"They should all just go right into the oven

"They should all just go right into the oven.
>The ovens that can totally burn up a jew every 1.73 minutes"

This is type of shit I see here, you guys don't think, this was per second for every single cremator in Germany. Ruff in about to have dinner and I know what I am trying to say is incomplete but I'm a lazy Brown person so who cares.

Now I'm back.

Ok. But also when people make arguments and they say something that requires abstract thought, some of you go to the common definition even if you know exactly what they are saying. Blah. I'm scatter brained.

Other urls found in this thread:


There are no serious arguments against the holocaust there. There's probably 8 holocaust denial threads active right now, but you wouldn't be able to quote one post that hasn't been debunked, if any of them even try.

I only made sense of what you said by doing a nigger accent while reading this

The argument I've come across that refutes this is that they weren't cremated completely.

OK, idiots, then where are the ash pits?

What is needed in an international transparent (and I do not mean Obama transparent) modern forensic examination of the Nazi Death Camps(tm) and an accounting of each and every soul involved. Germans love recordkeeping, so the material is there.

Who would not welcome a thorough examination of the facts surrounding the Holocaust?

Hitler did nothing wrong

How fast does it take to burn a person that is starved to death and one that was an anorexic that was gassed? As opposed to a normal person that isn't basically skin and bones.

A hell of a lot longer than 1.73 minutes. Even if you figure out some way of contorting things that it could have happened, the evidence suggests that it is more likely that it did not.

>Every oven in Germany
Don't you think they would have a ton since having mass burials and allot of corpses would breed disease.

Name one other genocide where they have bothered to cremate bodies instead of just using mass graves like normal communists.

>Deathly afraid of Typhus for some reason
>Have de-lousing chambers for people you want dead anyways
Let's just let these bodies rot so we can have crunchy tick bits in our Apple Strudel.

Also if you respond with
>ticks don't live off of dead people
I'm going to fucking strangle you.

>holocaust denial
Ok, were some jews were gassed and grilled? Yes. 6 million? No. It's just mathematically impossible.
Besides, that's not the point for the 6 million meme. The kikes have always been a people focused on prophecy and one is that the can't return to their country until 6 million of them die. It doesn't matter if 6 million died or if the world thinks 6 million died, it enters the supra-conscious and alters humanity's path, indirectly validating their prophecy.

I'm not saying 6 million Jews died, I'm just saying that it isn't like how most storm Nigger would like you to think, as in Jewish Summer Fun Camps.

Nobody claims the camps were fun places to be. Hell, somewhere around 270,000 people died there. However, there is little to no evidence of a deliberate genocide or an attempt to exterminate Jews.

They killed millions.
Get over it. The inky thing they did right was killing the Gypsies and even my liberal friends think it was kinda justified, especially after getting chased by gypsy children.

Have any evidence to prove that the red cross was lying in their reports on conditions at the camps?

Yeah, ofc it wasn't Uncle Adolf's Friendship Camp. But, they were camps during wartime. That's it, not some factory extermination "The Jungle" type operation. Some jews died and the SS didn't give a fuck about them. Frankly, after seeing both sides of the story, I don't believe that more than 1 million died. Some had to die, it's a war, but more than that isn't very plausible.

Given the resources it takes to run a war, it's asinine to think they would've diverted that much energy towards grilling kikes. Especially since Germany was already starting to run out of resources in 1942.

Not this again

>There are no serious arguments against the holocaust there.


>This is type of shit I see here, you guys don't think, this was per second for every single cremator in Germany.
I think they were actually reactors that ran on kikery. Germans, being excellent engineers, had found a way to harness this force for good, and that's why they were destroyed. It makes sense when you think about it, because they didn't have access to much oil and stuff so they had to turn to alternatives.

Sounds like bait now, but knowing liberals, this is how your minds operate.
>Had bad experience with KIDS ( holy fuck what a cuck )
>Should kill the entire race

And no, none of us are excepting Jews were holocausted because there is literally zero evidence. In a genuine court of law, You would lose and be laughed at. You have no physical evidence or writings to prove it, yet plenty of evidence to support the opposite.

You and your friend do not deserve to breath on this beautiful earth.

