Take me down the rabbit hole

I was in my (((classroom))) when my teacher tells us to research the final solution. I went on (((wikipedia))) hitler did not even attend the meeting in which it was decided on? The allies bombed the method in which food and supplies were taken to the work camps in which the allies also had. If it weren't for the allies not as many jew would have supposedly died. The gas chambers and ovens with modern day mathematics can prove did not burn 6 million jews, its simply not possible. I need to know what else refutes the great lie so I can convert my fucking normie class cucks and rescue my generation from globalists.
Good day and Heil Hitler he did nothing wrong!

Other urls found in this thread:




Not an Argument.



OP is a faggot he isn't even 18 I know this because I sit next to him in that class and he told me to reply
mods ban him


Seven Nation Army



Here you go m8


>In 10 seconds
>In 20 seconds
>Eric Hunt: Majdanek
>Eric Hunt: Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor
>David Cole
>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
>Steven Anderson
>The Haavara Agreement
>The 6 million
“You shall return minus 6 million"

>Redpills of Zion
>The Jews
>The Truth of Races
>Holocaust Revisionism
>Negroid facts
>Hitler was not a Jew
>Christianity is not Jewish


>OP sits next to me in class
>I'm under 18 too, ban me mods
Hey dumb dumb try to use your dumb dumb brain a bit more

Also, sounds like ms mummy teacher has you fucks in a seating plan that's super fucking gay. I get to sit wherever I want I just kick it with the boys up back

Ken O'Keefe Unveils The Truth About Adolf Hitler

The Lie of Six Million
10 newspapers from 1915-1938 before the supposed Holocaust

New World Order Pledged to Jews
New York Times, 1940

"Serve the Jews or Die"
Jewish Woman Launches Racist Abuse

Jewish student paints swastikas on her own door, then claims antisemitic attack

The Testament / Adolf Hitler's Last Writings

Hellstorm - Exposing The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany

Questioning The Holocaust / Why We Believed (Part 1)

Holocaust Faker: It Was Real In My Mind

A Jew, David Cole, Exposes a Fraud at Auschwitz (1992)

Why Do Some People Dislike Jews?

Did the Holocaust Really Happen?
Pastor Steven Anderson

Jewish Defector Benjamin Freedman Warns America (1961)

'The Internal Enemy of America' by Dr. James Wickstrom

“There was not one Jew killed by gas chambers. It was all lies, lies, lies."
Bishop Richard Williamson

Michael Jackson speaks about the Jews

Boxing champ Tyson Fury says Jews own all the banks, newspapers, and TV stations.

update your pasta faggot, you have a missing link

bad form

You clearly haven't read anything on the holocaust. The official narrative isn't that 6 million were gassed and burned in the ovens. Only about a million were gassed. Millions more were shot by death squads or died in other ways in the camps (starvation typhus and overworked).

You have no right to disprove the holocaust when you clearly aren't educated on the collectively agreed upon story the historians discuss.

Readyhay first. Preferably with books. Then come back to us on why it's wrong

Oi Satan, im worried about this missing link.

>The official narrative
strange how you can say that with a straight face

>(((official))) narrative

Truly plebbit.

>about a million were gassed


>millions were shot by death squads


Fukn laffen

>hitler did not even attend the meeting in which it was decided on?
In which what was decided on? The meeting was behind closed doors and there are no records whatsoever about what was discussed there? It's a fucking meme.

Do you have a fucking learning disability? I'm telling the cunt to read the official narrative before he starts trying to debunk it. He's literally trying to debunk nothing right now by attacking the claim 6 million were gassed and put in ovens (no historians are claiming this).

As for sources. If you're actually interested then look it up you fucking dipshit abo. I'm not going to debate a petrol sniffing dead shit on it.

>Millions more were shot by death squads

Hence why most if not all radar ground penetrating tests have clearly shown that nobody is buried inside or near the concentration camps (miles away), right? I mean, let's kill millions with Einsatzgruppen and then magically make their bodies disappear in thin air, right?

Cut me the bullshit - most of the prisoners that dies in the concentration camps did so, as you correctly stated, because of a massive typhus outburst and starvation caused by the Allied bombing on the German infrastructure in 44'-45'. There are no massive makeshift graveholes anywhere near the concentration camps, no evidence whatsoever of people getting systematically killed. The Allied reconnaissance photos taken during 43'45' over Germany (and camps) show no evidence of a large chimney near the supposed gas chambers, chimney needed for the removal of the gas - compulsory due to the need to body removal from the chambers.

