Stormfags blown the fuck out for all eternity. Six million Jews were killed in the Holocaust

Really made my jingles jongle.
>reminder that this was and always is a Christian board first and a libertarian board second. Wehraboos/Nazi LARPers are just as bad as communist/anarchist scum
>also, reminder:
Deus Vult and Don't Tread On Me.

Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-3342999,00.html

And for the record I'm not a kike shill, Jews are still parasites. Germans are too though and the holocaust is very real.

I know you are one of the operators from discord.


No clue what that means.

Are you circumcised?

Nice thread


>realizes he's wrong and can't come up with an actual counter argument

>I'm not a kike shill
>I am circumcised
Opinion discarded

>inb4 "you're a shill, go back to r/thedonald"

>(((real experts)))

Fuck outta here.

>I won't bother fighting back with evidence

remember though, it's the libtards and women who are irrational and illogical

Nice old conspiracy infograph /leftyreddit/
I could prove the holocaust is a baseless conspiracy with a couple easy steps but you're either a troll or /leftyshit/ so you'd never read it.

Newfags/lurkers on the other hand, those are my audience.
And YOU just made me a thread to educate people with.

Okay you have two fathers and both of them raped you as a child and because of that you're a gay pedophile who has child porn on his computer and you have to disprove it.

not a single source.

> masturbation machines
> holocoasters
> baby skeet
> drowning pools
If the ebil nazis wanted to kill all the Jews why would they waste so many resources building retarded forms of execution, they could have just let them starve to death like Eisenhower did

This is the stormfag containment board, always was, kill yourself.

Is this real?

Not reading that.

Also this

>Debunking a few images means the holocaust is real
>Posting a picture of an evil nazi zombie is supposed to help you seem like an unbiased researcher
>A few points being debunked means an entire argument is now worthless

A first year debate club member would already know that these statements are non-admissible reasoning on a debate floor. is a good place to stop by and check out if you're interested in the subject or want to "disprove the deniers" or whatever. They provide boatloads of positive sources and break them down.

In fact, that's how I figured out the holocaust is basically Roswell or the "Moon Landing was filmed in Kubrick's Basement".
Bunch of people claim something happened but there's a lack of documents, there's a lack of physical evidence ,the process (mathmatics) and logistics make no sense as per the allegations 'official' and unofficial, etc etc.

Mainstream claim (Source: Pressac's AUSCHWITZ: Technique and Operation of the Gas Chambers, though pictured is a Topf and Sons crematorium used in Dachau which isn't claimed to be a death camp) is that with one of these coal coke fuelled brick ovens you could burn a body in under and hour or under 30 minutes.
And get this, they claim they used the whole oven to fit as much human mass as possible (up to 2 bodies) which takes longer to break down.

Get the fuck out /leftypol/
Shoo. Reddit is down the hall and to the left.

That infograph doesn't even make good arguments, it cherry picks a couple legitimately bad criticisms and derides legitimately good ones.

confront a nazi larper with evidence against his belief and he calls you a shill

these people are deeper down the rabbit hole than any leftists

no hope for them

It is up to the person bringing up an allegation to prove it. The claim of the holocausts existence had existed first, and thus it is the job of it's believers to defend it with evidence i the same manner as it is the duty of the non-believers to provide backing to their claim of falsehood.

Debate 101

And by that I mean reading the official reports and books, all the pro holocaust stuff people use to cite it**
I'm really fucking tired just got home from work

>implying there's something wrong with referring to yourself and others as fags on Sup Forums

I didn't know school was getting out for summer this early.

There is no evidence you fuck.

>posts a pic that's at least three years old
you cunts are slow

Going after the runts of the litter is the hallmark of an inexperienced hunter. As such it is their most commonly used tactic as they have never seen fit to push themselves, a fitting trait for those whose primary driving force is banal materialism

>to provide backing to the claim of falsehood
No it would be my job to provide evidence if I said the holocaust was conjured up by a specific group for a specific purpose.

Personally I believe it was used as propaganda (no proof on THAT, throw that out if you want) by the allies after the war to fuck over Germany based on a rumor spawned from the mess that were the German labor camps.
I believe they were extremely brutal, they were pinkos. The labor camps were basically sugar coated gulags and when they ran out of food and disease swept through they were more deathly afraid of releasing the wrong people (who would come back as partisans and blow shit up or fight) than those prisoners dying off.

No there's something wrong with believing the old meme that Stormfront has any presence here.
Fucking newfag.

Even if the Holocaust wasn't exaggerated, there are a number of Jews that actively seek the genocide of white people.

You state this yet post nothing to back either your claim of disposition or proof against their claim.

You are simply a propagator for the opinions of others in the thread, not a willing debater

>doesn't post any

The initial claim is that of the holocausts existence.