Doesn't address any of the serious arguments against the holocaust, filled with ad-homs. 4/10.

Fuck the ash! Who were the 6 million and where did they come from?


>only thing they did right was kill the gypsies because they chased us once

Shame your dumb ass liberal friends can't work out that Jews have control of our banks government and media
Or the nazis may have done two things right.....

You know you could at least get the borders for areas liberated by the Soviets and Allies right.

I'm going to add that I believe they killed a few million, but I can't believe they killed 200,000 , not efficient enough for Germans.

When I visited three "concentration" camps, the Guides all said it took one day to burn a corpse

The Germans absolutely could have exterminated the Jews, but they didn't want to. However, German efficiency would be shooting them in the head and tossing them in a mass grave, not concocting some rube goldberg machine to gas them.

So did the Germans care about disease?

It is when you realise that the real reason they were there was forced labour hitler wanted them alive during the war because they manned the factories the reason they died was becaus when the allies bombed Germany they hit the supply lines to the work camps causing food and medicine to stop leading to starvation and typhus for the workers what do you do with a dead body infected with typhus?

Yes, which is why they shaved the heads of all prisoner's and deloused them.

>the most degenerate comic

This was actually something I noticed, no one asked in my class why all the buildings were destroyed.
So why not burn them instead of polluting the land and creating an orgy of disease?

Oh, you're a homosexual. You might want to start worrying about disease.

When are they going to acknowledge that commie-scares gave power to the Nazis?

Because burning millions of people requires millions of tons of fuel at a time when coal and oil was desperately needed on the Eastern Front.

I don't think I've ever seen a thread where someone begins the OP, leaves the computer, then returns and finishes, all while announcing what they're doing in the OP.

Top quality bait thread

Is this shit one of those faggot kids doing their homework assignment?


Nigger. I bet you only care if you are right and not the truth.

>but I'm a lazy Brown person



>Not combinig both views to form 3 million Jews killed and saying Hitler gave them a chance to leave but they didn't take it, so it's their fault.

Better than any "Whites"

>1 post by this ID



Okay nigger.

What ethnicity are you?

Pic Related
>My cousin Patriarch Ignatius I Iwas, more Christian than you could ever be

The average burn rate of all 52 oven chambers of Ausschwitz combined was appr. 4.5138 bodies per minute, or 11 minutes per body per hour for a single chamber. Often the number of ovens are misreported by the "fact" sheets, omitting that the ovens had multiple chambers (muffels) that could fit multiple people. The throughput rate of the ovens actually exceeded the expected results, in part due to the condition of the corpses (starved + women and children).

A big difference that is largely ignored is that the cremation process vastly differs from civil cremation and was more akin to trash burning, i.e. instead of slowly turning the body to ash via indirect heat the bodies were set on fire directly. The process is much quicker and energy efficient, but also completely illegal to do for a mortician. If you want to compare it to modern tech, look up medical waste incinerators.

As to why you can't find the corpses: Imagine all the food that passed through your body your entire life. Could you trace back any of that? Shit is essentially nothing more than water, ash and bacteria, something that dissolves very quickly in nature because it's very edible to many organisms.

Effectively, when people claim the holocaust could not have happened due to the burn rate of corpses, they are parroting bullshit made by liars, without investigating the claims themselves.

>implying I care about sand nigger religions

I'm Nordic, mud.

Thanks. Also could I have sources? If you have sources we can make these faggots finally shut up.

HAHAHAHAHA, YOU ARE BASICALLY EUROPEAN NIGGERS! There's a reason Nords like gibbmedat based Social State's.

The social system works without you niggers.

Your kind has proven only white societies can function socially.

Listen to me, a white man.

You and I are wasting our time here going back and forth.

Anything you say doesn't matter to me because I don't listen to you because I don't care what you have to say. You're an enemy.

Society works without you cuck-rate Germanics.

Your kind has only proven that white societies collapse into degeneracy, you're fucking things up for everyone. Germanics and Slavs should kill all of you.

>You're an enemy.
Does the "White" man know peace?
Our does he only know violence?
Our dies he only care for himself?
Our dies he care for everyone but himself?

These are your problems.

I think I caught terminal 7 brain cancer from seeing that image.

