Well, Sup Forums?


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This doesn't scare Sup Forums because they do, too.

Autism at its finest

He has his religion and they have theirs.


>believes in man made climate change

>science shows five major ice ages.

>Smelling gas from the oil slave plague outside

Pick one



Climate change is a doomsday cult. Nothing more. He already has a religion so he isn't interested. Fuck off and stop trying to convert people to your shitty religion.

His tiny eyes stare straight into my soul. Pence knows all...........

Five major ice ages that took million of years to occur. Current climate change only took the human industrialization, which is less than a couple hundred of years.

Smart man. I'd sooner believe ancient stories that have been passed down over the last several thousand years, believed by billions of others on Earth, over a meme hyped up by a failed 2000 presidential candidate.



Climate Change is FAKE NEWS bullshit. The Earth is freezing.

Hush, user. Don'y go spouting facts and logic at these simple folk.

Ive been here over 40 years and the only climate change I have seen is from Summer to fall to winter to spring.

Stupid faggots that believe in climate change are the same faggots that are happy being told what to do, when to do it and how often they can do it. They are the brain dead sheep of society.

Anecdotal evidence spanning 40 whole years. Pretty compelling.

The ark is real idiot.


>super rare flag desu

You're wrong. Ice core samples from the Greenalnd cap and Antartica shows that the last ice age enden very abrubtly. Massive global temperature spikes in a matter of a century or less. This varied offcourse, but the entire prosess prob took less than than a millenia. Global temp changes of up to 10-15c over a matter of decades to half a century.

VS muh global warming where all they can point too is 1,2c change in almost 2 centurys.

>doesn't believe in noah's ark
>believes mars can be terraformed and colonized

>[citation needed]
>inb4 muh consensus

>millions of years
Objectively false. Pic related.

You sound like a pseudo intellectual faggot with no actual argument.

Most Climate Scientists base their projections on a few decades of temperature data which in many cases is totally in the hands of the scientist because they don't measure the whole world's temperature, they measure a few places and extrapolate. You could make the data say whatever you want by choosing certain places formulas etc. Numbers are the easiest way to lie, and the dummies out there need to understand that. Also is "Climate Scientist" like a degree you earn or what? It's so sad you are basically doing the same thing the fella you were responding to.

(OP) Atheism is a religion too, asshole. A shit-tier religion like climate alarmism, Mormonism, etc. Luckily it's only practiced by complete retards whose single strategy is to cry wolf. How boring.

Are you seriously comparing those two scenarios?
The first one is a fairy tale that was told thousands of years before somebody came up with Noah, in the tales of Gilgamesh.

The second one isn't possible with today's technology. Who knows what the future will bring?

>climate change is weather

If it is made how wood how the fuck does it still exist above the surface?


Its sunny outside today therefore global warming IS happening. This is the childishness of this argument.

More people in the history of Earth have believed it is flat than those who've known it is round... But they got the numbers so let's side with them. Nunce.

I'm not arguing climate change, genius; I'm shaming the poster for using stupid evidence. No matter what side of the coin you're on, that was the worst argument that could possibly have been made, short of divine will.


Doesn't take a brilliant mind to understand climate change. Finish high school and pay attention in science class and you'll see the science makes sense. If you believe climate change is a hoax, tell me this:

Why would scientists who have devoted their entire life to this, and have infinetly more understanding of this phenomenon lie to you?

And don't feed me conspiracy bullshit. 99% of climate scientists can't be on the jewish payroll you tinfoiled fucks.

I'm an atheist I just don't give a fuck
At least he doesn't believe in fags either

>Why would scientists who have devoted their entire life to this, and have infinetly more understanding of this phenomenon lie to you?

What's exactly wrong with global warming/climate change?

>You sound like a pseudo intellectual faggot with no actual argument.

i think kek is trying to say something here

So Noah traveled all around the world, from Antartica to the Artic and fit 2 of every of animal in that space. All 14 million of them (that we know of). In about 500 square meters.

Many pop "scientist" are always talking about meeting intelligent life, and I'm no scientist but I am technically a doctor in a different field (of sound mind) and I have a great interest in space and science, yet I've never understood how scientists could believe there's a good chance we will ever meet another intelligent life form... I mean let's be generous and say intelligent life is 500 light years away. It would take us a millennium just to send a message and get one back. Now let's say they could travel 20% the speed of light. You do the math- there would literally be no reason to come here unless it was very very desperate and even then, the sheer distances involved seem like they would remove contact as a realistic possibility.

