities
>go straight to mechanical engineering classes and study like a mad cunt
>transfer after 2 years to NJIT
>use money I worked for saved up to pay for books & classes instead of blowing it on disgusting-fuck coffee brews
>commuting every day instead of blowing money to live on campus
>workplace will pay for Masters if I stay there for 2 more years after graduation
College is a rewarding place as long as you disconnect yourself from the college lifestyle and don't go to some bullshit baby not a real degree college like Full Sail or Clemson.

You can argue all you want, but science is what it is. You can't make atoms behave differently by ridiculing them, you can't create life by willing it hard enough. Some questions in science seem stupid because we are studying them now, but that's not a reason to discredit the thing as a whole. Surely that viewpoint ain't unreasonable.

> Auschwitz was built on a swamp and it couldn't be used as a massive oven.

There's your problem. Auschwitz was one of maybe 20 camps. It doesn't matter if the ground there was muddy or not, it wasn't the only site.

More to the point, camps would use massed graves if they couldn't use ovens so saying that they couldn't kill lots of people due to not being able to dispose of the corpses in the ovens is borderline willful ignorance.

College grads still average higher wages than non-grads.

It's been that way for a very long time.

It comes from lefty pseudo-intellectuals being completely inept at everything so they flock together, safe and sound amongst their sycophants in what is already a fortress environment.

There they attach firmly to the teats of public money, grants and the fees of more of their feeble kind likewise attracted by the promise of the same. succour

at what point does that cease to matter if you're still jobless from an oversaturated market, and even if you're employed, have several lifetime's worth of debt to your name that must be paid?

Yeah no, I was a good little boy till I talked about the Jews. This was back in 2009, graduated now and work at my cities museums. Comfy job.

I am aware, I was just doing an overview of my paper.

Back during Cold War everyone have spies on everyone else, USSR infiltrate communist propagandists in America, Americans infiltrate capitalist propagandists in USSR to destabilize each-other from within.

Now, years later, American plan worked, USSR in pieces, but Americans still infiltrated, Comrade Yuri Andropov's Demoralization plan great success, now Americans stuck with tons of ideologies and inside themselves they all hate America and what it stood for. Not like this before Cold War, not like this before infiltration and Demoralization of whole generation. Before Cold War Americans were proud to be Americans, Russians proud to be Russians, now everyone made each-other hate themselves.

Source: Old russian propaganda books from father of friend who worked in romanian secret services back when we were communist. (Fuck communists and fuck capitalists by the way)

Obviously, facts and truth have a liberal bias.

False dictonomy. You're arguing that both sides have equal support when one side clearly doesn't.

The solution is to drain the swamp, turn off the faucet, cut the funds and most importantly ridicule these faggots for the intellectual lightweights they are.

When there's nothing to be gained from a gender studies and Mongolian shadow puppet studies degree, the final source of the funding, the students, ends since they won't bother enrolling.

It's quite simple, left leaning personalities are higher in openness and agreeableness

>curious, intellectual, creative and open to new ideas, more emotionally expressive
>affable, tolerant, sensitive, more compliant

>'used to do'

And forgot to say, academia, teacher and entertainment most important first targets to infiltrate for propagandist, because this affect newer generation more than anything else.

Now it is so out of control, no more agent is needed, system full of people who hate America now, and they teach their student to hate it too

>attacking the poster for using hyperbole
>not attacking the arguement

Mostly, because you came off as a holocaust denier which is both an unreasonable and heartless position to hold.

>How did leftists infiltrated in academia so much?

Intelligent people go to work.

There are no attacks here, only posts. Anything you view as an attack is a mistake on your part.

>How did leftists infiltrated in academia so much?

Because it's the duty of academia to be honest, which means pointing out when things don't work...

...including when capitalism doesn't work.

.....and who are purged first under communist regimes?



Intellectuals are just critical by nature. That's kind of their jobs.

Look up frankfurt school. They came infiltrated idiots in college in the 60's in America.

straya pls

The Frankfurt School's main gripe was with The Culture Industry.

>"The ruthless unity in the culture industry is evidence of what will happen in politics. Marked differentiations such as those of A and B films, or of stories in magazines in different price ranges, depend not so much on subject matter as on classifying, organising, and labelling consumers. Something is provided for all so that none may escape" -Theodor W. Adorno

They would hate modern day pop-culture.

>How did leftists infiltrated in academia so much?
After the Frankfurt school lost ground in Germany it moved to the US during Hitler and Nazi Germany's rise. The Frankfurt school was ran by communists who eventually spread their propaganda and ideas throughout the US education system


You guys need to learn what you're talking about:

...the frankfurt school didn't somehow magic up a bunch of leftist academics. They weren't put in charge of hiring and firing. Your explanation doesn't fit.

For starters look at the flag of OP...

....sorry, did The Frankfurt School visit Bolivia at some point?

>Waaah my emotions

History is literally black and white, there should be no emotions or what YOU THINK is right or wrong. It's literally just this happened, this what happened, and this is X and his accomplishments. Revision history is the biggest mistake we allowed. Believe me or not it doesn't matter to me, but rest assure this won't stop with WW2s history; it's already happening in Americas history. We will soon teach our kids that the founding fathers were black.

