Dutch Illuminati Banker Ronald Bernard Exposes the Global Elite

Let's discuss the revelations of this guy some more.
I'd also like to discuss options regarding moving forward as a species if we ever manage to rid ourselves of this stranglehold of evil we find ourselves enslaved in right now.
No government, No politics, No war, No money = freedom and prosperity for ALL


Other urls found in this thread:


Reminds me of that former Swiss Banker who is now a devout Catholic in Canada doing... Catholic things I suppose, after getting too deep into the banking "fraternities" and not liking what he saw.

He mentioned how he was asked to participate in a "mock-sacrifice" of the daughter of one of the other members (also bankers) and started doubting whether or not he would have to participate in a "real" one at some point.

do americans RealIy Eat This?

>I'd also like to discuss options regarding moving forward as a species

It's called a 'Resource based Economy', and a lot of the groundwork's already been laid.



Oh, user...are you new here?


Why would you sat that?


can you link to an article of it or something?

Is he telling the truth?

I think he is...
But again. We chase ghosts, no names, no events.

If he was he would be dead. So no.

What are the elites so obssesed with children and satanic rituals of all things..?

>sending everyone on a ghost hunt
>it's not the jews I swearsies!

muh power that's all

Would a moral group want to enslave the planet? I think not.

It reinforces their convictions and rituals used to blackmail

he actually names the protocols of zion, which is rather ridiculous


Oh wow, shocking! The ultra rich and wealthy taking advantage of hardworking people who actually contribute to society and don't just move numbers around in bank accounts.

Good thing that the system we live in doesn't incentivize this sort of behaviour, that would be bad.

Everything written in the protocols has happened.

How is sarcasm aiding this discussion?

I would, but I don't think we do regularly.

No you idiot

Attempting to derail thread in 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1

Protocols of Goyim

it was already shown to be plagiarized by a late Maurice Joyce who initially wrote a book mocking Napoleon Bonaparte. The protocols were once widely regarded and are highly regarded still in some Islamic nations but they are overall a farce. That you can attribute what you see today based on the readings of the protocols is on you. Adolf Hilter thought the same thing about the protocols. It is also notable to note as well that if you truly believe in the protocols you would think of racism as a tool to separate the people. Clearly Sup Forums doesn't really think like that and so nobody really takes the protocols to heart.

>That talon
Jews really are shape shifting reptilians aren't they

the protocols imo is a fiction but its purpose is to make the reader think. What writes there seriously resembles todays events , it might be proven as a hoax but the message it gives is clear to those who read it. Similar to 1984

Why does it have to be some official document?

Couldn't someone read it and apply it?

Fucking assburger

Bumping to just basically say that this video should be on the front page daily.


Nice ID, (((JUE)))

I suppose that could be a valid argument...

well there is the issue of being misled that there were actually a group of rich bankers who got together and wrote these protocols, but the reality is it was used as a propoganda piece against the USSR and the dismantling of the tsar by tsarist loyalists. I actually think it's kind of funny that it was so vague and because of that many people regarded it highly. I wonder if that's how religion works in some cases. I'd wager probably.

this. And most Sup Forumsacks are blue pilled edgetards who don't realize they're being manipulated to reject religion in favor of pseudo-scientific materialism.

hahaha, that's pretty good, JIDF got called out.

You should have seen how angry they were in the Protocols of Goyim thread.
Literally saying Jew curses in Hebrew.

Have you seen the rise of Jesus threads lately?

whats a talon?

Yes. Since late 2016... literally helped me become Christian again.

Probably at a core a theological excuse to ease their own guilt pangs (or at least, for some of them).

Luciferians of this order probably believe all material life (i.e. God's creation) is shit and impure, therefor they need not feel guilty for ruining everyone's lives, and even taking them with their edgy sacrifices, and generally living only for themselves.

They are like gnostics or buddhists in that regard, only these people don't feel the need to add to human suffering - just try to escape it.

Makes me want to go into banking.

Makes it look even more suspicious if they kill him after he talks.

I'm obviously not Jewish and don't care about the Jews. I think conspiracies are fun to read about though and hence why I am in this thread. Just because I take the popular opinion the protocols are a hoax does not mean anything in that regard. I think instead you should do the research yourself. I could care less what you believe but if you know about the history of the document and the implications in agreeing with it then that's fine. I simply wanted to combat ignorance to some degree.

He said they make you sign contracts never to disclose any names or groups, and they also tortured him on the way out to remind him of this obligation. Kinda got the impression they have fates worse than death in store for him if he spilled the beans.

He should just disclose everything then overdose, but they'll probably just go after loved ones or something.

0.02 sheckles.

It's a sharp claw an animal would have

Doesn't erase the verses in the Talmud calling Goyim lesser beings to serve the Jews.

This goy. He is just shilling his super happy bank no usury. DISGUSTING

You guys have some mental issues I swear.

He didn't expose shit. He just made a blank statement with no evidence to back it up. Gullible anons.

Nice ad hominem. Proves you're a shill


These people are the true enemy. Im surprised Ronald hasnt had an 'accident' yet.