If you claim X, then I can say X is not true because of Y, While it is beneficial to provide evidence for Y, ultimately it is your duty to defend against my claim of Y and prove that X is true.

>heh, I could totally prove you wrong, but I'd rather just keep using ad hominem

This document alone is enough to show the mindset of the germans back then and disprove the holocoust, and show that jews are evil lying cunts

Still however, would it not still suit you to provide those steps to the rest of us to help proliferate your knowledge to those interested?

Why waste resources on gas?
Why didn't the Nazi's just suffocate them?
They could unload them faster than even drowning them. It's Hollywood fantasy horror film stuff. If the gas wasn't used for decontamination what did they use.

>making fun of holocaust denial is controversial
>this boards literally rules the world right now

>human bodies burn on their own like wood
>women's bodies burn better
but that's true, it's the fat deposits once shit gets going. always put the fat people first, then women, then the rest.

Those ADL Memes sure need some work.

Other than that - it didnt happen and is the biggest fraud to mankind

Holocaust pundits BTFO


or just shoot them, or just bury them in a pit alive even.

Fuck off mate, I am not gay, and I don't have two fathers, and no one raped me as a kid.

I'll see your X and Y and raise you a Z

In Canada we rounded up enemies of the state based on nothing more than ethnic groups (including German Jews) sold their properties and relocated them by train to work camps. Those who died we cremated. We used chemicals like DDT to de louse them.
Every nation including America put its citizens in camps that's not proof of an organized systematic program for the mass gassing of European Jews.

Okay thank you for the disambiguation. That is true, you must disprove the evidence provided no matter how false or unrelated even if it's a simple
>fuck off that's unrelated

Water is wet.

Raidkiddies off my board.

The holohoax is a myth and even the ADL admits that 44% of youth don't buy it. Only baby boomers buy a giant lie built on widely disparate and contradicting stories (many proven false) and the idea that all physical evidence and the lack thereof should be excluded from the conversation on penalty of prison.

I still prefer to argue that internment was more than justified. I bring up the 1918 German communist revolution where 90% of the leadership was Jewish, kike Lenin and his kike/multicult bolshevik party murdering any halfway intelligent ethnic Russian/Ukranian after the civil war, Jew NKVD head Yagoda and his merry band of kikes famining 6,000,000+ European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's, etc. etc. etc.

Steps for proving the Holocaust didn't happen:
>Convince yourself that the mountains of evidence and documentation was fabricated by Jews


What's it like knowing the streets you walk on were the same ones your grandpappy and his buddies got gunned down and raped on, as they begged for mercy from Ruskies?

>"It was a concentration camp, not a death camp"

Convenient that they initially claimed they were all death camps, and then decided to suddenly claim that only the ones that had already been CONVENIENTLY torn down were the real death camps. CONVENIENT.

They can't even keep a consistent number. They used to say, what, 4 million died at Auschwitz alone? And now they say 1 million or something.

Most of the arguments in that thing are absence of evidence arguments. Which is fine, because that's what a lot of Holocaust denial arguments are, but when you counter an absence of evidence argument with another one, you're being retarded.

Also, it says things like "hurrr he didn't publish his findings in a peer-reviewed journal." Like no shit, there is absolutely no peer reviewed journal on the planet that will accept a paper that even hints at skepticism about the Holocaust, virtually the only avenue you have to get that kind of stuff out there is through neo-Nazi forums and shit. And yeah, there's plenty of retards on there spewing bullshit, so it tends to make everyone ignore it.

For me the only evidence I need that the Holocaust AS WE ARE TOLD IT HAPPENED is bullshit is the fact that it's illegal in half of Europe to question it and no independent researcher has ever been allowed to forensically investigate the death camps for signs of human remains, ash, tampering, etc.

I'm sure the Jews were treated like shit and probably quite a few died of disease, starvation, and execution, but you're an utter imbecile if you believe that 6 fucking million were gassed to death. People who have never seen death don't seem to understand how big of a number 6 million is.

There is no proof, the entire narrative relies on rejecting all physical proof and lack thereof. It's based entirely on stories such as these. Stories told two decades after the war in the USA.


Okay, read up on the main sources for the holocaust.
Hillberg, Pressac, Arad, etc.
All the big dogs in the world of holocaust history.
You don't stop there, these works are all compilations of lesser works, the memoirs and allegations by witnesses and testimonies by the witnesses. These witnesses include individauls such as Yankel Wiernik. Interesting dude. Read his memoir "A Year in Treblinka"
His claims are out of this world.
Make sure to read up on his history and background too like any of them.
Anyone involved with it.
Wiernik was part of the Warsaw Trade Review. An infamous Trade union that did shady shit.