>Does the "White" man know peace?
>Our does he only know violence?
>Our dies he only care for himself?
>Our dies he care for everyone but himself?

These are your problems. This is our world.

Why are these "my" problems? The Arab doesn't care for everyone or fit no one, he only cares for Arabs. The Arab knows neither peace nor violence, only the becoming of strength. What does the "White" man know?

I love this fucking comic

Goddamn, I don't know what to believe anymore. This one pic alone debunks quite a bit of the denials arguments. Has anybody refuted this pic?

I would very much like someone to try, as I revealed my powerlevel to friends and don't want to admit I was wrong.

Also fuck Turks and White/Western Governments.



A lot of the biggest claims were instantiated and enshrined after 1965, and fed to us in school using essentially trauma based mind control in a mass psyop.

Churchill's 6-volume tome The Second World War, published in 1953, which won the Nobel Prize for literature, makes no mention of a systematized homicidal gassing program (although I do not have my own copy, I have never seen this refuted). Now this was a man with access to all the intel, and he wasn't exactly detached from International Judea. So why wasn't it mentioned? Wouldn't the (((Nobel))) people have denied him the prize if he deliberately omitted this purportedly central truth?

The answer is: he wasn't expected to, because the "gassing program" meme hadn't been enshrined as dogma yet. The narrative has evolved over the decades.

Those films you were shown in school? the bulldozers? Starvation and typhus. Horrible to be sure, but the deaths, however many, were not due to what they taught us.

The lampshades and soap memes? (I was even taught about this in school)... That was the work of the OSS (precursor to CIA). Billy Wilder and Alfred Hitchcock were brought in. It's Hollywood, baby, and the essence of propaganda is repetition.

Think about the effect that had on, say, the American population, whose single largest ethnic demographic throughout the 20th century was: German.

Think about what kind of power can be leveraged by shaming an entire generation or two into self-loathing and steering them away from any form of self-pride or organization towards self-interest save the commercialized outlets you give them.

That picture looks a lot like the opening sequence to Fable 2, where you get the music box? Is that Fable 2?

This is all about Ancient grievances, anons. Germany and Italy were reviving Rome. International Judea still hates Rome for having taken over the Holy Land and destroying their temple.

But on a more strategic note, yes, the reason why Hitler and the Germans were held up as the poster children is, there were more Americans of German ethnicity than any other background in the 20th century, and shaming them and preventing them from organizing on the grounds of their self-interest as a groups has proven to be incredibly lucrative.

And it has been turned against all white nationalists, of German decent or not. The propaganda and narrative evolved.

I need you to give me a reason why I should care some semites were killed. Especially if all they use it for is to guilt my people

I still assert that the kikes deserved to be wiped clean from Europe. Basically I agree with most of what this Rabbi said.


1) Where did the 24,000,000lbs+ of ash go?

2) Why on all of the aerial photos of the war are there no massive coal piles at the camps, massive coal trains, or massive coal mines that are surely required to torch 3k bodies per camp per day?

3) How did IG Farben produce hundreds of tonnes of hydrogen cyanide from what in 1942 was their remaining chemical plant and why didn't they just use a simple ammonia/bleach combo which is far cheaper/deadlier than hydrogen cyanide but notably doesn't kill lice?

4) Why did Germans use the most inefficient and costly methods available with the Jew when they had hundreds of state of the art industrial slaughterhouses and were low on fertilizer? Why didn't they make a nice Jewish paste to spread on the fields next spring?

The Einsatzgruppen killed communists. It's just a fact of history that communism and Judaism and inseparable. Marx the founder of communism was a kike, Lenin the founder of the soviet union was a kike, and Lenins chosen successor Trotsky was a kike. Germans watched Jew NKVD head Yagoda, Jew Kaganovich, and Jew-married Molotov famine millions of European Christians around the Black Sea in the 1930's. etc. etc. etc.

Yeah it's from Fable 2, nice patrician tastes.

They never taught us about the Lampshades or Soap.

1) Wrong
2) unironically makes me think

Also I want to point out that school are starting to focus on other stuff such as the Turk being genocidal maniacs that ruin everything for everyone and Soviet and communist atrocities.

Means nothing that they are Jews.