Not even the Posen speeches can be considered as hard evidence, due to their "miraculous" re-appearance in the 70's out of the hands of the kikes. There's also a huge analysis on the way Himmler used to talk - very figuratively, with a heavy emphasis on using hyperbolas and exaggerations in order to prove his point; there's also the interpretation of the German he spoke, a German that has completely changed in the way people speak it nowadays.

tl;dr gtfo with your kike revisionism of real history

do you know what the word holocaust means?

You think because we don't have the minutes of the meeting or an written order coming from Hitler it never haopened? Lmao. As Germany was collapsing the SS destroyed a lot of their documentation but some things did come through like the Jager report.

What we have testimony, memoirs and diaries of people involved. Mixed with evidence of industrial scale genocide which took priority even over getting supplied to the eastern Front. This sort of stuff doesn't happen without highest authorities.

Inb4 show me the evidence. If you actually we're genuinely interested to know you could find it yourself through books and probably even google searching.

>read the (((official))) narrative

What are you doing here you fukn stupid cunt, go back to plebbit where you can wank over (((offficial))) kike sources all you want. Also, fukn gas yourself for believing kike lies, truly a pathetic spineless cunt you are.

>SS destroyed a lot of their documentation


>(((testimony))), (((memoirs))) and (((diaries))) of """"people"""" involved

Holy fukn shit, are you a kike? Your sources are kike fanfiction, find an oven for yourself cunt.

We don't have any written order from Hitler for the genocide that much is true. We have diaries and memoirs of those involved which all blame Hitler. Don't get me wrong these things have lies mixed into them to hide their own guilts which is largely the work of historians to sift through when they're lying and when they're not.

One thing that has been determined is that the Nazis were short of transport resources for the eastern Front. Something interesting that was seen was that when the Nazi leadership was faced with choosing either using resources for the eastern Front or using the trains to continue on with the holocaust, they always chose to focus on the holocaust. These sorts of decisions have to be made from way up top. Nobody but Hitler Himmler or a few others would have the authority to divert resources from the eastern Front in order to keep the deportation of prisoners going. Sorry if a little incoherent I'm on phone.

It means you're a faggot with no argument.

Go to bed baby abo. You have a long day of stealing ahead of you tomorrow

that you for reinforcing that it was Himmler, not Hitler.
Repeat after me:

whole burnt offering - from the greek

if only 1/6th were burned it can't very well be a holohoax now can it?

Keep up the good work m8

>muh abo
>muh forget about me defending kikes and my inability to source my arguments

Top laff, go back to plebbit where traitors like you belong, spineless degenerate faggot.

Duh doi, found the retard.
What it means, you stupid fuck, is that you have to consider that treatment of Jews was not a centralized motion from the top down, and high management may not have ordered certain things from happening, just like Hitler explicitly did NOT order German soldiers to kill polish citizens during the invasion of Poland but they did it anyways.

>What we have testimony, memoirs and diaries of people involved.

What we have is false testimony given by people that were either affected by the war by being on the different side of the Germans (and here we have the Jews - the eternal bolshevics) or people that wanted to profit out of the imminent collapse of most Central and Eastern European countries.

The entire Nuremberg trial was a sham and most modern historians would agree so. Most of the evidences provided were either taken out of context, inflated, or downright invented for the purpose of decapitating the entire power structure of Germany, not just that of the SS or the Reichskanzlei.

>evidence of industrial scale genocide which took priority even over getting supplied to the eastern Front

You're clearly retarded. If you would actually take the time to pick up a book regarding any part of the war, you would see how full of shit you truly are. The Eastern Front was of utmost importance for the Reich and its allies - the whole war was started out of fear that the bolshevics would attack first. The entire Axis was focused on the destruction of the Red Giant, as most countries correctly understood the threat USSR imposed on them, both territorial and ideological.

In your mind, SS and Einsatzgruppen were organisations that systematically decimated Jews and other minorities - but that's farthest from the truth. SS was a form of a European Crusade that fought for the liberation of the European continent from the Bolshevic influence. Hence why you have organisations that comprise people from countries that were at each other's throats for centuries - Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, the Baltics, Czechoslovakia, France etc).

Now go back to your place of containment.

nice troll post

>I went on wikipedia
>The allies bombed the method in which food and supplies were taken to the work camps in which the allies also had. If it weren't for the allies not as many jew would have supposedly died.
>that english

You can begin by citing evidence that the supply lines of even ONE concentration camp were badly damaged by allied bombing, via which the conclusion can be reached that this negatively affected supplies to the camp. You can do this, by naming the camp and providing a link. Generic "hurr durr it happend I mean come on lyk jus look at europ 1945 rubble everywhere" appeals are not an argument.

do you have evidence of Hitler explicitly ordering the Wehrmacht not to kill polish citizens?