Also in regards to Nuremberg check out the Avalon Project by Yale, contains the transcripts. Read through the trial it's not THAT long. Very entertaining read too. Gives insight on some things, especially the terms of the trial.

Sorry to inform you but you bought into a meme. Human body contains enough water to nullify any flammability its fat and oil has. Science.
I bet you read that from that Austrian guy who posts his Imgur here from time to time.
Tinfoil as all hell.

Nobody ever makes the claim that all the camps were death camps. That's a strawman you LARPers put up to try attack, lol.


>im not a kike shill
>shills for kikes by defending the lolohoax

You are, for the record, a good goy

Wrong. They tried claiming all were deathcamps until 1946.


>fabricated by the Jews
Nice strawman /leftypol/.
I will make you take that holocaust-tinfoil-hat off, or else back to with you.


>that same fake infograph posted over and over. Follow the link and you get the homepage of a site that never even tries to make that claim.

>prove something didn't exist
What a Jewish post but i'll give you four good ones that come to mind. I want to believe but it's so hard.

>1) Where did the 24,000,000lbs+ of ash go?
>2) Why on all of the aerial photos of the war are there no massive coal piles at the camps, massive coal trains, or massive coal mines that are surely required to torch 3k bodies per camp per day?
>3) How did IG Farben produce hundreds of tonnes of hydrogen cyanide from what in 1942 was their remaining chemical plant and why didn't they just use a simple ammonia/bleach combo which is far cheaper/deadlier than hydrogen cyanide but notably doesn't kill lice?
>4) Why did Germans use the most inefficient and costly methods available with the Jew when they had hundreds of state of the art industrial slaughterhouses and were low on fertilizer? Why didn't they make a nice Jewish paste to spread on the fields next spring?

Again I want to believe but it's so fucking hard sometimes. When you answer these i'll give you four more. I have twenty or so here that need answering.

Yes they do. Right after the war, all of the accounts talked about all of the death camps IN GERMANY and used this to blame Germans for not knowing what was going on. This was later changed to say that all of the death camps were in the German territories in occupied Poland and Czechoslovakia, and that the German camps were just used as concentration camps.

Do I even need to bring up the ridiculous Holocoaster and masturbation machine anecdotes?

Empirical map to help illustrate this for newfags.

All the death camps were behind the iron curtain.


Not if you're
(((Aaron Richards)))
I wonder if he's made a Flat Earth blog yet, he seems the type.

That picture is retarded, all the articles saying milliosn of Jews died aren't suddenly invalid because the number changed or because they reference Nazis. It's even more evidence that they lie about how many of them die. They call everything a holocaust. According to their own publications the world wide population of Jews has been killed off 600% over about a dozen different times.

It's guilt tripping bullshit is our point and that's absolutely still valid.

The counters to the images at top are like, "but it was a concentration camp not a Death camp" ok.. but it's still illegal in Germany to say millions did not get executed at those locations. Case in point, it was a concentration camp, and no where near the numbers claimed died in them. How does agreeing with us and reiterating the goddamn point invalidate us?

Jesus this is some stupid shit.

Calling something fake doesn't make it fake you filthy inbred, although we can do that in this case as they admitted to it being fake.

Using a book written by someone trying to cash in on an atrocity doesn't a conspiracy make. Your death camp claim is still not true. If you're trying to use the post-war chaos of fact accumulation as evidence there was a conspiracy, idk what to tell you.

>"The 'wick effect' hypothesis suggests that a small external flame source, such as a burning cigarette, chars the clothing of the victim at a location, splitting the skin and releasing subcutaneous fat, which is in turn absorbed into the burned clothing, acting as a wick. This combustion can continue for as long as the fuel is available. This hypothesis has been successfully tested with animal tissue (pig) and is consistent with evidence recovered from cases of human combustion. The human body typically has enough stored energy in fat and other chemical stores to fully combust the body; even lean people have several pounds of fat in their tissues. This fat, once heated by the burning clothing, wicks into the clothing much as candle wax (which was originally made of animal fat) wicks into a lit candle wick to provide the fuel needed to keep the wick burning."

Please provide a list of credible, non-partisan proofs about the holocaust that come from verifiable information rather than anecdotal evidence.This is going by the rules of court in that understanding that the story of a victim is not admissible as infallible evidence, especially if financial gain is to be had from victory in the case.

Follow the source, retard.



Instead of train rides to fake showers camps and ovens why not just to a cattle feed grinder or mulched into slurry and pumped into the ocean with the sewage?
Giant cattle car decontamination chambers were built long before the war they could have been used without even anyone having to touch the filthy Jews

We're talking about cremation. The destruction of the body by fire over coals.
Not the burning of the oil on the skin.
There's a HUGE difference.

