Why do atheists and theists seem to absolutely hate eachother...

Why do atheists and theists seem to absolutely hate eachother? Whenever I see a discussion anywhere about wether God is real or not they always seem to want to rip a eachother apart. Why?

Theists hate atheists because deep down they know that it's retarded to believe in an invisible sky pixie.

Atheists hate theists because they're holding back humanity's progress with their childlike nonsense.

Atheists hate theists because deep down they know that it's retarded to believe in a universe of blank materialism.

Theists hate atheists because they're holding back humanity's progress with their childlike nonsense.

>Theists hate atheists because they're holding back humanity's progress with their childlike nonsense.

Y tho?

Materialism = Better technology, medical advances, space exploration etc etc

Sky pixies = Truck of peace, lack of understanding of the universe, third-world population explosion (not the good kind) etc

>implying its a belief and not exactly what we exist in

Not me. I could give a shit what you believe, but I do bristle at the national day of prayer.

found the idiot

Atheism = Downfall of Society
Theism = Rise of Society.

> but muuh islam
It's a race problem.

It's a disagreement about the fundamental reality of the world, plain and simple.

I know, I am agnostic myself

I know by why do they get so violent with eachother? They seem like bickering children

Taking a guess but atheists are questioning their entire lives and then in turn being called immoral.
Some people just get upsetty spaghetti.

Theists are like women: They are completely devoid of logic and reason and act entirety on emotion.

Facts are like kryptonite to theists, so they instinctively start reeeeeing when exposed to facts.

99% of the time it's calm rational atheist vs hysterical childlike theist.

So basically, it's the argument about whether nothing matters or everything matters, it's draws the worst out of people because need to know how to act. To find out if you can be completely immoral or not. If there is no god, why the hell should you care about morality, and if there is no god, why should the other side tell you to act moral?

Is everything subjective or objective? That's what it boils down to.

because of muh degeneracy
this is also why i hate other faggots, not just fedora red*itors

So the only reason you act like a decent human being is because a sky-pixie will assrape you for eternity if you don't?

why dont some atheists kill themselves
its actually not bad
think about it
>find a quick way to kill yourself with little to no pain
>get rid of the suffering
>nothing happens after you die and you wont be remembered for much anyways
>you win because you suffered less than others
serious question tho, please try to answer with the best you can think of

Yep, otherwise I see no reason not to. If everything is subjective, I see no reason not to gratify my every desire.

because theists are annoying and closed minds

bullshit and you know it

Suicide undoubtedly has it's advantages, but there are disadvantages too

>causes pain to friends, family and loved ones (doesn't apply to Sup Forumsacks)
>will never experience joy, love, sense of achievement again
>will contribute nothing further to society
>evolution has given us an inherent survival instinct which is difficult to override, even with logic.

This thread just seemed to show it. Why does everyone just call eachother names without showing any evidence on why they are right and why the other side is wrong?

because theists can't help but push their silly views into our lives whether we ask or not

it's called "evangelism" and they see it as a religious freedom to annoy the fuck out of everyone they see

they believe in a moral imperative to forcefully convert every soul to jesus and will not stay the fuck out of other people's lives

That's fine for you, Tyrone, but white Europeans can act in a civilised manner without the threat of being sodomised by a scary ghost.

because they both are groups of people who think they know how the universe works but have different opinions on it
people who are very sure of themselves are for the most part brain dead idiots

Maybe Atheism doesn't actually imply Nihilism. Maybe Nihilism doesn't mean what you think it means. Just a couple of thoughts.

> Atheism
> Logic and Reason


Because altheists are faggots, and nation wreckers.

No local hidden variables can describe Qm.
Reality is statistical and probabilistic at the fundamental level, not deterministic. Materialism
has been debunked. Also, To this date no-one has explained how a finite
system, which our universe is since it had a
beginning, can initiate itself with a rule set(laws
of physics) already intact. There was resistance
to the Big Bang theory by atheists because of the the logic conclusion that it implied that
there was a initiator. The initiator can not have
the same finiteness that the system
(our universe) has. Otherwise you get an infinite
regress. So the initiator must have a different
rule set i.e. everlastingness, no beginning or
end. There is no empirical proof, but there is
is a logical necessity for an initiator of this
finite system, that includes at least some
attribute usually assigned to god.

Fucking deity loving babies ruin everything.

Congratulations on your closed minded statement.

Both sides have members who hate each other with a zeal and passion stronger than the strongest fire. Both sides have those who seek nothing but the spread of their beliefs, who would kill if it meant spreading their beliefs. Both sides have those who are willing to kill the other side because they pose a threat to their ideological spreading.
And this is a good thing.

