Why average poltard is so buttmad about Soros?

1. White Christian
2. Well educated
3. Earned money by himself (no loans from daddy)
4. Successful investor
5. Protects his assets
6. Known philanthropist
6. Doesn't honor savages' """traditional values""" like robbery or beheading

Maybe its time to let the lefty jealousity go, read a book an earn enough money to leave mum's basement?

>White Christian
He's GigaJew mate

Complicit in Murder
Corrupt Corporate Oligarch
Invests exclusively and expressly in human misery
Murders people for money
Has never helped a single human being even once
Imports in beheading thieves for money

He's an evil man, period.

He's a broker for the top digs. Most of the money he moves into chimpouts and the like isn't his.

Go check out the Dutch whistleblower that explains all of this.

>White Christian
Anti White and Anti-Christian as much as it gets
>Earned money by himself
By destroying others financially currency speculation and swindling.
>Known philanthropist
Giving millions and millions to far Left groups
>Doesn't honor savages like robbery or beheading
Supports Terrorist and Criminal immigration to Euroope and USA

Shit tier bait.

Second post best post.

Right on the money.

>he's a jew
>yeah he's well educated
>his dad paid for him not to be killed during WWII
>well it's basically his job
>yeah but he also destroys economies
>he wants to legalize drugs and suicide


Add some sources to that for the newfags and that's that


Soros is scum but it's a good book.

I think he believes he's doing the right thing. He's philosophy is just very twisted and evil. Karl Popper's "open society".

>The open society is a concept originally suggested in 1932 by the French philosopher Henri Bergson, and developed during the Second World War by Austrian-born British philosopher Karl Popper.

Popper was a Jew. Big surprise.

> Popper saw the open society as standing on a historical continuum reaching from the organic, tribal, or closed society, through the open society marked by a critical attitude to tradition, up to the abstract or depersonalized society lacking all face-to-face interaction transactions.

>Has never helped a single human being even once
He helped Nazis in killing jews

>(((White Christian)))

he should be respected like all wealthy and powerful people for grabbing the world by the balls.

he is a modern day Genghis or Napoleon, and history will remember him as a victorious forerunner to the monolithic monoculture super-state which all our children will be grown in.

>"(((Killing Jews)))"
Uuuuh sounds about right for a newfag

>He helped Nazis in killing jews
To quote a classic: "One good deed is not enough to redeem a man of a lifetime of wickedness."

Why do you lie OP (1 post by this ID)?

is correct.

Soros spelled backward is soroS


As if that man prays to anything.

Why is he called Schwartz György?

Who would name their kid Black George?


Pure Evil

he betrayed his own.
he is a scumbag and you are a retarded emu-cuck

That's the actual problem. He has an amoral character, probably partly due to being forced to rat out Jews for the Nazis as a child.

And then he started to idelogically adhere to that open society eseteric crap. It's a shame for such a brilliant investor.