Daily reminder that pol is a doggo board. All cat fags need to leave

Daily reminder that pol is a doggo board. All cat fags need to leave.

nigga fuck yo dogs

Sup Forums has always been a cats website. And used to have daily cat threads in all boards.

Fuck off newfag >>>/reddit/

Actually it's a bunny board


Caturday to make a come back?

I really like how they sexualized the bunny. Would like to grab her cotton tail while I show her who the dominant species is. Also cuddle the bune

its true

This. Cats are too gamey

Cats are a more masculine choice of animal tbdesu fampai. Dogs are needy, requiring constant loving and attention. Basically dogs are like women with daddy issues. Cats on the other hand mind their own business and leave you to do your work or enjoy your relaxation time, but are open to spending time with you when you are available to spend time with them. You just have to feed them a few times a day and they're very independent.

Jus sayin

hi guiz
peter here
can I stay?


>Cats are a more masculine
stopped reading after this tbqh famalamarino
when's the last time you've murdered a wild deer with your cat
when's the last time your dog risked his life trying to protect you from nignogs attacking you
just saying

True, death to all cattos

What if i own cat and dog?



then you're a centrist fag and need to kys

Pic is my cat. She is a terrorist. She wants to kill things.

You have to go back

>this triggers the doggophiles

What's the most Sup Forums-approved dog breed?
German Shepherd?
Border Collie?
Rhodesian Ridgeback?
Golden Retriever?

Let's alk be nice and make a cat day and doggo day i love both pets

This is an apple board desu,all orangeshits get out REEEEEEE.

Feeding live animals to captive snakes is dangerous for them, they could get unnecessarily hurt and it could introduce foreign diseases.

ive killed a dog. drowned it in a bathtub. threw in the woods and told it's owner it must've ran away. was my ex gfs moms dog so it wasn't like I was telling this to some stranger. i was 23, not some teenage angst. more like proving a point t...god I guess. I felt no remorse because ITS JUST A FUCKING ANIMAL. it means nothing. it knows nothing. it has no value. it doesn't work, it just eats and shits. Sup Forums is not one mind, so fuck you and fuck animals. and BTW I would never kill a human the way i kill an animal.

tibetan mastiff = objectively most alpha breed

All of those breeds are worthy

Dogs are lowest of the low scum creatures on this planet. Truly worth nothing at all.

Enjoy toxoplasmosis you fucking catfag dickheads. LEAVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Fuck off nigger
I would feed you to my dog in an instant

Tony would be pleased

Fuck cats seriously
you'd never catch a cat dead doing this, he'd watch you drown

You should prove your next point by killing yourself.

I just witnessed a pupper eating flesh from its inbred uncle/brother/cousin. I'd post a video but I'm not really sure how to from my phone without drastic quality drop.

I always had a soft spot for Labradors.


abdul-jaffar fuck off this thread

Yeah nobody cares.

Holy rare, hello Alexander the great.

Fuck you
Don't forget to take your dog's shit.

hello new friend
I'm not rare at all

>Sociopathic edgelord detected, commit sudoku.


The irony of this statement as this board is getting excited to kick all sorts of people off healthcare and would just watch them die.

Is there anything wrong with letting nature run it's course and weed out the weak? Serious question, I don't see the moral obligation to these people.

Here is a pic at least.

god tier pet coming through


Try again, you autist kraut that can't function unless he's following orders.

it's blurry as shit nigger try again

say that to my face, not online

Moot loves cat you fucking newfag

TFW no Blondie posted yet.
Fuck off with your untercanines JIDF.

I eat cats and dogs

That's just my cam being shit, senpai. That's the skull of a doggo and the flesh of the back of its neck.

>implying that traitorous piece of shit's opinion means something
kys argentinonigger

Literal nigger i'd rather kill a human than a cat or doggo

This is the true difference between people like you and me. If you *are* fine with it, then I can't change your mind.

Everyone who says doggo or puppo or pupper instead of dog should be shot 10 times in the head with a sniper

One more peep out of you and the doggo gets it.

> Implying goy isn't best pet


cats are man's true best friend, dogs are merely slaves

pay debts

oh i didn't even realize the thing on the left is the dead dog

have fun being eaten by your cats when you die friendo

Enjoy your ban you fucking faggot

Nom nom nom nom. Doggos are so cute.I


Fuck off dogfag

implying cats don't eat their young
kys you ignorant nigger

>you will never take the knot
why even live

2/10 bait - heres your (you)
People don't die because they don't have access to (((free))) health care, people die because they are incapable of taking good care of themselves and are unable to budget properly, spend frivolously, and end up living paycheck-to-paycheck.

If you can't afford to budget for private health insurance, then suck it up and deal with it, and foot the bill when you do need medical attention, but dont expect taxpayers to foot the bill for your 'free' healthcare because you lead an unbalanced lifestyle and/or dont know how to math.

finally have use for pic related

im larping tho

Im a doggo guy

>hate everyone and everything
>want to genocide millions of humans
>love doggos and cats
What did Sup Forumsposters mean by that?

Who said I support kitters?

some animals are better than niggers spics and sand niggers