Richard Spencer is gonna save the white ra-

Richard Spencer is gonna save the white ra-

Name a more autistic "right wing" movement than Kekistan

Is this what pol has become? This board has gone to shit. It's been weeks since I saw something thought provoking.

It's the embodiment of autism and not to mention blasphemy of the holy ghost.

Reddit ruins everything

you can't

save the white race?
i like death
i like misery

Nobody fucking cares about this guy here except that autistic furry Pole.

is it safe to put the kekistani flag in the new box or is it still too early to call?

Won't someone else go deck this faggot?

Is that rich Pinjata?

You're a faggot, gb2reddit

based magapede leaf, whats your username ill trade you some upvotes

this is the gayest shit ever.

If this is the face of white nationalism in America, maybe the white race doesn't deserve to survive.

It's unbelievable how pathetic these alt-light people have become since Trump's inauguration.

Kekistan = Reddit meme
Richard Spencer = Planted opposition, Pro gay, No one should look up to this fat pudgy faggot, If anyone reads this and they seriously like Richard Spencer get a fucking noose.

Alt Right = Media bullshit you're either right wing or you're a fucking queer ass liberal.

the fact that he was allowed on CNN in the first place should be proof to people that he's controlled opposition.

what a fucking embarrassment

Sometimes i also forget that theres American jew companies paying libtards to shitpost on this site so talking sense into people is a waste of time, not pointed to you tho user but in general.

We deeper than that

Why does reddit have to fucking ruin everything all the time