Didn't Christianity being brought to Rome destroy the empire?

You should KYS don't worry it's part of gods plan.

Yeah, cause WWI, WWII, Hitler, Stalin, and the French revolution (just to name off the top of my head), are perfect examples of European civilized society.

Probably has to do with discourse like this.

Nobody likes being condecended to, and it certainly is no way to be convincing.

White Europeans are cucked liberals who think degeneracy is fine. Not a good example child.

Atheists hate theists because that's what it means to be an atheist, it's not a logically valid ideology, just a hatred of theism.

Theists hate atheists because they're ruining society by promoting materialism, statism, degeneracy

not to point fingers but there was this country that fucked up ww2 for everyone
i'll give you a hint: they had nukes and defeated the wrong enemy

>priest tells you that if you don't let him jack off your nine year old son, then an invisible fairy will torture you forever and ever.

Logical response = priest is a gay paedophile, who just made up some crazy nonsense so he can molest kids.

Illogical response = priest is telling the truth "Son, get in here. Father Ronaldo wants to help you get to heaven"

Hope that helps.


Atheists and theists hate each other because it's quick and easy to anonymously attack people's beliefs on a Cambodian Fence Repair message board.

I would have happily let the Christcucks do their stupid sky wizard shit if I didn't see constant "hurr durr fedora" and anti-atheist shit all over Sup Forums. I get that this is your containment board, but please, some of us want to talk about politics and current events without you shoehorning your retarded magic book into everything.

>because theists can't help but push their silly views into our lives whether we ask or not

More like nu-atheists can't stop borrowing from and living out theistic worldviews and get buttfrustrated when educated theists point this out.

You see, atheist philosophers from previous centuries really struggled with this problem, they struggled with trying to live out a purely naturalistic world view and most of them realised and acknowledged that ultimately hardcore atheistic naturalism ends in nihilism. Nu-atheists love quoting Nietzsche's "God is dead!" as if it's a shout of victory but they so rarely understand the horrifying implications of what that meant to him, if anything Nietzsche is lamenting the death of God, not celebrating it.

But now the nu-atheists think they have a rock-solid worldview because they listened to a Sam Harris podcast about how we can get objective moral values from SCIENCE!, but they refuse to acknowledge that most of their worldview conforms heavily to theism, particularly to a Christian worldview.

Cool opinions bro, I'm sure you've thought about theology deeply to come to that conclusion

But it just seems that calling eachother faggots and retards doesn't seem like a good use of discussion.

Please go in detail about why my post is just an opinion

That's not my point, and I had no say in the matter. Also, why are you assuming I condone it in the first place?

I don't hate atheists and I don't hate theists

I do think the three camelfucker religions need to shut up and stop taking themselves so seriously, though.

Welcome to Sup Forums

First day here?

Only childish people do, two of my best friends are christian missionaries.

You dont advance space technology from materialism. A materialist would be interested in nice cars, nice house and fucking supermodels. Space exploration is not included

Because Atheists are Nihilists

>Stealing from theistic worldviews.
>Implying this isn't just the result of basic reasoning being applied to the common man through religion to control him.
>Implying similar theories haven't been seen around the world, in many cultures. Therefore showing the reasoning is simple enough for such different peoples to figure it out.
>Implying this isn't common knowledge.
Why do hardcore Theists never seem to recognize this simple fact? Oh right, because if they did their worldview will have a crack in it. Therefore they have to imply people can't be good without God(s). This is the basic premise of propaganda.
This promotes the survival of the ideology. This is good.

You're right on that front; we should also be threatening to stab each other, burn down each others' homes, and having sex with their women. Much more impactfull, especially if they are followed through.

no, nigger

i literally have faggots from every church in the fucking area knocking on my goddamn door every day. i work from home as a software developer and can't sit down for 5 minutes without some zealot with a stack of pamphlets wanting to waste my day telling me "the good news" and his personal relationship with jesus fucking christ

fucking leave people alone

well, because you assumed it was atheists that brought on the purges of the 20th century i believed you were fed enough propaganda to skew your perception of the outcome too

actually the bolshevik revolution was orchestrated by jews to undermine the christian civilization that had spread, in spite of islam, to all the corners of the world
most of the people murdered by the soviets were christians
hitler was simply an "immune response" to bolshevism as it became clear that you needed to fight fire with fire

... and all of this because jews were told by an invisible man in the sky that they own the earth and everyone else is their cattle

so yeah, atheists are to blame

He's talking about materialism as in physicalism.
Not the madonna living a material world
materialism. As in all that exists is matter.
It was debunked last century with quantum
mechanics when they found that reality was
statistical and probabilistic and information
based at the fundamental level.

