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wtf i love (((facebook))) now

The only thing funny is your ignorance of your own privilege. The anti-black censorship Facebook constantly engages in is disgusting and any reasonable person would abandon the platform. Nazis cannot be given any quarter

I know you're trolling, but i'm going to call you a nigger anyways

Lel all whitey be RACIST but there's no race, but whites are RACIST all of em
Never forget


I report things all the time for jokes.
I reported a nice cupcake baking video for being sexist the other day. It got taken down.

White people caused every genocide in human history. Prove me wrong.
>Protip: You can't

/pol Discord:

What about the Armenian genocide?

the roaches were oppressed by the white male patriarchy reeeeeeee

>w-whites made me do it
Really makes you think


So what exactly is this? Did some SJW get their shit taken down?

Everybody hates niggers, not just white people.

Fuck FB and the Jew(s) who own it.

when are niggers and jews going to be purged from white countries? this is starting to get tiresome.

The jewish bolshevik killed 66 million in russia


There's a large subset of Asians at the college I attend because one of the board niggas is a gook I guess. The Koreans avoid the niggers like a plague and constantly talk shit about them. It's hilarious.

There's a Chinese bitch burning the coal as we speak. She's basically an outcast in the Asian circles.


Asians tend to be more open about it than whites too.

wtf I love zuckerberg now

I mean in their social circles and family.

This. Everyone is racist. OP image isn't wrong, just not general enough. Bitch needs to learn about in-group preferences.

Suck my white dick, cunt


Do you know who recorded this?
A Jew in Israel, showing how stupid this particular sect is.
Sadly, the 14/88 mouthbreathers here will run around screaming "SEE? THIS IS WHAT ALL JEWS BELIEVE!!1111eleventyone"

>all white people are racist

Well it's kinda true. It's because of tribalism though, not racism. I think it's safe to say no matter how tolerant you are, people of other races will urk you a little bit.

>any quarter
ayo man got a quarter or a dolla

Why is this surprising, goybook does this shit all the time

Bix Nood

>why is this surprising
It's a RACIST STATEMENT user. Marginalizing all whites? In the current year? C'mon user.

