Is there some credible evidence that proves the Holocaust never happened?

Is there some credible evidence that proves the Holocaust never happened?

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>Is there some credible evidence that proves the Holocaust happened? fify senpai

Nice merchant

100% of jews say it did


Did you just assume that Holocaust's gender?

Squeeze your balls so hard until you start hearing music. Then you will hear the voices call out to you and speak to you the truth of what happened. This is how we all know.

Seek the truth my brother.
Squeeze your nuts.

It's mathematically impossible to kill and dispose of 6 million jews with the infrastructure at auschwitz.

If you read this whole chapter, it gives a pretty good statistical breakdown.

basically this

Based rich coast bro

>the claimed incineration time is also wrong, a body takes a lot of time to burn up since its made up of water mostly

excuse me

The best Coast


If it's "truth" protected by law and you are not allowed to criticize it, then it's bullshit.

Why would you transport the jews by train to the camp?
Just shoot them on the spot and be done with it.

Just a little part that doesn't make sense. One of many.

I don't have a source but an expert was sent to a camp to test the gas chambers for traces of zyklon B to see if gassings took place.
He tested the homocidal gas chambers as well as the disinfecting chambers.
The disinfecting chambers were known to use zyklon B for its intended use as a pesticide to disinfect clothes from lice.
The results were that the homocidal gas chambers had trivial amounts of zyklon B while the disinfecting chambers were off the damn charts.
The disinfecting chambers' walls are also visually stained blue from all the zyklon B use because that is what it does.
Homocidal gas chambers were never used.
This disproves the entire Holocaust because gas chambers are so central to the Holohoax.

This is what I start with when I try to redpill. There are a lot of other things but they aren't as substantial so look this up for yourself. It's true.

those "gas chambers" where reconstructed, if you go to the holocaust museum and ask, they will have to tell you, they will give you a pretty bad look though.

There weren't even 6 million Jews under Nazi control during WW2.

Also they kept changing the actual number.

Also Jews believe 6 million of them have to die before they have the right to return to Israel.

It's almost like they made the whole shit up to get Israel back.

There were camps, they were in them. But the number is dubious.

It happened, just not on the scale they claim.


-there were internment/concentration camps for jews/gypsies just like the US had for nips
-the majority of these camps had awful conditions (like a lot of Germany during the war)
-starvation, torture, and outright murder were observed at these camps
-there is evidence of gas chambers being used
-there are no mass graves


-6 gorillion were killed
-lamp shades
-muh crematoriums

The argument from silence. That's about it. Testimonial and sad pictures of dead people, as well as deliberate misrepresentation of euphemistic messages.

Thank you for the replies, bois, I will look up what you linked as soon as I get home.


If the jews were sent to these camps in order to get killed, why were there so many survivors left to tell us about them?