>Implying zealotry is a bad thing.
They just want to ensure the survival of their ideology, of course they would be that annoying. The only way to stop it is to be an even bigger zealot.

I'm an atheist I don't hate theists. I find it fascinating that they believe in something even though there is no proof.

you're exactly right and since christianity requires 5 time gold medal level of mental gymnastics to sustain belief they require being surrounded by hordes of drones that reinforce their eggshell fragile belief systems

belief doesn't make you a knobhead, being a knobhead does.
I'm very good friends with people of multiple faiths

Real atheists arn't even athiests. they just deny the ridiculous notion that god is a conscious entity that dictates your life. Still open for interpretation. Just the generic meaning of god is obviously made up from human ego. Doesn't mean a catalyst to life doesn't exist. I'm 15000% confident throughout my decades of research that Religion is created by man, but that doesn't mean it's fake, in a sense.

The athiest movement in America isn't even scientific, it's politically charged and designed to kill our number of kids per household. It's self-inflicting genocide

>Real atheists arn't even athiests. they just deny the ridiculous notion that god is a conscious entity that dictates your life.

There is no empirical proof but there is a logical
necessity for an initiator of this finite system we
call our universe. It had a beginning, that means you have to explain how a finite system initiated
self intact with a rule set(the laws of physics) of of nothing.

Why do people tend to despise agnostics? Agnosticism seems like the most reasonable choice. Most likely, there is no God as he is described in Abrahamic religions, but something else? Pantheistic God of all the universe? Maybe some other kind of entities that we get to know after death? Who knows.

the average 'Theist' attracted to Sup Forums isn't likely to be a shining beacon of sober piety and discretion

most of them are disaffected millenials who've gone loking for something authentic and think they've found it in the smells and bells of high-church pomp

course i'm mainly talking about the alleged followers of Christ here - there's a few muslims who pass by this way too

but they're operating with a different framework of belief, so that model doesn't apply

>Logical necessity for the universe to have an initiator
>No logical necessity for God to have an initiator

Show your working

A simple demonstration:
- Countries with separation of Church and State: good countries, with a lot of freedom and prosperous economy
- Countries that are highly religious and/or not secular : shit countries.

This thing works every time.

And shout out to the butthurt Brazilian(s) user in the thread. He is so salty it's entertaining.

because "agnostics" tend to be new age hippy chackra smelling aura feeling eco dipshits with schizotipal personality disorder that makes them susceptible to every superstition or unfounded belief out there

sure, if i would meet a true agnostic who would simply state: "i have no way to conduct an experiment that would prove or disprove the existence of god therefore i cannot state with certainty that there is or there isn't one and i'll just leave it at that until such an experiment can be devised" then yeah, i'd shake his hand and tell him that he's right

good luck finding a true agnostic though

Because your on the internet buddy everyone with a slightly different view absolutely hate each other. In the real world people discuss these ideas like civil adults instead of the autistic man child's that exist on Sup Forums and Reddit

Agnosticism implies that the facts, logic and reason of atheism are of equal value to the superstitious drivel of theism. Which is annoying and untrue. Choose a side and fight, faggots.

Only if the initiator is also finite is there an infinite regress.The initiator of the finite system system does not have to have the same rule set as the system. In other words no beginning and end.

I know but still it seems pretty pathetic to just call someone a retard and not give facts

Do you realize that, to an agnostic, your argument shifts the burden of proof from the theist to the atheist by asserting that a God doesn't exist and you have the "facts, reason, and logic" to prove it?

people who believe things without proof often tend to shift the burden of proof

Hopefully it's just because we're on Sup Forums and this place is a toxic shithole for discussion.

I don't hate theists, except muslims

Dude, you're making a lot of assumptions. Atheists alone are not to blame for the problems of the 20th century. Plenty of moronic Christians helped get Hitler into power. It's rarely as simple as X persons are the sole reason for A. As for the Jew conspiracy thing, I can see it, but I have yet to believe it in it's entirety.

Or I just interpreted your entire post wrong, I got no sleep last night so I'm not exactly operating at perk capacity.

But an atheist would tell you they have a "lack of belief", which to me is a cop out. Apparently a belief in an unprovable adsence is a bad thing in their circles.

Neither side can be honest and say "I don't know, it's impossible to know for certain, but here are my beliefs".

What do you believe if you think both sides are retarded

Do you have an appropriate social glue to replace religion with? Our current liberalism deathcult doesn't believe in a god but still believes in true evil and heresy. All things considered I'd rather just have paganism back.

