National Socialism is past the point of no return...

National Socialism is past the point of no return. I considered myself NatSoc for awhile and came to realize that that ship has sailed long ago. We need to find another way to save western civilization that will work in MODERN times. There are many admirable things about fascism, Hitler, Nazi Germany, etc. But the point is, that will NEVER happen again. Want to swallow a big red pill? Accept the fact that all you've been doing is posting larping as a nazi an image board. We need actual solutions. And fuck off I'm not Jewish

Larping as a nazi on an imageboard*

We crusades now goy

embrace degeneracy and help usher in the secular dark age. i'm also not jewish

You have to make "white nationalism" economically viable.

Then you'll get funding from the big banks and corporations.

>funding from the big banks and corporations

Really just needs a new name since most people have no idea what natsoc actually is.

Be Libertarian.

White people will always dominate the world in a meritocracy, so we must emphasize individual freedom.

How does one reconcile being Natsoc (far-right) and being on a free speech board, anyway? Hitler would have shut this down.

>National Socialism is past the point of no return. I considered myself NatSoc for awhile but seriously we cannot let this ideology get the nuclear codes

Just nationalism and a social shift away from utter degeneracy and "racism" being the ultimate boogeyman.
That's the best opition for now.

im 27, been NatSoc since i was 15 or so. i have always realized that NatSoc will never come again, mostly keep quiet and try to remain "unpolitical" to people i acquaint with. im not a part of any clubs or neo-nazi organizations. i also have a math degree and a job in advertising. take that as you will.

ancap seems like it may be reasonable if we ever get into space, although agorism is god tier

Harold Covington has a little show going on


Just be pro-White.

Go away shill.

NS was a German thing.


Neo-Nazis are just the intimidation forces of the movement. They exist not to attract support, but to create fear in our opponents. At the same time, they offer a 'release valve' on the more extreme elements of the right. At one time, the Klan served the same purpose.

A broad alliance of the far right, between the Libertarian/Patriotic/Constitutionalist faction and the Reactionary/NatSoc/Fascist faction, is necessary, but the downside of extremism is that it is by its very nature uncompromising.

i somewhat agree we need to retain some of natsoc aspects and move one and create something new

I'm waiting for OP to subtly bring up civic nationalism.... any minute now....