Maybe life exists much closer, but the old Sagan model is so simple it's idiotic. There are many more prerequisite variables for intelligent life to form than just the kind of star and distance from star. Life is probably very very rare and intelligent life even more so obviously. It just seems naive.

Wait you guys don't believe in Noah's Ark?

he believes in electricity

What do the jews gain from it?

>Doesn't take a brilliant mind to understand religion. Finish Sunday school and pay attention in bible class and you'll see the doctrine makes sense. If you believe religion is a hoax, tell me this:
>Why would priests who have devoted their entire life to this, and have infinetly more understanding of this phenomenon lie to you?
>And don't feed me conspiracy bullshit. 99% of priests can't be on the vatican's payroll you tinfoiled fucks.

If we are unsure about climate change being real, if we can't agree on that. Why can't we agree on handling this issue with care until we know for sure?
Why be stupid and just discard someones point and argument because you don't agree with them?

Maybe he's an idiot, but I kind of got the idea he was scoffing at climate scientists for having such a short term pov. Meaning they are saying the equivalent of what he's saying "we've been watching for a few decades and this is certainly what is happening." How could they know that when we are talking about events that take thousands and thousands of years to occur?

His argument isn't much more foolish than what climate scientists are basically saying.

Because science is gay and so is Norway.


Science is for gay nerds. Climate change is gay. Bill Nye is gay.

>they got the numbers so let's side with them
That's literally the argument the left uses to justify the meme that is man-made climate change.
>in a selective survey we took years ago, 97% of scientists say global warming is real. therefore, man-made global warming is real!
I suppose it's okay in that instance though, huh?
Theists, making up the majority of the world's population, are all wrong, but a majority of scientists in one specific survey that said they believe in climate change are right, and shall not be questioned? Is that about right?

>Bill Nye is gay.

So are catholic priests.

Delusion runs deep in this one.

They don't lie; they believe they're telling the truth. They just believe stupid things.

On the vatican payroll is exactly what they are. Do you have no understanding of catholicism? Conspiracy might have applied in 200 ce, but now they all just stand to look stupid if they stop the disinformation, and no one likes to look stupid - except maybe you.
Religion only makes sense when your brain makes it makes sense.

Bravo sir

Doesn't that make sense, though? From what I recall, God said he's never flood the world again.

Yeah I agree.

>Conflating unrelated things

The main reason people deny global warming is so they don't HAVE TO give the Jews money (who are in charge of that "sky is falling" narrative.)

Should we protect the environment, of course. Should we tax the middle class in the name of climate change, fucking no.

>Doesn't believe borders, traditions or morals.

>Believes that he's on the right side of history.

It's a big conflagrance with political origins.

>The literal biggest problem imaginable is on our doorstep.
>It's real we swear.
>We need X and only Xs policies to fix it- everyone else is ignorant.

Then what happens is they begin fostering that narrative for political reasons. Some scientists are political, and some of them are naive and assume this is the cutting edge and fall for the propaganda (good with numbers but not very perceptive otherwise), some of them know this is where the attention is (thanks to politics and headline value of doomsday tales) and it's a way to make a name and some money. After a while it almost becomes its own network or culture of politicized "science" mostly in academia (they like politics go figure).

Because there are billions of dollars of federal funding only if "man-made climate change" exists.
Don't be naive.


Once again, I have no care in arguing climate change, but what they're alarmed by is that the changes that take thousands of years to happen normally are happening in a measurable time now. It's not a leap of faith; they know the patterns from rock samples and other forms of data that I am still not arguing, and they now see a dramatic change that should be taking thousands of years, but has taken only decades. The sample with empirical real-time evidence is short because we only recently started to pay attention. The length of the viable records from other forms of data spans millions of years. Still not arguing it; just giving you a broader perspective. The other poster's words shouldn't be interpreted like a bible verse; he was drawing upon the most limited type of argument possible, probably because it was all his juvenile mind could muster.

all the regulations that will be enacted because of climate change will create a society that is more dependent on welfare and government aid. thus making them easier to control and because the Jews own the banks, they have everything to gain if they can make everyone dependent on them


Are you fucking kidding me right now climate change has been debunked numerous times and you really want me to believe this complex planet was made from a big bang are you fucking stupid?!?!?


you are quite literally retarded if you believe the story of noah's ark actually happened

there are about 18 million aspects to it that make no sense

what the fuck did they take that image with

Gas yourself Monsieur Jean-Pierre. It's like trying to debunk gravity, round earth, or the Big Bang.

>all the regulations that will be enacted because of climate change will create a society that is more dependent on welfare and government aid

But the regulations effect businesses much more than individuals.

