What word would be the equivalent of "redpill" in spanish?

I hate using eternal anglo words while I'm speaking spanish, because it sounds really, REALLY cringey so I'm looking for a word for replacing "redpill" or "redpilled" when speaking spicnish.

Thank you in advance.


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Pildora roja

¿Pero cómo metes PÍLDORA ROJA en una frase? ¿con qué sustituyes redpilled?

It sounds cringy in any language, especially English

Seriously? I thought the concept was good

La respuesta no fue en serio.

No se realmente si hay algo equivalente en español.

La Verdad

redpilled = expuesto a la realidad verdadera.
Unfortunately spanish is verbose as fuck.

No, the redpill in english is short and serious + it conveys the point.
lA pAsTiLLa RoJa just sounds fucking autistic, we need something else

El chorizo, its red and pill shaped

Maybe you could just say 'realism' pill instead?

Yo las llamo pildoras o pildoritas (de información). El color no aporta mucha información al no haber conocimiento del término. So...

Just tell them they've been living their entire life in a dark cave and you can show them the outside world


Hog jowls and salivary glands. I love that hog slobber.

La cafiaspirina

El Pill o de Rojo

>pastilla roja is bad

How about czerwona pigułka?

Also, just call it robitussin. Pic related

>el chorizo
>equally redpilling your mind and sex life

Now I wonder what would be the Polish translation of "redpilled". Zczerwonopigułkowiony? This is fucking retarded

Just say,
"Mantente despierto, coño! A joder!"
Or "redpilleado"

redpilled esta bien, aca decimo redpileado.


"Polish" should do.

red taco

Full confirms

The whole enchilada

Conguito could be the sweden pill. Sugus is short but gay as fuck.

beanergook, get off our streets


Bitcho negro.

You're not saying it right, user.

Chair-vawn-eh kurwa-ma-che

red pill = pildora roja
redpilled = woke = despierto

Pastillarojeado or Píldorarojeado... but spanish speaking people aren't aware of the movie reference

>czerwone kurwamacie

Thanks for the kek burger bro


Lo llama pastilla roja.

"Falacia lógica"

El burro rojo

Shut up shartman


pillo de red

la wea roja

some translation of harsh truth

Divina verdad de Kek?

It's not our fault your political communities are shite compared to Sup Forums

If you want a term to mean something, meme it into existence yourself. Siestapilled motherfucker

there are no Rell Pill because most of spanish speaker are really, only spanich people are blue people.

on mexico the "jews" are la mafia del poder


IS the Mafia controlled by the jew?

i need read the thing that i write before post

La Enchilada Grande

in part

What did they call the redpill in the Spanish translated Matrix film?

Bullshit, i haven't seen any blue people

Es como informarse y ser culto. Algo así es lo que entiendo.

Redpil youtu.be/K9zmiF810rw

la pildorita colorada

Just call it the truth pill or some local phrase, red pill has bad connotations in English already.

liberals, sjw and feminazis are blue people

Redpilled = píldoroencarnado, pastirojeado, pasticolorado, rojipíldoro, redpileao (versión sudaca)

la pastilla franquisma

El pildorado, la pildorada.

This made me think of another meaning of the word "blue", since, if I'm not mistaken, blue also has a meaning similar to "sad". Libshits and sjws are some of the most miserable people in the world, because they artificially seek injustice when there is none and then they introduce that injustice twisted in their own way. They can never be happy, content with the achievements of our civilization, the relative safety we worked out thepugh thousands of years, wealth (don't tell me you're poor, people a hundred years ago would kill to be as poor as the poorest of you), opportunities and great culture. If you think basement dwellers are miserable, you have no idea how empty and senseless the lives of sjws are.

I don't feel bad for them tho. It's their own fault and fuck them all to death

Not even "woke" (as normie as it is) fits good in Spanish.

I get really mad when I see medium class or even rich snowflakes crying "opression".

While I'm here, living in dirt street with no sewers nor Gas by pipes (we use Gas cylinders) and having to put bars on every window.

How about just using whatever Woke translates into.

Awakened Mind
Seeing past lies.


improvise user

Ayy lmao