God bless!

Suddenly Pizzagate seems less retarded.

Serious question. Is this real? is the world in a large degree runned by a group of people whom have a shared ideology that are so far separated from the rest of humanity. And to what the degree does this group have a shared ethnicity?

Why not ask this manlet, Alex Soros?

after you were throwing ad hominems at me the whole time, what did you want back? a rational argument? I am willing to discuss the protocols of zion, I don't care to talk to people who just call me a dirty Jew even though I don't care about that aspect of things nor am I Jewish. It's better to ignore idiocy.

It's angry!

she has heels on, he just needs dress shoes with some lifts and he's fine

why is a woman lying there behind them?

>her face
Oh man I am laughing

He's shrinking back!

Rate my waifu.

Also what kind of conspiracy theories do you believe in and why?



Mental health shills again? Good think mental heslth is a nocebo designed to subvert your own self awareness and self actualization. Mental health doesn't exist.

Just your everyday sacrifice to Lucifer.

He'll end up dead from 18 shots to the head from a nail gun, in an apparent self inflicted suicide.

>guy says people are divided by race by the evil elite
>Sup Forums will continually promote division by race while at the same time saying that's what's best for america and every first world country
really activates the almonds

Listen to this red-pilled pastor discuss the Dutch banker.


bet he's already dead

if i google protocols of zion is a small black car full of rabbis gonna roll up on me?

>goods and services to everyone equitably
> all resources communal (i.e. no property rights)

this is some commie sounding shit right here.

Read up on Luciferianism/Satanism, Canaanites and the Jews. I'll spoil the thesis for you: they are all the same, and they absolutely disdain and want to kill the other half of the family Tree (those descending from Shem). The aeons long war is as hot and active as ever, user.


I ordered it on Amazon and I'm still here... granted I'm not a white or male.
Probably on some watch list though!

As you post a satanic image and consider yoursel red pilled. Do more research faggot.

are you saying this is all the descendants of the bible families essentially at war with eachother? that's pretty juicy.

*white or a male*
fuck phone typing


how so?

Roman catholicism is the babylonian mystery religion to its core. Most images of Jesus are erroneous data and falsified to suit our satanic overlords. Stay asleep it's easier.

Christians might know the way, but roman catholics are a severely perverted form of Christianity. It makes it hard to decipher truth from fiction when you first learn roman catholicism is the babylonian mysteries.




I was raised roman catholic and it's the mystery religion. I attended church on "sun"days and religion class every thursday for years throughout high school. If they'd actually taught us in those classes how to read the bible we'd have learned for ourselves we were being deceived.

So you're saying the zionist jews are a seperate entity from the luciferians? why are there so many powerful ethnicly jewish satanists?

sticky this vid for three years

i would certainly be atheist if i wasn't already orthodox. fuck that nigger pope

>leftcucks agree with guy who says people are divided by race by the evil elite
>leftcucks will nevertheless TAKE TO THE FUCKING STREETS to continue the importation of other races to exasperate racial strife or create it where there was none.

REALLY activates the almonds

I'm a proddie too. You're talking about images of Christ being idolatry?

can you please expound on that?

Don't listen to the plebs. Fine cuisine like we're seeing in that photo there is consumed quite frequently down here.

He didn't name anyone specifically so that was the line he wouldn't cross.

actually believing this shit. no wonder you fucking leafs are so cucked.

I don't ascribe to any man made religion, but I know a benevoletn God exists, even moreso with the most recent pedogate evidence.

I guess much of the bible is a document of truth of our recorded history, but I just worry about believing in a benevolent wrathful God that fears nothing.

Since age eighteen I knew satanic child sacrificing pedarant fuckers ruled the world we live in. It's proven fact.

Of course it is. And we don't have to get into whether you, or I, believe any of it to be true ("it" being any canonical religious text). That's irrelevant. What matters is that they believe it's true and are acting out their parts.

If this stuff interests you, check out Eustace Mullins' The Curse of Canaan. Of course it isn't the be all end all of the subject, but seriously read it and tell me it doesn't strike a chord deep inside your soul.

Chekt n rekt.

No, I firmly believe them to all be referring to the same group. Labels changed throughout history, mostly due to deception or "reinventing" themselves as they were kicked out of every land they've inhabited.

so how many factions are at war? two? prominent families of each side?

Nah we need government, it just needs to be by city/town only.

Just remind me again how beautifully this current system is working, then tell who's being cucked.

I'm checkin' it out. Thank you for the recommendation. I'm trying to make shitloads of money on the stock market and I figure understanding the Jew is literally the best possible way to do that.

>believe in the protocols you would think of racism as a tool to separate the people
>Sup Forumsdoesn't really think like that
Eh, false? Sup Forums wants homogenous societies free of racism. Immigration leads to racism.

The richer people are and less struggle they face, the more they delve into "taboo" things to feel extreme emotion. Hurting children and babies is the ultimate taboo.

understanding trends and stats is probably better, this stuff would only start mattering once you're a billionaire

It does read as if an anti-semetic historian wrote it, but it does detail everything that happens in a powerful nation. Great read.