There simply isn't one body that can be proved to have died of gassing, if you don't have a body you don't have a murder.

It was easy to make such a ridiculous case at Nuremburg when information was so controlled and limited but impossible to maintain it now, thus discussion is closed down.

He probably watched TGSNT and took everything in it at face value instead of researching the issues individually.
I bothered to on one issue only, and found bias, so it's safe to say there is probably bias all over it. I still love Hitler though, always did, I don't need to morally justify his actions like some cuck.
He didn't order them NOT to, he didn't order them TO. They were set to be punished under the law following the event, and he gave a formal exception for them or something, but I can't remember his circumstances for it off the top of my head, I think it was in return for their service until the war is over. Of course, all the men who invaded poland were ideologues who volunteered for the army, few to no conscripts, and they likely all died before the end of the war.

>if you don't have a body you don't have a murder.

have you tried telling this to a judge, son?

Are you jewish?

Why would the head of state give special orders to his people to follow standing laws? That's just retarded. Don't honestly tell me you expect him to do that, as if fucking president of USA gave special orders to all US troops not to commit war crimes lol. Hopefully you just misinterpret my sentence because I used the word explicit.

Probably just retarded.

Yeah I'm sure you know better than the professionals. (You don't).

Nuremberg trials were not a sham. They even let some Nazis go free for following orders.

well, we have a Himmler order to Heydroch, to NOT liquidate a trainload of jews heading from Berlin, so I thought you people might have had access to a Hitler exception order like that:


There is however a verbal Hitler order to exterminate civilian Jews as if they were partisans. Himmler noted this down:

"Judenfrage: Als Partisanen auszurotten"


These are from David Irving's website, by the way. Before anyone calls me a shill.

You call that a shitpost?

Did that idiot Irving mention how loosely defined the word partisan was? It's a good word to use because people are imagining armed resistance. But that wasn't the case with either Nazis or try Red army. Partisan was a very open term and it's partly why 25% of Poland's population was killed in ww2


read why i wrote here regarding the Posen speeches. the same thing that got attributed to Himmler happened with Hitler as well - the language both of them used can be interpreted completely different nowadays, due to the linguistic changes that the German language suffered.

There's a whole study - I'll try to find it now - regarding the misinterpretation of the word "ausrotten"

ausrotten - to exterminate, to extirpate; to root out, to purge, to stamp out; to kill off, to eradicate, to destroy.

Modern historians argue that "ausrotten" was used by the German high-command to put an emphasis on "to extirpate; to root out" the Jewish population, as in evacuate according to the original plans regarding the Jewish Question - to send them away from German/European grounds.

Completely unrelated from what I was talking about, and I honestly could care less. Keep on shilling though. 2 shekels have been deposited and whatnot.
Most people do not deny that some shootings happened FYI.
Also did you even read the comments on this letter by Dr. John Fox? You probably should, because you're making yourself sound a bit retarded right now.
>Consequently, and contrary to Gerlach's assertion in his recent article published in Germany, not only did the Hitler-Himmler discussion of 18 December 1941 have nothing to do directly and immediately per se with the pan-European notion of Endlösung, but consequently it had nothing to do with the agenda and proceedings of the Wannsee Conference of 20 January 1942.
>Indeed, that conference had two agendas. The first was discussion of the Vernichtung durch Arbeit of the Jews, while the second, implicitly, was the destruction of the Jews through gassing. Neither of those processes of destruction was to be through 'shooting'.
>Ergo, 18 December 1941, in my opinion, was pertinent to quite a specific matter: how the SS were to deal with the regular transports of Jews being sent to the Ostland from the Reich and the Ostmark by shooting them. The 'methods' of proceeding with the European Final Solution of the European Jewish Question were, therefore, to be entirely different.

Intentionalism got blown the fuck out decades ago OP.
Deathcamps were the result of impossibility of relocating millions of jews during the middle of the war and the air of invincibility after the initial victories against soviet forces.
There was never a direct order from hitler.

>Germans were all on the same exact diabolical high and collectively decided to do this

Those god damned evil Nazi faggots

What a fucking idiot you are.
For what purpose would you attack first if you know they will attack you? There is none, you can claim that the communists are trying go annex your land and take over Europe and bam, you have the French, Brits and America on your side or at least sending light support or set up a lend lease program. The invasion of Poland was a retarded meth head attacking a much more powerful nation and they got raped.

The SS kept very accurate records of ALL concentration camp members and activities. It was very organized and recorded - but not a single record of gas chambers has been discovered.