>hus making them easier to control and because the Jews own the banks, they have everything to gain if they can make everyone dependent on them

But the banks make tons of money from the petrodollar and loaning to money to oil companies. No-where does climate change imply higher expenditure on things like welfare.

Well since there are so many can you give a few examples?

>has firm religious convictions that provide a balanced and healthy moral framework
>doesn't believe in the anti-white horseshit being pushed by kike scientists and UN Globalists who want to force America into implementing Agenda 21

Not sure what the problem is here.

The most glaring example is that the ark wouldn't be big enough for two of every animal. Noah's ark would have been smaller than the Titanic by a large margin.


>>The literal biggest problem imaginable is on our doorstep.
>>It's real we swear.
>>We need X and only Xs policies to fix it- everyone else is ignorant.
You just described religion.

Science exists in the face of religion and politics. Scientists aren't politicians. This is a conspiracy theory involving the group of people least likely to give half a shit about your delicate sensibilities, yet you impart them with cunning, lust for power and greed. Most scientists don't manufacture anything and have to fight tooth and nail just to get funding to continue research. They'd all prefer to be left alone if it was possible. The fact that they ALL believe global warming is real should alarm us. Scientists aren't superstitious; they're the farthest thing from religion.

>billions of dollars
>end of the world
Dont be naive


There is more evidence for the Biblical flood than there is for (((global warming))). Noah's Ark was real.

Just like how they ALL believed in leak oil in the 70's?


why wasn't almost all marine life killed when fresh and salt water were mixed?
what did the herbivores eat after all the plants were killed?
what did the carnivores eat with only 2 of each herbivore?
why did the salt soaking into the soil not have an effect on the plants that would be able to grow?
how did the animals walk across large oceans?
where did all the water go that supposedly was enough to cover mount everest?
how did a 600 (or whatever) year old man correctly build the largest wooden ship ever constructed with no experience or knowledge how to?

this is all off the top of my head

You can also fight climate change while making money and good jobs in the process. Even if climate change isn't real, millions die across the planet every year from air pollution. Cleaner energy is a worthwhile investment.

>Religion requires faith
>Science requires facts

When a religion asks you to kill your first born son, you are allowed to question your religion. When a science tells you the world is NOT experiencing a natural recurring cycle of climate change, despite Ice core samples showing that we are at a peak a sinusoidal 125k year pattern, you are allowed to question the science.

Just shut up already

It will spawn innovation and jobs, actually. "Green" jobs are a rapidly-growing field. Change forces us to evolve.

If you think the story of Noah happened word for word like in the Bible then you may actually be retarded.

Most civilizations of that geographical area have a great flood myth which would suggest that at one point a really big flood happened. Again, not word for word like the Bible.

Climate change isn't caused by humans, it's the sun who is having explosions and heating up, possibly growing. i heard theories that when stars get older they tend to expand before explode

>If you think the story of Noah happened word for word like in the Bible then you may actually be retarded.
The Bible is the Word Of God. I trust The Lord's Word more than any (((scientist))) scumbag.

Why all these fucks like to pursue global warming as fact when a fucking 5 day weather report is almost never accurate is beyond logic.

once again, global warming alarmist BTFO

More evidence for Noah's Ark than man-made climate change pseudoscience.

Won't give examples as break time is over.

get the battery cables

Noah's Ark happened.

When we dumped an unnaturally large amount of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, you are not allowed to say it wad meaningless

Choose your prophet: Jesus vs Al Gore

What the fuck are you even talking about? You greentext like a moron.

The climate is always changing. Sorry he has a different religion from your Gia worship


>Don't have any children Goy, you don't want to contribute to Global Warm... errr Climate Change, do you?
>Never mind this private island I am buying, sea levels are totally going to rise and wipe out the schwarzes if you don't live in a tiny shed instead of a proper house!

There is physical evidence of Noah's Ark. There is no evidence of climate change.

Because God, dude. Pay attention.

you are all very stupid and make me ashamed to be human
no there really fucking isn't

You clearly don't have a grasp on the timeframe required. Life didn't begin when you were born, or jesus, or abraham, even; it began billions of years ago. Trillions of trillions of organisms were born and died to lead to you and before that, ten times that span formed our planet. It's hard for simple people to grasp time.

Did Noah's Ark happen exactly? I don't fucking know and I don't care. Are there several accounts/retellings/myths of a mass scale flooding in ancient history? Yes, most likely caused by a comet impacting the earth.

Don't know about Noah's ark, but there is evidence of a world wide flood.