This cannot be happening... These Republithugs wants to kill us all!

This cannot be happening... These Republithugs wants to kill us all!

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Libtards deserve to suffer, fuck you, shill.

No they voted to end that shitty "Obamacare" that we were told lies about by no integrity Obama just to get it shoved through.

If you suffer from autism


Everyone on this site is doomed; what's new?

Can bernie still win?

If it bothers you that badly.....................

They make it sound like the republicans voted to stop all medical treatment from doctors for those conditions. Health insurance =/= healthcare. But than again I don't expect any less for Commie Sanders.



Suffer from pregnancy...?

we fucked up anons

>suffer from pregnancy
>people should be able to have babies and just hop on an insurance plan to have the delivery
Fuck off. Yeah it's a sad story but that doesn't mean you can fuck the system.

This whole image is a big fat lie

>they want to kill all of us who aren't successful enough to have health insurance without taxing other people for it!

Get a job.

Also I have private insurance so I could literally have all of these things and still receive care. Suck it.


I guess Bernie never heard of Tums. Figures.

Suffer from organ transplant?

>if you suffer from: pregnancy

Faggot. First you laugh about Trump failing his promises and then we delivers yet again you whine. Fuck you bitch ass

Jesus Christ lmao

>suffer from an OTC treatable issue

I, oh... yeah...

this, what is obamacare gonna do for autism besides treat them like retards?
yeah, they ended obamacare and it's being replaced, so what's the issue?

We're still a long ways out from brain transplants, so Bernie certainly isn't suffering.....

They are gonna replace it with something that actually works, you fucking idiot.

>restless leg syndrome
are you fucking kidding me

Just the ones who are wastes of air.

Why were you paying for this in the first place.



Honestly, I would shut up if they could provide documentation that a single person got denied health insurance because of Acne.

> Acne, anxiety, autism

Good night alt right

How do you teat anxiety or autism?

no, no, that is a blessing in disguise...

I like how they put a bunch of harmless ailments on to make the list appear bigger.

> Migraines

Holy shit, I guess I should be dead right now because the Repubs just repealed Obamacare!

Autism doesn't require medication.

>t. high functioning autist

also not end, you just have to carry the burden.

This is a good thing, universal Healthcare needs limits on either what is treated or who is treated. Having everyone treated for everything is what we do, and it bogs the system down so massively that it takes literally months to see a doctor for more than a couple minutes

>the government is supposed to take care of my migraines

haha holy shit please tell me this image is satire

>If you suffer from... pregnancy

Pregnancy confirmed disease, abort 'em all.

I just love those fags who keep complaining that he isn't going to do what he said he will do. his term isn't over, he wasn't running for president to just be president. he'll get things done. 8 more FUCKING YEARS

With pills, my friend. Pharmaceuticals are one of the greatest achievements of modern medicine, goy!

How can this come faster?

what if i have autism but it does not cause me suffering?

how do I cope

>Addiction (Really? This is your own fault)
>Down Syndrome

All things that shouldn't be taken care of by government. Pfft. Yeah, let's highlight the fake ones, and also throw in some vegetable status disorders.

Unless it's cancer or other life threatening shit, get over it.

>when you don't understand economics


Half of these aren't true. The other half you're fucked even with healthcare.

>colon cancer

Yeah good luck with that.

Obese user here.

I don't understand why I pay the same as a fit person for healthcare.

Right now I have no problems but I surely will eventually.

I currently pay $35/wk for the top tier coverage from my job. I honestly probably should be paying like $45/wk since I am more likely to use it.

This shit is retarded and I have gotten in heated as fuck arguments about how I am "self pitying/destructive/nihilistic/suicidial" for having these beliefs.

Shit is retarded as fuck and it makes me so angry.

no one is forcing me to stand up after this post and grab a slice of pizza. Why the fuck are we forcing people to pay for it though?

Make it so that obese people pay slightly more UNLESS they sign up for a "wellness plan".

When your in the wellness plan you must lose x% body fat a month (All these things determined by doctors). If you fail twice in a row, or 3 times within one year you lose your wellness standing and have to pay the difference.

If you can prove somehow that it was a medical condition that is a different story. You get your shit straightened and start over.

The smokers I work with pay more for heath care why the FUCK am I not paying more for the same level of body destruction

>No they voted to end that shitty "Obamacare"
Obamacare isn't half as shitty as Ryancare, and THAT'S not what anybody voted for anyway.
Trump promised a plan that was different than Ryancare, but never delivered.

>if you suffer from pregnancy
Fuck off.
Just fuck off you fucking kike filth.

If you suffer from:
Put down the fork.

Problem solved nobel prize pls.

>at least half of these can be treated by not eating shitty food excessively
>most of these "diseases" are probably already 'treated" with handfulls of pills from pharma kikes anyway
If anyone is going to get hurt by the repeal, it's going to be the pill-pushing doctors and pharma phaggots.

You mean you THINK instead of just yelping out whatever you think will get you gibs?

That's fucked up man.

That's almost as bad as Islamophobia.