Every real Eli Wiesel's book? In it he says how he is evacuated from Auschwitz while in the hospital being treated for a foot injury which sucked because he had to walk on it. What struck me is that they had a hospital and were treating a jew in a camp where he claims they were gassing people to death.

He is a liar, just like his entire race with oh so few exceptions.


The Allies wanted to destroy Germany before Germany even entered Poland dude, they had a hard on for it, they would never have taken Hitler's side. You're delusional.

I never understood why we aided the soviets so much when they also invaded poland AND finland. I think of all the airplanes and tanks and weapons and food and money we sent to Stalin and my blood boils with rage. What fools we were! Patton was right - we fought the wrong enemy. Fuck you Japan you fucked over Germany. Also fuck FDR.

Ohhh look it's the old "t-they never claimed 6 million were gassed!" line that holocaust believers like to pull out of their arse when the numbers don't add up.

In history you could have gone down with less notoriety if you didn't attack first.
Regardless sage because I hate stormfags who want to be cucked by government.

6 Million Jews.


I am not a stormfag, I am just being realistic and honest, you're dumb as shit if you honestly believe the allies would support Hitler in a fight against the SU, and dumb as shit for thinking he didn't already try to tell them that the SU was a global threat. They simply did not believe or care. Even after the war Patton tried to rally America for the same cause, before the SU could get the power to fight back with conventional weapons (the SU didn't have enough artillery and shit then) and he found himself in a (((car accident))) shortly after.
Stop being a dumb faggot.


There are communications located in archives in Germany and Russia that do a lot more to prove their volatility than to disprove it.

>For what purpose would you attack first if you know they will attack you?

You clearly are stupid, user. The Germans desperately needed oil for the Wehrmacht to function at maximum capabilities, considering that the entire German doctrine at the beginning of the war relied upon mechanized units and the Luftwaffe. The only country in Europe that traded oil with Germany at that time - and was actually the single most important strategic point that Germany had to hold in order to even consider starting a war in East - was Romania, via the Ploiesti refineries.

USSR had territorial demands on Romania and even planned an active invasion on the entire country - an invasion that would have essentially mean the end of the war for Germany.

>you can claim that the communists are trying go annex your land and take over Europe and bam

What is the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact? Did any Allied nation come forward to protest the illegal annexations done by the USSR? The French, Brits and the US did not give a single fuck, that's why Poland was fractured by two giants in a couple of weeks.

>The invasion of Poland was a retarded meth head

Read this


>This conflict which cost many millions of lives did not originate with the German invasion of Poland on September 1, 1939, as is still claimed today by over-simplifying historians. It is not just a black-and-white story, but a complex one. It was also not caused by the Polish mobilization of her army two days previous, on August 30, 1939, although the mobilization of a country's army, according to international standards, is equal to a declaration of war on the neighboring country.

Read the final part, it might illuminate you. The Central command of Poland was in the hands of the lunatic Prime Minister Lech Walesa, which made statements such as:

>Germany will have to be erased from the map, pure and simple.

You know Romania is a portmonteau of Eros (sex/lust) and Mania (mental illness)

>There are communications located in archives in Germany and Russia

How convenient that the only locations where archives were found are located in Eastern Germany (Soviet occupation territory) and Russia.

I won't go as far as to completely disprove the ferocity and tenacity of the Eisantzgruppen or the SS for that matter - war crimes were committed, most of the times due to reprisals of the Germans caused on the Partisans. Again, I won't even dispute the fact that these troops were completely sane, due to the massive usage of methamphetamine in the latter part of the conflict. But one thing is for certain - if you take in consideration most local reports (taken from villagers across Eastern and Central Europe; grandfathers that survived the war; politicians that died during that era or after the soviet occupation) you would see that the general mindset of mostly everybody was that of fearing the bolshevic wave that was amassing on the Eastern boarders. Countless of encounters of White Army officers that fled the Revolution and were wondering around homeless, reciting what the Red Beast was doing in the East.

The whole fight was an ideological one. Bolshevism represented the worst threat for these people, the stuff nightmares are made of. Of course they would act accordingly when facing it.

>testimony, memoirs and diaries
but no physical evidence?


watch "one third of the holocaust" for an eyeopening look at the stunning lack of actual evidence, and ridiculous claims made by so-called eye witnesses

the last part is completely accurate.


The region was originally settled by he Priaps in antiquity. The Greeks called them "Satyrs"

>that idiot Irving
wow, you are clearly unbiased

That was black tuesday, the last heavy bomber raid directed without P-51 escort. Bombers are vulnerable during the drop, as they must fly slow and straight to be accurate, making them much, much more vulnerable to flak. Once the P-51 with long range became a factor, the luftwaffe quickly came to an end, loosing many fighters and then having their bases shot up by P-51s with 7 times the endurance of bf109s.



