
After Renzi resigned after his constitutional reforms failed, there's supposed to be an election before May 2018.

What are the chances of an Italeave this year? Is there a significant eurosceptic movement in Italy?

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Italy would economically implode in an instant if we left the EU, and everybody knows that. The one thing we can do is force the hand of the EU threatening to leave to get what we want.

I was reading into that earlier. What the fuck is the deal with Monte dei Paschi and your banking system as a whole? It seems like the only way to save the system is to have a huge 2008-style bailout, which would not only violate the EU rules on financial regulation, but also start a new sovereign debt crisis, unless the EU agrees to foot the bill. The crisis resulting from the failure of Italian banks could quickly spread across the rest of Europe and perhaps even into the United States.

>Italy would implode
Maybe. Maybe that's what you need to break free from the EU who's destroyed your country. I would prefer a collapse, painful as it might be but temporary, than eternal slavery and subservience to the EU.

You fucking gypsies would not do shit. Remember you stole your land through a shitty treaty because you wankers sure cant fight a war.

Italians are Czygani the Indian tribe mixed with Arabs. They must leech off white man and the past achievements of the land.

Remember Italians eat Cats

Shut up mountain jew

Look it s a Turk cosplaying as a slav!

I-i only get tanned because of summer

>What are the chances of an Italeave this year?
Pretty much none
>Is there a significant eurosceptic movement in Italy?
About 50% of the votes go to eurosceptic parties according to the polls but it's not that easy, M5S is eurosceptic but they don't want to exit the EU, they want a referendum on the euro at least, Lega Nord + FdI wants to exit the EU and euro but they are smaller than M5S
Berlusconi's party has always been pro EU but he may be changing his mind to try to stay relevant

we do eat pussies, yes

Leaving seems very unlikely, as they managed to brainwash most people with the (((doomsday predictions))), see Berlusconi is probably going to win

Literally everyone knows slovenians are more attractive than slavs.

No Italian soliders literally stole cats during ww2 and cooked them for food. Thats all the wankers were good for.

Remember thetime Rommel disarmed 10.000 Italians with just 150 men? Italians are cowards


The collapse would not just be limited to Italy or even Europe. The second Monte dei Paschi or one of the other Italian basket cases falls, the rest of the Italian banking sector falls apart. Let's say that the Italian government leaves the EU, well there's no EU aid or bailout packages, so you're looking at a probable default of the Italian government on their sovereign debt. On top of that, the collapse of the Italian banking sector will cause a chain reaction across all banks with exposure to that market and then all banks with exposure to those affected markets and so on. Pretty soon you have other governments having to step in and, what do you know, they too don't have enough credibility to have huge deficit spending measures. Spain, Portugal, Ireland, and a slew of other European countries, perhaps even France, could then enter default.

This crisis is not your friend. This crisis would be the catalyst on which the EU becomes a federal state. German taxpayers wouldn't be willing to foot the bill unless they got more of a say in how each government spent the money and soon enough you have a European superstate and the ECB gets to issue its own government bonds.

Not how it works you dumb gypsy. Can anyone even tell a difference between Italians Albanians and Turks? You all look alike.

Istra has been slavic for 1500 years. MUH Roman empire shills are on the level of we wuz kangzs niggers.

>What are the chances of an Italeave this year?
Maybe the people against EU are growning in numbers
>Is there a significant eurosceptic movement in Italy?
Some, the only one who can have a real chance and it's based is Lega Nord with Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni

Someone should rather tell me what are the chances of Italy ever being white again.

The country is overrun by swarty subhumans when the Romans were light haired people

>6 post by this id
wow being so butthurt,a terrone fucked your mother or something?

this , why so much hate?

Thats rich coming from the coal burning capital of southeren Europe. How many niggers did you import this week? 80.0000? 100.000?
Through out history you have proven yourselves as dirt. Betrayal in both world wars, siding with Allies to steal our land and pretend that our land is yours.

Did an Italian steal your girlfriend or something? Calm the fuck down slavshit.

Aren't the 5 Star clowns Eurosceptic too?

Nigger tier "argument"


yes but they are commies

we don't want any nigger,NGOs are importing niggers.When Italy tried to stop them it was fined by the eu.

WE WUZ 1500 years ago.

Ignoring the Arabic conquests of Southern Italy and the fact that Roman empire was a mongrel empire

>Tells others they have nigger tier arguments
>Literally can't do anything else except autistically screech ''italiunz not white xDDDDD''

Go drown in your vodka slavshit.

I fucking hate those little hairy goblins
Literally nigger tier white

(((Italian actors)))

Greeks and Italians are not what they were 1500 years ago and yet they take a great pride in "their heritage".