Their already doing it in Britain.

>brainwashing centers

For those two people left on here who think this is just right wing rhetoric here are some of the subjects we were taught here in American cultural studies:

Heteronormitivity in media
Focault and institutional oppression
White privilege
Sexism in architecture (I'm serious, look it up)
Gender theories
several Susan Sonntag articles

>links to a wikipedia users page as evidence

I linked to something with a bunch of sourced statements. That's the point of that medium.

Because they are state funded and not subject to market forces.

There are sources on each entry faggot.

No other posts needs to be given attention.

Read this. Yes, it's long, but it will explain in detail and in the simplest terms as possible.

I'm an academic at a Russell Group university. I also own my own business, which along with my right wing views does not make me a typical representative of the department. I'd say around 80 percent are hard left, with the rest leaning toward the right.

There is a big trap that you, if you are a right winger, should avoid falling into. It's assuming that subjects you like or deem worthy of respect have people in them that fall in line with your political and social views; they do not, they never have and they never will. There are, generally speaking, very few right wing academics anywhere and that doesn't change across department or institution. The two most extremist leftists I know are senior natural science professors. It's not all feminist literature and African politics.

>how did this happened?
It's always been the case, it's just with the large increase of people attending universities and colleges that a wider segment of the public is exposed to it. These people have always existed in one form or another, now they've just got more to work with and a wider audience.

>And how we can end it?
You can't, really, without removing the structure that it exists in. It's like charity work or medicine. It attracts people of a left wing bent and anyone else is either chewed up, rejected or forced into relative obscurity. Unless they're very capable, at which point they tend to do rather well for themselves.

Accelerate the college bubble burst.

It explains how the left has been able to utilize institutions, namely universities and media, and shock troops to perpetuate the mechanics that keep them in the mainstream.

Always trust the guy who wants everyone else ignored.

I see your post includes the SJW Yuri Bezmenov - who wrote a book praising race-mixing (pic related).

In it he talks about increasing social justice and equality.

Yuri is an SJW.

How can we end it?

>Stop going to college. Everyone knows Going to college in 2017 is basically an expensive day care.

>self educate via the interweb

The right doesn't have these, and cannot because they hold traditional moral values and are usually independent, therefore cannot implement shock troops, and do no utilize institutions.

Because conservatives and right wingers are generally unintelligent and intellectually incurious

How far up the career ladder? What subject? With 'the rest leaning toward right' do you mean a kind of shy tory situation?

I see you didn't read a goddamn thing. Lol, the post has nothing to do with Yuri you stupid faggot.

Traditional moral values like slowly conceding to every change liberals want. lmao

Our grandfathers and great grandfathers were worthless cucks and Jew tools

Redpilling my philosophy class today with wikileaks

So your politics determine your intellectual capacity? Are you some type of faggot?

quit being a typical lazy fucking leaf and read the post.

Try again faggot - this is literally a quote from the book:

"I practice what I preach. I live in a black area of Los Angeles, in the city which has the best black mayor in the United States, Tom Bradley. I am married to a girl who is rather black, maybe not as black as Andrew Young or Jesse Jackson, but nobody's perfect. And I am trying to bring such beautiful concepts as equality, justice, and freedom into practical implementation. And believe me, I am not telling these things to you people just to please you. I am not running for political office. I don't want anything from you people. I am not selling anything, I don't want any money. Fm simply telling you what I feel."

I'm an associate professor in international security.

>With 'the rest leaning toward right' do you mean a kind of shy tory situation?
Somewhat. A good chunk voted for Brexit, though a few of those were from the left. Others have backgrounds in military, diplomacy, private industry and the legal profession.

Head of school is a card carrying Conservative. They're really quite easy going, especially compared to other universities.

No one accept truth all at once, redpill bad name because understanding it is not what you swallow one time and done, you have to slowly instill doubt in current system, ask yourself questions you want them to ask themselves and be confused, their natural empathy will make them confused to, do not push at start or they will push back, make it a journey of discovery together, always trying to find bad excuses for what you find to maintain the narative, so that when excuses all come crumbling down at end, they are at the same place in the journey you were

What is /k/ and Sup Forums ?

>gib (You)'s the poast

Any chance you could post the paper?

Becues were an echo chambere i retarted know fuck of shill

spot on

>I got a quote from a book
>that still has jack shit to do with Yuri.

I understand you abos are fucking upside down retarded, but you can quit being subhuman when trying to act smart at least. Back to the boong cave fag

Those who can't, teach. Liberal faggots and jews have almost zero ability to do anything so they become teachers and push their useless shit onto the youth. Capable people don't want to teach, they want to go do things. Then shitlibs and kikes worked their way up and hired their sgitlib and kike friends to do the same

Keep missing basic logic like your typical mcburger.

>that still has jack shit to do with Yuri.

He fucking wrote it dummy. It has his picture on the cover, his wife was black, and it's written under his American pen name.

WTF is wrong with you, at least you've given me a bunch of excuses! You have none!