Is there anything more cancerous than YouTube culture? Why are americans so devouted to it?

Is there anything more cancerous than YouTube culture? Why are americans so devouted to it?

It seems that every immature manchild thinks he can make bank by uploading videos from their room.

In a healthy society these unemployable losers and wackos would be forced to go out and try to make an honest living, yet many of them seem to make good money through patreon or ads.

Even Sup Forums seems obsessed with some alt right "political pundits" who wouldnt be able to get a job flipping burgers.

So what gives?

Pic semi related, the only youtuber worthy of any respect.


Honestly kind of agree with this despite liking James and Sam Hyde.

>In a healthy society these unemployable losers and wackos would be forced to go out and try to make an honest living, yet many of them seem to make good money through patreon or ads.

Most don't. Most just sit around making low-quality content and spamming their videos on internet forums waiting for their subscriber counts to hit 1000.

>The alternative media is terrible, goy
>Watch CNN!

Channel isnt doing so good, user?

>From Texas
>Complains about Americans
Kys, faggot.

There is something more cancerous than Youtube culture.

It is when

Someone on pol

Puts a space in between every single

Statement they make

For no


And it makes it look

Obvious where

You're from

On the internet

I'd rather have these people getting the money than Jews in the media

What's so much worse about them and normal journalists if they're just reporting facts or anything? I don't even see why you have a problem with this shit, just don't watch their channels. I think Angry Joe is fucking annoying but I don't watch his stuff.

Some people's text window is small so text seems crowded fast.

OP sounds jealous.

Seriously, I see it this way, if someone can get paid having fun, then why not? Now, if it isn't working out, then delete channel and install scratching your butt at Best Buy. I guess?

>Is there anything more cancerous than YouTube culture?
Sup Forums culture

Don't have one, faggot. Just tired of the D&C bullshit.

Sage, nigger.

Anyone who has better eye sight than a senile old man can clearly fucking read Sup Forums posts.

Is sage nigger similar to thyme chinks?

>if they're just reporting facts or anything?

They are not. They have no training or accountability on ethical issues. They have no protocols about fact checking.

>Inb4 implying MSM do

Also their shit gets spammed 24/7 everywhere, it's not so easy to ignore.

It's the fucking Chilean flag. Kys.

>They are not. They have no training or accountability on ethical issues. They have no protocols about fact checking

Go back to redd!t, faggot.

Relaxe e acalme-se, mano

I made a thousand buckos off youtube this month .


>Is there anything more cancerous than YouTube culture?
Faggots who complain about YouTube culture on anonymous Sudanese yodeling forums

>Being this new

Why are you so asshurted by my thread, seriously? I havent read a single argument by you. Seems to me you are either a failed youtuber or an underage Milo fanboy. Either way fuck off.

What's the matter paco? Do you hate capitalism? They're producing a product people are willing to pay for.

Do you want the government to intervene so people can't in an effort to create a so called "health society"? Fuck off commie.

Who cares , youtube is almost dead at this point cause ad boycott (or atleast most youtubers bleeding money)

You seem upset that people are able to make money while you aren't

it's really a generational thing to be so conscious of it. i have been asked on two occasions who my favourite 'youtubers' were, both people asking were around 17-18.

at the same time, i became very aware of it watching a channel called 'brad does banter' which was initially humorous, but started to develop tones of self-aware e-celebritydom.

Same shit in my country, either. This bunch of internet-age humans are growing up with the bullshit Youtube includes.

My cousin has 2 kids. They are like 10-13 i guess. You know, they can't even speak properly. They are too shy, insecure and more. Guess what? They got 2 iPads and playing every single fucking shit in appstore and watching all the god damn youtubers.

>Is there anything more cancerous than YouTube culture?
Sup Forums culture comes to mind

In addition, I think that this ''Youtube trend'' is a game of Jews. This trend is strange to me. It's just like trying to wash all the little brains and making the world ''globalist''.

>I haven't read anything you've said
>But here is who you are
>Please stop pointing out how stupid my my non-argument is

>hating on based AVGN

>free market capitalism


no different than being an actor on tv

i actually think its good to be able to make money on ur own without jew bosses

Found the Jew

you can make thousands of dollars a day on youtube, i don't see how that's a bad thing

> go out and make a living
> getting a job

It's not 1973. There are no jobs.


As much as you hate youtube, it is the thing that is breaking the control of the media and minds.


Define honest living.


I would rather be retarded and get paid for it.

I have been typing like this exclusively on Sup Forums for the past 12 years. It used to just be marginal spacing to break up walls of text and prevent forming paragraphs.

I now do it even more since the "muh reddit spacing" meme surfaced.

Just to piss you pathetic autists off.


>exploit the drone-like mentality of teenagers and NEETS
>some make money on adds
>get taxed on that money


>they all stay at home and take autismbucks

I don't see the problem here. At least they're being productive and creating content that might lead to them making money for society instead of shitposting on Sup Forums, even if it's objectively shit-tier content.

>Pic semi related, the only youtuber worthy of any respect.

Glad i saw this. I was about to sperg. So much effort goes into his videos, and he has a real passion for mobie making. He understands he isn't the best, but he still loves making them.

I marathoned all his monster madness stuff a while back, and it was great. Really interesting finding out the insane history of horror/monster films.

It's because they are entertaining and make decent content. They wouldn't be making money otherwise.

>this gigantic fucking faggot doesn't understand what a paragraph is and how its harder to break them up by eye when on screen

There's a reason most people use extra line spacing after paragraph end in word processors you uneducated fuck