Spanish slave labour inc

Have you heard of Garantia Juvenil (Youth Assurance)?

its a contract that the spanish state (aparently other EU states) are pushing hard right now.

they say that it's to improve employment rates but some of the obligations in this contract are insane:

>obey the orders the unemployment office gives you, very open obligation)
>obligation to communicate any changes to personal info
>obligation to inform about leaving the state
>obligation to provide proof that you have followed the office's instructions

and probably the worst

>obligation to participate in employment programs, promotion programs (propaganda), education or profesional conversion programs put forward by the employment office


>failure to comply with said comtract will bring forth actions and sanctions mentioned in the law

have not looked into it yet
but does not seem good

they can basicly force you to work whatevery they want or they fine maybe jail you.

as soon as i saw this contract i withdrew my file and NOPD the fuck outta there

holy fuck bump this u fucks

>the government wants me to earn my free money

Nobody cares.

Sign it mickey mouse or whatever

is spain still there? i feel like spain quit existing and everyone pretends

u fucking idiot

im not on any bebifits

the gov is just 'helping me look for a job'

even if u are not on any benefit program (get nothing from the state) you are obligated to do those things if you sign

It never really did much beyond the 1400s.

no one gives a shit; leave spain you fuck.

So don't sign you retard.

get a job you lazy fucking spics

It's been that way in Germany since the early 2000s. Only that they don't punish you by putting you in jail but by cutting your free gibs.

you can confirm though, it does exist?

You can opt out of the contract and not get welfare right? That's not even close to slavery dumbass.

And this is bad why?

>getting gibs but could work
>office says "work there" - you dont comply
>get punished

wahh wahh

working is slave labour I want to sleep all day because the sun came out

you guys hardly work when you do have a job

you typical work day must be 5 hrs, Its like shops are open 3 hrs in the morning then a 2hr siesta then 2hrs till closing

Prison for not doing state labor is insane, germany. This is why you people are cucks

Cut benefits.

They don't even throw nigger murderers in orison. But he'll throw whites who eeduse to be slaves in prison?

You guys need a fascist revolt

>as soon as i saw this contract i withdrew my file and NOPD the fuck outta there

you fucking idiots!!


I had that and I make it clear that I won't do any useless course with them again. Fuck them off.



so you have to prove you're looking for work and do things such as few hours volunteer work to build up SOMETHING for you to say youve done in the past how many years to help you get a job instead of lie about what your doing to find work so you can live of the state and do fuck all ?

there is a simmilar system in the uk GET A FUCKING JOB

fucking spics are the worst

You sir are living fascism. You have just been drafted.

Congratulations. This is every Sup Forumstard's dream. So fuck off to the assembly line and start working!

then dont sign it.

Are your people mentally retarded?

I was talking to a galician yesterday that said the government was too corrupt ti hand out he welfare aooripriately so the solution was.... HIGHER TAXES AND MIRE WELFARE, and a STRONGER giverment to reform... the government...

I swear to god your people are mentally disabled

Extreme methods have to be used when it comes to getting lazy spics to work.

Murican here, I have no sympathy. I wish we had the mediterranean work culture. Our typical workday is 8 hours or more. You'll be fine spainanon, work is good for you and a job is a job

>live off the state


Its usual stuff in germany as soon you are on Hartz 4 welfare program. You have to lay open all your finances and do stupid shit like 3 weeks job application training and stuff like that. If you fail to attend to meeting with the Arbeisagentur or dont write job applications you wont get money for 3 months.

This dosent apply to refugees and other scum ofcourese because that would be racist. They just say the didnt understand what was expected and shit like that to get away with everything.

So let me get this strait. Op is a dumb neet. If you ever worked in a job you'd know that being a lazy ass will get you fired, not only that, but if it was something important like maintenace or oversight your employer can sue you. I don't see how this is any differernt from any normal job.