It's over 4 hours long but separated into short 15 minute segments. It is the ultimate black pill on Hitler and Nazi Germany. Watch it.



>my teacher tells us
Get off Sup Forums, kid
>All 6 million were gassed and burned
>modern day mathematics
You're basing this off mum and pop's crematory oven. These were industrial grade furnaces. The SS weren't interested in the safety of those burning the corpses or preserving the ashes for a ceremony
>I need to know what else refutes the great lie
This is sad
But this is sadder


>You're basing this off mum and pop's crematory oven

It can't be accurate, because the term "Romania" was used by the Byzantines when referring to themselves, as it meant literally "Citizens of Rome". Most of the romance-speaking populations in the Balkans therefor called themselves romanians as well (due to the Latin linguistic element found in their language).

The term "Romania" for my country is a modern invention - France recommended we use this name for our country instead of "Dacia" back in the 1800s - and because most of the intellectuals from Romania at that time were heavily Francophile (going as far as speaking French only in Romania), the decision was made to name it so.

As for the historical part, the region was originally settled by the Thracians (Dacians are Getae which are Thracians by origin). Prior to them, the precursor civilization was the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture (c. 5200 to 3500 BC) in Moldova and Northern Romania, and the Getae in the rest of the territory *different time period*.


These numbers were artifiically inflated by the Communist Polish government to make Polish casulaties seem greater then they actually were.
Since the late 40s', Early 50s' the Western historians always believed that the number of those who died at Auschwitz was between the 1-1.5 million mark. They had nothing to do with the number of Jews killed

I don't agree with this account and prefer my own independent research

Black Tuesday represents one of the biggest days of celebration for the Romanian Air Force - all of our WW2 aces fought in that fight. I think the bombing of Bucharest civilian targets was done as a reprisal to this.

Fixing up post.

>my teacher tells us
Get off Sup Forums, goy
>All 6 million were gassed and burned
Wrong goy.
>modern day mathematics
You're basing this off mum and pop's crematory oven goy. These were industrial grade furnaces. The SS weren't interested in the safety of those burning the corpses or preserving the ashes for a ceremony goy.
>I need to know what else refutes the great lie
This is sad goy.
But this is sadder goy.

oy vey, their evil knows no bounds

It's no coincidence the jews are hated throughout history. It's no coincidence it's basically the only (((historical event))) that makes you go to jail if you deny it happened or try to investigate it.

Just these two are the most basic and just the beginning of the rabbit hole

So all ur aces shot down bombers only? lel

Most US aces were fighter-only kills, and many had destroyed aces themselves.

Please gtfo and don't come back

clever argument, you sure got me.
But seriously, if you think all 6 million were gassed you should reevaluate how much you know about this shit

He doesn't even have a tattoo number, and another jew came out saying he was lying.

Digits and yet so blue pilled

Nah, wanted to emphasize the small number of fighters that we had back then - and most of the aces were actually volunteers of high social status, aristocrats that used to fly acrobatic planes prior to the war starting.

They bought their own planes and they fought with them up until the Soviets came - the ones that survived got sent to reeducation camps (work until you die-type of thing)

Remember the Haavara agreement. Hitler was cool, he just wanted to get the jews out of Germany.

I agree with the Red Cross's initial figures which places the toll at around 300,000.

And I suspect many of these resulted from disease and inadequate supply.

Even so - the chambers were still quite a humane death when you compare it with dropped napalm.

>reservoir built in the form of a swimming pool
Top Kek


so the original figure of 4 million was an exageration, but the 6 million jews figure was not, even though the claim is that 1 in 6 of all holohoaxed jews were killed there?

please explain

btw, have you ever researched and added all the camps together? do you know how many "death" camps there were?

Damn that sucks. I'm sorry to say that US made aircraft likely fought against your pilots in the hands of soviets, including one of their aces who only flew P-39 even when late soviet designs emerged.

Romania made some cool planes as well...

Those numbers were for German nationals and political prisoners.
The IRC wasn't allowed inside places like Auschwitz-Birkenau. I would note that the Red Cross came out in the 70s' and debunked this falsely attributed figure but you'd probably dismiss it as the organisation being part of the grand conspiracy by then.
Even if we ignore deaths in camps, what can be said about the einsatzgruppen or deaths in the ghettoes? Even David Irving admitted that the einsatzgruppen was mostly likely targetting Jews specifically, based off German documents listing numbers of Jews executed by them.