How do you explain this?

The OP claims the term holocaust was invented after WWII but it appears in the Oxford dictionary as early as 18th century.

Or even the top layers of tissue**

Why don't you go to
> Sиαpchα
and leak all your snapchat friends

>he bought a pass just to use a shitty bot

I've always been on the fence about the Holocaust. I still think that the numbers are wildly inflated, but it is good to get another differing and seemingly informed opinion on the matter around here.

Important note is that not one body killed in this manner has ever been discovered, nor have any air valves, and it is inconsistent with other first hand accounts by other prisoners and soldiers.

That is the most retarded thing I have ever heard, lol. A colloquialism doesn't matter for squat. Jews don't even call it the Holocaust, the call it the Shoah. Blame non-Jews for the spread of the term, Leaf.

A few hundred thousand kikes died but if this wasn't justification for deporting every last Jew from Germany watching Jew NKVD head Gengrikh Yagoda, Stalin's right hand (Jew) Lazar Kaganovich, and (Jew-married) Minister Molotov (yes that Molotov) famine 6,000,000+ European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's was certainly justification for full internment and deportation. The Cheka/NKVD which was almost entirely Jewish from the outset had murdered any halfway intelligent gentile in Russia/Ukraine and it's hard to dispute this was the plan for Germany and the rest of Western Europe.

Germany seen this writing on the wall and were the sole force that stopped judeo-communism from completely overrunning and destroying Western Europe.

The Holocaust literally did not happen as there is zero physical evidence for it.

You can't even post a single photo or film of the Holocaust as it actually happened.

How can you not see the problem? It's right in front of you.

I could point out how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with.. etc. etc.

Alright, where's your actual evidence in favor that it was a hoax?
Hard mode:
>It can't be a shitty infographic
>It has to be/is supported by a primary source
>the proponent has to be neutral and can't have any Neo-Nazi, white nationalist etc. ties
>facts and statements can't be taken out of context

Many were burned in open air without any fuel. Also, Georg Konrad Morgen talked about it in his testimony.

>Here let me install this sweet pool in the extermination camp, for drowning obviously.

yes goy, believe the numbers goy

>The senators who stabbed Caesar and took over control of Rome were all Roman
>It's a conspiracy that people in power are responsible for major attempts at paradigm shifts

See above. People in power lead movements, you tard.

>And for the record I'm not a kike shill, Jews are still parasites.
>Are you circumcised?


Your opinion has no value whatsoever.

"We mustn't forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish",7340,L-3342999,00.html

>differing and seemingly informed
>around here

>prove something that didn't exist
What a Jewish post but i'll give you four good ones that come to mind. I want to believe but it's so hard.

>1) Where did the 24,000,000lbs+ of ash go?
>2) Why on all of the aerial photos of the war are there no massive coal piles at the camps, massive coal trains, or massive coal mines that are surely required to torch 3k bodies per camp per day?
>3) How did IG Farben produce hundreds of tonnes of hydrogen cyanide from what in 1942 was their remaining chemical plant and why didn't they just use a simple ammonia/bleach combo which is far cheaper/deadlier than hydrogen cyanide but notably doesn't kill lice?
>4) Why did Germans use the most inefficient and costly methods available with the Jew when they had hundreds of state of the art industrial slaughterhouses and were low on fertilizer? Why didn't they make a nice Jewish paste to spread on the fields next spring?

Again I want to believe but it's so fucking hard sometimes. When you answer these i'll give you four more. I have twenty or so here that need answering.

it wasn't a plan goy

Dissecting the Holocaust: The Growing Critique of 'Truth' and 'Memory', - Edited by Germar Rudolf

The Chemistry of Auschwitz: The Technology and Toxicology of Zyklon B and the Gas Chambers: A Crime-Scene Investigation - Germar Rudolf

The Giant with Feet of Clay: Raul Hilberg and His Standard Work on the 'Holocaust' - Jürgen Graf

Concentration Camp Stutthof: its History and Function in National Socialist Jewish Policy - Jürgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno

Concentration Camp Majdanek: A Historical and Technical Study - Jürgen Graf, Carlo Mattogno

The First Holocaust: The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure - Don Heddesheimer

The Hoax of the Twentieth Century: The Case Against the Presumed Extermination of European Jewry - Arthur R. Butz

Treblinka: Extermination Camp or Transit Camp? - Carlo Mattogno, Jürgen Graf

Belzec: in Propaganda, Testimonies, Archeological Research, and History - Carlo Mattogno

Special Treatment in Auschwitz: Origin and Meaning of a Term - Carlo Mattogno

Debunking the Bunkers of Auschwitz: Black Propaganda versus History - Carlo Mattogno