This bitch is a psycho

How would you like having the head of your penis cut off?

foreskin isn't the same

Other urls found in this thread:

mutilation is mutilation you kike

She us ugly and nobody would fuck her so she cut her shit up

you need to understand anatomy.

I don't defend circumcisions, but it's not the same as any part of a woman's clit.

It actually is though. The head of the penis is not the most sensitive part- not even close, it's mainly sensitive to temperature. The. it's sensitive part of the penis, the male version of the clitoris, is the frenulum. Circmucision removes about 90% of sexual sensitivity.

Do not, under any circumstances, multilate the healthy genitals of your children. It is deranged brutality.

Of course it is, removing the foreskin is less bad than removing the whole clitoris, but it's worse than removing the clitoral hood, which is what some forms of female circumcision do. All forms of general amputation are horrible.

Savage dog dick detected.
Circumcision s a holy christian rite and a symbol of the covenant between God and man. A man cannot enter heaven unless he has been cut.

Nice straw man.

OK, I'll give you your point; but that doesn't change the fact that any form of FGM is barbaric.

explain, pls

i agree

Not true, according to Paul.
It was necessary to become Jewish, but not always necessary to be Christian

Read Genesis 17. God plainly calls for all men to be circum. As a means of identifying the righteous. It plainly states those with a foreskin will burn in hell forever which is why I am cut and both of my sons were as well on the 7th day after birth as God commands.
All cbristians should be cut, an uncut dicj is unnatural and an offence to God.

Did you guys see the dindus that Tucker just had on?

They took control of a building on their campus and are refusing to leave until they get an interior decorator for their dorm.

>Circmucision removes about 90% of sexual sensitivity.

Are you fucking retarded? Try talking to anyone who's been circumcised as an adult, it's actually closer to 5%.

Honestly, I can't believe you think that circumcised men experience only 10% of the pleasure other men feel.

Good post. Cannot tell if serious at all

>everyone is born with an uncircumcised dick

I swear there are some dumb motherfuckers on this board

Uncut men tend to be illeducated savages. Anyone civilized has a circumcision.

I thought liberals were all about muh body muh choice.

Nobody asked me if I wanted my cock clipped.

Citting it off os a sacrifice and an act of obedience.
Gods love is natural, being uncut is a rejection of that ergo having an uncut dick is unnatural.

any idea why the foreskin?

what's so bad about being born the way you were?

why isn't that "good enough" for entry to Heaven?

cheesedicks btfo

I've been googling like shit to see if cutting off a clitoris will kill someone. That's what she said.

God specifies it as a way of showing subjugation. It is not pur place to ask why but to obey.

that's old testament, we don't need to be cut anymore as long as we accept jesus


>you need to understand anatomy.

kek thanks dr phil

I was circumcised as a baby, Never really thought about it, but my wife said she wouldn't blow me if I wasn't cut, she thinks uncut looks like a dog dick and is ugly. I have no real opinion on the subject, I don't look at other mens junk, so its odd to see an uncut dick.

Do women really not get that simply pulling the foreskin back makes an uncut dick look just like a cut dick?

that sounds really fucking stupid

why does that sound so stupid?

Jesus came not to destroy the law but to fulfill it.
Another reason to circumscise is that women find uncut dicks repulsive

>caring what women think

Towards the end, her act started falling apart. The segment was a red-pill to normies against male genital mutilation AKA male circumcision.

It shouldnt. God commands us all to cut our foreskins off. Is it worth losing your soul over a flap of skin?

>All women in Europe, South America, Asia etc.. find dicks repulsive.

"Rape" Expert here; call it consensual sex

> Abandon God and his commandments!
Get out fedora

It's because you're American, American women have for the most part only seen circumcised dicks. I think I read somewhere that in the UK around the time of WWII there was a huge amount of men who were circumcised, I feel like I read the percentage was 40% but I don't know for sure. It all basically started because some doctor(don't know if he was a (((doctor)))) believed it was more hygienic and would prevent diseases etc. So it was started to be done around in Europe shortly afterwards, and obviously the US. People did it less and less here because it didn't really help with anything, whereas in the US for some reason it kept being done.
Anyway, there's no fucking point in arguing over what a fucking woman thinks about a part of you, only your opinion matters. If every French woman refused to suck a guy off if he shaved his pubes then that doesn't validate not shaving your pubes, you decide that.

She's using the loophole because technically the clit extends deeper like a few inches inside the vagina. When we all know when people refer to the clit they are talking about the external part and that is what the muzzies chop off.