>i did not sign it
>these obligations are aplicable EVEN IF YOU DONT GET ANY BENEFITS if you aign the contract

I don't know, Anónimo. It seems logical to me that if you want to be on a program that helps you get jobs to the detriment of people not in the program that at least you should prove that you are TRYING to get a job.

Being unemployed used to be criminal offense in USSR. So it will be in EUSSR as well it seems.

You realize Spain is about as poor as a country like taiwan, right? 90% of full time workers make less than 1k yuros a month

They literally are not first world

>professional reformation

and they say to you

>bruh we need you to clean some streets and toilets
>b-but i speak 4 languages
>sry bruh gotta do it or we fine ur ass

Settle down, "obligation" in the sense that if you don't follow those guidelines you're kicked from the project.

Maybe if they worked harder they wouldn't be. They're in the fucking EU for tits sake.

Still, spaniards are europeans and brothers. I'm Italian american

>if you sign the contract

so dont fucking sign it what is the problem here?

I msdr that post to make you realize there is nothing to envy about Spain. They are poorer than countries that dodnt have cars 50 years ago.

Spain is a communist trainwreck and I'd be surprisedDif their avg. Iq was above 92

We've had that for a long time. If you don't do what office tells you to do, they sign you out and you are left with no benefits the office can provide for you.

And any taxpayer can say: How is this bad?

I work like 10h every day just like everybody at my office.
Only civil servants can work 7/8 hours and go home in Spain.

You are right in that. That's why I am leaving Spain soon. If you are not a boomer in Spain or have rich parents you are completely fucked.

As says. We are third word, we have a well-off hereditary overclass and then the rest.

>This dosent apply to refugees and other scum ofcourese because that would be racist.

No. Its doesnt apply to them because refugees get gibs via Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz and not 2. Sozialgesetzbuch. They arent allowed to work.

Im all for letting refugees doing all kinds of shit for the gibs that they get but please don't spread fake news.

You are a lazy piece of shit.

They are helping you get a job, find a job you fucking ingrate.
This is what has to be done if you was unemployment or are on welfare.
So you MIGHT not get anything? Yu get to NOT be a lazy bull fucker!!!
I hope you get invaded you 3rd world scumbag

What fines? Did you forget to include them in the image? All what I can tell from what you've posted is that if you're a lazy bastard then they'll remove you, or if you really fucked up then the authorities will deal with it.

If you speak four languages fluently and can't get a job then tough shit because you're probably an unlikeable autist who'd never fit in an office setting
Make sure those streets are well swept or fuck off

RIP Europe. You were OK one time, I guess. America #1

Sounds like your typical American job

It's already in place in Ireland and the UK. What people ITT don't get is that the government will probably contract out enforcement of it to a private third party, who will have a service level agreement for numbers of either penalties, or jobs, required per month. That sounds great except when you consider that the sales people these third parties will hire don't care what type of job you want.

Oh you have a PhD in computer science and have 15 year's experience and therefore have high living costs? We have the perfect entry level role in McDonalds...the POS machines are computers! Oh you wont do what we say? Penalised.

It all sounds good in theory but it's a highly destructive model imo.


With jews you lose

Can you eat everyday and rent a room and have basic services with 1K?

1st worlders have gotten very picky lately. Maybe a new WW is needed to remember them what's the difference between a developed nation and a shithole.

Basically you are saying you want welfare without having to do anything for it?

>omg they tell me to look for a job
>omg I need to show proof that I am looking
>omg I need to let them know if I move or change my phone number
>omg they want to know if, despite me being unemployed, I go on holidays
>omg I can't lie about me looking for a job while i'm actually siesta'ing all day

and probably the worst

>omg they want me to accept their help in finding a stable income of my own

You are just a lazy fucking leech. People like you disgust me.

no, obligation in the sense that they fine you

Same as in Germany, surprised you guys did not have it. It's quite reasonable, although not with enough pressure behind it.

