Let's fix the obesity crisis

And for once the solution doesn't have to be "gas them".

My proposal:
If you are diagnosed as being clinically obese, there is a 5% flat rate additional income tax levied on you each year until you are medically certified to no longer be obese.
At that point, all money taken as part of the fat tax is refunded to you as a tax credit/refund (no interest paid though).
If you never get healthy, the government keeps taking the additional 5% and keeps the money when you die (to pay for the next section as well as the additional cost to society that your fat ass is causing).
If you cannot afford insurance and a doctor determines it is medically necessary for you to undergo bariatric surgery, Medicare will cover the cost of the procedure and related follow up care.


dumping some boogie pics



bariatric should not be covered at all and anyone over 500 pounds should be shot and pushed into a ditch for animals to eat

they could be used as a substitute for whale meat since there aren't 6 billion whales on the planet

inb4 cannibalism is bad, being fat and eating whales are worse

Sure. You should also regulate your food industry to have proper consumer protections and labeling. In America, most of the honey sold doesn't contain any honey. It's just high fructose corn syrup. Many such cases!

every 5 years the "limit" could be lowered by 50 pounds

>450 max
>400 max
>350 max

and just keep purging anyone that refuses

>UK doesn't have an obesity problem

Food labeling will do nothing. The plebs just want the greasiest fattiest slop in large sizes

Let's settle for a BMI of 50 or above

As long as it does not use BMI metric. According to BMI I am obese. I am 6' 2" 240 pounds but with 15% BF.

It would require a doctor's diagnosis of obesity

>6 billion
The world population is 7.5 billion now

>hi user, we're from the government. Let us in so we can weigh you

No thanks

Solution is image.

Or we burn them all for fuel.

Literally eating mayo with a spoon. This fat fuck deserves to be burned alive.

remove all forms of socialized medicine and all healthcare regulation
remove all forms of agircultral and food subsidies and regulation

these things are inherently unconstituional in any case

The weighing would occur when they came in for treatment.

If they pay cash you give them treatment. If they try to use insurance and they weigh 400+ you just wheel them out back, shoot them and throw them into a dumpster

The only way for anyone to accept that is if you call it a 5% discount for being healthy. It's the exact same thing but stupid people get pissed when they think it's a penalty. They're not smart enough to understand it's the same thing.

>not being fat
Two options:
Or take the fatpill OP, by absorbing gigantic portions of food you show your superiority to starving niggers in Africa. Less food for them, more for you. If this isn't the basis of white colonialism you love so much then I don't know what is.

Found the fatty. You should be burned for heat.

just like all the faggots that are excited about getting their "refund"

>oh boy the government is giving back a piece of my own money

they would visibly be able to see that you're a fat piece of shit.

Food and nutrition labeling will help. Plebs think honey is healthy without realizing that it contains no honey. If businesses weren't allowed to label it as such, they might stop buying it. Of-course this isn't enough to address the obesity epidemic, no single change would be other than killing all the fatties.

Just give these cunts some bud. If there is anything that made me go from a fat piece of shit to skinny it was dope smoking. Once i quit the shit i gained like 20kgs in a month

Here is the loophole.
This requirement will come from the same lady I give $$$ to for pain meds and viagra. For a few extra bucks, the scale can say anything you want.

Have Rehabilitation camps for the clinicaly obese
And Seprate the enablers from the obese
repeat offenders will get their goverment gibs cut.
Or Alternatively introduce a fat tax.

The free market could fix it.

For example if someone created a health insurance company that only covered normal-weight men below the age of 60, their health insurance costs would be almost negligible.

However the government has made such arrangements illegal. Healthy people are forced to pay for the treatment of those who wilfully harm themselves.

This is just another form of servitude.

make obesity illegal and have a rehabilitation process like in Japan

Here's the thing - make it trigger from any doctor. Anyone who codes obesity as a secondary diagnosis would trigger it, and if you're a fat fuck they're going to code that. So you'd have to pay off every doctor you see or eventually she gets caught and loses her license.

Is Boogie really the only well known fat American on here?

This kills the fat.

What about people that smoke, or drink, or do extreme sports, or self harm, or work stressful jobs, etc.
if you go down that road you might find yourself sooner on that list than you would have thought.

Mandatory courses about nutrition and cooking in schools. Recognize child obesity as a form of child neglect both by law and in society.

Enforce better consumer protection by proper labeling and better quality in food production.

I would guess that the net result in hc wouldn't differ much to 'healthy'.

everybody should be drafted to army to have basic military training

I have always thought we should do this:
>Roundup all of McFatty Fat Fucks
>Quarantine them to several Florida counties with swamps
>Place boats in secure docks only accessible through skinny people holes
>Flood the area with 2 million gators

flatout retarded
thanks for playing

That shit gives you cancer, don't do it man. You risk fucking PN that's how many free radicals build up in your system from this shit.

This is a great idea. But it would have to be out in the hot sun and instead of gators you have indians running around on horse back.
Fatties would always have to be on the run from Indians with tomahawks on horseback. Also indians could get revenge on Americans for the Redskins football team. That's two political problems solved in one swing.

I would agree with this. Except we need to stop fucking subsidizing the massive (((corporations))) that churn out incredibly unhealthy food.

Get rid of those subsidies, and all of a sudden healthy food becomes much more attractive, price wise.

Then bump the fat tax up to fucking 10%.