Now that Rachel Maddow is #1 in her time slot in cable news...

Now that Rachel Maddow is #1 in her time slot in cable news, the possibility of her taking down Trump is more real than it ever was.

Is this a joke?

Is this bitch really bragging about beating The Five?

Must be a serious fucking deal for this literally who

Mister Rachael Maddow

for a second i thought joe scarborough hit a midlife crisis for some reason and died his hair black.

Only old people watch cable tv

>In her time slot
>not even in top 3 overall
wew lad how will drumpf recover

Isn't she getting married to minka brazinski?

how about those tax returns?

that's JOURNALISM, folks

Tax-man Maddow?

Nooo ...

no one watches tv any more unless they're literally too old to understand computers

the median age is like 50

young people consume new media, not legacy media garbage

>captcha: reill St Helens
I don't know what the fuck you are going on about, OP, but quit blowing your shit everywhere like a faggot.

> Downfall of Trump will be brought on by the kind of woman
> His daughter that he cucked the American people for?
> Wait WTF who is this bitch?

I watch her show through their website. Argument destroyed.


Wtf am I looking at here user

Now that I think about it aren't you the same butthurt retard who got btfo the last time you brought up maddow's ratings

kys. I sort yourself out stop admiring weirdos that don't know to what gender they belong

Meanwhile, Tucker is still pulling in more than CNN & MSNBC's combined primetime schedules.

holly shit! to think that's even a real person wow!

Considering Fox has no hosts left, that's not a reflection on him, but rather that its viewers have nothing else to watch.

Yes. They don't count actual viewers but 1 certain age group. It's kinda like Fox has the popular vote but MSNBC won the electoral vote.

maybe she'll take him down with his tax returns

sally kohn

>cable new

l o l

>look at me everyone, I'm at the high end of the sinking ship

Cable news is the next Blockbuster.

He hasn't been correct when it comes to any single subject connected in any way to Donald John Trump. How will he "take him down"?

he's better than bill. his show is less of an echo chamber, he gives the other side a chance to defend themselves much more readily

What's cable?

Cockholster is stuffed with old socks

Says the woman who tries as hard as possible to be a man.

Fun fact: You lost the biological lottery. Dolling yourself up like a man won't make the pain any less hurtful.

This fucking scrotum hyped illegally obtained tax returns that only benefited Trump in order to get her best ratings. I think Trump is sleeping soundly knowing Maddow is the left's flagship.
