Hey Sup Forums , muslim here . I just found out that not all Jews are bad . Only the Zionists are :

Hey Sup Forums , muslim here . I just found out that not all Jews are bad . Only the Zionists are :

Hate on the Zionists , not the stereotypical Jew you see on media . Zionists don't even dress like Jews


Dude are you fucking serious , the Orthodox Jews hate Zionists , watch this documentary

You claim you're a Muslim. What does the Quran say about the (((Jews)))? Not "Zionists", but Jews.

Yeah, didn't think so Shlomo.

another saudi

Everyone will bow the knee to Christ. Those who deny Christ will burn for all eternity for their sins. Repent!

حياك شكلك جديد

Nah we're not cucks. Thanks though.


You deny God and your "prophet" was at best a warlord who raped and pillaged. You will be judged accordingly.

fuck all of you, tolerance is the best faith. except for muslims, fuck muslims.

even the most peaceful people - the Buddhists - want them fucking dead

Fuck off you Jew loving cameljockie

Hey Muslim, Zionism-hating Jew here.

Thank you. I feel the same about you guys. Every Sunni I've met was a lovely fellow and I've met many non-jihadist Muslims that were decent, as well. I'm sorry that Israel fucking sucks. If it were up to me, we'd figure out how to divvy up the land and live together.

ايه خنيث جديد

ههه فيه سعوديين كثير هنا بس معظمهم ديوثين لا تصير مثلهم بس مو ناقصين

انت بتحكي اي يا واد انت بتخاف الله؟ انت خاشع ؟ انت ساجد؟ انت من بلد يحتوي على الكعبة و تحكي كدا لا دا حاجة صعبة تتصدق

هدي شوي هدي يا معلم، هو ترجم

انت تاني الله اكبر اي القرف دا اي الكفر دا هو النبي محمد مات لاجل دا والله عيب

Merhaba hamem wahad tnein falafel

no, all kikes have to be killed

لا حول، قاعدين مترجم الكلمات حرفيا وانت عامل لنا حسبة هنا. لا يكون تبع داعش؟

انا مهدي والله لكن ابن عمي محمد عايش في السعودية قال انها بلد جميل خاشع و يخاف ربه لكن الواد فاجئني بتصرفه وانت كمان اقسم بالله انك مش سعودي انت بروكسي و روح امي

Zionist jew here, your salty tears are so sweet.


>The Cuckerlands :D

ما فيش بروكسي من السعودية يا روح امك بس هدي شوي وين مفكر حالك؟ انت باوسخ موقع هههه

Is one of the Saudis a proxy or something
Are you guys planning a new 9/11 here

>all of the fucking semites ITT

You racist motherfucker.


don t mind me just rolling for schlomo goldberg

This image needs a caption that says "before Sup Forums, after Sup Forums"


ROLL coz fuck me

>Are you guys planning a new 9/11 here
No we're not Jews.

على الاقل داعش تخاف ربها مش رجس نجسين مثلكم انت شوهتوا سمعة السعودية و الله



from i am Elichay Edelbaum

>not Jews
Stop the act, King Salmon. Everyone knows that saudshits and Israel are basically the same thing

Guys this guy supports ISIS report him to the Feds or whatever you have in your country.


gas yourself thank you

استغفر الله انا حأدعي لك و للواد التاني على الرغم من كفركم و اهانتكم للأسلام و السعودية بس والله انت متستحقش الجنسية السعودية والله اللي نقوله هو بس الله يسامحك و يهديكو الى الصراط المستقيم

>saudshits and Israel
Sure, Moshe, sure.

and you're a proxy?..

last roll, why can t I get a decent name

>not all Jews are bad .

your flag is cancer

No, but I don't support ISIS and didn't say anything to that effect like that guy.

fucking THIS

I would rather be the evil greedy Jew then the brain washed Nazi.
Face it the Germans (especially the SS) wasted their loyalty and lives on that fuck up Hitler.

Does it trigger you? Do you need a safe space?

انا كمان حأبلغ الله في اللي شفته مع الاسف والله خيبت ظني انت مواطن سعودي معزز مكرم و تتكلم كدا والله خيبت ظني و خيبت وطنك كمان

سلام يا أصحاب

>enjoy that fap as you witness a nigger ravish your beautiful white wife

Greetings from the Netherlands

>takes infinite money from the (((United States))) in exchange for oil
>talks shit to Israel but effectively turns a blind eye

Our government takes money from you and Israel. The media basically turns a blind eye to all the shit you pull, from insane arcane laws to funding terrorism.

