Got 3,000,000 more votes than Drumpf in 2016

>got 3,000,000 more votes than Drumpf in 2016
>she's running again in 2020
how scared are Drumpfkins right now?

Other urls found in this thread:

dont think anyone is scared of hillary, she doesnt have a fucking chance

What's the point of even voting if popular vote doesn't matter

>lost to Obama
>lost to Trump
>thinks she can win against anyone

Second place, runner up consolation prize

to tell your state how to vote

fuck yes please. ill switch to democrat just to vote for her in the primary (not that it would matter obviously)

can pocahontas be in it too.

fucking christmas.

She's toast. Give it up.

There's a sizable chance she'll be dead or an invalid by 2020.

No really, please run again. Have Chelsea be your VP.

>Trump tops Reagan and doesn't even bother to campaign for second term.

She's a walking corpse there is no way.

Sorry dude, she wont be bc she will end in Jail, inmates cant run for president

post more of these memes, they are so bad they are good.


The electoral college was put in place by the founding fathers as a response to dense urban centers holding entirely too much political power over their non-urban(rural/industrial) neighbors. Basically all the city folk wanted to create a nanny state and have the working class people pay for it. so they made the electoral college to give the less densely populated areas a fair shot at being heard over the densely packed urbanites.

frankly at this point i'm convinced the electoral college is the ONLY reason america isn't full on socialist by now.

the founders truly were geniuses.

The popular vote matters, for states.

When you vote, you're voting for a slate of electors to represent your state in the electoral college, a slate picked by Trump or Clinton or Gary Johnson, etc.

No other state can overrule another state. No matter how much Clinton ran up the score in California, their votes don't get to veto the peoples' choice in, say, Idaho.

I used to think we just had a historical bias that put them in a limelight, and we sort of do - but the more you read into them the more cool shit you find out. They were fucking smart.


The Democratic Party can't afford for her to die before Trump's no longer president.

How embarrassing will it be when Trump gets more votes than Hillary in 2020?

What excuse will liberals come up with then?

Trumps gonna be impeached in 2 months.
GOP is done. Dems for win!

Deleted 33,000 emails AFTER a congressional subpena to hide yoga and wedding emails cost her the election.

The truth is she was arming and training ISIS to topple Assad for Saudi Arabia who funded 20% of her campaign.

Obama also passed her classified information on Trump spying

Obama and Hillary are so fucking guilty it is insane. Obama spyed on +30k Americans including members of congress and ALL of Trump's family based on fake intel Hillary purchased.

The house of cards is coming down.




All will be testifying. Flynn will go to jail, no connections to Trump and no connections to Trump workign with Russians to release emails.

Hillary was a fucking volcano of classified intel leaks. She sold 20% of Uranium production along with Obama and no one cares. Imagine if Trump did that??

Imagine if Trump deleted emails after a congressional subpoena?

Maybe you are not being honest whit yourself.

Uranium One

Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal

Hillary Clinton Is Blaming Russia for WikiLeaks To Conceal John Podesta’s Russian Lobbying Ties

Bill Clinton and Barack Obama on illegal immigration

Hillary Clinton on illegal immigration

Confession: Human trafficker


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get her to run in 2020. I want to see the Hilldog loose again.

A vote for Hillary goes to the

lmao, speaking for them dems, she won't get the nomination again

warren has already been crowned as the next darling of the liberals

Wtf is the point of this thread other than to get (you)

we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!!!!

You go it. it really is too funny..

How is this thing going to negotiate with NK and kill ISIS? She will let Islam invade and pass laws against talking about Mohammad.

Like sitting in traffic, you floor it when you finally break out, IF and a big fucking IF Warren got elected, she will take in 1 to 2 Million refugees to SHOW the Trumps of the world they mean business!

The amount of terror attacks will tripple and then they will use it as excuse to take away your guns, restrict your language

The left will destroy America, and Islam will destroy the left.

Yeah but Trump is objectively shit

I hope she runs again. I'll bet 1000 shekels she dies on the campaign trail.

trump is a kike puppet, he is a liar and a conman, but I would vote for him AGAIN tomorrow before I would vote for this lying, 5 faced cunt.

No way. I suck for zuck now.

>lose to literally who nigger
>ok let's try again
>losing to literally a jewish socialist
>soros pls
>cheat and win
>lose to a reality tv star who doesn't even seem to be trying half the time
americans distrust and downright hate her
if they run her again they'll be crashing their party with no survivors

Not at all.

I hope she runs again and loses again.