>State has basic welfare 'income' in case you get unemployed (neet bux)
>If you're unemployed, job offices will propose jobs to you
>If you don't accept (after some time) and don't find yourself a job, some of your neet bux will be slashed/taken away
>You receive less and less money to the point where you get the bare minimum
>Government installs a minimum wage of 8.84 €/hour so slave labour is not possible

Who the fuck cares about Spain?

page 2
sanctions mention in some artice in the new law. have not looked up yet. on mobile.

Europe never escaped its problems. It was never "all right."

America needs to kill its niggers though, and fast.


I do, Spaniards are genuinely cool people. Great country SENPAI


basicly what im saying u uckface is that THIS IS WITHOUT GETTING ANY BENEFITS!!!!!!


OP didn't explain this very well. If this isn't in return for gibs, what is it in return for? Why would anyone sign?

Step 1. Throw unsigned contract into trash.
Step 2. You won.

If you did sign it, drag your heels as hard as possible. Make them spend maximum money trying to enforce it just to not do any work anyways. Claim you are a trisexual birdkin that gets triggered when not playing Microsoft flight simulator.

When you do pretend to work, undo the work of others. Claim you were told to undo work. Lie about everything and anything small and large.

If they try to jail you, laugh because you never put your real address or contact information down. Not even your real name. Make sure your signature is a little children's cartoon so you can btfo them in any legal setting.

Do not do anything for these people. Make their lives such a living hell that they lose their jobs. Lie about sexual misconduct if you can build even a partial case with circumstantial evidence. Claim discrimination for being trans nigger or a homosexual.

Destroy them.

because they 'help you' find a job

literally the only reason

No. Because jobs are created by their communist government, therefore all located in cities.

The housing for he cities was also createdDby the government. And the prices are inflated.

Half of spain uninhabitable

"First worlders getting picky"

This is why you shitty south americans need to be exterminated.

We CREATED the very IDEA of the first world, and you niggers came in and ruined it, and then afterwards say we were too picky and should make due with less.

WE BUILT IT. And when you niggers are in our country WE still slave away, only for you, now.

I unironically support killing every single argentine. Fix your fucking head or we'll put a bullet in it

Instead of calling us idiots, give that info in your fucking post.

The government is spending money on you. There are people making an effort to look for programs, jobs, education for YOU. They are providing you a service, they want payment by participation.
There is no happening here. Just a lazy spaniard who doesn't want to do any work for help.

Someone will out of desperation and/or ignorance. Fuck, your are rotten.

They are taking similar measures here. It's weird how it's happening simultaneously all over Europe. Almost like it's a (((globalist))) push.

This is already a thing in Australia. If you don't want to follow this nonsense, then don't take welfare money. It is optional.

This is a good thing

Id do anything for a job, I can't even find a job as a toilet cleaner.

Reminder that the West is failing. No birth rates. Massive immigration. Kikes implement fail safe mechanisms so that white males don't drop out of the (((system))).


>El servicio publico de Empleo se compromete a la realización de un itinerario personalizado para el empleo con indicación de las acciones a realizar y calendario de las mismas, llevando a cabo su seguimiento, evaluación y posible redefición y en su caso, derivación para su realización a una entidad colaboradora

>The public job service compromises in maing a personaliced program por labour by indication the actions to be done and the timing of such, by making the tracing, evaluation and posible redefition, and in your case, the derivation for its fullfillment in a cooperative entity

>El demandante de empleo manifiesta su voluntad de participar activamente en las acciones para la mejora de su empleabilidad y de búsqueda activa de empleo o la puesta en marcha de una iniciativa empresarial

The signatary of employment manifest his will to participate actively in the actions of improving his employability and active search of job or starting a bussiness iniciative.

So, you little spoiled rat, you are signing an administrative document to join a program that will actively help you find job and experience in the private sector by guiding you with an entire schedule(almost like guiding a child with your hand) just so you can enter the goddam statistics of increased employment and get a job.

And the only thing that they are asking you is that you take it seriosly to its full consequences.

