Federal German Department against Discrimination

You literally can't make this shit up.

Other urls found in this thread:


>that hair

This is a joke, r-right?

Haha holy shit

>gay trans man

It's real.

http:// www.antidiskriminierungsstelle.de/DE/ThemenUndForschung/Sexuelle_Identitaet/Themenjahr_2017/Themenjahr2017_node.html

Hair dye is for liars and crazy people. No exceptions.

I always wondered that if you're a gay trans, wouldn't that make you straight?

translation of text from pic?

>This is a joke, r-right?
I feel like all our history is a practical joke that got out of hand.

>not speaking german

Why am I still living in this shithole? I can't even have a flag with a swastika on my porch.


>be german
>kings of discrimination and race hatred
>get wrecked in war
>atone for this guilt by going extreme in the other direction
>usher in new era of radicalism and discrimination

cant make this shit up

technically, but theyre a "woman" so...

I don't speak Turkish, what does it say?


"i decide who i am, and i decide who i love. as a gay trans*man i expect that the lawmaker and the society respect this"

>respect this


why do you guys have no secessionist movements?

The regions have some strong national identities and history, I'm surprised none of the more conservative areas make noise about leaving.

>I decide, who i am and i decide with whom i am in love.
>As a gay trans-man, i expect the government and society to respect that.

I'd really love to see a nuclear holocaust so that people like this would have actual concerns in their lives instead of fabricated ones. Surviving in a post-apocalyptic landscape wouldn't be pretty for anyone, but it would be especially harsh for these urban snowflakes with no marketable skills.

WW3 when?

social conditioning. The jews have taught the right to be so self-hating (You're a nazi if you blah blah) that it's hopeless.

they'd just die ;)

>I expect that you respect me
I decide what I respect and what I won't respect for myself, and I won't respect this shitty ad and that shitty hair

"I determine who I am, and I decide whom I love. As a gay trans male I expect the legislator and the society to respect this as well."

>I decide who I am

ohhhh, I get it! like "My name is Mohammed I am Swedish" and "I identify as fox-kin" - they're playing make-believe

>gay trans man
So a woman that likes men then ?

why the fuck do these people dye their hair?

They've done it. A state-funded forum to nurture our youth with poison.


Fanks tham

It is the only joke Germans have ever been able to get a chuckle from.

You need a soul to laugh so no.




If i read that text correctly that is a trans man thats gay?

I unironically like xir shirt though

I identify as an assault rifle. I expect the government and society to respect me and not ban me from the country.



"It's his environment, not the homosexual that is perverted!"



Germany, please tell me you have a forth Reich planned. There needs to be some ethnic cleansing.

>"not the homosexual is the pervert, but the situation he lives in ". In the last 40 years this didn't change too much.

Are you fucking kidding me
ww3 cant come soon enough

No, no, think of it like this. He wants all of the benefits of being a woman, with all of the benefits of being a man. So, he gets to fuck women, but also get female privilege.



I don't care. I'm completely neutral on your genitals and sex life. Stop making them your entire identity.

>gay trans man
So what is he/she/xer? A man transitioning to woman or the other way around? And what does he/she/whatever like? Penises or vaginas? This shit is getting waaaaay too confusing

A woman who likes men, but decided to declare herself a man (no surgery or HRT tho lol) for oppression points.

H ow is this a problem?
E veryone can diciede who he wants to be.
L ike how rassist do you have to be to disagree
P erfectly fine if you ask me.

Merkel is the best.

>tfw these freaks will find sexual partners before you will


I am a dude who identifies as a lesbian.

So I get to skip conscription, I get a shitload of benefits salary wise etc, and all whilst fucking edgy bitches left and right.

Good bantz Germany. Your learning.

>that's a woman
Incredible how things can change so quickly.

but they did

>Germany - Transcucks and Mudslimes

Save yourself hanz!

> ethnic cleansing

Uh, that's the whole point of this peace of propaganda, no? Increasing tensions between conservative and liberal forces until one side finally snaps. Meanwhile more and more people align their values with that of expanding islam.

it hurts to breathe

i can tell just by the way he looks that this guy has absolutely committed some sort of sex crime

What id give for him to bite the curb

You okay buddy?

Im not taking their side, but why people care if anyone dyes their hair is beyond me. Its just a hair color, who gives a shit.

People like that are also the ones who care if you have tattoos in the work place. Unless you look like a convict, who gives a shit.

why is there an asterix between trans and man?

It's like in sports. It's to show they're not legitimate.

Jesus christ, Germany

>he gets to fuck women
bottom of the barrel women tbf. no sane, well to do woman is going to interact with a man who is pretending to be a woman.
it is the crazy fucking the crazy.

In germany can't you argue that you just don't want to work, and not receiving benefits is discrimination because you are not a refugee.
giving bennies to hajis and women but not men is discrimination

>expecting society to conform to you
Idealism like this is why this is happening.


Let's say I wouldn't want him to be a kindergartner.

that didnt really help

Just fucking kill that thing, burn it

"I determine who I am, and I decide whom I love. As an ethonationalist, I expect the legislator and the society to respect this as well."

its not like these people were great catches before they chopped off their dicks

Don't believe your own eyes, goyim!

Als ein normaler Mann, der Frauen liebt, werde ich respektieren wen ich will, ungeachtet der Forderungen eines Zirkusfreaks.


The only one I know of is in Bavaria, which has existed for a long time and is even more fringe than the Texan secessionists

And they didnt even got nuked once.

This freak should be killed before it genocides 6 million cis people.

I legit couldn't tell that is a man with lipstick or a woman with short hair. Probably because only the face is shown but still fucked up.

Just spray paint one on your front door at night, make it look nice and when the police come, start crying saying your mother got gassed 6 times and why would someone do this in 2017!

Get some gibs from government and then put it back on a few weeks later

Imagine being the German bureaucrat who goes to his Arbaitraum, looks at this picture and thinks "Yes, this is a good poster boy for our homosexual agenda, better have Wilhelm print 100 000 copies"

So is it straight ?

. . . what does any of that mean?


A day is going to come where I'm allowed to torture these faggots to death.

Modern day Germany was a mistake Honecker ran the DDR better

First, Merkel s hair censored then these faggots.

What the fuck are they doing with our tax money?!

>t. culture manager and DJ

Top kek

Thats the real problem here, we need to shut down this leftist takeover over our universities


I would suggest shooping onto him a US Marines uniform and making it into a recruiting poster (if I didn't believe something similar already exists).

An Arab would also make for a good shoop.

I don't know what's more triggering to me, the text, the hair or the name.