Why do natsocs pretend libertarians are "degenerate" when rothbard advocated for THIS?

Why do natsocs pretend libertarians are "degenerate" when rothbard advocated for THIS?

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Because natsocs are communists who hate freedom of the individual.

> Implying Rothbard represents all Libertarians
> Implying most people who call themselves libertarians at this point aren't degenerate freaks

an outgrowth of cold war fusionism and the Sharon Statement desu. Rothbard made concessions with Traditionalists because a united right was needed to defeat the left. Unfortunately that just made it easier for neocons to infiltrate the fusionist coalition

besides, Rothbard had a jewish definition of money

good goy, individuals cannot compete with groups.

ever wonder why they're always jewish? ever wonder why nobody pushes this shit in israel?

>send the cops after homeless people

how the fuck would that help?

lolbertarianism is just the American path to jewish communism. They can't get you to vote for it nor can they take your guns, so they'll just import the people who will.

5/8 babies are already born to non-europeans. America proved the greatest threat to the European races is not a strong government but the very opposite.

>muh jews

kill yourself kike

case in point: Bernie Sanders. A literal kibbutz living commie kike. This is your future.

I could point out how affirmative action was a Jewish creation in both Canada and in the USA, how they were the driving force behind opening our borders, how the lawsuits that allowed near unrestricted abortion in our countries were both lead by kikes or hell I could lay out the thousands of hooked noses behind the drug/porn/tranny degeneracy they target our children with.. etc. etc.

>lolbertarianism is just the American path to jewish communism. They can't get you to vote for it nor can they take your guns, so they'll just import the people who will.
>lack of borders

but thats not even true

please resubmit your post with this new knowledge

This. People that subscribe to libertarianism nowadays are just "lol do what you want my dude FUCK SOCIETAL NORMS". They do not subscribe to libertarian beliefs.

nothing to do with libertarianism though

please fuck off kike

Look, Natsocs and Lolberts can ally up and BTFO the marxists then we create our glorious 1000 year Imperium and the lolberts can create their city states or whatever and we can all live happily ever after.

*Traditionalist beliefs

>commie kike
The solution is the movement that Jews won't touch. The only ideology they not only won't hijack but still demonize via their international press day in and out.


Hitler warned us a century ago. He showed us the only way forward.

>the purple corner is the special snowflake corner where we feel superior to everybody

National Socialism taxed the working man, from the farmer to the lawyer, far less than the most lolbertarian county, in the most lolbertarian state, in the most lolbertarian developed nation on the planet.

Nationalizing the banks is freedom. Abolishing usury is freedom. Punishing war/drug profiteering and corporate cartel collusion with death is freedom. Pegging your currency to a basket of goods is freedom. Removing the eternal kike forever from your lands is freedom. National Socialism is freedom.


that sounds pretty authoritarian. was rothbard a blue larping as a purple?

Jews live in urban centers with their publicly subsidized Jewish community centers and private schools.

This is why kikes push kosher national socialism in Israel yet lolbertarianism and other swamp ideologies on Americans.

>get rid of the bums
>where will they go?
>who cares
>hopefully they will disappear

Why was rothbard so based?

That is degenerate. Those policies ensure a gradual dysgenic trend in society.

but what if the child consents tho

Libertarianism does support open borders.

because all socialists are scum

Natsocs just want a nanny state to hold their hand and catch them if they fall (provided you're the proper race). It's funny to see them bash communism when it's communism but for your nationality.

You'll still get immigrants trying to pretend their your nationality for gibs. Only when you cut welfare will you ever cease the incoming waves of parasitic peoples.

>It's funny to see them bash communism when it's communism but for your nationality.
No it isn't. Communism is about the abolition of property rights for individuals and the destruction of hierarchy. NatSoc isn't.

Right, it's socialism. Natsoc isn't the most right-wing ideology so the horseshoe theory doesn't work. Still, socialism is a blight on humanity and the surest way to make your race weak.

>Libertarianism does support open borders.
no it doesn't

>Still, socialism is a blight on humanity and the surest way to make your race weak.
In what ways does it make your race weak?
Genetically? It is hard to say because the only society that actively practiced modern-ish Eugenics were the Nazis and they weren't around long enough to view the long term sustainability of that.
Economically? That is rather questionable as well, but I am willing to listen.
Socially? Probably not. There is more blatant civil strife in nations without welfare. That could be because they simply lack resources though.
>Natsoc isn't the most right-wing ideology so the horseshoe theory doesn't work
That doesn't when its principles are polar opposites to Communism and thus making them not even close to alike.