It's all bad but I GUESS female is worse, but it's like asking if you'd rather have your eyelids or tongue chopped off.

good goy/shalom schlomo

Come on... what kind of retard god makes you in his image but oops there is a flaw that needs to be cut off?

I was curious about this myself, I guess its just a woman's personal preference. We got on the subject because a family member opted out on circumcision. I was for it (not getting circumcised) she was against it.

>There are amerifats on this board RIGHT NOW defending the mutilation of a newborn child

Amerifats are truly the cucks of this board

ha! indeed.


>Americans literally CAN'T stop cutting their dicks
The state of you Yanks. Smh @ y'all rn.

She was playing word games so hard, the clit is technically partly inside the body, not just outside, so when she says "It doesn't take out the entire clit", she was playing word games. Everyone knows what this means.

>people defending the totally needless and archaic practice known as circumcision.

Holy fucking shit. Teach your son to clean his fucking dick.

Who's defending it?

The question being posed is if it's "as bad" or "worse than" male circumcision. Nobody is saying either form is "good".

Removing the foreskin is perfectly natural goy, said the jew.

One requiring a sacrifice and fulfillment of a covenant. Enjoy burning in hell with the other uncuts because God has stated an uncut man will never enter heaven.
Genesis 17. The text is clear as day.

If you'd actually ever read the New Testament you'd see that Christians don't need to be circumcised.

what do you mean it shouldn't?

that sounds fucking dumb

there's no way around it

so why not circumcise women too??

there can't be a more retarded group of people on this planet than people who believe in organized religion........

like, from the outside looking in, I think of you and your kind as being stuck in the middle ages

or the dark ages

you're not present here in 2017

you're dated

>I don't know about the new covenant

What's clear as day is that either you're a pathetic LARPer or you're genuinely this delusional over a retarded desert religion made for Semites/Jews who got sick of Judaism.

God created man with a full dick. Man thinks he must cut his dick to be seen as good by god.
God can't into cutdick on his own ??? The logic is baffling.

The procedures they do are:
1. cutting of clitoris
2. cutting of labia minora
3. sewing labia majora shut, leaving only a small hole for urine to come out

>Let us make man in our own image
>gets offended by foreskin he/they create

Remind me again why I cant take christianity seriously

Jews and muslims and Amerifats are the only people doing it.


That's straight up horseshit

he is clearly a LARPer but damn its fun to watch

Acts 15:24, galations 5:6, 6:15, colossians, 3:9-11

Do you really think that is true? I've never had a girl comment on me not being cut, do you know why? It's NATURAL to be un-cut. You don't ask a man why he has 5 fingers on each hand, you'd ask why he has 3-4.

Why are you freaking out about this. Why do you hate penises so much

what the fuck am I looking at ?

I am .I had both my sons cut and will teach them the importance of cirsumscion because if they fail to get their sons circumcised their kids will burn in hell.
God is a god if vengeance and retribution and those who flaunt his laws will pay. One of those laws states every man should undergo toe rite of circumcision whoch makes eternal salvation possible. At my church just last week a 35 yo man was circumcised saving him from an eternity in hell

>he is clearly a LARPer but damn its fun to watch
The problem is it makes actual christfags believe they can post their autistic shit instead of keeping it in their pseudo-synagogue.

Christianity actually doesn't require it at all. The poster above is obviously just shitposting

Im not going to lie and this might sound a bit taboo for this board. But I've done all sorts of dick memes. And yesty, restoration gave me the most ridonkulous hard on i've ever had. Nighttime canister method broskies. I almost died

He's totally wrong about it though. Paul speaks about this at length and other such legalistic issues.

He's either a messianic jew or doing it for (You)'s.

I had to remove my foreskin as an adult because it was way too tight and my penis hurt when erect. Quite a normal procedure.

I agree that doing this to an infant is wrong, and if your foreskin isn't too tight it's not something you should do.

Please user, my sides!

>Implying bible thumping Christians post on Sup Forums


apparently sex is also better with it. I haven't had enough sex for it to matter though lol

Female circumcised is a pointless evil but God has commanded ALL mem to be cut. Thats the command.

true. clitoris, which is the anatomical equivalent of the glans penis i.e. the head. the crus is the anatomical equivalent of the shaft.

clitoridectomy is the equivalent of chopping off the head of the dong. this demon's glib sophistry is psychopathic and sickening.

Romans 4:9-12

Is this blessedness only for the circumcised, or also for the uncircumcised? We have been saying that Abraham’s faith was credited to him as righteousness.

Under what circumstances was it credited? Was it after he was circumcised, or before? It was not after, but before!