You are probably more Roman than the Gpysy across the border

80% chance we're going with a fucking proportional electoral law (still debating int he parliament right now)
M5S are crypto-leftists, tinfoil-hat versions of CTR
Right wingers are a meme, meddled with corruption and shit in the past
Lega Nord is going full far right becoming nationalist and shit, but most electors still remember when they used to point out the terroni's flaws as the main reason for Italy's problems so either they don't get the south's votes or if they manage to do that they'll become so detached from their historical northern electors that they'll loose a good chunk of them
Plus 25% if not more of the populace is made up of baby boomers retiree that always, always go to vote, and vote for the current system, unlike the younger people that vote for a change but abstain in too big a numbers
So you got it, don't ever bother trying with us, we'll pass this like always, remembering what WE WUZ to ease the pain

>You are probably more Roman than the Gpysy across the border
pick one mate

Modern Italians look like Semites.

fuck my bad
pick one mate

and then?

So you are Kikes and Arabs. You dont have to worry about taking in your fellow Arab brothers.

>still arguing about the past when there'll be no future for us europeans
>through history an entire population should be judged by the decisons of their past governaments
>muh clay my ancestor conquered years ago but now it isn't ok because I got my ass conquered
>siding with allies to steal our land
in the second one we lost land
>betrayal in ww1
it simply wasn't a betrayal but surely it wasn't correct because it was a defensive alliance wanted only by Crispi(huge fan of Bismarck) and his party, in that pact there was an assistance by Austria-Hungary in case Italy wanted to do a colonial campaign that those ones didn't honored, and at time of the spartition of Tunis we asked to support for the Austrian let them take that territory instead of France, the asutro hungarian prefered the French, because of that tensions were high against Austria,about ww1 our prime minister of the that time,Salandra prefered the french and as i said if there was Crispi in command we would have joined the central powers. However we couldn't side with the central powers because we were in economic crisis caused by the money spended in the unification,the colonial campaing and because we have a debt with british banks, plus at the time we couldn't provide food for the people of italy, and France and UK promised us the removal of the debt, lands and food for the troops at least.
Ww2 you are right it was a betrayl that cost us a lot, at least some uf us joined the Germans in the RSI.

you are a retard,you've shown that you have no arguments

you are onto something.

all these niggers entering italy is also a huge warning sign that italy's collapse is welcomed and fully in engagement, so to give strenght to the big nightmarish plan of an EU superstate soviet style.
i have lost all hope both on italy and europe, and now wish that someone starts the global nuclear war to put us out of our misery.


they want to leave EU in general,but their political belief is confused some of them are against immigration some are ok,some of them are pro lgbt some are not, they are just united because they hate corruption and this governament, apart from that they'll destroy into their own party. They are basically the partisans of the politics.

It's just basic economics. From the perspective of economic fundamentals, the euro is an unsustainable project. The currency of Germany and the currency of Greece should not have the same exchange rate and the inability for the euro to factor in these differences has given Germany huge boons in trade while punishing Southern Europe. The only way to solve this situation economically speaking is to facilitate huge wealth transfers from the "higher" areas in Northern Europe to the "lower" areas in Southern Europe, which can only occur through a European superstate.

A European superstate would have unprecedented amounts of gridlock over these wealth transfers, but if you initiate it during a crisis situation, suddenly that gridlock goes away as everyone wants the bleeding to stop.


I don't like small picture.


>What are the chances of an Italeave this year?
Close to 0, since there won't be a parliamentary majority in favor of it.

> Is there a significant eurosceptic movement in Italy?
Yes, a huge one, much bigger than the parties representing it, but it's scattered and badly channelled

To put it plainly, the only relevant parties (more than 2%) for sure in favour of Italeave are Lega Nord (Northern League), roughly 15%, and Fratelli d'Italia (Brothers of Italy), roughly at 5%.

However, their only possible allies, Berlusconi's Forza Italia (Go Italy!), at 14%, and its minor satellite allies are strongly europhile conservatives. So even if the right wing wins the election and gets a majority, there is no majority for Italeave.

Renzi's PD (Democrats), polling at 27%, are of course turbocucks and fully progressive europhiles, proimmigration pro Euros. If the center left wins, Italy will try to sell even more sovreignity to Bruxelles.

Finally, Grillo's M5S (5 star movement), at 30%, is a 'populist' party with schizophrenic positions on everything, extremely fragmented and flip-flopping. 2/3 of their base is made of collectivist lefty turbotards. In general they declare themselves anti-euro but not anti EU. They took all kind of positions on EU, though, and are heavily incompetent and easily corruptible. Think Tsipras x 1000.

Ah, and our constitution forbids any referendum on foreign treaties.