>People literally still respect Bernie


Yeah, my favorite is listening to the guy who T1 Diabetes freaking out, WHO VOTED FOR TRUMP

Like Jesus how the fuck did you think this ended? He is 40 so he lived through Bush. He had to know Republicans don't give a fuck about healthcare. I told him this but but but but Trump said!

I don't hate Trump (But I sure as fuck don't like Clinton). If people honestly didn't realize 90% of Trump's plans were just "what people wanted to hear" then I honest to god wonder how they made it to voting age.

>the ones in red
wash your face
do some exercise
you can't treat autism with meds all you can do is learn to manage it
see anxiety
just get over the counter meds
>high cholesterol
that does matter
I don't understand why painkillers can't be used for this
vague, what stomach ulcers?

I'm a 21 year old NEET so is this better or worse

just get over the counter meds

They sell Rantidine OTC and it's probably the best medicine for Acid Reflex and it's like 80pills for $10 at Walmart

I know people who fill at $15/m prescription for it.

shouldn't you universal healthcare faggots be happy this happened? obamacare was a complete mess and was beyond repair. anyone except big pharma should be proud that the aca is gone so we can start from scratch again.

Wow look at all those sources!

Acne is actually more a Vitamin A and Zinc deficiency problem.

Accutane is literally a (far more dangerous) metabolite of Retinol which is patented and so they can charge a shit-ton of money for it.

this isn't a laughing matter. millions are going to die now including me. thanks Drumpf.

>Acne is actually more a Vitamin A and Zinc deficiency problem.
can't conservative treatments of daily vitamins supplements help?


Rip Barron boys


This is a welfare issue not a women's issue. Also note how she attacks women who voted for Trump while ignoring the men because how dare a woman vote for their own personal interests instead of than for the lefts agenda! How much do you want to bet she claims to be a feminist?

>outside of thin pelvic region
natural birth is best birth

fuck you Panama. I thought I had two years to get my shit in order before he canned ACA.

Absolutely, although if you have a moderate/severe case you're going to need extra than RDA.

It should be Retinol and not Beta-Carotene or other Caretinoids because some people can't metabolize them properly and convert them to Retinol.

It might be slower than Accutane, but it'll definitely improve things and you don't have to worry about the crazy side effects.

Honestly I think they intentionally hyped the shit out of Hypervitaminosis A and liver damage just so people were scared off from doing so and thus not buying expensive creams/pills/lotions.

Who cares? If all the oldfag autists here survived without Obongocare then the young uns can too.

Trump voters in red states suffer from all of these the most

>That pic
This isn't even disingenuous at this point, this is just outright lies



kys faggot

It's in reference to abortions. They are so self centred and narcissistic that when their free love philosophy accidentally does what it's supposed to do and creates a new human life in their womb their only concern is to literally murder their new responsibility- and have the tax payers foot the bill.

They just grabbed a list of every medical condition they could find irregardless of how stupid it is. I still get kick out of the fact that some of the stupid ones, like acne, get high lighted in red.

I agree as well, but how many people in America have a severe case of acne?

A bitch, get some meds
Not like there's a cure anyways
>High cholesterol
>Shit you brought upon yourself

so do Mexicans. they are just as fat and unhealthy as rural and suburban retards.

this fucks me hard. I went from 348 pounds to 277 now, but I need more time to correct my beetus.

Honestly I have no idea statistically, but I'd be rather comfortable to wager skin problems are more of an issue than they were 20-30 years ago.

I wouldn't say I suffer from autism

Why are some highlighted in red? They don't seem to be more severe than the others. I mean acne is in red and AIDS is in gray.

What did they mean by this?

Is there even insurance that covers acne? Unless you got boils growing out of your face i assume none do


That's how I know this is a shitpost.

You can treat autism and anxiety with behavioural therapy. The idea is get the person to learn how to cope with the disorder. It isn't perfect but it does help. Other treatments include medication. However that pays to the (((big pharmaceuticals))) who are pushing everyone into taking medication.

They were highlighted to catch the attention of more people since they're more common. Ironically, none of those conditions are directly life-threatening.

"If he dies, he dies."

Good riddance, no one has to provide for you - OBAMACARE WAS THEFT!!

same here. i work for big Pharma and this shit means layoffs.

If your insurance is good enough, they'll pay for just about anything, which is one of the biggest problems with the current system as people just take expensive treatments without a second thought.

I like how Acne is bold.

>gets cold sore once a year
>not eligible for health care

I like how all of the conditions that would be devastating if left untreated are not highlighted at all. You think they would put emphasis on diabetes, cancer or HIV. Instead they highlight things like heartburn or migraines.

They just passed this for political points. They knew that the senate wasn't going to vote on it. The text of the bill was only released 2 hours before they voted. They were essentially just making a political gesture not trying to enact legislation.

The image is stating that the law allows PRIVATE insurance plans to charge whatever the hell they want for pre-existing conditions. You'd still be fucked. In fact, people on Medicare/Medicaid would be less fucked.

Yes, a big fucking pill!
>It's brain candy
Don't take the exit out.