>It's impossible to say for sure that unicorns don't exist
>Therefore there is a decent probability that unicorns are real

Sometimes it's difficult to tell agnostics and theists apart

That's called being a fence-sitting pussy

Just teach morals in school the same way the Jews are teaching Marxism and race-mixing.

of course christians helped hitler into power
you would have too if you were in their place
besides, hitler wasn't all that anti-christianity

bolshevism was spreading like wildfire from 1917 up to when hitler rose to power, france was already socialist, the world banking system was controled by jews and germany was economically ruined after ww1 while having bolshevism on it's doorstep

the only thing that saved the west from communism and another few hundred million deaths was that hitler managed to pull socialism from under the bolsheviks and give it his own nationalist brand

now imagine yourself in 1936, as a christian, reading about some 20 million christians murdered by socialists and with strong socialist parties and movements forming where you live. socialists were atheists for the most part but that's irelevant since they were herded by a fraction of the jews bent on the destruction of the western world. what do you do? do you give up or do you fight?
i'm guessing you would have kissed hitler's boot

irony would have it that, by using atheism to promote genocide, the communists executed most of the jews runing the show and by the end, the ussr was quite independent
that, coupled with the lolocaust gave jews a bit to think about their place in the world

sure, some of them are still at it even today but i for one just can't wait till islam gets the same treatment

basically agree, but I still kinda think christianity is part of our history and should be preserved as such.
Islam must never be permitted a part in our culture.

>wether God is real or not

Thats not at all the problem between atheists and theists

There are bazillions types of theism, with many differing degrees of deity ascribed to it. Atheists put all these opinions in a truck and throw them off the cliff like the mindless zealots they condemn

>but I still kinda think christianity is part of our history

Go to a room full of Atheist. Ask them to raise their hand if they doubt their Atheism. NO ONE will raise their hands.

Go to a room full of Christians. Ask them to raise their hand if they every doubt their faith. ALL OF THEM will raise their hand.

You see where I am getting at. Atheist are not tolerant of other views. Christians embrace it and still find their own path.

Atheist here will say im tolerant but deep down they are not. Especially the leftist atheist, they think they are god and are never wrong. The right leaning atheist are cool. They respect Christians, because we will fucking kill muslims if we have to.

I don't claim I'm not a zealot, nor do I condemn them. I just claim I'm not mindless.

And many Catholics and other Christian Orthodox helped saved many lives from Hitler as well.

You just compaired unicorns to a metaphysical deity and you think that warrents some sort of cogent responce?

Very well put.

Christians are allowed to be tolerant and express their doubt. They are the world's most populous religion, so there is no harm in showing some weakness.
Hence why the violent hate and rage fueled Muslims are gradually overtaking them.

Humanism is rise of society you tardlord

Thats exactly my point. Even within the Christian Communities their is alot of diversity in ideas when it comes to science and the meaning of the bible.

Many leftist Atheist dont see that, they think we are all the same which is bull shit.

Thats not true on weakness. Christians will eventually rise up when they know evil will overtake the Earth. Pope Francis is a socialist pussy. John Paul II fought against socialism, if he was Pope now, he will fuck up the Muslims and help save Europe.

>deep down they know

We don't, and some of us have had direct experience with the divinity.

I'm an atheist that doesn't hate theists
Some of my best friends believe in God. I'm okay with them having their spirituality because they respect me with mine
Not every atheist or theist hates. People can disagree on one topic and still get along

>Go to a room full of Christians. Ask them to raise their hand if they every doubt their faith. ALL OF THEM will raise their hand.
Are you sure? Because this doesn't sound true at all for Russia(unless you take into account a large amount of hypocrites who never go to church and just call themselves Christians "by tradition")

What the fuck do you want you tard? One side is like:
>muh magic, muh miracles, muh nonexisting missing links, muh omnipotent logic non-submitting fairy
and then the other is like
>we don't know how it happened but we are getting closer. We might not find the reason to existence but better than guessing and focusing your life on ancient book written by sandnigger
how do you argue with someone who bases argumenst on something that cannot be proven or replicated faggot?

>Many leftist Atheist
You did not specify liberal atheists. You have failed to provide adequate information.

>Christians will eventually rise up when the know evil will overtake the Earth.
Will they be able to recognize it as evil? From what I've gathered many Christians display liberal tendencies as well. They will probably not see the coming of Islam as much to worry about, and will likely embrace socialism without knowing what it is.

there's a difference between atheists and antitheists

atheists are pessimistic people. whenever someone talks about God, atheists feel the need to project their misery and hopelessness onto others. theists are hopeful people, (christfags). theists are more open minded. most atheists haven't even read the bible and get most of their information off of geocities websites, but claim they're credible, because their misery and shit tier attitude tell them so.