I just wonder what the fuck do you think job searching for a job or actually working is about...

But wathever, do you really think that you don't need it? Don't sign it, this is not the RDA you can go on out and find a job on your own, just don't complain when you can only find informal jobs for 12 hours and 400 euros.

The problem is that noe the government is in the business of directly remtingbout your labor like you are a serf or indentured servant

His is he death of contract law and the reimposition of slavery

How are you people so unsophisticated you can't see this

then whats the problem amigo? Praise the law faggot

This. It is a transition from vokuntary labor as the primary mode of economy to state forced labor. This is slavery or communism becoming the primary mode of commerce.

Kill these people jesus fuck

They are kids and college aged idiots that think they can see the big picture.

haha in Australia we call this "Working for the dole", just get some corrupt doctor to say you are a drug addict/retard/depressed or just turn up to these places and work drunk.

KEK POOR LITTLE SPANIARD is losing his siesta money, and then he complains he actually has to search for work.
spainards are literally NEET incarnate.

English criminals (oz) and english castoff liberal fanatics (usa) are still more honest than spics.

This is a hell of a redpill

Ah yes the first step in creating a county wide plantation but at least we can vote for (((people))) to be the slave master

>mfw I fucking knew OP was a lazy leech

Thanks for giving us some more info on that letter.

there were about 12 of us in a room i was the only one who didnt sign

also the only one asking questions

We have it as well here, it's called "Workfare" lol.

Spain is shocked by this?

you should bother reading the thread not just the OP

they can forcibly reform you profesionally
>you had a 10 year career in biochemistry research?
>here how about you wash some dishes instead.

If you are an Arab they will probably never contact you, but if you are a white male then expect weekly calls from the social services.

Eh, the welfare contract you sign in Germany has all that and more in it,.... How easy has it been to be a bum in Spain, wtf?!

Same thing in Germany. And probably a lot of other countries.

This is normal if you are on gibs. The majority of NEETs on Sup Forums are either written sick for their psych by their doctors or not on gibs and living with their parents.

>only one not to sign
>I must be fucking smarter then all of them
>cries on pol
>why is everyone saying im retarded
>i'm retarded?


At least you are coherent with your own discourse

The contract is for employment, not for your dream job.

If you already have a job fuck off, and if you don't you should be desperate enough to acept it.

Just think that reaching your 30 without any work experience and little formation(no, your "degree" with a "GPA" of 5 is not enough) is almost literal hell, so even working as a waiter or in construction is a blessing.

Just learn to suck dicks for money, life is shit anyway.

>WE BUILT IT. And when you niggers are in our country WE still slave away, only for you, now.

Kick'em out, not our problem what you do with them.

But face it, immigration didn't fuck up spain. Spaniards fucked it up.

Sounds like what we do here.

You don't expect the state to give you handouts and not do anything in return do you?

Proper fucking order if you ask me

It's a scam to massage your unemployment numbers.
Only those "actively seeking" employment are counted as unemployed so you make more people check out permanently in order to look better on paper.

We have a similar deal with our state work agency Arbetsförmedlingen (lit. "work mediation") which has come to be colloquially known as Arbetsförnedringen. (lit, "work humiliation")

>jobs are created by their communist government, therefore all located in cities.
Yeah, jobs leaving the countryside and urbanization is the result of communism, not capitalism and technological advancement.




the contract can also force you to do 'promotional work' aka propaganda

Going from a career in biochemistry to washing dishes isn't a reform. Unless you don't know how to wash dishes.

It's either you work, or you don't. And when you don't, you are unemployed. While washing the dishes, you can look for a job in biochem while earning some money too.

It's the same thing over here.

>It's ok to do illegal thigs if it's in a contract!
fucking slaves.

if you're under 25 and getting welfare they will harass you with all kinds of cucking.

Why would anyone look for a job through a government agency unless they want gibs?
The best employers don't advertise their offers with the government, they do it by private means, conferences etc.