Iran is the one that actually hates Israel and Jews

Nice dick like anyone here can read your tard scribble.

all jews and muslims are atheists user. They do not know God.

Calm down Iraqi poster, are you unironically from دعش


You mean the same one that rapes you while tearing your favorite dress of your lady boy ass??

الله انت بعدك هنا يا واد روح ذاكر ، صلي ، اعمل شيء مفيد بوقتك الله خلقك لشيء اعظم من كدا قال تعالى في سورة التين (وهذا البلد الامين (٢) لقد خلقنا الانسان في احسن تقويم ) صدق الله العظيم

> tfw when you cause pain to the goyim just by existing. Your mere existence causes your enemies suffering on a daily basis with no effort required on tour part.

This is just too good of a feeling.

Are you an ISIS recruiter? Because you sure as hell sound like one.

Why the fuck would ISIS recruit on Sup Forums? Are you that desperate?

OP here , Judaism is just a religion with it's own rules and restrictions . Jews won't do you any harm , the Zionist are the ones controlling the media and lie and ''muh multiculturism''

10/10 لول

اكد عيسى (عليه السلام) انه من خلق الله عابد لا يرغب بالربوبية اذا فقد بطلت حجة النصارى

Oh you're still here Shlomo. Why didn't you answer this ?

id find myself in good company with a jew far quicker than in good company with a muslim, most people around me that are "jews" don't go out of their way to push their beliefs on you.

وصلو الدواعش ل٤شان

gtfo of my country

prob some G4 or lower. The only ones with internet in iraq.

وصلوا من زمان أين كنت؟

ISIS target demographic is socially inept autistic virgin males

They know their target audience

انا مسلم لا انتمي الى اي جهة ارهابية متطرفة و ارى انك قد تركت العربية و لماذا؟ هل يوجد شخص عاقل يترك هذه اللغة الجميلة التي تحتوي على اكثر من ١٢ مليون كلمة فتتميز بالجمال و التعبير على عكس لغة الغرب التي تتحدث بها

since when was Sup Forums a kebab board?? Can we go back to wanting Trump to destroy Islamists please? And say what you will about Jews but the Israel model of ethno-nationalism is pretty based.

>We try to guide people in the right way of Judaism
>Like, if a woman dressed not so modestly, or they sell some things not in the Jewish style we call them and say "look, please stop it. You're not allowed here in our neighborhood".
>Of course sometimes they get angry, but they understand, that at the end of the day we are right
>If you don't like it, ok, go to other places. Nobody forces you to live here.

Oh boy where have I heard this before.


مو newfag بس ما شفت واحد منهم من قبل

>just found out
Welcome to the club.

>Kike Detected
Also, the Zionists are the main issue, not only are they trying to divide and conquer white western nations, they are trying to bring in outside shitskins to peck at us too. We need to remind the muslims that they love our fashy ways, and scrub israel off the face off the earth.


fucking sand niggers everywhere in this thread.

Frankly I don't believe Israel should exist. The Torah says that it is not the proper time for the establishment of a Jewish state. More importantly I love Iran and fully support their imperialism.

t. BASED Jew

استغفر الله الهم لا تؤاخذنا بما عمل السفهاء منا لماذا تهينون و تتهمون بالتهم الباطلة لكن لا اطلب الى المغفرة من الله و ان يسامحكم على اعمالكم

Kek, it makes perfect sense when you look at it that way.

Thank you best ally, may there be peace and prosperity among you, your family and your people.

Watch out or we gonna rape your sister

So what's going on? Muslim telling other people that jews hate other jews, while at the same time saudi muslims come and tell otherwise.

Zionist Jews are based. They kill mudslims and are the only democracy in the Middle East

>Please: Jabediah Applemann

I hate an anti-Zionist Jew more than a Zionist one. (Unless they want to give Jerusalem to the Christians)

مسلمون و لسنا زنوج الرمل كما قلت

Go ahead she a selfish bitch.
Make her bleed to death out of her ass.

Checks out

يا رب إعفر لي سيئات أعمالي

i'm on the same page as you. the israelis are warmongers that are the cause of much of the destabilization in the middle-east. they're also far more primitive and dumber than those diaspora jews.

the diaspora jews seem for more civilized, smarter and nicer in general, from my experience at least, although we dont have many here so i can't be 100% that this is the norm worldwide.

the zionists just seem like backstabbers, that will turn on their own after using them. look at how israelis view their american jewish community as an example, even after using them for help.

odd bunch of people really.


Top kek, my sides