What is life like in Italy for the average Italian? Have the issues surrounding banking started to pervade into normal life (i.e. job losses, businesses closing, decrease in consumer spending) or is it still something disconnected from the population at large and more a concern to bankers in London, Paris, and Frankfurt than your average Italian?

Also, idk how old you are user, but what was it like living through the Italian sovereign debt crisis? Was there a feeling that everything was going to shit or was it just an ordinary recession, with the assumption European aid would solve the issue?

Hello fellow DC user

the eternal Slovenian is known for always being butthurt

>job losses, businesses closing, decrease in consumer spending

yes, all of this is happening and keeps worsening as the years go by.

About your second question, nobody here trusts EU or their supposed "aid", euro has been hated since day one it was introduced due to massive speculation on its value, which led the purchasing power of italians lower and lower.

>NGOs are importing niggers
Can I get a quick rundown on this?

The most relevant Slovenian in history is Melanal Trump, and she all her relevance is too suck Trump's dick...after having been for 8 years in Milan doing things that eastern european models are forced to do in you can understand why the Slovenians are so butthurt.

>What is life like in Italy for the average Italian?
It's ok, depending on where you live it could be easier or harder to find a job
>Have the issues surrounding banking started to pervade into normal life (i.e. job losses, businesses closing, decrease in consumer spending) or is it still something disconnected from the population at large and more a concern to bankers in London, Paris, and Frankfurt than your average Italian?
The whole thing about the banks was blown out of proportion by the british media, basically there are two huge banks in Italy, Intesa Sanpaolo and Unicredit, the third biggest one was MPS which went to shit after years of poor management but it was still minuscule compared to the biggest two, the other banks are even more irrelevant so nobody cares if they fail
>what was it like living through the Italian sovereign debt crisis?
Some people lost their job and youth unemployment skyrocketed but most people weren't really affected
>with the assumption European aid would solve the issue?
The sovereign debt crisis of a few years ago wasn't about us you know? We lent money to a few countries like Greece

A collapse of your banking sector and government credit rating would be catastrophic. Could your country be used as an example to force other nations into integration or would Italians readily accept the Eurocracy to stave off an economic contraction rivaling the Great Depression?

watch this,it's just a quick rundown.

It's not just the banks it seems like, what about the huge amount of toxic debt on the books of Italian banks? In the US, most of that debt got bought by the Federal Reserve through quantitative easing and banks got backstopped through TARP. Plus, with our status as the world reserve currency, we can afford to run much higher deficits than European countries.

Perhaps a European superstate is a bit much to assume from this situation, but the ECB selling European government bonds seems well within the realm of possibilities. A collapse in Italian debt and banks would trigger similar situations across most of Southern Europe, no? If the EU chooses to leave that alone, there's no doubt it would spread across the Atlantic and into Asia, but the only actions they can take against it are too unpopular to be done.

OP majority of italians are against euro. Pic related is an article on that aimed at the turbokikes in this thread who believe our economy needs the euro or will suffer if we leave.

> when your only contribution to modern history is being Switzerland's Mexico
Seriously though the EU is fucking you so hard, i feel bad for you.

That's definitely true but our debt is still manageable even though it will not go down for the foreseeable future
And if one of the two big banks i was talking about were to fail it wouldn't only bring down other southern european countries but the entire planet

>Tsipras x 1000

Pretty sure Tsipras has always been full blown lefty-retard, never pretending to be right-wing

I see
But what do they gain from this? Like what's the endgame

>Ah, and our constitution forbids any referendum on foreign treaties.
Mute point. The Brexit referendum wasn't legally binding in any way. It's just that when you politically commit to something it's very, very hard to backtrack whether you're legally binded to act or not.

>What is life like in Italy for the average Italian?
Better than you'd think reading Sup Forums memes only, but unemployment is undeniably the first concern of the average Mario and his family. With youth unemployment hovering around 40% it's like a political powder keg building up ready to explode when the boomer parents retire and won't be able to sustain their unemployed children anymore. Migrants too are a net social and financial drain, which is slowly making disenfranchised people more bold in their anti-immigration stances.
> [at 4:07 it's "racist" not "separatist"]

>Have the issues surrounding banking started to pervade into normal life?
Yes, especially young people. But Italians on average rely more on families than the rest of Western Europe, therefore families absorbed the hit and relieved pressure on the individuals. Which is why, I speculate, LGBT garbage struggles to make its way into Italian society: it's difficult to paint the traditional family as an evil oppressive social construct when so many rely on it.

>but what was it like living through the Italian sovereign debt crisis?
The Italian economy has been sluggish for a decade now but the sovereign debt crisis was never about Italy. The "I" in PIGS is Ireland. Italy has been the 3rd largest (behind Germany and France) contributor to the various EU bailouts.

this is almost 1 year old, look it up because it's connected to the clamor of these very days about a based sicilian Prosecutor who spilled the beans to the media about the (((NGOs))) ship actively collaborating with human traffickers to pick the niggers right on lybian coast and then send them all to Italy.