And he received circumcision as a sign, a seal of the righteousness that he had by faith while he was still uncircumcised. So then, he is the father of all who believe but have not been circumcised, in order that righteousness might be credited to them.

And he is then also the father of the circumcised who not only are circumcised but who also follow in the footsteps of the faith that our father Abraham had before he was circumcised.

Go kill Him when He incarnates again?

Hvorfor er americunts sådan nogen små bosser at de ikke kan la' være med at skære hinanden i pikken?

ITT: People who can't into anatomy.

In terms of organ differentiation:
Clit is homologous to the glans penis
Foreskin is homologous to labia majora

In terms of function:
Clit / Glands = arousal
Foreskin / labia majora = protection

>How would you like having the head of your penis cut off?
>foreskin isn't the same

There's actually 4 different types of female genital mutilation. So you'd have to say which type you are using to compare.

>nighttime cannister method

fkin nog

I dont know. You could have used me as an aircraft carrier last nite

acquaint yourself with the new testament and the testaments of Paul, heathen.

I am not a bible thumper I have a basic knowledge of the bible.
No, you are wrong. Paul says you should follow yhe old laws if possible and it is possible.
Spinds like you need to read your bible and study to show yourself approved

This is really the only reason to ever have that shit done. Medical need. Don't do it for bullshit religious reasons, if you ever planted 2 different things in your backyard, ate pork as a christian or done any of the other nonsense 1893401471789 retarded arbitrary bullshit rules you'll go to hell anyway if such a dumb place even exists. May aswell go there with a full dick :^)

Paul specifically talks about this, and you are twisting his meanings.

BTW it's still possible to offer burnt sacrifice. But you don't do that now do you?

Am I missing something, why do I keep seeing posts like this which seem like they've been written by some Indian in a sweatshop being paid to shitpost?

I know, we had this shit in High School.

Havde en ven(dansker) da jeg var barn som endte med at blive omskæret. Kan ikke huske hvor gamle vi var eller hvad grunden var til det, var jo som sagt også selv barn, men han fik det gjort, har det som om det var pga. infektion eller sygdom eller noget? Må have været et eller andet.
Der er tydeligvis en forskel mellem at gore det på en mand og en kvinde, for kvinder er det rent og sker sindssygt. For mænd kan man argumentere for at det engang var nyttigt, altså da det blev opfundet, så at sige, var der en praktisk grund til at gore det. Men at gore det nu til dags pga. religion og tradition er bare dumt. Og det kommer ikke til at ændre sig indtil folk slipper religion.

Look here you raciss bitch, female circumcision is part of African culture, so therefore it's better than being against female genital mutilation which is from WHITE WESTERN SO-CALLED CULTURE. If you're a female and you don't let African witchdoctors cut off your clitoris, then you're a racist bigot homophobe misogynist and you will be doxxed, fired and gentially mutilated by your friendly neighborhood Somali refugee anyways. So submit now, submission is peace, only cowardly Republican bigots who vote for Drumpf think otherwise.

You are wrong.
Abraham was saved before but the sacrifice and act of circumcision sealed the contract.
I just do not understand why anyone would bot wabt to carry out and celebrate the abrahamic traditions at the root of christianity.

But it's there in the bible. Either it's the word of god or it's all just a mixed up fairytale written by men later edited and used as another form of social control. I of course believe it's the later

>tfw you would literally do anything to get your foreskin back

>Circumcision s a holy christian rite and a symbol of the covenant between God and man.
No. Literally in the New Testament that you're wrong.

>Read Genesis
Sorry, I don't read the phony Jew part of the Bible.

>Female "Circumcision"
Retarded as fuck and absolutley Africa Tier.
Makes no bloody sense, has no real benefits and in the end only harms the Woman.

>Male Circumcision
Whilst not as horrible comes with no real benefits either.
You basically rub your dicktip senseless, spend most of your Life with everything from Erectile disfunction to literally not feeling anything that even comes close to having an uncircumcised penis.
If you are a cutfag, no matter if m or f, im terribly sorry for you.

Jesus was a Jew, you dolt. Your god. Was Jewish. So were all his disciples.

Things could always be worse. You could be short(er), or bald(ing), or blind, or anything else. You couldn't do anything about it since you were a child, so no point in entertaining that sort of idea.

>tfw i will always have a foreskin but these good goys will never have one

Stop being a cuck. Cut dicks look much better.

>tfw not having a disgusting sandworm penis

>Jesus was a Jew
Nope, Jesus was the transcendent Logos of God.
>So were all his disciples.
A bunch of rockheaded assholes who betrayed and denied him.