A step up the ladder would be that the unmask the real perpetrators, the so called "private donors" giving huge amount of money to keep all those NGO's boats busy in Mediterranean sea. They are the ones who want to destabilize Europe, not the shitskin traffickers who put the niggers on the boats.
Pro tip: most of the founders and donors to this NGOs are jewish """philantropists""" like Soros.

Lega Nord

M5S is not a political party, it has no ideology and no real program.
It's a congregation of people who sense that the italian political system is collapsing and just want to get their share of the corruption money before it all ends.
Just look at how Raggi is running Rome for clues of how they're no different from any other political group in Italy.

la la lalaaaa la la allaaaaaaa ITALIAAA ITALIAAAAA


You're not moving here, Alexandru

>But what do they gain from this?
The NGOs themselves probably just funds from shady sources and "good goy" PR points.

As for (((who))) funds them, well that unironically depends on how deep down the rabbit hole you want to go. I personally like how Dr. Pierce puts it, that is it's just in (((their))) nature:


Wrong picture.


Which one's better?

We're not gonna making without the ecb controlling our money and the european comission controlling our laws and frontex controlling our borders.
We would implode the next week.

I don't think they are there for the corruption money, i think they are too stupid and incompetent for that, they strike me as a bunch of people that looked at various government positions and said "how hard can it be?", then they found out it was pretty fucking hard once they managed to get enough idiots to vote for them

Yeah, also Juncker has recently ruled out any possibility of Italy leaving the euro



The picture was not wrong, amico mio.

Founder of Doctors without borders:
>Bernard Kouchner est un médecin et homme politique français, cofondateur de Médecins sans frontières
>Bernard Kouchner est le fils de Georges Kouchner, un médecin juif d'origine lettone
>In 2010, the Jerusalem Post considered Bernard Kouchner the 15th most influential Jew in the world.

Amnesty International
>Peter Benenson (born Peter James Henry Solomon)
>He was born in London as Peter James Henry Solomon, to a large Jewish family

Human Rights Watch
>Founders: Jeri Laber, Aryeh Neier, Robert L. Bernstein

This is only the tip of the iceberg.



On the one hand, I've heard from certain economists that even though people theorize Europe going off the cliff first, Europe's entitlement programs are much better funded than the ones here in the States.

However, the United States as the global reserve currency printer has much more leeway over what it can and can't do regarding economic policy. We have huge demand for Treasuries from Asian markets not because our debt is necessarily good but because Asian investors need a safe space to park their wealth away from the CCP's hands. Also, pic related, investors demand a higher yield on Italian debt than they do on most other government debts, suggesting that asset markets place Italian debt as riskier. Whether this is chalked up to psychology or legitimate fundamentals varies from interpretation of markets, but I think the answer is a bit of both interpretations.

>Youth unemployment around 40%

Do the unemployed youths in question have any marketable skills from a college education or are they literally just NEETs?

I don't mean to defend a European superstate, but I think one game that Juncker and the others might play to win support from more traditionally eurosceptic countries could be a jobs program that imports Southern Europeans to Northern Europe rather than refugees. It's just a thought. The Eurocrats are trying to crash Europe with no survivors and I doubt that their agenda will seriously value these refugee flows now over gaining economic dominance over all of Europe at a crisis point like an Italian banking crisis.

It's good that there is at least strong social cohesion. How is the fertility rate in Italy compared to Germany, Austria, etc.?

Italy would tank if they left the EU? Giuseppe please.

You can make Ferrari, Alfa Romeo Giulia QV and Barilla all day long.

Also, why are you fuckers letting shitskins via Lampedusa WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY.

Italy is a problem when it comes to mudslimes! You have cities turned to literal shitholes! WTF!!!!!

Lasciate mi cantare!

>Also, pic related, investors demand a higher yield on Italian debt than they do on most other government debts, suggesting that asset markets place Italian debt as riskier
Without a doubt, that also depends on rating and ours are terrible, bbb- i think

>Do the unemployed youths in question have any marketable skills from a college education or are they literally just NEETs?
No, it's not just NEETs but keep in mind a lot of those are people working off the books in the south, the youth unemployment rate is about 10-15% in the north and 50-60% in the south

>why are you letting shitskins in
because those fuckers in Brussels got butthurt and sanctioned us when we were sending them back, now shut up and suck that nigger cock

the only leaves out of this hellhole

They will struggle probably. Do Italians have a plan (recover the economy, dump socialists..) ?


arabs only were in sicily. shut up jew.

The euro literally destroyed your industry.

Without the euro it would've been worse.